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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 30

by Amanda Bennett

  As my vision came back into focus, I could see the horrendous situation playing out before me. My car was completely smashed into the side of the tunnel. Cars whipped past me at a dizzying pace, but not a single one stopped to see if I was ok. I tried to reach for my phone, but my purse had flown onto the floor on the passenger side and was now crumpled beneath the wreckage. I knew it was impossible to get to it, and I let out a small aching sigh, knowing that I had no way to contact anybody. I was fading in and out of consciousness, when I remembered that I could use Siri to call. I immediately tried to push myself up enough to speak. I let out a loud groan as metal scraped my insides.

  “Hey Siri, call Joey.”

  “Calling Joey.”

  I waited for what felt like a million years when Jo finally answered. “Baby, where are you?”

  “” I sputtered as blood spilled from the corner of my mouth. “He...lll...pppp.”

  “Jesus, baby.” I could hear the strain in his voice as he began to cry. “I’m almost to you, Diem. Stay with me.”

  I nodded, knowing full well he couldn’t see me, but it was the only thing I could do.

  “Diem, are you still with me?” A sob escaped his throat, and my heart constricted with fear. “Diem?”


  “It’s ok, baby. I’m pullin’ up now.”

  The phone disconnected just as red and blue lit up the entire night sky around me. I held my breath as I waited for Joey to come to my rescue. When his face didn’t appear right away I began to panic, and of course that panic caused me to start choking on the blood that I was regurgitating. I was gasping for air, choking on my own blood, and all I could see was black. This was it. This was how it all ended for me. I was about to fade back out when I saw Joey’s face come into focus for just a brief moment. His warm hands scorched my freezing skin as he pulled my face up to his, planting a chaste kiss against my lips. Ah heaven. I vividly remember kissing him briefly before it all went black again, only this time, I didn't wake back up.

  Chapter 48


  Her body went limp in my arms just as the paramedics pulled her away from me, placin’ her lifeless body onto the backboard. This couldn’t be happening. This can’t be the way things end for us. She was my everything, and I would fight for her until my very last breath, or apparently her very last breath.

  “Sir?” I felt a tight tug against my shirt, but paid it no mind as I sat crouched on the ground, starin’ into oblivion. “SIR?”

  I blinked my eyes a few times to bring myself back to it, “Yes?”

  “Are you ridin’ along with the ambulance to the hospital? If so, we need to go.”

  “Yes. Yes I am.” I pushed myself up off of the ground and hightailed it over to the open door on the back of the ambulance where the love of my life lay helpless.

  My mind went completely blank the entire ride to the hospital, the only sounds I could comprehend were the monitors and their incessant beeping. I just needed everything to be ok. I needed her to be ok.

  I didn’t even know we were at the hospital until I was the only person left in the back of the ambulance. It was all a blur. I mindlessly made my way into the hospital in search of the paramedics, and Diem. Everything was moving in slow motion, including myself. People passed by at a glacial pace. Doctors looked me up and down before turning back to their charts in their hands and walking by. Patients stared at me as I glanced in their direction. My head was swimming with worry and doubt, with no end in sight. My head swung back and forth, tryin’ to figure out which way was up and which was down, when I was suddenly stopped by a man’s arm holdin’ me back.

  “I’m sorry, sir. This is as far as we can let you go. You can wait in that waiting room right over there, and someone will come and let you know how she’s doing in just a bit.”

  I glanced over at the glass encased room he pointed at, and then back at him, “I’m sorry what? Where is she goin’? I need to stay with her.”

  “You can’t, sir. She’s headed back to surgery. You’ll have to stay out here until further notice.” My mouth hung open in disbelief as he turned to walk away, but then he suddenly turned back around and I was suddenly filled with hope. “Oh I completely forgot.” He held out a plastic bag for me to take. “Here are her things that we gathered from the crash.” And just like that, he was gone again.

