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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 25

by Amanda Bennett

  It was bonkers listening to her story. It was seeing Joey in another light, and it was strange to say the least. “So did you two ever, you know...?” I turned my face away from Kayla’s line of sight, in embarrassment.

  “Date?” She laughed.

  “Yeah.” I sheepishly answered as I looked back over in her direction.

  “No, never dated. I’m not gonna lie to you, Joey would’ve been happy if we would have, and it wasn’t for a lack of tryin’ on his end, but since the first time I laid my eyes on Madison, it has always been him.”

  “That’s sweet.” I chided. I wanted to ask more about what she had mentioned concerning Joey, but I couldn’t find it in myself to do so. Not only was it none of my business, but after seeing the undeniable love and chemistry between Madison and Kayla, I knew I had absolutely nothing to worry about when it came to their friendship.

  “Well, enough about me.” I could tell she was hesitant to ask me something and I could only assume that it had to do with our father. I didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t ask me about him, but I also didn’t want to rub my childhood, or relationship with him in her face.

  “What was he like as a father?” I sat back and took her in, the way she looked, how her posture and demeanor immediately changed, and the sorrowful expression that took over her face.

  “Are you certain you want to know?” I was fiddling with my fingers in my lap as I waited for her answer.

  “I think so.”

  I took in a deep cleansing breath, “He was amazing.” I tried to search for a better word, one that would portray the amazingness that was our father, but one that would emphasize that he still had flaws. Unfortunately for me, there wasn’t a word out there that covered both of those. As soon as I had said it though, I could see Kayla physically react to the word, and that’s when I knew this conversation was a really bad idea. “I’m sorry, Kayla. I’m such a twat.” I was two seconds away from standing up and excusing myself, when Kayla reached out, tightly clutching my hand in hers.

  “You’re not a twat, and stop apologizing for your life. I want to know everything about my baby sister. The good, the bad, and the ugly, regardless of who your father is.”

  I nodded, and then proceeded to tell her about my early years. “I wish I could say he was a shit father, but I’d be lying. The first few years, he wasn’t around much. I don’t remember that being the case, but that’s what my mum used to always tell me. She said he was always gone for work, but I guess that wasn’t really the case now, was it?” I let out a loud audible sigh. “Other than that, he never missed a dance recital, not a single volleyball match, and never a play, and I was in A LOT. He was always there.”

  Kayla didn’t utter a single word, and I didn’t push for her to. I glanced at my watch, realizing that if Joey and I didn’t leave now, we would be ridiculously late to catch our flight. I’m assuming Kayla noticed, because she quickly recovered, all sadness erased from her expression where a wide smile now sat instead.

  Kayla leaned over to me, pulling me into a tight embrace, and my body sagged into hers with relief.

  “I know y’all are gettin’ ready to leave, but I would love for you to call me when you get home. I would love to catch up on your life, and what you’re up to these days?”

  “Of course, I would absolutely love that.” I gave Kayla one last hug before making my way out to the living room where Joey was waiting for me.

  “You ready to go?” Joey’s arm slipped around my shoulders, pulling me protectively into his side. I simply nodded, and then made my way around the room to say goodbye to everyone.


  When we pulled up to the airport a short while later, I let out an exasperated sigh as I took notice of all the paparazzi gathered around, waiting to pounce. I knew deep down that I would never get used to this outlandish life Joey lived, but as I glanced over at his beautiful face that looked perplexed while looking out the window, I realized that I was more than willing to do and deal with anything as long as it meant I got to be with him.

  “You ready for this, baby?”

  I took in a deep breath as Joey leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss against my worry line between my overly tired eyes. “As long as you’re by my side...always.”

  As Joey exited the car, he turned and slipped his fingers through mine, protectively pulling me out of the car and into the airport. There were a million flashes going off and people screaming Joey’s name in every which direction, but he paid them no mind. It still amazes me that at his age he was able to handle himself with such poise. It was one of the many things I admire about him, and the number one thing I was thankful for in our relationship.

