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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 36

by Amanda Bennett

  My hands dropped under her ass, pullin’ her up and onto my cock as I tightly wrapped her legs around my waist. I shuffled my feet across the slick tile until her back was flush against the wall. “Hold on to the top of the glass.” I whispered into her ear so low and seductively that I felt her insides pulse around me. “Now hold on tight.”

  Without further warning, I slammed into Kayla hard, but slow enough not to hurt her. My fingers diggin’ into her plump ass as I pulled her up, and then slammed into her again. Over and over I moved in and out of her at a meticulously slow pace, pushin’ her to the edge, but then pullin’ her back before she could fall over. She felt so fuckin’ good, and as much as I wanted to take my time with her, I had lost all restraint. A few more pumps and I could feel her pussy greedily sucking me in as I emptied myself deep inside of her. I wasn’t sure if it was the stress of the last couple days, the way her pregnant body turned me on, or if I was just fuckin’ horny as all hell, but that was literally the best sex I think we’d ever had.

  As the water still ran down my back, I gently lowered her to the ground on her shaky feet. “I missed you last night.” She moaned into my mouth as she pressed her lips against mine.

  “Me too. How did it go?”

  “Ah, the million dollar question. Is that why I came home to find my three favorite people all cuddled in bed together?” She laughed.

  “What are you talkin’ about? That’s a normal Monday night for us. You just don’t know.” I joked before stealin’ a few more kisses.

  “It actually went really well. I’ll tell ya all about it over breakfast?”

  “Yes please. Let’s get dressed and wake the other two lovebirds, see if they wanna join.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Twenty more minutes and we were dryin’ off and gettin’ dressed for the day. When we emerged from the bathroom, Cam and Glenn were up and makin’ their way over to the door.

  “Hey, y’all wanna get some breakfast with us?”

  “For sure, give us like twenty.”

  “Meet y’all downstairs.”

  I had a feeling this day was goin’ to be one of the best in a week of nothin’ but bad.

  Chapter 57


  “So it went well?” Cami’s excitement caught me a little off guard given that she knew everything about my history with my father.

  “I guess you could say that.”

  “Well from what you’ve told us so far, it seems that way.”

  I rolled my eyes in irritation, “It did and it didn’t. I guess the thing I got from our conversation was that we’re both willing to start working on it. But I also told him that if he wasn’t in it for the long haul, then he shouldn’t even bother.”

  “And what did he say to that?”

  “He said he was in this for the long haul. He wants us to start fresh and get to know each other. He wants to meet Madison, “officially”, and eventually he said he would like to meet Mia. I don’t know, Cam. It’s not that I don’t want to, because I do. You know me, I’ve wanted a relationship with my father, my entire life, but I’m scared. It’s not just me anymore. I have to think about Madison, and Mia, and this soon enough this little one.” My hand fell protectively to my belly. “Not to mention, my grandparents. That’s gonna be a shit show all in itself. My granddad blames my father for absolutely everything that’s ever happened to me and my mom. Obviously he knows that my mother was at fault because of her drinking and drug use, but he firmly believes that my father should’ve came and saved me from all of that. Honestly, talking to my granddad about my father gives me the worst anxiety.”

  “He’s not even my granddad, and I get nervous talking to him.” We both laughed.

  “What’s so funny over here?” Madison was suddenly at my side, drapin’ his arm around my shoulders.

  “We were just talking about how we get nervous talkin’ to my granddad.”

  “You guys get nervous? Try bein’ me.” He joked. “I swear, every time I talk to him I get a little more self conscious. It’s crazy how one man has the ability to make you question yourself as a man.” Glenn and Madison started bustin’ up like a bunch of school girls. I playfully pushed Madison away from me, and went back to my conversation with Cami. “Oh come on, I was just jokin’ around. Don’t be like that, darlin’.”

  I turned to him with a goofy look on my face, “I’m not bein’ like anything. Just playin’ around with you.” He placed a chaste kiss to my lips, and then scooted back over to talk with Glenn at the other end of the table.