  I clutched Diem’s belongings against my chest as I held in every single emotion I was feelin’ at that very moment. I wanted to lash out. I wanted to chuck the bag through the god damn glass of that fuckin’ waiting room, but I didn’t. I just simply held the bag and forced my feet to carry me to where I would wait for, who knows how long, to find out if she was goin’ to be alright.

  The clock ticked second by second as I sat starin’ at absolutely nothin’, questioning every single decision I’d ever made in my life. This was my fault, and I had absolutely no control on how to fix it. More seconds ticked by, and eventually my eyes began to close with exhaustion from the events of the day, and even though the clock was on the wall right in front of me, I couldn't even tell you what time it was. I was driftin’ off to sleep when I felt the plastic bag I still clutched to my chest, begin to vibrate. My eyes shot open wide, and I quickly began searchin’ through the bag for her phone. The screen was completely shattered, but through the fragments I could see a picture of Troy and Diem. I gently slid my finger across the screen, tryin’ not to cut myself in the process.

  “Hello?” I sounded breathless and agitated, causin’ Troy to immediately ask the one question I feared answerin’.

  “Is everything ok, Jo?”

  I tried to catch my breath before answerin’ her, but it was pointless, “There was an accident.” I managed to sputter out.

  “Where are you? I’m on my way.”

  “San Francisco Memorial. I’m in the waiting room in the surgical wing.” Without another word the phone went dead.

  I didn’t want to do what I knew I needed to do next, but I did anyway. I pulled my phone from my front pocket and dialed the only other person in the world that I knew would be here for me no matter what. The phone rang three times and I knew it was about to go to voicemail, but then her sleep ridden voice broke through the line.

  “Jo, what’s going on? What time is it?”

  “I’m so sorry to wake you, KJ. There was an accident. Diem is in the hospital.” I heard a loud gasp before her voice came back on the line.

  “Holy shit. What happened? Is she alright?”

  I sat there with my head in my hands, shaking it in fear. “No. She’s in surgery.” I could feel the unshed tears beginning to sting my eyes, but I quickly pushed them back down and took in a deep breath before I finished telling Kayla what was goin’ on. “I don’t know exactly what happened. She called me after it happened, and then she lost consciousness. Kayla, I don’t know what to do.”

  “Oh my god, Jo. I’m so sorry. I’m up and getting packed as we speak. Madison just called the grandparents, they’re gonna watch Mia. We are headed to the airport now. We will be there as soon as we can. Text me all the information.”

  I nodded my head before soon realizing that Kayla couldn’t see me, “Thank you, KJ. You don’t even know how much this means to me.”

  “I love you, Jo. We’ll be there soon.”

  “Yeah, love you too.”

  After hangin’ up with Kayla, I began pacin’ throughout the waiting room. I’m sure every person walkin’ past, thought I was a mad man, but I was far beyond caring what anyone else thought of me in this moment. I was on my four hundredth lap I’m sure, when Troy came barrelin’ through the door and straight into my arms.

  “Oh my god, Jo. Have you heard anything?”

  “No,” I muttered into the top of her head as I hung onto her as tightly as I possibly could.

  When she pulled back, I wanted to let it all go. I wanted to cry a river right there in this damn hospital, but I couldn’t. Troy wasn’t the person I could
do that in front of. I just had to wait until KJ showed up.

  I pulled Troy over to the chair next to mine and took her hand in mine. “Are you ok?”

  “I don’t know.” She sighed. “This is all...just so much to take in. Have you called her dad yet?”

  “Shit!” I glanced up at Troy, irritation written all over my face. “I guess I should, huh?”

  “I think it would be best coming from you.” She gave my hand a tight squeeze. “I’ll be right here.”

  I nodded as I pulled out Diem’s phone again, found her dad’s number, and waited for him to pick up. I wasn’t his biggest fan, given how he has treated Kayla over the years, but I knew this was the right thing to do.

  “Hi honey, how are you?” I hated to ruin his day.