  Chapter 42


  Diem was fast asleep before we were even wheels up. It amazed me how easily she was able to fall asleep at any given moment. Me on the other hand, I hadn’t slept on a flight since I started playin’ ball professionally. I guess it was always in the back of my mind that if I let my guard down, for even just a second, that people would take advantage and start takin’ pictures of me and postin’ them all over the damn internet. The amount of paparazzi had literally doubled by the time our trip was over and we were arriving at the airport. It still shocked me how many people cared about where I was and what I was doin’. Luckily the situation was handled with ease, and I’m sure they were just salivating over the little press conference I gave outside the hospital.

  I rolled my eyes as I thought back to thrusting myself into the spotlight the way I did. I definitely wish I would’ve handled that situation better than I did, but there was no turnin’ back now.

  I slid my hand over Diem’s, clutchin’ it a bit tighter than I had anticipated, causin’ her to stir a bit. I placed a tender kiss on the smooth skin on the inside of her wrist, and then lightly set it back down on my leg, never lettin’ go of her. Thinkin’ back to all the ways I loved this girl was weighin’ heavy on my heart. Never for a single moment do I ever want her to feel anything but loved and adored by me. I want to spend forever with this girl, and now that her and Kayla seemed to be open to startin’ a friendship with one another, it’s just made it that much easier to fully commit to her, for the rest of our lives.

  I was just about to doze off when the captain came over the intercom to let us know that we were only 30 minutes away from San Francisco. I rolled my eyes in annoyance knowin’ that there was absolutely no way I would be gettin’ any sleep on this flight. Instead, my mind began racin’ with all of the unwanted thoughts that I’d been tryin’ to push down for who knows how long. As much as I loved that I get to do the one thing I’ve always wanted to do in this life, the notoriety was somethin’ I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get used to.

  Diem started wakin’ up just as we began makin’ our final descent. My insides were still all twisted up with anxiety when she glanced over at me with those gorgeous sparklin’ eyes. I swear there wasn’t a single time of day when she didn’t look absolutely stunning. A sly smirk toyed with the corners of my mouth as her hooded eyes took me in, and when that little sexy grin of hers appeared seconds later, I knew she wanted exactly what I did. Unfortunately, that would have to wait, because the Captain came on once more to let us know that we would be landing shortly.

  Twenty minutes later we were gatherin’ our things from the overhead bins and rushin’ off the plane like we were on fire. I gripped Diem’s tiny hand in mine, pullin’ her behind me until I found the closest available family restroom. I glanced around us a few times, in case there happened to be any paparazzi lurkin’ in the airport, and when the coast was clear, I tugged Diem into that bathroom, pullin’ her flush against my body as my arms slipped tightly around her tiny little waist.

  My lips crashed down on hers, takin’ full advantage of what was mine. My hand went to the nape of Diem’s neck, givin’ her hair a tight tug as a small moan escaped between our lips, as my other hand made quick work of unbuttoning her tight as sin jeans. Her hands caressed
the back of my neck as our tongues intertwined with one another’s. My hands roughly pushed her jeans and panties down as I spun her tight little body around, eager to be inside of her. I quickly bent her over the small sink that I had her pushed against, and without warning, I couldn’t help but watch her in the mirror as lust and pleasure took over her expression on her face. I clutched a chunk of her hair in my free hand while slappin’ her perfect ass with the other. I could feel her walls clench around me as I picked up the pace. Moan after moan slipped between her plump lips as my fingers found their way to her hardened nub. Within seconds, we were coming apart together, her name effortlessly rolled off my tongue as did mine from hers.

  We were both ridin’ out the pleasure we had just experienced, when there was a knock at the door, quickly bringin’ us both back to reality. As I glanced at Diem’s shocked expression in the mirror, I couldn’t help but bust up laughin’. I half expected her to be embarrassed or to rush gettin’ herself dressed, but to my surprise she started laughin’ right along with me.

  “Good on ya, Joey Green.” She playfully slapped me on the shoulder before getting herself dressed.

