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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 10

by Amanda Bennett

When the truck finally came to a stop, Joey eased himself up off of me, checking every body part to make sure I was ok. I could feel the thick warm blood beginning to roll down the side of my face where I had hit the window, but when I pressed my finger against the cut, it didn’t seem too big or deep. Joey, on the other hand was immediately jumpin’ outta the truck and running over to my side, pulling me down into his arms, carrying me over to the curb.

  “KJ, are you ok?” I gently pushed his overzealous hands away from my face.

  “I’m fine, Jo.” I tried to stand but quickly lost my balance, landing flat on my ass right back where I started.

  “Yeah, you seem fine.” Joey glanced over me as his face went ghost white.

  “Joey, what’s wrong?” This time I was able to maintain my balance as I rushed to his side.

  “Madison, is gonna kill me. Shit! Shit! Shit! He’s gonna think this was all my fault.”

  I knew I should feel bad for him and how worried he was, but I just couldn’t. Instead, I laughed hysterically. “Oh my god, Jo. Are you serious right now?” I laughed a little bit more before catching my breath enough to finish. “It’ll be fine. I’ll make sure he knows it was my fault. Come here.” Joey hesitantly walked into my embrace, laying his head on my shoulder as my body let a few more waves of laughter roll through.

  “This so is not funny.” I just simply patted his head, and then went to the truck to retrieve my phone. Joey was quick to snatch it right outta my hand. “You can’t call him.”

  “Joey, you’re being ridiculous, and yes I can. He most definitely will kill you if I don’t.” I reached for my phone but Joey was now holdin’ it above his head like he was playing keep away. “Jo, don’t be such a damn baby.”

  “How about we call the cops, or I can take you to the hospital and then we can call him? At least there’ll be witnesses in those places.”

  I slowly made my way over to Joey, holding my hands up so he didn’t think I was trying to get my phone. “Jo, ok we can do that.” I lied just as I jumped up and snatched my phone right outta his dumbass hand. I ran around the other side of the truck as I dialed Madison. Luckily he answered after one ring, just as Joey reached my side.

  “Hey baby, where y’all at?” Joey stopped dead in his tracks, arm stretched out trying to snatch my phone, the minute he heard Madison’s voice.

  “Ok, so please don’t be mad.”

  “Jesus, Kayla. You know I hate it when you start out a conversation that way.”

  “Just promise me.”

  “Fine.” I could practically see him pouting through the phone.

  “Joey and I were in an accident.” I held the phone out knowing damn good and well the tirade he was about to go on.


  “See, I told you.” Joey whispered as he pointed at the phone like Madison was going to walk right out of it.

  “No you’re not, Madison. It wasn’t his fault. Somethin’ darted out in the road when I was turnin’ to head down Old Mill Road. I lost control is all.” The line was quiet and I knew he was instantly regretting his words…well, kind of.

  “Fine, I won’t kill him. Are you ok? Is he ok?” Disdain dripped mercilessly from his words. “We’re both fine.”

  “NO WE’RE NOT.” Joey shouted from over my shoulder, running away before I could unleash my anger on him.

  “WHAT? Kayla Anne, you better answer me truthfully.”

  “Well Dad, since you asked so nicely.” I joked, but Madison wasn’t havin’ it.

  “Baby, seriously answer me please. Are you hurt?” The concern and sincerity was enough that tears suddenly sprang to life from my eyes.

  “I hit my head. That’s all.”

  “Then why are ya cryin’, pretty girl? Stay where y’all are. I’m comin’ to get ya.” I nodded against the phone as I continued to cry on Joey’s shoulder that was now holdin’ me up.

  “He can’t see you.” He laughed.

  “Ok.” I whispered just before hanging up. I looked up at Jo from underneath my wet lashes. “Oh, he’s gonna kill both of us.” We both doubled over with laughter, and we didn’t stop until Madison and Mia showed up. Joey and I instantly sat straight up like we were about to be chastised by our father.

