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War of the Damned Boxed Set

Page 167

by Michael Todd

  Angie bit her lip. “Opposites.”

  Katie raised an eyebrow. “Attract?”

  Pandora shushed Katie. Hold on. Ask her what she means.

  Katie stared at Angie. “What do you mean by that?”

  Angie walked around the table, gathering her thoughts. “I mean that right now, he’s the complete opposite of what he normally is. He used to be loud, happy, angry, and funny, and now he’s silent. There’s not a single whisper of a sound coming from him. His face is blank, and his eyes are closed. He always had some sort of expression; a glimmer in his eye that let you know he was alive—really alive. And he never really slept.”

  Pandora clicked her tongue. I think this chick is onto something. He has been through a massive change in recent weeks. Think about how he was when he tried to kill me, and how different he had become when he fell into the coma.

  Katie started to pace. “You’re right. It is the opposite. During the fights, the rogue murders, and everything else, he was angry. Just like everyone else in battle, he was constantly feeding on negative emotion. When he was fighting, he had his game face on. He took all the rage he had bottled up and laid it out in the form of violence.”

  The doctor started taking notes. “But he had been fighting for centuries. What was different about this latest battle?”

  Katie tried to replay the fight in her head. “He was bashing heads. That was just what he did. He was launching himself into crowds of demons to try to get them away from the front-line soldiers.”

  The doctor pointed at Katie. “Empathy. What else?”

  Katie imagined herself in the battle. She pictured herself protecting him. Pandora made a snapping sound. Dude, that’s it. That is the emotion that is different. Tell them.

  Katie looked at Angie and at the doctor. “During the fight, he saved several people, then was overpowered by demons. I went back for him. I saved him and got him out of that shitstorm. From then on, things really started to change. I mean, he had already mellowed out, but that was because Pandora had threatened him. After I saved him, he started to really fight on our side. It wasn’t about the killing anymore. It was about protecting the Earth from the demons.”

  Angie’s face was full of emotion as she looked down at Juntto. “He was becoming human. He was feeling all the things humans feel, more than just anger and annoyance. He felt solidarity. Compassion. Maybe even love. Then he just shut down.”

  Pandora snorted. I’ve heard of men denying their emotional side, but this dude gives a whole new meaning to shutting down emotionally.

  Katie tried to hide a smirk. The doctor tapped his pen on his board. “But how do you correct the shutdown? You obviously want him to experience all these things. You just have to figure out how to make that change.”

  Katie was about to say something when the speakers crackled and alarms began to blare. “Well, this can’t be good.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Thunder rolled outside, and large sheets of ice that had collected on top of the hangar’s insulation began to crack. Angie jumped, scared to death of what was going on. Katie planted her feet, rocking back and forth as the ground shook. Whatever was happening, it was big.

  Pandora sniffed. Uh-oh. You better get prepared, lady.

  Katie jumped into action, grabbing Angie by the arm. “You’re going to be okay. You and the doctor can stay here with Juntto. Do you have your gun?”

  Angie lifted her jacket, displaying two holstered pistols on her hips. Katie patted her on the arm and smiled. “Good. Just in case. Anything demon comes through that door, you start shooting. Got it?”

  Angie braced herself. “Yeah.”

  Katie turned to the doctor. “This is important. We have to keep Juntto out of the hands of the demons. If things are dire, you look to Angie. There’s a failsafe built into this room. If they take over and she gives you the word, blow this bitch. The safety of the world depends on your actions. Are you able to do that?”

  The doctor was more than calm. “Absolutely. I spent nine years as a Marine. Can do.”

  Katie smiled. “Good. For now, stay put. Hopefully, I can handle this quickly.”

  Katie ran toward the door, taking off her jacket as she went. She flung the first door open and tossed her jacket to the ground.

  Pandora pouted. Shit. I loved that jacket.

  We can buy another one.

  Katie pulled Tom and Harry from their holsters. She paused at the outer door and took a deep breath, slowly letting it out through her nose. You ready for this?