  “Have you heard from Joey at all today?” Cami’s playful nature turned to one of concern in a matter of seconds.

  “He sent me a text this morning, saying that there was some serious shit goin’ on with Diem. He said he was going to meet up with us later today to tell us what’s going on.”

  “Oh my god, I wonder what it is.”

  “I honestly have no idea.”

  “You ladies ready to go?”

  Cami and I nodded as we stood from our booth and started makin’ our way out to the rental car. Today the four of us were going to spend the day doing all the touristy stuff that San Francisco had to offer. First up, Alcatraz, and then after that we planned on spending the rest of the day at Fisherman’s Wharf, Ghirardelli chocolate factory, the aquarium, and of course eating at Bubba Gump’s. I was so damn excited that I literally couldn’t contain myself. I just hope that Cami and I can keep up with the boys.


  A couple hours later, it was time to meet up with Jo at Bubba Gump’s to get something to eat. I for one was starving, and I’m sure Cami was feelin’ the same way. It was a good thing that we had made a reservation, because there was a line out the door just to get inside. We had just walked through the door, when Joey waved us over.

  “Oh my god, I’ve never seen a restaurant so damn busy.” I leaned in to give Joey a big hug, and was shocked when he didn’t let me go right away. “Everything ok?” I whispered into his ear so no one else could hear me.

  “Not in the slightest. I’ll tell you all about it once we’re seated.” I nodded as he slipped his arms from around me and proceeded to say hi to everyone else.

  “Hey man, how’s Diem?” Glenn gave Joey a quick hug, and then stood back waiting for his response.

  “She’s hangin’ in there, bro. Let’s go sit down.”

  We all followed Joey and the hostess to a back corner booth. My mouth fell open in awe at the view in front of us. I couldn’t get over how gorgeous this place was, it almost made me want to up and move out here...almost. Once we were all situated, of course Joey sat right next to me, he started in on what was going on.

  “He showed up at her fuckin’ house. I had literally just left maybe 15 minutes before he showed up.”

  “So she was all alone?” Glenn pried.

  “Yeah, bro. When I got back to the house, a detective showed up. He fully admitted to everything, and luckily Diem was smart about it, and she recorded everything. Needless to say, they picked him up last night and he’s lookin’ at some serious time. I’m just glad it’s all over with. I feel like such an asshole for puttin’ her in this position. If I didn’t play professional ball, she never would’ve been in harm’s way.”

  I clutched Joey’s hand tightly and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Jo, it’s not your fault. You have to realize that she chose to be with you knowing full well what your life entails. I’ve talked to her about it, and she doesn’t blame you at all.”

  “I know, but it still sucks.”

  “I know, hun.”

  “So are you still leavin’ for Arizona on Thursday?”

  “Yeah, man. I don’t have a choice. Troy is all prepared to take care of Diem, and I told her if Diem needs anything at all, to call or text me.”

  “We both know how hard it is to leave our girls when we don’t have a choice, Jo. Just know that we’re always here for you.”

  “I appreciate it, Madison. I really do. I know if any
one would understand my frustration, it would be you guys.”

  We spent the next couple of hours talkin’ and hangin’ out on the pier, and before we knew it, it was time for us to head back to the hotel and pack. It was a short trip, but I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with everyone. The reason behind the visit sucked, but it was starting to feel like it did when we all lived in Texas. I let everyone say goodbye to Jo before I did. I felt like I needed a few extra minutes with him before we left and didn’t see each other for who knows how long.

  “I’ll hopefully see you guys soon.” Joey waved to everyone as they left us alone to go get the car.

  “Hey, how did things go with your dad?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, still feeling indifferent about it, “We decided to start fresh. See if we can build a relationship. I’m trying to not let myself get too excited, you know?”

  “I get it. I really do hope it all works out for you, KJ. You deserve everything in this world, especially a relationship with your father. I’m sorry this has happened to you, all of it. But I do want to say thank you for being here for Diem, and for me. It means the world to me.”

