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Winter's Guardian

Page 6

by G. Bailey

  "One more chance, please don't be mad at me."

  I all but snarled at her in response but I let her lead to me the table. I now know why she wanted to drive tonight; I should have seen this coming. Alex isn’t going to give up the idea of us dating best friends together easily. Drake gets up, kissing Alex on the cheek and Wyatt smiles at me as he stands to hold out an open chair in front of him. I keep my best 'I'm not impressed’ look, as my eyes take him In. Wyatt is wearing a tight black suit, his jacket is off and his white shirt rolled up. A blue tie is loose around his neck and one glance at Drake in the same kind of suit, makes me think they must have come from work. I can't help but gaze at his wavy blonde hair that is styled to show his dark eyes, which look over me with far too much interest.

  "You look beautiful Winter," he says in the dark seductive voice, I’d somehow forgotten how enticing it is. I have to admit it’s actually nice to hear when he isn’t angry or being a dick. I take the seat he offers and he sits down next to me, close enough that his arm brushes mine.

  "Thanks," I mutter, pulling my menu out and holding in front of my face like a weapon. Alex glances at me in the middle of her conversation with Drake, and the little shit is trying not to laugh at my flustered face. I put the menu down as the waitress comes over.

  "What can I get you, handsome boys?" She asks while adjusting her top. Well, more pulling it down and leaning over the table so the 'boys' can have a good view. What a slut. I don’t care if she gets Wyatt’s attention, well I keep telling myself that.

  "The lobster and a beer," Drake says while Wyatt’s eyes never leave mine as he orders, as does Alex. I ask for the half roast chicken and a glass of wine, as I'm going to need it.

  "If you need anything, just call," she says while running her fingers over Wyatt’s shoulder. He doesn't even glance her way as his gaze never leaves mine. I have to admit it’s nice that he doesn’t look at her; he seems to think he has won something because he smiles. It highlights the high cheekbones of his face and his dark eyelashes, under the dim lights of the restaurant; the effect is sexy as sin.

  "How was your day?" I ask Wyatt, trying to be polite.

  "Better now I'm on a date with you." He tells me honestly. I have to admit I’m not that shocked he has found a way to get a date with me, the way he stared at me as I left him at the party still strong in my mind.

  "This isn't a date, I never agreed to it," I say glaring at him.

  Wyatt leans back with a frown, as Drake surprises me by laughing. Alex grins in my direction.

  "That's the first time anyone has actually said they didn't want a date with him. You’re going to hurt his ego." Drake says calming himself down from laughing. Drake smiles at my shocked face, I’m not shocked that Wyatt isn’t turned down very often but I am that Drake actually smiles at me.

  "I'm sure he will survive," I say dryly. Alex nudges me with her leg under the table, and I just lean back in my chair looking out the window. Our drinks arrive with the flirty waitress, who again tries to get Wyatt’s attention, but he looks like he is trying to solve a puzzle while staring at me.

  "I'm using the bathroom," Alex says getting up.

  "Me too," Drake says watching her and I hear their giggles as they walk away. I can't help the smile that appears on my face at my best friend being happy.

  "I like it when you smile," Wyatt says and I look back to him seeing him resting his head on his joint hands.

  "You've not seen much of it. Not that you've given me a reason to around you." I state crossing my arms.

  "I'm sorry my approach to you was rude. Drake was right; I've never had to do much. You were a welcome surprise." He says, flashing me a cheeky smile.

  "I'm sure you can find someone easy again, hell the waitress would take you home in a second." I say realising quickly how jealous my tone sounded.

  Wyatt never misses a beat as he grins, making my heart bounce in my chest at how breathtakingly handsome he is.

  "Can you give me a fresh start?" He asks taking my hand in his cold one. It's oddly comforting and Instead of feeling scared around him, I’m starting to feel safe like, when I'm with Jaxson. I push thoughts of Jaxson away, he wouldn’t want anything to do with me but this conversation reminds me of his compliment about my smile.

