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Nelson Branco's Soap Opera Uncensored: Issue 45

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by Nelson Branco

do all those bad things might have been rough to watch. She was painted out to be such a bad person. She’s been a pariah for so long. She’s been unrecognizable for such a long time. This story could have made Sharon more of horrible person — so that was my initial concern. I didn’t know how to make Sharon sympathetic during the Newman takeover except to make Sharon really campy and really fun. That’s what I did. Luckily, everyone is enjoying it. Today, I’m like, “Whew, it’s working” because I wasn’t sure how it would be received; but I always believe if the actor is having fun, the audience has fun. I think it has also offset some of the controversy surrounding the Victor and Sharon pairing. But, having said that, I always want to stress that I have had amazing storylines over the years. And even under Maria’s reign, I had Nick and Sharon’s romantic reunion in Paris and Shadam in New Orleans. There were some great moments. Not everything was bad [under this previous regime].

  I agree. What’s going on in Sharon’s mind? Has she lost it? Or is she finally sticking up for herself? Sharon likes to bully herself a lot, which has been a Bill Bell throughline for so long, which is why this character reboot has been a refreshing change. I find that question riveting as I watch your bravura performances.

  You’re right — she’s always been hard on herself. And other characters are always down on her, too. I don’t think you can watch that forever. Over the past decades, I’ve tried to play against that as much as possible. I try to cross out lines that highlight Sharon’s low self-esteem. [Sighs] It’s been a long, uphill battle in that respect for me. Sharon’s not crazy… yes, she’ll lose it a bit as any heroine does on a soap. So, yes, I think she’s finally standing up for herself and fighting back. Is she getting carried away? Of course! [Laughs]

  As a gay man, I love campy acting — when done expertly. It’s a very difficult style of acting to tackle and not a lot of actors can pull it off authentically. Kim Zimmer, Robin Strasser, Andrea Evans and Susan Lucci can do it well. I’ve always called you the Kate Winslet of daytime. You’re one of the finest actresses of our generation, and I’ve always wondered if you could pull of comedy and camp. And you have!

  Thank you! I’ve always loved comedy and camp. Whenever I see an opportunity to infuse Sharon with some fun, and I’ve been trying to do that forever, I regularly get notes not to do that. And this is from multiple regimes. Finally, I got a storyline where I was allowed to go ahead and do some camp. I appreciate the compliment. It’s been fun.

  That’s the reason why fans love Sharon VS. Nikki, because we saw glimpses of that from you in those rare moments opposite Melody Thomas Scott.

  I hope now the show allows me to continue in this path when it’s right.

  I’d like to see Crazy Sharon integrated with Doormat Sharon. Are you surprised that the universally despised Shictor romance led to Sharon’s liberation? I don’t know if that was the plan, which is why I credit your performance. SOAP OPERA DIGEST gave you a rave review for your acting prowess in this week’s issue.

  Awww… that’s so nice of them! I really needed the support because, as I said, when I tried playing this before I could never get it on screen because it was always killed on stage. So the reviews are important because it justifies that I’m making the right choices. I definitely want to integrate Crazy Sharon and All-Mighty Powerful Sharon; and I think that’s easily done. There were a few moments when Sharon was married to Jack where I got away with some campy stuff but never on a regular basis. As for my performance, I couldn’t do it without the writing. They both have to be there. The writing really backed me up. I couldn’t have gotten away with this without those lines.

  When I say, dodgy writing, I mean long-term story. Yes, the dialogue was definitely there. I think the Shictor marriage would have worked had it been set up as a plot between Sharon and Victor to seek revenge on Adam, Nick, and Nikki. Absolutely no sex or love — just a marriage of convenience.

  I suggested it to be written that way, too! When I first had a meeting about this story, I didn’t understand how I was going to sell a love story between Sharon and Victor for obvious reasons. What motivated Sharon to fall in love with Victor when she’s in love with Adam and Nick? As an actor, I couldn’t seem to get there. What I did see right away was that I could play the fact that Sharon began enjoying the power and wealth she inherited from the marriage. As long as it’s about power and revenge, it makes sense because, as an actor, I have to get from point A to point B rather reasonably in order for it to make sense! I really hope Sharon doesn’t lose everything because Victor comes back home again. We’ve all seen that happen so many times before. I’d like to see all the aggressive changes Sharon made at Newman, in terms of expanding the cosmetic company, be successful ones resulting in stock prices skyrocketing and culminating with the stockholders making her CEO. What if Sharon did take over Newman? Or has to work alongside Victor as Co-CEO? Wouldn’t that be fascinating? For once, I’d like to see Sharon not fail.