  Madison made is way over to us while he left the truck running with Mia in the back in her car seat. His hands reached out for me, pulling me up from my sitting position, looking me over to make sure I wasn’t seriously hurt before pulling me into a long hug. “Thank god you’re ok. What am I gonna do with you?” He pulled back smiling. I just shrugged in response. “Grab what ya need outta the truck, and then get in the other one. I called a tow truck already.” I nodded and went to retrieve my bag of goodies. There was no way I was leavin’ that behind.

  Chapter 20


  As much as I wanted to wring Joey’s neck, I didn’t. I knew deep down that it wasn’t his fault, and it truly was an accident. At least that’s the story they were both stickin’ to. I knew these two all too well, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were arguin’ about somethin’ and she took her eyes off the road long enough to lose control. I glanced between the two of them wonderin’ exactly what did happen. Luckily Kayla’s cut wasn’t deep, and the butterfly strips we had at the house was enough to seal up her wound.

  We were all sittin’ around eatin’ dinner when we heard the front door open and close. “Hey, we’re in here.” I shouted over my shoulder as Cami and Glenn came walkin’ in lookin’ elated. “I’m gonna guess all is well?”

  “Yes.” Cami was the first one to start speakin’. “The doctor said that everything looked great. And that it’s perfectly ok for me to be pregnant. She actually said it’s a really good sign, especially after going through the amount of radiation I did.”

  Kayla was already up and pullin’ Cam into a deep hug. “That’s amazing. Congrats, Cam.” Her hands went down to Cami’s nonexistent belly. “Oh I just can’t wait to be an aunt and meet him or her.”

  “Me too.” Cami smiled, and for the first time in quite some time she looked genuinely happy.

  “Congrats, man.” I pulled Glenn into a big hug as well. “You’re in for quite the ride.” I joked.

  “Way to go, big brother. Good to know that your boys are strong swimmers.” Leave it to Joey to make an asinine comment. Glenn smacked him upside the head, and I let out a loud laugh.

  “Whatever, Madi.”

  I reached out to grab Joey by the collar, but he was already runnin’ off like a scared little girl. “I’ll getcha.”

  “Sure sure.” He chided.

  “Well come in and get some food. Kayla made plenty.” I motioned for the two of them to sit down at the table with all of us.

  “Kay, what happened to your head?” Cami pointed at the butterfly strips with a perplexed look on her face.

  “Oh this? It was just a small accident. Jo and I are fine.” She thought I didn’t notice the look the two of them shared, but they weren’t that sly.

  “Good god, can’t leave ya alone for one second. What are we gonna do with you?” Cami laughed.

  “That’s exactly what I said. So, how far along are ya?” I implored, seein’ as no one else thought to.

  “I’m three months today actually.” I don’t know how none of us didn’t notice sooner because now that I was actually lookin’ at Cami, she was positively glowin’.

  “That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you guys.” I held my beer up, and then took a long swig.

  “So are you going to have to go to extra appointments or anything crazy?” Kayla was suddenly worried to no end about her best friend.

  “No, she said as long as I’m doing ok, just normal visits. If I have any issues though, then I have to go in immediately, no questions asked.” Kayla nodded in understanding and my love for her grew that much more with how much she cared about her best friend.

  Glenn stood up abruptly, motionin’ for me
to follow him outside. Without a second thought, I stood from my chair, placed a kiss to Mia’s head and then Kayla’s, and then excused myself. I wasn’t exactly sure what was goin’ on with Glenn, but I knew it had to be somethin’ serious for him to just get up from dinner the way he did. He was pacin’ around like a fool when I finally made it out onto the porch.

  “Hey, what’s goin’ on buddy?” I reached out for his shoulder, pullin’ him to a stop.

  “I can’t go back out on the road anymore. I just can’t, man. I think I’m done.”

  I nodded my head in agreement. “I’m right there with ya, man. We’ve already fulfilled our side of the contract with the record company. The extra leg of the tour was never a part of the contract, so we’ll be good there. Now we just have to tell Bryce and Brandon.” I winced knowin’ that the news was gonna kill em.

  “They’re gonna hate us.” Glenn joked.

  “Probably.” I laughed. “But they’ll get over it.” My hand grabbed Glenn’s shoulder, givin’ it a tight squeeze. “You’re gonna be dad, Glenn.” I smiled.

  “I know, man. I’m stoked.” And he genuinely was.