  “I didn’t see you complainin’.” I smirked before layin’ a long tender kiss to her beautiful mouth.

  “Never.” She smiled.

  We gathered up our belongings, and then I swung open the door, not givin’ a damn about the woman and her two kids impatiently waiting to use the restroom. I simply gave the mother a wink and a smile as I took Diem’s hand in mine, before slippin’ past them and towards baggage claim. Of course by the time we made it to the carousel where our bags should’ve been, everyone was gone, and our bags were sittin’ off to the side. This caused another fit of laughter from Diem and myself, and I instantly felt alive, like I had finally met my match in life. Someone who could laugh at situations like this, and not let it embarrass the shit outta them.

  When we finally pulled up outside of Diem’s house, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go in or not. It’s not that I didn’t want to spend time with Diem, because lord knows I did, but I wasn’t really in the mood to deal with her roommate and best friend, Troy, and I had to get in to speak with my coach, given the shit storm I was most likely going to have to deal with after my little impromptu trip to Texas.

  “Baby, don’t be mad.”

  Diem turned towards me in the passenger seat and her face instantly fell in disappointment. “You’re not coming in, are you?”

  “Unfortunately, no. I have to go see coach and deal with the fallout of what I did.”

  “I understand.” Her words said she understood, but the look on her face said something completely different.

  “Forgive me?” I tried to give her the best puppy dog eyes I could, but I could instantly tell it wasn’t workin’.

  “Call me tomorrow?”

  “Of course.” She placed a chaste kiss to my lips, pullin’ away before I even had the chance to deepen it. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.” And just like that, she was gone.

  I watched her walk up the long sidewalk that led to her house, tryin’ not to jump out of the truck and go after her. As much as I wanted to, I forced myself to put the damn truck in drive and take off to my place.

  After a quick, albeit much needed shower, I was snatchin’ my keys off of the front table and jumpin’ into my truck. My heart was racin’ a million miles a minute with fear and anticipation as to what my coach was goin’ to say to me. This meeting could go one of two ways, and the second way it could go, was most definitely not my favorite. All I wanted was for coach to understand and be reasonable in his disciplinary actions that were sure to ensue.

  I pulled up outside the team’s office, and my heart sank deep down into my stomach. I had to remind myself that I needed to just sit back and take responsibility for my actions. Hopefully it would be enough to keep my job. I shook the negative thoughts from my mind and quickly jumped down out of the truck to make my way over to the front door. There was a cute little redhead that buzzed me in, and for some odd reason just lookin’ at her put me at ease.

  “Well hello there, Mr. Green. How are you?”

  I started to question how she knew me, but then I remembered that I was considered somewhat a celebrity these days. That, and she works for my team, obviously. “I’m doin’ well. How are you today?”

  “I’m well, thanks. Coach Grady will be with you in just one minute if you want to just take a seat.” She pointed over at the five plush chairs in the far corner. I nodded, and then took a seat.

  A few minutes later, she was callin’ my name. I stood as Coach Grady approached me, hand extended out.

  “Joey Green, how are ya doin’, son?” He didn’t seem to be in a foul mood, so that was a plus.

  “I’m well, Coach. How are you?”

  “I’m hangin’ in there. Come on back.”

  I followed Coach down the long winding hallway that led to his office in the back. Surprisingly enough, my nerves had since dissipated and it was a fantastic feelin’. Coach motioned for me to take a seat in the high back leather chair across from his, and I did so without hesitation.

  “Well, let’s get down to business. I can’t say I’m happy about that little stunt you pulled in Texas, but I can say that I respect the hell out of you, son. When I got wind of what was going on, I half expected you to go off the rails and start cussing everyone out, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Standing up for your family and your girl that way, says a lot about your character.”

  A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as relief washed over me, but that quickly faded as he continued to speak.

  “The problem is, Joey, the situation you’ve got going on, is one that we weren’t necessarily prepared to deal with. There are some accusations flying around that aren’t necessarily sending the right message to the League.”