  It’d be refreshing to see Victor fight to win back his company for like a year. I’d like to see a stripped-down Victor, which would harken back to his orphanage days. Plus, let’s face it: the majority of fans despise the Victor character right now — and not in a good way. This story could win back fans whom abandoned TGVN Ship. And, hey, maybe he’d like the peace that resulted without his complex, coveted company. I mean, that’s how DALLAS rebooted itself: JR had to win back Ewing Oil from Bobby. But I trust Josh to write a good story. I also wanted to say that the most beautiful part of this storyline has been how the fans and press have really shown up to support you. You got kind of lost in the Shick VS. Shadam VS. Phick fanbase wars but now it seems people are rooting for you solely as an actor and character. #SaveSharonCase!

  You definitely started that campaign! The whole Shick VS. Phick fanbase wars really began dying down when Shadam was born. I love the storyline between Sharon and Adam and I hope the show returns to it soon.

  I love Shadam!

  I love them, too. Over the year, I have expressed my concern over Sharon being paired with too many men. It waters her down. It waters everything down. But what can I do except say, “I told you so?” [Laughs]

  Is there hope for Nick and Sharon? I think it’s pretty much done. Thoughts?

  For now, it’s done, well, at least romantically. Right now, Nick and Sharon are fighting a lot, especially professionally. And that’s happening because they love each other underneath. They wouldn’t fight if they didn’t love each other. I think it would be a mistake to have Nick and Sharon completely be over but I don’t think it has to be played all the time.

  I know they’ll always love each other but it would be nice to see them become close, platonic friends for once.

  I’m not saying there will never be a reconciliation between Nick and Sharon but that love story doesn’t have to be always played out because their love story is always played whenever they are in a room with each other. Their epic love will never vanish. I would like to see if Nick and Sharon can build a relationship out of love and respect without it having to result in sex and marriage.

  Joshua Morrow was in the middle of two popular super-couple pairings… now you’re in his position with Shick and Shadam! Are you like, “Score!”

  Yes! It was nice to see how popular Shadam became because it was a happy accident. I didn’t have much luck with other leading men on the show in terms of a traditional super-couple element. Sharon and Brad were OK but they never took off like Shick. Jack and Sharon weren’t really a romantic couple so that didn’t resonate with fans as well. Then, Michael Muhney came a long… and yes, I was happy to find that kind of magic with someone else on the show.

  I think Cassie’s death explains Sharon’s downward spiral. I mean, even Nick hasn’t been the same since Cassie’s death, either. That accident is a pivotal, soul-murdering moment in their lives and psyche. I feel like Sharon feels like something precious was taken away from her once again so she has taken from life because she feels betrayed by
God. I really hope Josh explores that unmined beat in the plot to save Sharon.

  I hope so. You’re right, Nick hasn’t been the same, either. After Cassie died, they separated and went off on these crazy, wild directions. As for what the new team has planned, I don’t know, but, yeah, that could be a logical explanation/answer.

  A recently recast and SORAS’d Noah could also help them heal. Even if he’s being played by a 30-year-old actor!

  I know! Wasn’t Noah supposed to be 14 or something?

  I hear he’s a very good actor. Have you met HOLLYWOOD HEIGHTS alum Robert Adamson yet?

  Joshua and I have met him. We haven’t worked together yet. I think we’re supposed to work with him on our first day back this Tuesday.

  Let’s talk about the myriad of changes at Y&R. What were your thoughts about Maria Arena Bell’s contract not being renewed by CBS/Sony.

  We were all so stunned. We didn’t know what to think. Her departure was announced suddenly one morning. I don’t think anyone saw this coming. Having said that, we’ve been through a lot of regime changes since Bill Bell helmed the show so it’s not that

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