  “You’re gonna be an amazin’ dad. I see the way you are with Mia, and she’s not easy to win over by any means.”

  “Nope, she’s definitely her mom’s daughter.” We both let out a relieved laugh just as Kayla came out onto the porch.

  “You two ok?” I knew she could tell by our laughter that we were, but it still meant the world to me that she even bothered to check. I walked up the two steps to get to her, wrappin’ my arms loosely around her neck as I pulled her back into my chest, placin’ a long kiss to her neck.

  “We’re great actually.” I looked over at Glenn. “You wanna tell everyone now?” Glenn just happily nodded and we all went back inside. “So Glenn and I have an announcement.” I cleared my throat.

  “Aw, Madi and Glenda are havin’ a baby too.” Joey was so lucky he wasn’t within arms reach and that my daughter was lookin’ right at me.

  “Whys Uncle JoJo calling you Madi?”

  We all broke out in a fit of laughter as I scooped Mia up into my arms. “Because Uncle JoJo is a dumb dumb.” I gave Joey a look of death, lettin’ him know I would get him later, before I continued. “Restless Youth is officially done tourin’.” The house fell eerily quiet as Glenn and I glanced at one another, and then back out at everyone else who still hadn’t said anythin’. “This is a good thing. Glenn and I just want to be home more. I’m sick of missin’ out on everything.” I kissed Mia, who was still in my arm, as I spoke, and luckily she broke the tension seconds later.

  “YAY DADDY!” She squealed.

  I knew she had absolutely no idea what I was sayin’, but it still filled my heart with joy. “Well at least someone is happy about it.” Disappointment was clearly evident in my tone.

  Kayla walked up to me just then, wrappin’ her arms around Mia and me. “I’m afraid to be happy about it.” She admitted.

  “Why, pretty girl?”

  “What if y’all change your minds? And then what?”

  “Oh love, we’re not changin’ our minds. We’ve fulfilled our contract. Sure we may still record every now and again, but no more tourin’. I’ve spent the last two years missin’ out on practically everything. I don’t want to be away from my girls anymore. I’m gonna get more involved with the farm, and you can start goin’ back to work if ya want because I’ll actually be here, and I can even have Mia come help me.” I could see relief wash over her face, and maybe even a little bit of hope for our future. Her lips met mine, and I pulled her in deeper. When I pulled back, leavin’ her breathless, I whispered so only she could hear me. “I’m never leavin’ ya again, pretty girl.”

  She suddenly looked at me with a horrified look on her face. “What did Bryce and Brandon say?” Leave it to my girl to be worried about the other members of the band.

  “We haven’t told them yet.” I laughed as I placed a chaste kiss to the top of her head. “I think they’ll be ok though. Hell, we’ve made enough money over the last two years that they’ll be set for life.” I joked.

  “I doubt that. Have you seen those two drink?” We both laughed and all finally felt right in my own little world.

  We spent the rest of the night hangin’ out with our friends, talkin’, laughin’, and just enjoyin’ each other’s company. I was in the middle of a conversation with Glenn when Kayla silently slipped away. I was worried her head might be botherin’ her, but I figured I would check on her if she took longer than usual. Excruciating pain shot through my ear as I turned to find Glenn with his fingers up in the air, laughin’ like a little schoolgirl.

  I clutched my ear in annoyance. “You dick! Whatcha flickin’ my damn ear for?”

  “You weren’t payin’ attention to me.” He laughed.

  “You’re such a damn baby.” I quickly flicked him back, and then we started wrestlin’ around the house, of course that’s when Kayla decided to come back in.

  She angrily pointed towards the back door. “Take it outside you children. I swear, it’s like I have four kids.”

  Joey’s jaw went slack in mock hurt. “Why am I included in all that?” He motioned towards Glenn and myself.

  “Because you’re just as bad as they are. Just because you’re not involved at the moment, doesn’t mean you’re never involved, Jo.”

  “True.” He sat back on the couch with a proud smile. “I’ll never grow up.”

  “That’s for damn sure.” I muttered under my breath, but he heard me loud and clear and was now rushin’ towards Glenn and I, all three of us crashin’ through the backdoor at once.