  “Always, Jo.” I stood on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled him in for a big hug. “I love ya, Jo. I’m always here for you, any time, any place.”

  “I love you too, KJ. Call me when y’all get in tomorrow so I know you got there safe.”

  “Will do.”

  I swiped a stray tear away from my face before sliding into the front seat next to Madison. “You ok?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” His hand was resting on my leg, and I slid my fingers through his, finding comfort in the one person I needed it from the most.

  It sucked that we wouldn’t have time to see Diem one last time before we left, but with her having to go down to the courthouse to get her order of protection, and everything else, we totally understood. I would see her soon enough anyway.


  The flight home took longer than expected. For some reason unbeknownst to us and every other passenger, they thought it would be a good idea to get everyone on the plane, and then taxi us towards the runway, just to sit for two hours. It was beyond ridiculous and as much as I wanted to bitch and complain, it wouldn’t have done any good. So I bitched and moaned to Madison, and Cami, and Glenn. Needless to say, they all decided collectively to ignore me the rest of the flight. Of course they all thought that they’d won by doing this, but I was the actual winner today. I popped in my headphones, put my seat back as far as it would go, and drifted off to sleep. Well...when I say sleep, I actually mean closing my eyes, because as much as I wanted to just drown everyone and everything out and catch up on some much needed rest, the baby sitting a few rows back had other plans for me. Along with the baby’s incessant crying, we were forced to listen to her mother’s loud and annoying voice as she practically shouted the conversation she was having with her husband. I glanced over at Madison, who was staring out the window at a sea of clouds, thankful that we didn’t have that type of relationship. I weaved my fingers through his, holding his hand tightly as I placed it on my lap.

  “You doin’ ok?” His lips grazed my earlobe as he spoke, sending a slight shiver down my spine.


  “Are you sure, darlin’? I know it’s been an emotionally fueled couple of days.”

  “It has, but what can I do? At this point, I just roll with the punches.”

  “I’m sorry, pretty girl.” His lips fell to mine and I took full advantage. I pushed my fingers back through his hair, pullin’ his face close to mine.

  A few seconds later I pulled back, breathless. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve loved to let him ravage me in the bathroom, or even right here in this very seat, but my stomach had been extremely upset since last night, and I wasn’t really in the mood.

  We landed a couple hours later, and I was beyond excited to get to see my baby girl. Even though we were only gone for a few days, it felt like months since I’d seen her beautiful face. We were coming down the escalators when I caught sight of Mia tryin’ to pry herself out of my granddad’s hold. I let out a small laugh as I watched her try and fail at this so many times. When we reached the bottom and were headed in their direction, my granddad finally let her down, and she came runnin’ at Madison and myself, full speed ahead. I instantly dropped my bag and crouched down to swoop up my baby.

  “Momma, momma.” Her arms were stretched out wide as I picked her up, swinging her around in circles until I was ready to puke.

  “Oh, I missed you so much, baby girl. Did you have fun with Granddad and Gran?”

  “I did! I did!” Her excitement was written all over her face, and it made my heart so happy to know that she was ok while we were gone.

  Mia was squirming out of my arms to get to Madison, so I quickly handed her off and made my way over to my grandparents. “Hi Granddad. How was she?” I wrapped my arms tightly around my granddad’s waist, thankful for all that he does.

  “She was just like her momma, a handful and a half.”

  I pulled back, my arms still around his waist, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “You know you love it.” I smiled.

  “Every second of it.” He replied as he kissed the top of my head.

  “It’s my turn, honey.” My gran was pullin’ me away from my granddad, wrappin’ her tired weathered arms around my neck. “We missed you so much, darlin’.”

  “Aw, we missed y’all too.”

  “How is your baby sister doin’?”

  My gran pulled back and took my hand as we made our way over to baggage claim, “She’s doin’ ok. A bit banged up, but she’ll be fine.”

  “And how about that man that claims to be your father?” And there it was.