  My heart dropped down to my feet as I took in a long strangled breath as he began to speak again.

  “For now, we’re going to keep going the way we have been, but I need you to do me a favor.” He looked at me with a relentless look.

  “Anything, Coach.” I held my hands up in mock surrender, willin’ to do anything to keep my dream of playin’ in the NFL alive.

  “Absolutely no more speaking with the press. With situations like this, it’s easier to just let them guess and assume whatever they want, but as long as you’re not responding, they have no factual evidence to support anything that they say. Now, if it comes down to something serious and it needs to be addressed, the league will address it, not you. Got it?”

  I sat back in my chair, breathin’ a sigh of relief as I nodded vigorously in agreement. “Hand to God, I promise.”

  “Glad to hear it, Green. You’re one player we would hate to lose.”

  And just like that, I was back on cloud nine. I stood and extended my hand out for coach’s. “Thank you for this, Coach. I appreciate y’all givin’ me a chance, more than you know.”

  “Just prove me right. Show me that we made the right choice in picking you.”

  “Will do.”

  “Alright. See you at practice bright and early.”

  “You bet your ass you will.” I instantly regretting the words that had just left my mouth. I just smiled, and turned to walk out of Coach’s office.

  “Joey, I hope it all works out for you, and that this blows over quickly.”

  I turned with a wide smile on my face, “Thanks.” For the first time, in, I don’t even know how long, I felt a sense of pure unbridled pride. Pride in the man that I had become and continued to grow into every day, and knowin’ that my coach believed in that man also, made me want to do whatever I could in my power to prove him right.

  As I strolled out of the offices with a newfound sense of pride, there was only one person I wanted to share in my joy. I quickly clicked on her name and waited impatiently as the phone began to ring. I jumped up into my truck hopin’ she would answer, but by the fourth ring it was starti
n’ to look like she wasn’t goin’ to. My thumb was hoverin’ over the end call button, when I suddenly heard her breathlessly say my name.

  “Jo, you there?”

  A joyous grin spread across my face as I took in a deep cleansin’ breath. “Hey, KJ. How goes it?”

  “You know, livin’ the dream.” She laughed, and I smiled even wider.

  “How are my girls doin’?”

  “We’re doin’ good, Jo. Mia is gettin’ too big for her britches, and I’m just over here bein’ beyond uncomfortable in my pregnant state.”

  I let out a loud thunderous laugh as I pictured Mia runnin’ around the house like a chicken with her head cut off, and KJ miserably chasin’ after her. It was comical. At least in my head it was. “Well that sounds fun and all.”

  “You’re not funny, Joey Green.” I could hear her smile through the phone as irritation flooded her tone. “Not that I don’t love hearin’ from you, Jo, but what’s goin’ on? I usually don’t hear from you at the beginning of the week.”

  “Honestly, I just wanted to talk to my best friend. Something great happened when I met with my coach today, and I couldn’t wait to tell you.” Before I even finished my sentence I knew exactly what she was goin’ to ask me.

  “Jo, I absolutely love that we’re back to where we were forever ago and that you want to share things with me, but have you called Diem to tell her?”

  There was a long pregnant pause before I finally cleared my throat, “No, not yet. I guess I should’ve called her first, huh?”

  “Jo, that’s not what I’m sayin’. I’m not sayin’ that she has to be your first call, every time. I guess I was just curious is all. I just don't want her to ever feel as though she’s second best. That’s all. But tell me the good news.”

  I instantly breathed a sigh of relief, “Well, he wanted to talk about my impromptu interview with the press while I was home, and I for sure thought I was gonna get kicked off the team, but thank god it didn’t go that way. He pretty much just gave me a slap on the wrist. He was concerned with what’s goin’ on, but he told me no more interviews and to stop commenting on the entire ordeal. I guess if it gets bad and doesn’t die down, then he’ll have the team’s lawyers take care of addressing it. KJ, I was so worried. I honestly thought that I was gonna lose it all.”


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