  “Hi Cliff, it’s actually Joey.”

  “Oh...hey, Joey. Where’s Diem?”

  “Um...well...that’s the reason I’m callin’ actually.” I paused just long enough for him to really let loose on me.

  “Where’s my daughter, Joey? You need to answer me this instant.”

  If only he worried this much about his other daughter. I thought to myself before answerin’ him back in an authoritative tone. I wasn’t about to let him act like he could talk to me as if I were his child. “There was an accident earlier. Diem is actually in surgery. She’s been in there for about two hours now. I don’t have any updates yet.” I sat back extremely proud of myself for the way I was speakin’ to him. Every time I had spoken with him before I had let him intimidate me, but this time I showed him that I was a man, and not some boy datin’ his daughter. Of course the gloatin’ in my mind quickly ceased as he began to speak.

  “This is all your fault. You know that right? If she were dating a normal boy who isn’t constantly being followed around, she’d be home with me, and not getting into accidents.” I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off before I could even get a word in edgewise. “Don’t even try to defend yourself. I’m not interested in what you have to say anymore. I’m on the next flight out. Text me the hospital’s address, and any updates.”

  I pulled the cracked phone away from my ear and almost threw it across the room, before Troy caught my hand midair. Who the hell did he think he was? He had some fuckin’ nerve speakin’ to me as if I’m a piece of shit, when he’s the biggest piece of shit of them all. The man who abandoned his oldest daughter and wife to go start a new life, with a new family. Oh he was definitely goin’ to get a piece of my mind when he finally got here.

  Rage coursed through my veins as the hours ticked by, makin’ me angrier and angrier with every passin’ minute. I was just about to blow, when suddenly her angelic face appeared. I flung open the door and practically ran into her arms as she came walkin’ down that ominous white hallway. My arms wrapped so tightly around her neck as she squeezed hers around my waist, and that’s when the dam broke. Endless tears began streamin’ down my cheeks as I buried my face into her neck. Her hands moved up and down my back in soothing motions, and I could feel Madison’s presence dissipate.

  What felt like hours later, I was slowly pullin’ back from Kayla, grasping her sweet face in my hands as I placed a chaste kiss to her cheek. “Thank you so much for comin’ all the way out here.”

  “No thanks necessary, Jo. Not only do I want to be here for you, but she’s my sister, and I just got her.”

  I swiped away the stray tear that fell down her rosy cheek just before pullin’ her back into another deep hug. I pulled back, clutching her hand in mine as I led her through the doors to the waiting room where Madison and Troy sat in silence. I was just about to sit down next to all of them when I saw Cami and Glenn’s faces appear from around the corner. I glanced over at Kayla as she shrugged her shoulders at me.

  “I figured you’d want everyone here.” She smiled.

  I stood and made my way over to my big brother. His arms wrapped me up in an embrace that had me cryin’ all over again. As I soaked my brother’s t-shirt, I felt Cami’s nibble arms wrap around mine and Glenn’s waists. I gently tugged her into my side, thankful for her, and everyone else. This was what I needed all family.

  Chapter 49


  I felt a large hand clasp down on my shoulder, jarring me awake. I instantly sat up, carefully moving Kayla’s head from my other shoulder, tryin’ not to wake everyone up. When I looked up, there was a rather large man in a white coat standin’ in front of me. He quietly pointed towards the door, and I nodded in understanding. I slid out from under everyone’s arms and made my way out into the hallway.

  “Mr. Green, I presume?”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “The surgery went well. It took a hell of a lot longer than we anticipated, obviously. She had quite a bit of internal bleeding, but we were finally able to get it all under control. She has a broken leg, as well as a broken clavicle, but the good news is that she’ll survive. We have her up in the ICU. You can go up and see her in just a little bit. They’re just getting her situated and making sure she’s comfortable. I’ll have the nurse come down and get you once you’re able to see her. Sound good?”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you so much.” I held my hand out to shake his, and felt instant relief when he took my hand and patted my on the shoulder with his other hand.