  Pandora laughed. Please, I was born for this. Some pagan circles praise me as the goddess of battle and war. Let’s do this.

  Katie stepped outside with her guns up. The hot wind from the portal blew into her face, and she had to put up one arm to protect herself. She narrowed her eyes at the swirling black hole in the middle of the gate.

  Oh, balls.

  A giant paw reached out to grab the edge of the portal. Uh-oh.

  Pandora gasped. This motherfucker decides to show up now?

  A large clawed foot stomped out onto the ground, shaking the planes and choppers around it. Slowly, Moloch pulled his large body out of the gate. Steam poured off his scales as the cold air hit him. He twisted his neck right and left, looking down at the line of troops below him. They all looked nervous, but they kept pointing their weapons at him.

  One of the soldiers in the middle of the line yelled an order and began firing, and the rest followed suit. The bullets bounced off his thick scales as he stepped on a helicopter, crushing it like it was made of tinfoil. With one swoop of his arm, the great demon plowed through the line of soldiers, injuring several and killing more. Katie kicked the door shut behind her, determined to hide Juntto from Moloch. There was no way she was going to let him have the Leviathan. She suspected Moloch had other plans, though. She thought he had come for her.

  Pandora growled loudly. That sonofabitch thinks he can come to my base, fuck with my hot soldiers, and prance away scot-free? Oh, hell, no, bitch!

  “Fuck it.” Katie shoved Tom and Harry back into their holsters and gulped a breath as she summoned her armor. A bright light enveloped her as heavenly armor encased her body. The sun shone off it and caught Moloch’s attention. He narrowed his eyes, letting out a mighty roar. The air hit Katie in the face, and she waved her hand. “Fuck, you could have eaten a Tic Tac before coming to Earth. Jesus.”

  Moloch was beyond angry. His body grew stronger and mightier with every spasm of rage that pulsed through him. He charged Katie, trailing streaks of energy in his wake. He waved his fists as he ran, easily smashing the nearby planes and choppers. Shards of metal flew into the lines of soldiers, and they took cover where they could.

  Katie shook her head and took a deep breath. Well, here goes nothing.

  Balls. Here goes fucking something!

  She took off across the landing pad and launched herself into the air. Her wings caught a gust of wind as she pulled her guns and blasted Moloch in the neck and chest, the shots sparking off his heavy hide. The bullets lodged in his scales, which just pissed him off. She flew closer and fired into his face, but he swung a huge claw at her. He made contact with a loud crunch, and Katie’s wings went limp. She plummeted to earth and slammed into the asphalt of the base’s airfield.

  She jumped to her feet and shook her head, her eyes turning from blue to red. There was a Katie-sized imprint where her body had hit the ground. She growled and leaped from the hole, flying up past his slashing claws. She landed on his shoulder and punched him as hard as she could. Blood flew from his mouth, but he was quick. He swatted at her, but Katie jumped before his hand could reach her.

  She landed in front of him and holstered her guns. “Hold still, motherfucker.”

  Moloch leaned down and put his gigantic face in front of Katie. “Only if you will, whore.”

  Pandora was not having that. Oh fuck, no. Do not disrespect us like that. Let me at him.

  Katie pulled her holy swor
d, and its glory nearly blinded the demon. Calm down. The fight has just begun.

  Moloch reached back to pound Katie with his fist, but she dodged. She tucked her wings and rolled across the ground, slicing his shin with her sword. His hide was like armor, but her sword was not of the human world. It bit through scale and flesh and came out dripping with black blood. Moloch screamed and grabbed his leg, hopping up and down. “Twat! I just got this shit put back on.”

  Katie made a tsking sound with her tongue. “Maybe you should have stayed down then, asshole.”

  Moloch snarled and snatched Katie around the waist with lightning speed. He had her arms pinned to her side, and he lifted her into the air. “I would love to be home, but I have to worry about your dumb ass. Why don’t you be a good girl, give up Pandora, and fucking die?”

  This fucker’s gotta go.

  I got it, Pandora.

