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Winter's Guardian

Page 11

by G. Bailey

  “Me too. Something is going on and I’m not sure what. From the pictures I have of Winters mother, they do look kind of alike, so I doubt she isn’t really Winters mother.” Wyatt says.

  “I'll look into it; I wish I knew a dark angel who didn’t like their queen.” I joke. Dark angels can see the past and have visions of it, unlike light angels who can only see the near future.

  “I don’t know any. I bet my father does but I’m not telling him about Winter, he would expect me to turn her.” Wyatt says.

  “I'll ask Atti.” I reply, with a slight grimace at his father being mentioned. The king of the vampires isn’t a good man and I want Winter as far away from him as possible.

  “Got to go, I’m hungry.” He grins at me.

  “Later vampire.” I laugh and walk towards Winters home. I whisper the protection ward, linking it to my powers and it will hold until I die. I will feel everyone that enters her home with bad intentions; it’s a power meant to protect our young and mates.

  I watch from the shadows as Wyatt drives off before letting my bright white wings out, I fly home as a vision hits me.

  Chapter Eight

  "I can only say sorry in advance for Atti. The guy knows no boundaries and speaks whatever he thinks." Wyatt tells me, a small affectionate smile on his face as he talks. We are driving towards our restaurant that we like to eat at. Atti, which I've learnt is short for Atticus, is meeting us there so I can meet him.

  "No problem, Alex can be the same and she is my best friend," I tell him and he laughs.

  "She has nothing on Atti, trust me," he mutters.

  "Alright, I will believe you,” I say.

  “When we were kids, about eight, Atti decided that he thought it was funny to hide my things in random places. I’m not a control freak but I don’t and didn’t like things in my room being moved. Anyway, he started off with little things, books, clothes, and then moved onto bigger stuff. The worse one I can remember is when we were fourteen. I liked this girl and invited her back to my room. I was hoping to get my first kiss, it didn’t work out like that.” He grins at me.

  “Atti had hidden my shaving cream bottle under my pillow on my bed, so when I sat on my bed and laid back, the can exploded all over my back and into my hair.” He chuckles.

  “I bet you weren’t happy with him.” I giggle.

  “No, the prettiest girl in class told all her friends. Let just say I was uncool for a month or so. I never did get that kiss until I was fifteen. It helped that I had a massive growth spurt at fifteen.”

  He just chuckles at me for a reply. I laugh as I think whoever that girl was that got his first kiss was lucky.

  Wyatt is dressed like a supermodel tonight, making my mouth water every time I look at him. He has a white shirt and black blazer over black trousers. His hair is styled away from face and his jaw is freshly shaven. It doesn't help that he smells amazing too, so even when I'm not looking at him, I forced to remember how hot he is.

  "Tell me a hobby of yours," I ask. He seems to think about it for a while before he answers.

  "I play the piano; I enjoy making new music too." He tells me.

  "I would love to hear you play sometime." I look over at him.

  "One day. What about you?" He asks, directing the conversation away. A sad look passing on his face.

  "I can sing, I don't like too but I've been told I'm good at it," I say quietly.

  "I could play and you could sing for me." He smiles at me. The sadness slipping from his face slowly. The drive ends too soon as we pull up at the restaurant. We walk straight in, with Wyatt's hand on my waist.

  "Hello, Albert." I smile at the waiter. He smiles back, a true friendly smile.

  "We will have our old table, is Atticus here yet?"

  "No, he is not. This way." He nods to Wyatt and we both follow him to our table. The restaurant is full again, mainly couples, but one table has a few children with them who are staring around the room.

  Wyatt pulls my chair out for me and we both sit. We both order our drinks while we wait for Atti.

  A kiss is placed on my cheek as I feel a warm body lean over the back of my chair. I move my head and I'm faced with the palest grey eyes I've ever seen. The very attractive man winks before moving back and my eyes widen at how hot he is. This guy has blonde hair, much like Wyatt’s but darker and it's long but tied up in a bob on top of his head. He has a big build, towering over me and the table. The guy must be six foot eight, with large muscular arms that look like he works out all the time. The man is wearing a black t-shirt that says 'you know you want me' in fancy writing across his chest. He is wearing black jeans and has on glasses that make him look like a hot geek. Like the kind, you would never find the library.