  “Y’all are gonna get me in so much trouble.” I grunted through the headlock that Glenn now had me in, but I had Joey in one as well.

  “You’re such a boob.” Joey croaked out as I tightened my grip on his neck.

  “Say it again, Jo. I dare ya.” I laughed as Glenn tightened his hold. Within seconds Joey and I both realized that nobody had Glenn, so we quickly broke free and took off after him down the small hill outside our house. This was exactly what we all needed, but more than anything, this was exactly what I was lookin’ forward to…even with Joey.

  Chapter 21


  I woke up in a daze this morning, and alone. We all hung out until the wee hours of the mornin’, but more than anything, I was completely dreading having to let certain people in on my revelation last night. I honestly wanted to tell Madison first, but because Joey was leavin’ today, I almost felt obligated to tell him before he left. Of course I thought better of it, knowing that Madison would be beyond pissed if he found out after Joey.

  I still wasn’t feeling a hundred percent, but today was far better than yesterday, and I made sure not to drink a single drop last night. I swear, hangovers only get worse as you get older, no matter how hard you try to take care of yourself.

  The house was eerily quiet as I emerged from our bedroom, until the phone started ringing throughout the vast open space, causing me to practically have a heart attack. I ran over to the wall, pulling the receiver to my ear before anyone could hear it. “Hello?” I answered sleepily.

  “Oh hey, you finally answered.” Mike’s agitated voice was unmistakable.

  “Why are you calling?” I pried as I glanced around the house making sure Madison wasn’t within earshot.

  “Well that’s no way to great one of your closest friends.” He laughed, bemused.

  “I don’t think I’d go that far. Madison told me you called. He also told me that he asked you to stop callin’.”

  “Of course he said he asked. More like told me. I wasn’t sure if it was because you said that, or because that’s what he wanted.”

  “It’s the same regardless, Mike. Unfortunately the minute you told me that you liked me, it changed the whole dynamic of our friendship.” I tried to keep my voice barely above a whisper tryin’ not to call attention to myself. “I’m really sorry Mike, but Madison and
I are getting married, and there’s nothing you or anybody can say to change that fact. I’m sorry.” My face fell in exasperation. The fact that I even needed to reaffirm this to him was beyond irritating.

  “Kayla, you can’t tell me that you’ve felt absolutely nothing over these last few months.”

  “Actually Mike, that’s exactly what I feel. I’m sorry if I made you feel otherwise, but it will always be Madison. Sure at one point it felt nice to have someone show me some attention, and actually listen to me, but my feelings never went past that of friends.” My eyes fluttered shut as I ran my hand back through my hair, pushin’ it off of my face, and that’s when I saw him. He was standing against the stairs. His gaze fixated on my face.

  “You know you’re lying to yourself right now, Kayla. I know. I felt it. I did not misread this entire situation.” Hurt and anger laced his every word, and I instantly felt bad for makin’ him feel this way.

  “I’m sorry Mike, but you can’t call here anymore. This friendship isn’t one I’m willin’ to lose my future over.”

  “This isn’t you, Kayla. This is him.” Before I knew what was goin’ on, Madison was gently pulling the phone from my hands.

  “Mike, I believe my fiancé asked ya nicely to stop callin’. I’m gonna have to ask that you respect her wishes and do as such.” I was amazed at how calm Madison was, but then soon realized why he was being that way, when he clicked the speakerphone option on our house phone and placed the handset back in its cradle.

  “This is all your fault. You don’t treat her the way someone like her should be treated. You take advantage of the fact that she’ll always be there, even when you don’t give two shits that she’s home all alone, taking care of your child, while you run around doing who knows what with who knows who. You’re a sorry excuse for a man, Madison.”

  My hands flew over my mouth in shock and I could see the anger radiating off of Madison, so I braced myself for impact. “Listen up you piece of shit. Maybe if you found your own girl and stopped goin’ after mine, maybe just maybe, then you guys could be friends. Talk about a sorry excuse for a man. Respect Kayla’s wishes and never call here again, or you’ll be gettin’ somethin’ much worse than a tongue lashin’. Got me?” Madison and I both stood waiting with bated breath to see if Mike would heed Madison’s warning.


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