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Chozen: Gritty, fast-paced police suspense-drama where nothing is as it seems! (Headspace Book 1)

Page 19

by J Paton

  Had I given that much away?

  Going along with the good-natured banter, I gave the guy a big grin. “Right now, I’d rather take my chances and swim with crocs.”

  “Fuck! That bad?” Tegan, who’d been about to take the seat opposite, stopped to stare at me, his brow furrowed. “If you don’t want to go undercover, then why didn’t you tell them no?”

  The indignant expression Tegan wore had me confessing part of the reason why I hadn’t fought what was happening. “I want to find out what the fuck is happening at Dom’s Haven.” Sounding more resigned than I’d intended to, I changed the subject. “Detective Superintendent Kensington said you’re new to the team. Why did you pick this kind of work?”

  Some emotion I couldn’t name flickered across Tegan’s face, but it was gone before I could examine it further. “Let’s just say, I wasn’t keen on my old boss and leave it at that.”

  Tegan’s tone had me switching topics again, but only after I’d scanned the room. “I’ll need my legend, so I can fill out the online forms they use to accept new members in the club.” All undercover officers got a legend. It was a pack that contained everything a person would need to create a new identity.

  “You’ll get it. I’ll have it sent to you tomorrow. I’ve done some research on the club. It seems pretty straightforward. I’ve asked for your backstory to include previous experience as a Dom.”

  I nodded, my hands tightening around the slippery surface of the glass. “Any Dom worth his salt will be able to sniff out a wannabe from the real deal. If what I think is going on in that place is right, then they’re going to be careful about who gets through the door.” From the information I’d seen, that was a lie. But for appearances sake, I stuck to what Tegan was most likely to accept.

  His gaze swept over me, and I got the feeling Tegan had missed nothing in his assessment. “I suspect you won’t have a problem with that.”

  It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t bother to answer. “Do you want to talk me through how you like to work?”


  I sat next to the glass window, the sun burning my arm as I waited for Tucker to return from the restroom. I stared at the door he’d gone through, trying to figure out whether I was about to find myself in another situation where a copper kept shit to himself.

  The second I’d set eyes on Tucker, I’d sensed that there was a lot more going on behind his dark, unfathomable gaze. That feeling had only increased during our conversation. DS Kensington had mentioned some reluctance on Tucker’s part in returning to undercover ops. He hadn’t gone into detail, even when I’d questioned him on it. It had rung alarm bells, but without the full history I hadn’t badgered my new boss, hoping I’d be able to get it out of Tucker.

  My instructions, as far as the DS was concerned, was to monitor Tucker, to assess if he was struggling, and to report back any risks to the undercover operation. The DS had played on my previous experience in recognising an officer in trouble, leaving me little room to express my concern without looking incapable in my new role.

  The problem was, that some undercover officers blended so well with those they were mixing with that it was hard to tell what was an act and what was real.

  I’d gone round and round in circles before coming here today, considering whether I was being set up. A run-in with a senior officer could easily tarnish a career and put a target on my back. Was that what this was?

  Now that Tucker had confirmed that he was being forced, I was even more concerned. When he’d made that comment about crocs, his whole demeanour had changed for a few seconds. Who was forcing him and why?

  Any thoughts that I might have been given a reject to babysit had disappeared after ten minutes in Tucker’s presence. The man had strong ethics. He’d easily spoken about the regulations, his expectations, and what he wanted from me. There was nothing that didn’t fit. What he’d failed to do though, was hide that he was worried about something. Was it the case or something else?

  When I’d questioned his true reasons, his interest in Dom’s Haven had sounded genuine. Yet, there was more, I knew it. I just hadn’t been able to get the other man to open up. One of my skills was getting people to open up and talk. It was the reason why I’d excelled at undercover work.

  When Tucker returned from the bathroom, it was evident from the fact he didn’t sit back down that the meeting was over. I was left with more questions than answers as I stood and shook the hand he held out.