  "Alright. Hi I'm Winter, I'm studying to be a vet and I have a weakness for any kind of fast food." I hold out my hand, he takes it and places a sweet kiss on my hand.

  "I'm Wyatt, I'm working in my family business and my favourite food is a secret, but I might tell you one day." He jokes with a big grin and I can't help but smile back, wondering what the hell it is that he doesn't want to say. It's going to be something weird like liver, who actually eats that stuff?

  Wyatt and I chat for a while about the weather and other things before the food arrives. Alex and Drake turn up just after, with Alex looking a little dishevelled with messy hair and she is straightening her clothes.

  "Did you guys get lost?" I ask with a wink, Alex laughs not embarrassed at all about her appearance and Drake just slides into his seat ignoring everything other than his food.

  "No, but I can tell you how many times I," she says before Drake kisses her, effectively shutting her up and making me chuckle.

  We all eat our food, which is amazing and then we go to the bar to order a few drinks. There are a few sofas around the room to sit in, and Wyatt takes my free hand tugging me down on one right next to him. I can't help but feel his slightly cold leg pushed against mine or his hand resting lightly against my shoulder. His amazing smell surrounds me making me want to lean into him. Wyatt smells like fire, a bonfire on a cold autumn night that we used to have to get rid of leaves. I look up to see him staring down at me. I know I shouldn't, but my gaze goes to his perfect lips before wetting my own with my tongue. The spell I'm under is snapped when Alex starts talking from the other sofa, right in front of me. I didn’t even notice her sitting down; I really need to stop staring at Wyatt.

  "I’m not feeling well, so Drake is taking me home. Can you take Winter home, Wyatt? Drake can drive my car." she says and winks at me when no one is looking.

  Wyatt nods, and I want to kick her knowing she did this on purpose. Alex smirks at me, before kissing my cheek, and waving goodbye. Drake nods his goodbye and following Alex, who I'm sure is grinning ear to ear.

  "We can leave if you want. I don’t want to force you to spend time with me." Wyatt tells me and I glance up at him, trying to read his locked up expression.

  "No, we can stay. Tell me about yourself." I ask, keeping my response on a neutral ground and not confirming anything to him. I don’t want to admit that I want to stay to talk to him, or just be around him.

  "Well I live in a apartment I share with Drake. I work a lot, so I can take over from my father eventually. There isn't much else to tell," he says looking a little tense.

  "I'm sure there more, any sisters or brothers?" I ask.

  "No but Drake has been around me since we were both children, so I consider him a brother to me." He smiles down at me and I feel his fingers rubbing circles into my shoulder. I don’t think he knows he is doing it.

  "I see that. He seems close to you. What's your dad and mum like?" I ask and regret it a little as Wyatt closed expression drops, and I see the sadness etched into his handsome face.

  "My mother passed when I was born and my father is difficult." He emphasises on the word difficult.

  "I'm sorry Wyatt," I say placing my hand over his, he turns his hand, so ours are locked together as he entwines our fingers. My small hand seems tiny in his.

  "Don't be, it is what it is. Tell me about your parents." He changes the subject quickly.

  "Only my mum is around. She is a good mum and I'm close with her. My dad passed away when I was around four. I don't remember him. My mum never really recovered from his death." I tell him.

  “How did he pass? If you don’t mind me asking,” he says

  “A bad car accident, I was in the car but I wasn�
��t hurt. I was lucky.” I say trying to ignore the grief I feel at the memory.

  "I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure your father would be proud of the women you are now," he says quietly, making me blush.

  "Well, I hope so. I have no brother’s or sister’s but Alex moved into ours when I was twelve. She was staying at our house all the time because her issues at home and we were very close. So when social services finally got custody of Alex, it was like it was meant to be. My mum adopted her, so in most ways, I always had a sister." I tell him with a small smile. The day Alex moved in, our mum took us camping and we had a great night roasting marshmallows, telling silly scary stories. We didn’t even care that it rained all the rest of the weekend.