  "This is Atti, Atti this is Winter Masters." Wyatt interrupts my staring at his friend and I suddenly look away at Wyatt. Who is just grinning at Atti, both of them are looking like they are having some kind of silent conversation.

  "Everything alright?" I ask after the silence becomes deafening and they are still staring at each other. They don't look angry; in fact , Wyatt looks like he won some kind of bet.

  "Sorry pretty lady, I'm just surprised," Atti says as he takes his seat in the middle of me and Wyatt.

  "What about?" I ask him.

  "Wyatt told me he had met a beautiful woman, who he told me I had to meet. He forgot to mention how sexy and completely fucking stunning you are." He says as he waves a hand at me and I'm sure I'm blushing five different shades of purple.

  "If I had told you that, you would have demanded to meet her sooner," Wyatt says with a small chuckle.

  "Anyhow," I clear my throat, desperate to change the subject.

  "Tell me about yourself Atti," I ask him.

  "Well, I make gaming software for a job. I have two cats, both of which are crazy. I'm single and like brown-haired girls, that like to wear purple dresses." He winks at me. Yes, I'm wearing a purple dress.

  "What are your cats called?" I ask.

  "One is called Mags because I found her in a box of magazines, in a bin one day. She was only a few weeks old and it was touch and go for a while. I kept the name Mags because she likes to sleep on them; even now she is eight years old." He tells me as he takes the empty seat between me and Wyatt.

  "Aw poor thing," I say, feeling terrible for the little kitten and I'm pretty sure I have to ignore how much of a turn on it is for him to like to rescue animals like me.

  "Tell her about Jewels." Wyatt laughs and Atti narrows his eyes at him.

  "Jewels is my other cat, only three and I've had her a year. My friend runs a cattery and Jewels had been returned five times. She was going to be put down, so I offered to give her a home. Little did I know that she got her name from her obsession with stealing people's jewellery and swallowing it. Sometimes she puts her findings in her bed but not often." He smirks.

  "I can't imagine you have a lot of jewellery." I laugh imagining a cat wearing a shiny necklace.

  "Oh not mine, no all the neighbours for a ten-mile stretch, she has robbed at least once." He says with a slight blush on his golden cheeks.

  "It's so fucking funny when he calls to say he has to go through her shit again." Wyatt chuckles as Atti punches him on the arm.

  "At least she does it in one place in the garden." Atti shivers, a grim look on his face as me and Wyatt laugh.

  "Doesn't t ever get stuck?" I wonder.

  "No, the vets think she is some kind of wonder. She is some kind of pain the ass instead." He winks at me.

  "Why don't you keep her in, a house cat?" I ask.

  "She can open doors." He says dryly. A slight annoyance is clear on his face.

  "Sounds like a smart kitty," I reply.

  "They rule the house." He laughs.

  We all order food while we chat and Atti never takes his eyes off me, as I tell him about my childhood.

  "What about you? Siblings?" I ask him.

  "Nope, I am an only child like Wyatt. Dabriel
’s an unlucky fucker with two real half-brothers." He says.

  "Are you all the same age?" I ask.

  "Yes, we were all born on the same day. Strange huh?" He winks at me.

  "Yes very, very strange." I mutter. I’m sure I’ve seen similar things happening into those magazines you can buy in nearly every shop.

  "So tell me, are you sleeping with anyone? I know dumbass over here hasn't got you into bed but I'm curious." He points a thumb in Wyatt’s direction.

  "That's a rude question," I say. I’m not exactly annoyed by his question, but it doesn’t mean I want to answer him.

  "I'm a bad boy, what can I say. Do I get an answer?" He asks.

  "You don't have to answer Winter," Wyatt tells me and shoots daggers at Atti, who ignores him.

  "No, I'm not," I say with my arms crossed.

  "Do you want to be?" He winks and Wyatt whacks him on the back of the head.