  I grinned. “You got my number if you need anything. I’ll be in touch once I’ve set everything in motion for you.”

  “Cool. Later.” Tucker headed off down the street in the direction of the car park where I’d left my car. I followed Tucker at a distance, the other man not appearing to notice anything as he walked. Ten minutes later, I passed the car park where I’d left my car. I didn’t hesitate, keeping on following him, even though I’d kick another officer’s arse for tailing me.

  What the fuck was I doing?

  I rolled my eyes skyward at the obvious answer, but carried on walking, keeping Tucker in my line of sight. Regardless of my size and appearance, I was adept at blending in with those around me. Tucker roamed the streets for over an hour, initially looking like he had no destination. Eventually, he slowed his pace before stopping outside a shop that looked like it catered to kink.

  It was hard to see Tucker’s expression from where I was standing, but he appeared to brace himself before pushing the door open and disappearing inside. The window display drew my gaze as I got closer. There were loads of leather outfits. I peered through the window, seeing row upon row of BDSM items. I thought about going in, but the fact that there were only a couple of people changed my mind. Tucker disappeared through an archway at the back of the shop. What was through there? More of the same? Glancing around, I spotted a side road with a dead end. I made my way there and leaned on a wall. I would be able to see what Tucker left with from that vantage point.

  An hour later, Tucker reappeared with a grim look on his face. He held a bulging black carrier bag, that gave no clue as to what its contents were. I waited a couple of minutes, watching him head back the way we’d come before I followed him to a car park and he got into a Honda R Type Civic.

  It would have been easy to go back and collect my car and then head to Tucker’s home address, which I’d been given in case of emergency. What the fuck are you playing at?

  I didn’t have any answer other than what was going on in my gut.

  Running a hand through my hair, I stepped back into the shadows as Tucker drove to the exit. I tapped my lip as his car merged with traffic and disappeared down the road. Was there any justification to follow him home?


  I shook my head, walking slowly back to where I’d left my own car. During the trip home, I kept my focus on the roads, listening to a radio station playing rock music. An hour later, I pulled into the car park of the high-rise block of apartments that looked over the Thames.

  Inside my flat, I was greeted by the view the female estate agent had said was amazing. The view of the Thames was… okay. That was the best I could say about it when the tiny flat would have fitted into my house in Dorset four times over, offering none of the magnificent sea views I’d left behind. I’d nearly choked on my tongue when I’d learned the cost of the rent. It was extortion—clear and simple.

  The mortgage payments on my house were a third of the cost of my rent. I’d rented out my lovely home, so that I could afford to keep it as living in London wasn’t my long-term plan. Not that I had a plan at the moment. It was more a keep-my-nose-out-of-trouble type plan. Only today it seemed as if my head had other ideas. Following a fellow officer for no other reason than a gut feeling didn’t bode well.

  There was just something about Tucker.

  I dropped my keys on the counter, reaching for the file I’d placed on the counter that morning containing the information on ‘Operation Dungeon,’ and comparing it to the brief Tucker had
been given. Did they align? After talking to Tucker, I wasn’t sure.

  I plonked the file on the small table under the window, and then went to get a glass of water. Sitting down, I ran through what we’d talked about again, writing down all my unanswered questions.

  An hour later, I had a list of ten questions, a knot of tension forming between my shoulder blades. It wasn’t my job to attend any of the briefings around this case. My role was to protect the undercover officer’s identity and pass on the information they gave me.

  Stick to the brief!

  I groaned, dropping the pen I’d been using to run my fingers through my hair. My gut was working overtime, and it was doing that for a reason. I just needed to figure out why that was and keep my arse out of trouble while I was at it.

  Did that work in the past?

  I dropped my head forward and banged it on the table.

  This time will be different!


  The call had come through yesterday to say that Tucker would be heading to the allocated flat he’d be using while undercover. One look at the address and I’d developed an itch at the nape of my neck. Tucker’s home and the one he’d be using for the foreseeable future were in close proximity— only miles apart. It made me think I hadn’t been overreacting about the missing parts of Tucker’s puzzle, dread taking root.