  "She talks highly of you." Wyatt comments.

  "She means a lot to me so I hope she does," I say back with a chuckle.

  Wyatt leans into me more, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

  "Can I persuade you to let me take you on a date next weekend?" he says in a careless whisper. His finger guides down my cheek as he looks into my eyes. I feel like I'm trapped in his gaze as I nod.

  "I would like that," I say, in case he didn't get it.

  "Me too," he comments before he shocks me by kissing me briefly. His lips feel soft but strong as they brush mine. He pulls back so quickly, that I didn't get to know how he tastes. I want to push my lips back to him but he stands up, pulling me up with him in my state of shock and desire.

  "I should take you home, Alex said you have an early start." he says picking his jacket up.

  "Yeah, I have an exam. I’m dreading it." I laugh and he smiles at me. Wyatt looks tense and I’m not sure why. I wonder if he didn’t like the kiss? Well, I might not be getting another date in that case.

  "Come on." He seems a little rushed as he walks us out, and we get into his expensive red convertible that’s parked right outside.

  As I strap myself in I say to him.

  "You know, this is exactly the car I expected you to drive."

  Wyatt doesn't say anything, but I see his lip twitch in laughter. His phone rings several times as we drive and every time his hands tighten on the steering wheel until eventually, I can't take it.

  "You can answer that," I say gently and he gives me a tight-lipped look before responding

  "No, it's work or my father. They both can wait." He glances at me again but we don't talk anymore as he drives me home. I don’t think to ask how he knows where I live; it’s too tense in the car to ask him anything anyway.

  Wyatt walks me to my door, like a gentleman, which I don’t know why it surprises me a little. He stops me before I find my keys in my bag.

  "Thank you for giving me a chance," He says pushing a curl behind my ear, while I see his impossibly dark eyes get darker as he stares at me.

  "Don’t ruin it please," I say with a sigh, before leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

  "Bye Wyatt," I tell him, moving away and getting my keys out as he watches.

  "Bye Winter, until next time." He says as his phone rings again and he walks away, while I watch him until I can’t see him anymore. It's like I can breathe again when he isn't near, being around him is like sinking deep in mud. I know I'm in way too much, as I let myself in the apartment, locking the door behind me.

  I check my phone seeing no messages, and it annoys me how much I was hoping to see a message from a certain wolfman.

  I hardly believe my own life anymore.

  Chapter Nine

  "Did you understand a word he just said? I swear that man talks in riddles". Alex says picking up her books off her desk next to mine, at the end of class. Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention when I should have today. My thoughts were on seeing Jaxson and then watching Harris in this class. I grab my stuff quickly, ignoring Alex and run down the steps towards Harris who is just leaving. I tried to get his attention throughout the class but he never looked my way.

  "Harris," I shout and a few people glance at me. Harris clearly heard me as he stops by the door, waiting for me. Harris watches me a little wearily, as I get close.

  "Hey, what's up?" He asks when I get to him.

  "Can we talk? Alone." I ask, shifting my heavy bag into my other arm.

  "Here give me that, and how about we get lunch?" He asks as I hand my bag over to him. I watch as he throws it over his shoulder like it weighs nothing, and it’s a sharp reminder that Harris isn’t just a college kid; he is a wolf with superhuman strength. I go to comment but Alex's voice behind me stops that.

  "Jesus Win, don't run like that, some of us can't run like a horse who’s ass is on fire." She says, completely breathless.

  I snort in laughter and Harris chuckles, running his hand through his spiked hair.

  "Sorry Alex, Alex this is Harris." I point at him, introducing them both.

  "Nice to meet you." Alex says looking him over and apparently likes what she sees as she winks at me. I go to tell her it isn’t anything like that but I can’t in front of Harris without sounding like a bitch.

  "Shoot I have to go, see you tonight," she says before kissing my cheek and jogging out the room. I shake my head at her antics. Harris and me, start walking out of class after the classroom empties out a little. We cross over the field, not talking and into the university café.

