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Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2)

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by Amelia Parker

  Lobo Coffee House Love

  The Wolves of Everett Hollow: Book 2

  Amelia Parker

  For my bestie.

  Thank you for being a sister, friend, and partner in crime!

  Love you to infinity and beyond!

  Copyright © 2019 Amelia Parker

  All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or used without expressed consent by the author except for mentions in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Any relation to actual people, places, or things is purely coincidental and created from the author’s imagination.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Also by Amelia

  A Word from the Author

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  “Attention Council members. May I have your attention please. I know you all have questions and concerns, and we will get to those–” Gabriel Stone tried to garner the attention of his Council.

  “SHUT IT!” Logan St. Amoux shouted.

  The Alpha nodded to his Beta before turning to face his council.

  “As you are all aware, three pack members have been killed in what appears to be a hunting accident. One in an attack a few weeks ago, and the other two just the other day. One of these two members was Ben Carr’s newly bonded fated mate,” Alpha Gabe began.

  “Poor Benjamin. Is it true he’s gone feral?” Elder Margaret asked.

  “Ben has caught the hunters’ scents as has Logan here. It is true that Ben had to be sedated. He is understandably upset and craving action. This Council needs to decide what the best course of action is. Logan, what do we know so far?” Logan’s Alpha and best friend asked.

  “A group of human hunters crossed into pack territory. It was posted but it seems that they disregarded the signs. The three pack members were beaten by an unknown object while in wolf form on a run. Each was killed immediately after receiving a gunshot wound to the chest. As Gabe mentioned, we have caught the scent of these hunters. But with Ben out, I’m hesitant to go after them just yet.”

  “Sounds like we need more information on these hunters. They didn’t take the members’ bodies, correct?” Elder Julian questioned.

  “Correct. They left the bodies, so we think this was just sport to them. We do not believe they know anything about who we are,” Gabe answered.

  “What about Ben?” Elder Cian’s Irish lit softly questioned.

  “He is a mess. He can’t be consoled and wants to go after the hunters. But without much more information on the hunters, it isn’t very wise to head out. He’s starting to go feral,” Logan explained.

  A soft hush fell over the room. Every shifter knew what the loss of one’s fated mate could do. Losing a part of one’s soul in such a way, was one of the worst things a shifter could imagine. A fated mate completes a shifter to their soul. Normally when one shifter of a fated pair dies, the other is not very far behind. This was called cor contritum fatis. But most just called it the fated mate affliction.

  When the death of the fated mate is sudden and violent, the surviving mate often loses their mind. Their wolf takes over and they become more animal than man.

  “We need to start an investigation. Learn everything about these hunters that we can. We do not need this to happen again,” Elder Julian spoke up.

  “Agreed. And Benjamin should not be allowed to participate,” Elder Margaret stated.

  “It was his mate! He has a right to avenge ‘er death!” Elder Cian pointed out.

  “I agree with Elder Margaret. He should stay out of it until we know more. We need evidence before we go after these men. Logan, I want you to head up the investigation. Learn what you can about these men. Who they are. Where they are. What they want. Once we know more, we can then decide if Ben is capable of aiding in disposing of this threat,” Gabe directed.

  With Gabe’s final sentence, the Council rose from their chairs. One by one, they all left the room. Soon, only Gabe and Logan remained.

  Gabe sat back in his chair before running a hand down his face. Logan watched the man he considered his brother, inhale deeply.

  “What do we do about Ben, Gabe?” Logan asked.

  “I don’t know. Tell him when he wakes up, I guess. What he does after that is up to him. I can order him not to go after them but I’m not sure how long that would last. If it was me and Nina had been killed, I would go against my Alpha.”

  “I can’t even imagine the pain he must have felt. Is still feeling.”

  Bonded mates have the unique ability to read one another’s thoughts and feelings. They can communicate mentally. Ben felt his mate’s terror and pain when she was beaten and shot. The man knew he needed to get to her but was too late. He felt her drift away while he was racing to her side. Since that moment, Ben had been inconsolable. His anger and pain were driving him. Logan knew that if Ben could not control his anger, it would overtake him, and his wolf would be in control. Not the human.

  “I don’t want to let Nina out of my sight for even a moment. We don’t know what is happening with these hunters. How do I tell the pack not to worry but worry?”

  “When are we having the pack meeting about the attack?”

  “Soon. I know everyone is scared and worried. I’m just not sure how to reassure them. Especially since I’m not even reassured myself.”

  “You are an amazing Alpha, Gabe. You’ll think of something. Just be honest with them. They don’t need to stay inside all the time just yet. Just exhaust caution when going out in wolf form. If we show fear, then the hunters win and gain something much greater than a few supposed animal kills,” Logan assured the other man.

  Gabe nodded his head in agreement.

  “I’ll issue an order to the pack about going out in pairs or groups. Staying vigilant is another thing to express. We can’t give them too much or else it’ll send them all into a panic. Just enough to ease some fear. Lord knows we can’t erase it completely. Good advice Logan.”