  "Enough, I am sorry sweetheart. I forgot to tell you that he can’t be taken out in public." Wyatt says, shaking his head.

  "You wanted that answer as much as me; I just have the balls to ask," Atti replies and calls the waiter over.

  "We will have three chocolate puddings; I heard someone is a fan." Atti winks at me.

  "Don't tell me, you've met Alex?" I say.

  "Yep, I like her. Drake is a lucky guy." He tells me.

  "He is," I comment back, a small smile on my face.

  “Although Wyatt told me the most about you, I have to ask, do you still own those kitten underwear?” Atti asks and Wyatt tries to hold in a chuckle when I glare at him.

  “No, I’ve out-grown them. Thankfully.” I say to Atti.

  “Oh, I don’t know. You already know I like kitties.” He grins as he rests his head on his hands on the table.

  “I imagine you don’t have any trouble finding another kitty to play with,” I say, empathizing on the word kitty and Atti throws his head back laughing. Wyatt is laughing too as I grin.

  “No I don’t but I think Wyatt has found the best kitty yet. I'll let you know when I find out how sweet she really is.” He says and I shake my head as my cheeks go red. I don’t have a comeback for that and I have the feeling not a lot of people can spar words with Atti. Hell, the man looks like a giant so I doubt a lot of people would beat him in a fight either. I’m trying to ignore the underlined attraction I’m feeling towards him, it feels wrong when I’m sort of dating Wyatt. Wyatt doesn’t seem remotely concerned about me and Atti flirting, I want to ask him why. He seems like the jealous type, so this isn’t making any sense.

  "So tell me about you?" He asks, leaning on his hands on the table.

  "Not much to tell, I am studying to be a vet and I live with Alex. I'm going back home soon for a couple of weeks at my moms." I say smiling.

  "No dad around?" Atti asks.

  "Nope but my mum is better than two parents put together," I tell him.

  "My mum is the same, she never needed anyone." He chuckles.

  "We have that in common," I laugh.

  "Maybe I can get you to come to mine to see my cats?" He winks.

  "No, Atti. I’m sure she doesn’t want to meet your cats. I can tell you now that’s not how you’re getting her back to yours." Wyatt glares at him.

  "Not yet," Atti smirks at Wyatt, who looks ready to start throwing things at him.

  We chat for a while, Atti tells me what Wyatt was like as a child and Wyatt tries not to inflict bodily harm on Atti. If looks are anything to go by.

  Atti walks out with us and I see a bright yellow convertible parked next to us.

  "I'm guessing that's yours?" I ask, laughing because it doesn't surprise me.

  "Yep, you’re more than welcome for a ride." He jokes.

  Just as we get to the cars, he leans close to my ear.

  "I didn't just mean a ride in my car." He whispers in a very seductive tone, a tone I’m sure has brought many women to their knees.

  I cough when I get his meaning and I'm sure I'm turning redder than is attractive.

  "Don't I get a hug goodbye?" Atti asks as Wyatt unlocks his car. Wyatt gets in after opening my door and pulling up a middle finger at Atti. Who cants stop laughing.

  "I'm sorry; I think I've put him in a bad mood for your drive home," Atti says as he moves closer.

  "It's fine," I say trying not to look up into his eyes.

  "So about that hug goodbye? I'm a hugger, so I'm not leaving without one." He grins.

  I move the last step closer and go to wrap my arms around him when he shocks me by picking me up around my waist. He pulls me to his chest and I rest my head on his large shoulder as he cuddles me.

  "You smell amazing," he mutters, and then he kisses my cheek. Unlike the first unexpected time, his lips stay longer. I feel the firmness of them and his scent overwhelms me. He smells like flowers, extremely sweet but somehow doesn't take away from his manliness.

  "I can't wait." He says before he pulls away, I look up at him in confusion as he puts me down and he just grins.

  "Wyatt look after our girl," Atti shouts and I don't hear Wyatt’s mumble as I get his car.

  "I swear that guy was made to piss me off. It's a shame I can't kill him." Wyatt mumbles as he drives and I just laugh.

  "He is different but harmless. I think." I smile at Wyatt as he puts a hand on knee.