  Harris leads me to a table and chairs away from other people in the back, and orders two tea’s for us. We both order some sandwiches too.

  "So what did you want to chat about?" He asks, leaning back in his seat.

  "I have a list," I say pulling out my phone and finding the list I wrote in bed last night. Harris chuckles at me but offers me a head nod in acceptance. I wasn’t sure if he would answer anything but seeing as I’m pack now, I thought he might do. Harris seems more laid back than Jaxson is, it’s not like I could ask him any question without getting my head bit off.

  "Go on then." He chuckles.

  "Can you shift whenever you want?" I ask.

  "Yes for adults. The younger pups, like my sister Katy, have trouble shifting back without an alpha command and they can shift uncontrollably when they have high emotions." He tells me. It explains a lot about why Freddy only shifted when Fergus told him too.

  "Is Fergus the only alpha?" I ask wondering, but it's not one of my questions.

  "No, well yes. It’s complicated." He mutters.

  "Who else is then?" I ask. The waitress chooses that time to bring us our tea and I put my phone down to pour milk in mine from those silly little cups. Hell, I need like four before it even looks like I added milk. Harris doesn't seem to have my problem, only adding one cup and around four sugars. Our sandwiches are brought over and we both dig into our food as I wait for him to answer me. I raise my eyebrows at him when he looks at me and he groans. I think he hoped I would have forgotten my question because of the distraction.

  "I can't answer that. I'm bound in a way." He says looking very uncomfortable.

  "Explain?" I ask gently.

  "Well when you choose a pack, you have to share your blood with your alpha like you did with Jaxson. They can then command you to shift or order you not to do certain things," he tells me.

  "Like telling me who the other alphas are in your pack?" I say, coming to the conclusion myself. That must be bad if they have a bad alpha because they could order them to do anything. I wonder how many packs there are out there or if there are different types of shifters. The more I’ve thought about the supernatural world, the more I don’t feel scared of it. I’m just interested to know more.

  "Exactly.” He answers.

  “So does that make Jaxson my alpha?” I ask. A flutter of desire runs through me at the thought of him ordering me around. There is seriously something wrong with me.

  “Yes but you’re not a wolf, so he doesn’t have any control over you. If you were seriously hurt, he would know and his wolf would demand he protect you. Alphas can tell when anyone in their pack is hurt or close to death.” He tells me. I don’t reply as I thin
k over his words and eat some more of my sandwich. I guess it’s not awful having someone who would know if I needed them at any time.

  “Any other questions?" Harris says with a smile.

  "What do you eat? I mean do you hunt animals?" I ask. I want to ask if they hunt humans but I have a feeling they don't. They don’t seem like crazy murders.

  "We need a lot of normal fatty foods, as we burn a lot more than humans by shifting. I eat around four meals a day, as well as snacks. Yes, we do hunt in our wolf form but not often. Some prefer to hunt; I don't look good covered in blood and fur." He jokes with a grin.

  "Where did werewolf’s come from? I mean do you have a God?" I ask him.

  "It's a long story and I don't know all of it, you ready for a real life fairy-tale?" He laughs.

  "Is it a good kind?" I joke and Harris grins.

  "Only the best," he says and I nod. Harris drinks a sip of tea before starting.

  "Well there was once, I'm talking thousands of years ago, a human who saved the life of the Goddess called Demtra. Demtra held the dying man and he wished that his four sons would have her blessing,” he stops as I lean forward, extremely interested in his story.

  “Demtra swore she would give them long lives and they would be like her own child."

  Harris pauses before continuing as I stare wide-eyed at him.

  "By the time she found the two of the twin sons, one had passed away from an illness and another was gravely injured. The one son had only just died, so she breathed life into the man and he came back as what are known as vampires. The other son, she pushed earthly powers into and he became a wolf as he healed. The twins both lived longer lives than a human and it's said that is where we come from," he stops as he notices my jaw hanging open.


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