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The Winner Is Love

Page 14

by Stephanie Payne Hurt

  Chapter 14

  When Stacy walked into her house it seemed different. It felt empty. She walked into the den and dropped down on the couch, closed her eyes and wondered where Slade was. She had lost her heart this weekend. Slade took it with him to California.

  She grabbed her cell phone and called Randi. Of course she said she was on her way over and hung up. Randi would not believe this or would she?

  Randi came through the door twenty minutes later. She took one look at Stacy and went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

  When the coffee was ready she walked into the den and handed a cup to Stacy. “Ok, tell me everything. You’re pale and look like you’ve lost everything.”

  “It was a beautiful place. Like a picture from a book. We lost power the first night. That was interesting.” She smiled remembering. “We had to sleep on the pull out sofa to stay warm.”

  Randi’s head shot up and she smiled. “Well, that must’ve been interesting. I want details.” She snuggled in closer to her friend and hung on her every word.

  “It was great. He was a total gentleman. It was as though we’d known each other forever. We got along so well.” A look of lonesomeness swept over her face. Randi patted her on the arm.

  “It looks like you might have got along a little too well.” Randi was concerned. She’d never seen her friend like this. It was as though she’d changed in the last four days.

  “Well, we did decide to see each other again. I felt as though my heart was soaring when I was with him. He was funny, smart, and just plain fun to be with. He even cooked breakfast over the fire in the fireplace. It was delicious. He was nothing like I expected. Slade was so much more.” Her eyes drifted off to a dream world.

  “I think someone lost their heart.” She smiled as tears started to stream down Stacy’s face. She pulled her friend into an embrace and cried with her. She never could let someone cry alone. It just wasn’t happening.

  “Randi, I did lose my heart. I feel as though I have a huge hole where my heart was. I miss him so much already. Is this normal?”

  “That’s the way they describe love in the novels. You feel as though you can’t be apart.”

  “That’s it. I don’t want to be away from him. I know that sounds silly, but it’s the way I feel. I love him Randi. Is that crazy?”

  “No honey, it’s not. How does he feel?” She was suddenly worried. What if he was acting? She’d have his head on a platter.

  “He said he couldn’t stand the thought of being apart. But he had to fly out of the country tomorrow for a shoot. He’s calling me tonight. We’re going to video chat while he’s out of the country.”

  “Sounds like the true deal my dear friend. I’m so glad I entered you in the contest.” They sat there for a while sipping their coffee and thinking. Then Randi’s face split in a wicked smile. “Did you find my gift?”

  “Yes we did. He was standing in the doorway talking to me when I opened my suitcase. I quickly shut it but he was intrigued and opened it to pull out the flimsy nightie.”

  “Well, did he like it better on or off?” She winked and laughed.

  Stacy hit her playfully on the arm. “He liked it immensely, but it stayed in the suitcase.”

  “Oh, so no time for frills. Just straight to it, huh.”

  Stacy turned red and grinned. “It wasn’t like that at all. He said he wanted our first time to be right. So we’re waiting.”

  “Ok, so he’s mister morals. That’s good.” They sat and talked for over an hour. Stacy described the chalet and the land around it. She told her all about the jet. Her jaws hurt by the time Randi got up to leave.

  She hugged her friend. “Well, I’m glad you had a good time and got some much needed rest.”

  “It was really nice. Thanks for entering me in the contest.” She watched Randi leave and walked back into the house.

  She called her parents and told them she was home. They talked for a moment and then she went up to get in a bubble bath, taking her cell with her in case he called.

  She’d just got her pajamas on when her cell rang. She took a deep breath and answered. “Hello.”

  “Hey gorgeous, miss me yet.” He laughed and she loved the sound. She closed her eyes and could see his smile.

  “Nope, not one bit. It’s been nice having the place to myself.” She almost laughed when she said it.

  “Well, I guess I didn’t turn on the charm as well as I thought.” They both laughed. “I know I’ve missed you.”

  “It’s weird spending time without you. Why is that? I mean, we’ve only known each other for four days.” She sat down to keep from pacing as she talked.

  “It’s fate. I thought about it all the way home today and I know it’s got to be fate. Here we both were not too keen on the contest and now look at us. We’re starting something wonderful and it didn’t turn out as horrible as we thought it would.”

  “Well, we could have used power for some of the trip.” She giggled.

  “I thought that was the best part. I think that’s what helped bring us closer together.”

  “You’re right. It was fun wasn’t it? We did well.”

  “Ok get your laptop and let’s get you set up to video chat.”

  They spent the next hour setting up her laptop for their video chat adventure. She almost cried when he appeared on the screen waving and laughing.

  When they said goodnight they’d been talking for over two hours. It was wonderful. They never ran out of things to talk about. He was leaving the next day. When he got settled into his hotel he was going to email her to go on the laptop.


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