  Secretly, Logan agreed with Gabe. No matter what the pack was told, chaos and terror would ensue.

  A knock sounded at the door. Logan turned to face the noise as the door crept open. Nina Carmichael-Stone poked her brown head around the frame. She glanced at Logan before her eyes landed on her mate.

  “May I come in?” she asked.

  “Of course, my mate. Is everything OK?” Gabe asked with a sweet smile.

  Nina strode into the room, closing the door behind her. She made her way towards Gabe while twisting her hands.

  “Yes, everything is fine. I was just wondering how the meeting went.”

  Nina sat on Gabe’s lap and a shot of jealousy sprang through Logan. It was not Nina he was jealous of. No way. The woman was like his sister! What he was jealous of, was the relationship his best friend had with his mate. Logan had longed for that type of connection since he was old enough to know what ‘mates’ and ‘fated mates’ were. He was constantly on the lookout for his own mate but had yet to find her.

  “It went as expected. Everyone is concerned about Ben and what these hunters are going to do next. We’ve opened an investigation but that is not a real comfort to some,” Gabe filled her in.

  “Poor Ben. He’s completely lost and distraught. What are you going to tell the pack?”

  “We just have to be there for him. As for the pack, I’ll tell them as much as I can. By now they’ve heard what has happened. I can’t keep them in the dark about this. They need to be alert every time they go out in wolf form. I don’t want you going anywhere by yourself. I’d prefer you not to leave the house, but I know you won’t agree to that.”

  “Gabriel. It’s completely unrealistic for me to take someone with me everywhere I go,” Nina tried to placate the shifter.

  “He’s absolutely right Nina,” Logan interrupted. “We do not know what these hunters are after. You’re a human mate; the Alpha’s mate. That puts you in extreme danger. I can organize some shifters to accompany you off house grounds.”

  Nina let out a deep breath. Logan could tell this was difficult for her to understand.

  “We can’t take the risk Nina. Especially now,” Gabe told her as he rested his hand on her flat stomach.

  Logan stared at the two with his jaw on the floor.

  There was no way.

  His best friend would have told him.

  Gabe glanced up from Nina to see the stunned look on his Beta’s face. A huge smile broke across Gabe’s face.

  “I suppose you can tell him now,” Nina whispered loudly to her mate.

  “Are you–?” Logan tried to ask.

  “Yes. Nina is pregnant,” Gabe shared.

  “AAAAAHHHHHH! NO WAY!” Logan exclaimed.

  Both Nina and Gabe laughed at his excitement.

  “Yes. You’re going to be an Uncle, Logan,” Nina confirmed.

  “I can’t believe it! Congratulations you two! I am so excited! I’m going to be an Uncle! Wait. How has no one else figured this out yet?”

  “It’s still early. Really early. Gabriel noticed a difference in my scent just the other day. With everything going on, I don’t think anyone else has figured it out,” Nina explained.

  “That makes sense. How are you feeling? Do you want anything? Are you hungry? Thirsty? You just tell me, and I’ll get it. Whatever my little niece or nephew wants, it is yours,” babbled Logan.

  “Logan, it’s a little early for all of that,” Gabe attempted to talk down his best friend.

  “Well–” Nina started.

  “Yes. To whatever it is. Yes,” Logan immediately agreed.

  “You didn’t tell me you have been craving something,” Gabe turned and said to Nina.

  “I didn’t want to bother you. It’s part of the reason why I came in here. I was going to go into town. I’ve been craving the Mint Green tea from the coffee shop. Plus, I haven’t seen Jessica in a few days.”

  “You got it. One Mint Green tea from the town coffee shop, coming right up! Just let me get my keys,” Logan affirmed.

  “Logan, you do not have to go get it. I am more than capable of doing it myself,” Nina tried to persuade.

  “Did you not hear what we just talked about, Nina? You could be in a lot of danger outside of the house. There is no way I am letting you go into town by yourself. I can’t go with you and Logan hasn’t had the chance to gather a few shifters to guard you,” Gabe declared.

  “I need to go out anyway to gather a few shifters for my investigation team. There are patrols to set up and plans to draw. A stop into town to pick up a cup of tea on my way back, is not a hindrance. Gabe is right Nina. It was dangerous for you before but even more so now. Don’t let your stubbornness harm your child,” Logan clarified while hitting Nina where he knew she would agree without fail.

  The woman in question crossed her arms and glared at the two men.

  “I’m pregnant, not disabled!” she argued back.

  “Yes, but this is not about you doing things because you are pregnant. It is about your safety due to the unknown threat these hunters possess,” Gabe further explained.

  Logan could see the fight leave Nina. Her shoulders drooped and a huge breath left her body.

  “OK. Logan can go into town and I’ll agree to the detail. Since you both feel this is necessary and for the safety of my child.”

  “You are so stubborn. I love it!” declared Logan. “I’ll be right back with your tea then.”

  “Thank you, Logan,” came Gabe’s soft reply as Logan left the room.