  I knew it was going to be hard to tell my grandparents everything that my father said to me, but the contempt and disdain that they felt for that man, ran far deeper than even I knew. So I made the decision to keep a lot of what was said to myself until I felt more comfortable tellin’ them. “He’s doin’ fine. He was quite surprised to see me at the hospital, that’s for sure.”

  “I bet he was. He was probably surprised to see you at all. Maybe if he had made a better effort when you were younger…” Her voice trailed off, not finishing the thought, probably because she didn’t want to hurt me, but most likely because talkin’ about my father seemed to just piss her right off. “Any who, I have to say, darlin’, I’m glad you and your sister were able to find a relationship between y’all. I guess if anything good came from your father runnin’ off and startin’ a new family, it was that you have a sibling.”

  I know she was only being this way because she cares so much about me, but now I was just startin’ to get pissed off. I expected my granddad to react this way, but not my gran. Though I agreed with her, it was frustrating me to no end the way she was talkin’ about my father. I mean, she kind of has to lay blame with my mother as well. I didn’t want to take it out on her, so I chose to ignore it and grab my bags.

  “I can get it, pretty girl.” Madison was instantly at my side, reachin’ for my luggage as it came around on the carousel.

  “Thanks, cowboy.” I snuck in a quick kiss before turning back to my gran.

  “Has that Green boy asked your sister for her hand yet?” I rolled my eyes in irritation, but I was thankful we were at least off the topic of my father.

  “Not yet, Gran. I’m guessing soon though.” I would’ve given anything to get away from the conversation.

  I picked up the pace, enough to catch up with Madison and Mia. Of course, Madison was in an in-depth conversation with my granddad, so I reached for Mia’s hand and we began skipping our way to the truck. I buckled Mia into her car seat, and then proceeded to the other door to get inside. Just as I was about to jump into the truck, Madison caught my hand, pullin’ me back into him as he wrapped his arms securely around my waist. I glanced up at him with nothing but love and adoration.

  “I o
nly heard bits and pieces of your conversation with your gran, but I’m sorry you had to deal with that as soon as we got home.”

  “I just don’t understand. It’s not like their daughter was this shining example of a perfect parent. It’s not that I completely forgive my father, but he’s the only parent I’ve got left.” I let out an aggravated sigh, “I just wish they’d try and understand where I’m coming from.”

  “I know, darlin’.” Madison pushed a few stray hairs from my face, tucking them securely behind my ear. “But the sooner you tell them, the better. Maybe that’ll be the push they need to start on the path of forgiveness. They only want you to be happy.” I nodded as he bent down and placed a tender kiss to my waiting lips. “I love you, pretty girl.”

  “I love you too, cowboy.”

  Forty-five minutes later, we were pullin’ up to the house. I was confused as to why they didn’t just drop us off at home, but then my granddad spoke up.

  “Your gran has been hard at work cookin’ a large spread for y’all. After dinner we can drop y’all off at home.” I nodded in appreciation.

  We were halfway through dinner when I decided to broach the subject. Lord help me. “Hey Granddad, Gran?”

  “Yes, darlin’.”

  “I need to talk to y’all about somethin’.” I wiped my mouth and placed my napkin on the table next to my plate. Madison glanced over at me, worry in his eyes, but he just clutched onto my hand, givin’ me the support I needed. “So as y’all know, I saw my father while in California. And before y’all say anything snide or remotely rude, think about me, your granddaughter, and her feelings.” I could tell my gran was bitin’ her tongue real hard. “I went to dinner with him while we were there, and we ended up having a really good talk. I know he’s not perfect, and believe you me, he regrets what he did, but there’s also factors that none of us were aware of that played into his decisions in life. Now, y’all can sit there and act like my mother was this amazing human, but we all know she wasn’t. Sure, she was my mother, but the things that woman did to me, and said to me, aren’t things a mother says to their child...ever. So I’m tellin’ y’all now, my father and I are working on our relationship, and if y’all want to continue to be a part of mine and my family’s life, then you’ll accept my decision, and go along with it.” I glanced at Madison, and then back at my grandparents who seemed stunned.


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