  Katie leaned her head back to snarl at the giant demon. “I don’t give up like that, you half-bright hell-turd. I blew you the fuck up once, and I’ll do it again. They’ll be picking up bits of Moloch ‘nads in every circle of hell. Lucifer won’t even be able to figure out which bit is your nose and which is your knob-end.” As she cursed at him, her hand slipped down and pulled Tom slowly from its holster. “Jesus, you are one dumb dingleberry, even for a demon.”

  Katie yanked her gun out and pulled the trigger, shooting Moloch in the eye. He dropped her and grabbed his head, groaning and moaning. Katie’s wings spread and she descended to the ground, hoping the bullet had gone into his brain.

  Pandora chuckled. Knob-end? Are you fucking British now?

  It just came to me, and it felt right.

  I guess it has its appeal.

  Moloch roared, and Katie held her sword at the ready. She watched in horror as he yanked his eyeball from the socket and shook it. There was a light metallic clink when the bullet hit the ground. Her jaw dropped as he popped his eye back into its socket and shook his head, then gnashed his teeth. “Okay, you’re a tough one. Got it.”

  The demon narrowed his eyes and grabbed one of the mangled choppers from the airfield, heaving it at Katie. She ducked as the chopper flew over her, slamming into the hangar bay. The building rocked, sheets of ice falling from its roof. Katie took a deep breath and sheathed her sword. She sprang into the air and drew both of her special-metal daggers. She heaved one and then the other with all her might. The metal glowed as they turned end over end, finally burying themselves in each of Moloch’s arms.

  Moloch barked a laugh and yanked the knives out. Great gouts of foul blood sprayed Katie, and she shook the stuff off her hands. That’s fucking disgusting.

  Pandora winced. God, it smells like dead rats and patchouli. What the fuck has he been eating, hippies?

  Katie took off at a run, vaulting over a large mound of twisted metal that had been a helicopter. Moloch tried to follow her, but she was much smaller and faster. She darted to the side and doubled back behind him. She backed up as far as she could possibly go, eyeing the mound of scrap metal, then took a deep breath. A little boost when I jump, okay?

  Pandora was all about it. Just gotta make sure I do it at the right time. Don’t want to launch you into his ass.

  Katie chuckled and dug her feet in, then raced across the tarmac. The soldiers cheered her on as she hit the pile of metal and launched herself into the air. She pulled out her sword as she flew and slashed it across Moloch’s back. The scales broke and fell to the ground. Her heavenly blade dug into Moloch’s black flesh. Black blood flowed out through the wound and Moloch arched his shoulders, throwing his head back and howling with rage. Katie grabbed a ridge of broken scales and held onto the demon’s back, ready to strike again.

  Moloch’s eyes flashed bright red, and he roared loudly. “Fuck, that hurt! You bitch!”

  He reached around but felt only warm blood pouring down his back. He tried to look back to see where Katie was, but she was out of sight. He began to throw his body back and forth, raging wildly. The burning pain of the sword was ten times worse than any torture Lucifer had ever devised. He grabbed a jagged chopper blade and swung it around his body like it was a giant deadly back-scratcher. Katie ducked her head once, but on its return, she had no choice but to jump.

  Katie hit the ground and slid across the grass, digging a deep furrow in the dirt and collecting a pile of dirt and sod behind her. Moloch continued to lash out furiously. He grabbed soldiers and threw them as hard as he could at the buildings. One soldier careened into the hanger where Juntto was being kept. He slammed against the building, went limp, and fell to the ground. Katie groaned, reaching back to investigate a lump on the back of her head. “This motherfucker is tough.”

  Pandora scoffed. Please. Give me your speech, and I’ll add some extra oomph to your next hit.

  Katie pulled herself out of the dirt. And how exactly would you like me to hit him?

  Headfirst. Like a fucking freight train.

  Katie sighed and got into position. “I should have bought a helmet for this shit.”

  She took off across the ground, putting her head down as she got close to Moloch. Pandora poured a burst of power into Katie just as she slammed into the demon, throwing him into a building behind him. The bricks and cinder blocks crashed into each other with such force that a wave of energy rippled outward, knocking several soldiers off their feet. Katie grabbed Moloch’s leg and pulled herself on top of the giant demon.