  A smile stuck to Logan’s face as he made his way toward the town coffee shop. His best friend was going to have a baby.

  A baby!

  It was astounding to Logan how far Gabe had come within the last year and a half. The sudden loss of his parents, to being thrust into the role of Alpha so unexpectedly. It was amazing luck that Nina came to town when she did. Her turning out to be his fated mate, only made things better.

  As excited for his Alpha as he was, Logan felt a huge sense of longing. He had always wanted to find his fated mate. Watching his best friend and another close friend find their mates, left an agonizing hole in him. He always felt as if something was missing in his life.

  Not something.


  As a child, his mother would tell him stories about how his parents met and their mating. He could see the love they had for one another and longed for that himself. His father once told him that finding his fated mate was the best thing to ever happen to him. Outside of Logan’s birth, that is.

  Slowly, Logan drew closer to where the coffee shop was supposed to be. It had just opened a few years ago. As an early riser, Logan had his coffee at home before going about his day. One giant, strong cup in the morning was all he needed. He felt no need to re-caffeinate throughout the day like some people. Because of that, he’d never stepped foot inside the shop. But that would change today! Because his little niece or nephew wanted a Mint Green tea!

  The bell twinkled overhead as he pushed the door open. Taking a step inside, he was bombarded by the scent of coffee and sweets. Glancing at the counter, he saw the back of a blonde, curly head. A current of lust and the sense of rightness, washed through him. The blonde head turned around to help the customer in front of him, when he was assaulted by the bluest eyes he had ever seen. She sent a smile his way before turning around to fulfill the order before him.

  At his turn, those blue eyes pointed towards him. A bright smile sat across her face. There was a sudden flash of something in her eyes for a quick second. It was so quick Logan thought he imagined it. Just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone, and her sunny demeanor was back in place.

  “Welcome to the Lobo Coffee House! I’m Jessica, what can I get for you?”

  Taking a step closer to the counter, Logan took a deep breath. The scent of rain and honeydew filled his nostrils. His wolf sat up. Something unexplainable passed through Logan.





  A picture of children played across his mind. Jumping and laughing in a field. Children that were the perfect mix of both their parents with their curly hair and tanned skin.

  He had finally found her.

  His fated mate.

  “Sir? Is everything OK?” questioned the object of Logan’s distraction.

  A quick shake of his head, Logan focused back to the topic at hand.

  “Sorry. Lost my head there for a second. Can I get a large Mint Green tea to-go please?”

  “Of course! Give me just a few seconds, and I’ll have that already for you!”

  Logan watched her bounce off to fulfill his order. He couldn’t believe his luck. He thought he knew everyone in town and not a single one was his mate! Turned out he was dead wrong. Who was this woman?

  “Here you are sir! If you don’t mind my saying, you don’t really seem like the tea type.”

  Logan laughed, “I’m not. I prefer black coffee, but this is for a friend of mine. She just found out she’s pregnant and has been craving this all day. Her husband was working so I volunteered to go get it.”

  “Aw! That is so sweet! Your friend is lucky to have you.”

  “Thanks. I’m Logan by the way,” he extended his hand
out to her.

  As soon as their hands touched, a sharp spark of electricity shot through them.

  Quickly pulling her hand back, Jessica exclaimed, “Ouch!”

  “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to shock you!” Logan rushed to apologize. Inside his wolf grinned from ear to ear. He knew what this meant.

  “No, not your fault. I probably picked up the static from the back.”

  “I’m still sorry. That was a strong spark!”

  “It was!” Jessica laughed in return.

  “Well, I better get this to my friend. It was nice meeting you Jessica.”

  Logan lifted the cup in his grasp in reference.

  “Of course! It was great to meet you too Logan. Hopefully we’ll see you back here?”

  “Most definitely.”

  With his parting goodbye, Logan turned around and left the shop. He couldn’t believe it. He finally found his fated mate! When the electric shock spread through them, he couldn’t believe it. Most of the time that only occurred between shifter mates. He had never heard of it happening between a shifter and a human. The urge to rush back to the Alpha House overwhelmed him. He wanted to share this amazing news with Gabe. With everything going on, this would bring a small light to his world.

  Chapter 2

  Jessica Portland watched the bald, black man walk out of the coffee shop. Never in her 21 years had she had a reaction to a man like that. There was a strong magnetic pull towards him. Something intrigued her.

  “Hey Jessica! You can head on home now,” a voice from behind her called out.

  Turning to face the voice, Jessica came face to face with her boss, Tim. After college, Tim moved back to Everett Hollow and opened up the coffee shop. He said he wanted to create a welcoming space people felt like they could come in and hang out at. And to provide a better caffeine option than the swill the diner served.

  “Thanks Tim.”

  “No problem lovey! You opened this morning for me so it’s only fair I finish out the day! Say, who was that hunk-a-hunk that just left?”

  Jessica giggled. Tim was one of her favorite people in this town. He could always make her laugh.


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