  "Atti isn't harmless, trust me. But he wouldn't ever hurt you." He tells me. A look I don't understand on his face.

  Wyatt drives me home with another one of those teasing kisses by my door.

  My dreams are filled with a cheeky face and floating flowers.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Can we try something new today?” I breathlessly ask Jaxson after he knocks me on my back again. I groan as I roll on my side and get up. The bastard is standing near me, with his arms crossed and an amused look on his smug face. I know he enjoys watching me suffer, he is a sadist like that. It was also not funny when I got lost on my drive here, his directions do not make sense. I must have took five wrong turnings before I got here.

  “Like what lass?” He finally asks. I ignore him and walk over to the wall of weapons. There is every type you can think of hung on the wall and several that I have no idea what they do. The crossbow catches my eye and I walk towards it without knowing why.

  “Careful, why do you want to learn this?” Jaxson asks as I touch the wooden crossbow. Its silver in the middle with a wooden base and leather around the handle.

  “I just do, can I have a try? If I’m terrible then I won’t ask again and I'll get you a bag of brownies from the café at uni,” I say.

  “How did you find out I like brownies?” He asks me.

  “Freddy texts me now, it came up.” I laugh when Jaxson frowns.

  “I didn’t know he had a phone.” He replies and I fail at holding in a louder giggle.

  “So?” I ask as he pulls the crossbow off the wall and gets a bag of wooden arrows out the closet.

  “Come on.” He answers me with a wave over his shoulder. I guess I can bribe him with brownies more often.

  “Why don’t we use those arrows?” I point to the small bag hanging on the wall by the crossbow.

  “They are silver tipped; I don’t want you shooting me with them.” He answers, not looking back at me.

  “Why silver?” I ask as I follow him out the training room. We walk around the training building and at the back are five dummies with targets on their chests. We walk a good distance away before Jaxson answers me.

  “Silver is poisonous to most of our kind, some of us are immune, like Freddy. But nearly every type of supernatural will die if you hit them in the heart with silver.” He tells me.

  “How did you find out Freddy is immune?” I ask. I don’t think that Jaxson would have tested it on him.

  “Let’s just say that Freddy is a nosy child. I nearly lost it when he was five and came into the lounge holding two silver swords that he found. Both his hands were cut and he didn’t get ill from it.
Freddy kept those swords and practises every day with them, he is pretty good now.” He tells me and hands me the crossbow.

  I lift it up slowly because it’s heavier than it looks and Jaxson shows me how to hold it right. I try it ignore how good it feels when his large hands cover my hips and turn my body slightly to the side. I let Jaxson load an arrow as I watch how to do it and then get into position.

  “Right, try to aim at the target, when you’re ready, you fire the arrow like a gun.” He tells me, showing me where to press the button. I breathe in Jaxson’s wood like scent to calm myself before he moves away. The first three times I shoot, I miss the target altogether and I hear Jaxson’s chuckle.

  “No worries lass, I still get my brownies for this wasted time.” He says as I load another three arrows. I ignore him or try to as my anger builds. I close my eyes this time, just listening to the forest and then move my body. I don’t know what happens but I feel a peace quiet fall over me as I fire the next shot. I fire all three before I realised I’ve done it and Jaxson’s deep voice snaps me out of my dream-like state.

  “Winter, how the hell did you do that?” He says, wonder filling his tone. I look back at him as he looks around the empty training yard. I blink in confusion when I see all my arrows have hit the target. Dead centre.

  “I don’t know,” I mumble as I put the crossbow down.

  “I think I do, hold on, I have another idea,” Jaxson says and runs back around the training building. I pull my arrows out the targets as I wait for him to come back. When he does he has two small daggers in his hands.

  “Come here Winter,” He tells me. I don’t bother arguing with him and move to stand next to him, about a hundred yards away from the targets. I watch in fascination as Jaxson throws the daggers and they hit the targets, a perfect hit in the middle as well.

  “Do it slower,” I tell him, understanding that he wants me to throw them like him. He nods and gets the daggers and repeats what he did. Slowing his arm movements down so I can see how he throws them.


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