  How had Tucker been reassigned? And who had the influence to do that to a reluctant officer? Those two questions were at the top of my list and, if I was going to be able to do my job properly, I needed them answering. The temptation to speak to my DS was tempered by the knowledge that he probably had a report on me from my previous boss. There was a possibility that asking these kinds of questions would get me taken off the case, and that was the last thing I wanted.

  Did Tucker need an ally? And was that going to be me?

  My phone buzzed and I picked it up to read the message from…Tucker.

  Tonight, eight-thirty, you know where.

  I stared at the screen, my pulse spiking with a surge of adrenaline. Taking a deep breath to slow down my heart rate, I typed back:

  I’ll be there.

  Not expecting a response, I put my phone down and headed to the bedroom. Accessing the large built-in wardrobe, I pulled out my lock box and put in the code to open it. My police issue gun lay on top of a pile of papers. I removed it and loaded it with bullets. Hands steady, I put on the safety catch before laying it on the bed and returning the box to the wardrobe.

  One look at the weapon had adrenaline pumping through me. Was I being over cautious? Maybe. But until I knew why my gut was saying something was amiss, I wasn’t taking any chances.

  I turned to go to the bathroom, sending up a silent prayer that I wouldn’t have to use the gun.


  Everything had fitted into place far too quickly to give me a chance to prepare myself for what was to come. I’d stashed my undercover identity information and an external hard drive containing the data Phil had sent to my laptop in a lock box.

  I took a quick glance around my bedroom as I tried not to think about what came next. Tonight was D-day, my application to join Dom’s Haven having been accepted. The club was expecting Troy Garrick for an introductory night. Troy was a forty-four-year-old man who’d recently moved to London from Salisbury because of a new job working in IT. He’d been a Dom for twenty years. I had enough computer knowledge to talk about the subject if anyone chose to question me. Phil had also given me a crash course in techy talk in case someone got clever with their questions. He’d helped while visiting Jup, so that Jup could become a little more used to having a man in the house who wasn’t me.

  Things had gone surprisingly well, possibly because Jup knew that Phil had already seen him at his worst. Whatever it was that made him feel comfortable with Phil, I was okay with it. It made leaving him alone easier. Phil and I had talked extensively about the possibility of the other team members staying overnight with Jup. Jup’s expression had revealed how terrified he’d been at the suggestion Phil assuring us both that he’d happily move in until things were resolved. His lack of resignation told me that he’d already figured out that Jup wouldn’t cope.

  The only stone in my shoe was the proximity of the undercover flat to the location of my own home in Wapping. It was way too close for comfort if something went down and my identity was discovered. I hadn’t needed Phil to point out that it was odd that my superiors would put me at risk, especially after having been in the media spotlight in the last six months.

  “When will Phil be arriving, Sir?”

  At the sound of Jup’s timid voice, I stopped what I was doing, or pretending to do. My bag was only half-packed, and my Dom gear retrieved from the attic earlier still lay in a pile on the bed. I’d already decided that I’d only return home if there was an issue. The thought of staying in the flat tonight had me feeling mixed emotions, ones I didn’t want to examine too closely. “He should be here in the next hour or so.” I eyed Jup as he chewed on his lower lip. “Are you having second thoughts about Phil staying here while I’m working?” I needed to know whether this was going to be a problem, my stomach tightening at the prospect of Jup having changed his mind.

  “No, no he seems… safe. I was just wondering if I should make him something to eat?” he said in a rush, his cheeks turning bright pink.

  I tilted my head to the side, taking in what Jup was wearing. He’d put on his newest pair of shorts and matched them with a forest-green polo top that brought out the green in his eyes. Oh, this was interesting. “I have his number. Do you want to text him and ask what he likes?” I picked my phone up and held it out to Jup to see what he’d do. He hadn’t shown any interest in anything other than staying hidden for the last two years. This was different.