  “If you need anything, please let us know.”

  “Will do. Thanks again.”

  “Of course. I’ll be in to check on her a little bit later. Try to get some rest.”

  I was just about to head back into the waiting room when I heard his boisterous voice echoing throughout the floor. I rolled my eyes as I let them fall shut for a brief second before turning in the direction of where he was coming from.

  “Joey Green!”

  “Cliff.” I groaned.

  “Don’t you dare take that tone with me, son. Where’s my daughter?”

  “Which one?” I growled in response.

  “Diem of course. You know exactly…”

  Cliff’s face went stark white as I turned to look in the direction he was looking. Kayla was standin’ and makin’ her way out of the door to the waiting room. I wasn’t exactly sure how this was going to go, so I moved to Kayla’s side.

  “Do you want me to stay?” I mumbled into her ear. She simply nodded against the side of my head as she pulled my hand into hers, practically breakin’ it.

  “I...uh...I didn’t know…” It was funny to see him at a loss for words.

  “You didn’t expect me to be here?” She grimaced. “She’s my sister.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant…”

  “You just meant that you didn’t expect to have to see your oldest daughter as you run to your youngest daughter’s side. Yeah, I wouldn’t know what that feels like, to have a dad that actually gives a shit about you and your well being.” Kayla’s grip tightened around my hand, but thankfully Madison was tappin’ me on the shoulder to take over. I slipped my hand out of Kayla’s death grip and transferred it to Madison’s.

  Soon everyone was awake and standing together in solidarity as Kayla let her dad have it.

  “It’s sad when you wait your whole life for someone to show up, and they don’t. What’s even worse is finding out you have a sister, and she’s more interested in knowing about you than your own father is. I know you probably have all sorts of excuses for why you never came around, or came to save me from my abusive mother, but I don’t care to hear them or ever know them. Just know that you have one daughter, not two, and you will have to live with never knowing me or my life, or your grandkids.”

  Kayla took a deep breath before turning into Madison’s arms, not letting a single tear drop from her beautiful eyes. I was so beyond proud in this moment, and I couldn’t wait to see her dad’s reaction.

  “Kayla?” Cliff’s voice was hoarse, and I could tell that she hit him right in the heart, but she never turned towards her father.

  She held her chin up high and we all walked back into the
waiting room together. Cliff eventually sulked his way into the room, not making eye contact with a single one of us until the doctor came back in.

  “Mr. Green, you can go see her now.” The doctor nodded in my direction.

  I slowly stood, lookin’ to see if her dad would protest me goin’ to see her first, but he just sat there as stoic as could be. I knew I should’ve taken the high road and let her dad go in first, but I needed this more than I needed air to breathe at the moment.

  I followed the doctor to the elevator, and we rode silently up to the third floor. When we came to Diem’s room, he simply nodded for me to go in. I wasn’t sure what to expect, or even what state Diem was in, but I picked myself up and made my way into the room.

  Beeping monitors flooded my mind as I made my way across the tiny room and over to Diem’s bedside. I quietly slid the one and only chair in the room over to her side, takin’ her fragile hand in mine. Her arm on the side where she broke her clavicle was now in a sling, huggin’ her arm tightly to her chest. My eyes skimmed down the rest of her body, takin’ in the sight of the cast that now covered her right leg and foot. Before I could fixate on the guilt I was beginning to feel, my eyes made their way back up her body, eventually stoppin’ on her face. Deep dark bruises littered her perfectly beautiful face, and my heart instantly stopped and dropped to my feet. I did this. This was my fault and nobody else’s. I gave her hand that I was holdin’ a tight squeeze, hopin’ she could feel my agony over all of this. My head fell to the mattress with a hard thump as tears spilled down my cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can’t believe I put you in this situation. I just hope one day you can forgive me.” I sobbed, as I whispered against the bed. “Although I wouldn’t blame you if you never did.”


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