  Pandora, using Katie’s voice, yelled at Moloch, “Hey, asshole! I told you a long time ago that you can’t just roll into places uninvited, nuts swinging. You will be put down.”

  “Your husband has been asking for you, dear.” Moloch groaned and pushed a chunk of the brick wall off his chest. “I have orders to bring your disgusting ass back to him.”

  Pandora put Katie’s hand to her chin, pretending to mull that over. “Hmm. Nope. I think I’ll pass on that one. In the meantime, you can go back with your balls in your throat.”

  Before Moloch could react, Katie reared back and kicked him as hard as she could in the crotch. Pandora giggled. “Fuck, I’ve always wanted to do that to you.”

  Angie stared down at Juntto’s heavily bearded face, seeing the same man she had seen before he left her. He didn’t look cold at all. He looked natural. His blue scales were not tough and rigid but smooth to the touch. Of course, she could feel the frigid temperatures, but it was like his body enjoyed it. She couldn’t even imagine what he was going through. She wondered where his thoughts were. Was he dreaming? Could he hear her? They were the same questions most would have for a coma patient, but this particular patient was blue, gigantic, and thriving off the subzero temperatures.

  Angie looked at the scientist, who was watching the monitors near Juntto’s body. She wanted to ask him a question, but she was afraid of the answer. She gathered her courage. “How do you know he’s in there? How do you know it’s not a situation where his body is preserved because he’s alien, but he is gone?”

  The doctor offered her a kind smile. “He has brain activity. Come here and let me show you.”

  Angie looked up at the sound of gunfire. The doctor waved her over, and she followed him to a bank of computers. He pulled up a screen with jagged lines moving up and down across it. “These are his brain waves. We can detect them much better now for some unknown reason. When he came in, these waves were smaller because there was much less activity. However, as time has passed, they’ve become larger and sharper.”

  Angie watched them move. “Does that mean he’s coming around?”

  The doctor sighed. “I don’t know. Humans can have normal brain waves and still be comatose, but Leviathans? This is all new to us. We have nothing to compare his data to. All we know is that the baseline of his vitals has not changed, and his brain activity continues to fluctuate. I—”

  Just then, a loud roar sounded and the building shook. Angie grabbed the table and waited it out. As the shaking began to fade, something huge slammed into the
side of the building. The shape of a humanoid body indented into the side of the hanger. The lines carrying the cooling agent to the building snapped and hissed. Clouds of frost floated through the air, and the lights flickered wildly above them.

  Angie gasped and ran to Juntto’s side. She climbed onto the table and threw her arms across his wide chest. She was frightened and felt weak, but she knew Juntto would comfort her. She laid her head next to his and closed her eyes tightly, talking to him out of fear. “Oh, Juntto, I wish you were here. There is a huge demon is outside right now. I don’t know if he wants you or Katie or both of you, but he’s on a rampage. His anger is so great that I can feel it.”

  The building shook again as a wave of energy rippled over it. Angie whimpered and pressed her head against the frost giant’s neck, whispering, “Please come back to me, Juntto. We need you.”

  Across the room, Dr. Ozu typed wildly on his computer. He wasn’t going to sit there and let this happen without some sort of protection. He went to the door and opened it, calling one of the soldiers. The man rushed over. “Yes, sir, what can I do for you?”

  The doctor grimaced at another loud bang. “I’m not hearing much gunfire now. Why is that?”

  The soldier let out a deep breath. “The bullets don’t seem to be doing much good. The demon is huge, and his scales are incredibly thick. There aren’t any heavy weapons out because we weren’t expecting an attack. The armory is on the other side of the base, but the men are preoccupied, if not dead already.”

  The doctor thought about it for a second. “What about the building next door? We had extra weaponry in there.”

  The soldier led him to the other door and cracked it for him. He gazed out at the crumbled remains of the building and the large demon stomping back and forth in front of it. A winged figure was blasting the demon with two guns, but it didn’t seem like that was doing much good.


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