  Trembling fingers reached for the phone, Jup eying it like it might burn his hand. I nudged it into his hand. “Go on, send him a text.”

  Relief showed briefly on Jup’s face, but it faded as he stared at the phone. “Do you think he’ll mind me interrupting him?”

  I chuckled. “Someone offering to cook him a meal… I think he’ll be as happy as a pig in shit.” Or at least I hoped that was how Phil would react, otherwise I was going to struggle to leave Jup if he got upset.

  Jup gave a small nod as he perched on the edge of the bed and left me to continue with my packing. He stared at the screen of the phone for a few more seconds, my heart skipping several beats. Were things going to change between us? My plate was already overcrowded with crap. I didn’t need anything else adding to it. Shutting out the ‘what ifs,’ I picked up the folded clothes and continued packing.

  An hour later, I placed my bag at the bottom of the stairs and checked the time, the doorbell ringing right on cue.

  Jup’s footsteps came down the hallway. I glanced at Jup as he stopped halfway down it and stared at the door. Faint colour appeared on his cheeks and he gnawed on his lower lip.

  “It’ll be okay.” I wasn’t sure who I was trying to convince as I opened the door to greet Phil. He was dressed in black again, a laptop bag held in one hand and a large carry-all slung over his other shoulder. “Come in. I’ve got about five minutes before I have to leave and meet Tegan, so he can run through the plan for tonight.”

  Phil gave a quick nod, but didn’t look in my direction, his gaze fixed on the person behind me.

  “I’ve made a curry,” Jup mumbled before spinning around and shooting back to the kitchen.

  I swallowed a sigh. “He’sꟷ”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. He just needs time to get used to me being here. I’ve got your number if things go tits up and pear-shaped.”

  Laughter boomed out of me at the odd saying. “Yeah, right. Okay. Let me show you to the room you’ll be sleeping in. I’ve left you towels on the bed. I’m sure Jup will find you anything I might have missed.” I led him up the stairs.

  Phil nodded. “I’ve brought everything I need for now. You said that Jup’s okay
in the daytime, that it’s the night that’s the issue, but I’m planning on basing myself here and only heading back to my own place if I have client meetings.”

  I hesitated on the top step, glancing back at him. “What? I can’t afford to pay for around the clock security.”

  Phil’s expression didn’t give anything away. “I’m not expecting you to pay for any of the time I’ll be here. It’s in my best interests to help you out so that my case gets resolved too. I see that as payment enough. If you worked for me, then I’d be paying a lot more for what you’ll be giving me.”

  My eyes widened. “Fuck, I’m in the wrong business.”

  That got a chuckle as I led him to the spare room and pointed out where everything was. I needed time to think about his generous offer. I wasn’t comfortable owing anyone anything. “I hope you’ll make yourself at home.”

  Once Phil had checked out the room and left his bags there, I led him to the kitchen.

  We entered to find Jup humming while he stood at the cooker, stirring a pot of something that smelt heavenly. “That smells delicious. It’s a pity I can’t stay.”

  A small smile formed on Jup’s pretty face. “I’ll make it when you get home, Sir.”

  Walking over to Jup, I stroked a hand over his curls, noting the sudden stillness of Phil as he watched us. The term “Sir” was something Jup couldn’t be dissuaded from using no matter how many times I’d encouraged him not to. It wasn’t something I usually paid much attention to, because there was never normally anyone around to hear it. “Thank you, I like that idea. But remember it could be a while so make sure you remember your promise.” I tweaked the end of his nose. “I’m going to have to get going.”

  Jup’s whine was quickly followed by a sob. They both made me want to tell work to go fuck itself. “Are you going to tease me with the scent of that curry, and make me beg for it?” Phil questioned, his voice light and non-threatening.

  Jup turned his attention to the other man, his lips trembling. “I’ll never make you beg.” It was said with such conviction that my gut twisted and I didn’t know what to do. It was a reminder that things could indeed change—and fast.


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