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Obsession: (Billionaire Venture Capitalist #5) A Billionaire Russian Mob Romance

Page 13

by Ainsley St Claire

  “At least the restaurants here are outstanding, and people go outside here,” Jessica tells us.

  We all nod and agree, and then the conversation moves to all the great places people are exploring and enjoying. Todd tells them about our neighborhood tours, and I take great pride that he’s enjoying them.

  Elizabeth shares, “I haven’t even explored like that, and I’ve lived here for five years.”

  “I think you missed your calling as a tour guide,” Anthony pipes up.

  I giggle from the praise. “It’s definitely been fun.”

  My glass is never empty; each time I drink about half the glass, someone tops it off. After at least three glasses of wine, I switch to water.

  The last of the guests finally leave, and I glance at the clock, shocked to find it’s almost two. Leaning against Todd, I pull my shoes off. “That was a lot of fun.”

  He looks down at me for a split second before his lips come crashing down on mine. The softness of his lips and the aggressiveness of his tongue as it seeks entry into my mouth feel so right. His hands wander, but then he breaks away. “You need to tell me to stop now, or else I won’t be stopping.”

  I step in and kiss him again, hard and feral, while palming his hard cock through his pants. We move to the couch, and I start to nibble on his earlobe, then flick my tongue down his neck. He nestles into the nape of my neck, giving me full-mouth kisses all along my collarbone.

  “I want you,” he mutters.

  “I need you,” I gasp as I unbutton his shirt.

  I’ve wanted this for so long. If we’re two stars that are going to flame out, I’ll adjust to that.

  He is funny, honest, handsome, sexy, and unlike anyone I’ve ever been with. But for right now, I want him.

  Chapter NINETEEN


  When she emerged from the bathroom in that red dress, I swear my cock was standing at attention. She looked absolutely amazing.

  I didn’t notice anyone but her all night. She even managed to get Thomas eating out of her hands.

  When we sat down for dinner and her dress slid up her thighs slightly, that was it for me.

  I’m not going to fuck this up with her. We’re going to make this work.

  I didn’t think my friends were ever going to leave, but once the door shut behind them, I couldn’t wait a second longer. I put my arm over her shoulders and pull her close, and she runs a hand over her thighs, pushing her dress minutely higher. Tugging her closer, I kiss her passionately, our tongues meeting. Walking us to the living room, I sit us on the couch and she moans into the kiss, unbuttoning my shirt and scratching lightly at my chest. I don’t think I could be any further turned on.

  Putting my hand on her thigh, I slowly run it up her soft, smooth skin toward the apex. I trace my fingers over her panties, finding they’re already damp. She rocks her hips forward, moaning quietly into my mouth. I don’t know what it is about this woman that turns me on so much. I’ve been restrained up until this point, but I can’t fight it anymore.

  Sliding her panties to the side, I run a finger just inside her slit before pushing it inside her, followed quickly by another. One-handed, she fumbles with my belt, button, and fly. I don’t care about that—I just want to please her.

  We both quickly come very close to finishing. Her hand stroking me to distraction. She’s visibly disappointed when I take my hand from her tight pussy and pull hers from my cock.

  “Are you okay with this?” I ask, willing her to tell me to continue.

  She takes my face in both hands. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more.”

  My cock stiffens, and I return to kissing and exploring—nibbling at her ear, then slowly down her neck and body until I’m on the floor in front of her. I slide my hands up the outside of her thighs, then under her dress to grab her panties and pull them down.

  I start kissing her thighs, gently pulling her hips forward. I kiss farther and farther up, kissing around and over her pussy, then sliding my tongue in much the same way I had my finger.

  Hearing a muffled gasp above me, I know I’m doing something she likes. I slip my tongue over her clit and around her lips, nibbling, biting, and sucking everywhere I can. I keep going for longer than I thought possible, her hands running through my hair as she pushes my face deep into her core. My fingers dive into her pussy rocketing in and out while I lap up and suck on her nub.

  She tenses above me, she clamps down on my fingers, her breath quickening even more. Her fingers tangle in my hair, her thighs squeezing tight around my head, holding me so hard against her pussy it almost hurts.

  When she starts to shudder, her whole body writhing, fighting her attempt to control it, I don’t stop as I taste her sweet cum. I keep going until I’ve lapped up all her juices and her breathing has slowed, her thighs relaxing.

  She stands and reaches for my hand, leading me to the bedroom. I reach into my bedside table and remove a few condoms for easy access. We start touching each other, slipping our clothes away.

  She moves and drops in front of me, taking me in her mouth. I watch her as she starts slowly, kissing my dick along the length and back before sliding her tongue along it and taking it back into her mouth. She flicks her tongue slowly and steadily up and down my shaft and over my head before she put pressure on with her teeth.

  I moan my appreciation, and she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes glazed over in satisfaction. I’ve never felt anything like this. It doesn’t take long at all before I’m ready to finish, and I pulse into her mouth. She tries to swallow everything, but some manages to slip out and runs down the side of her chin. As she pulls back, she wipes it up into her mouth with a smile.

  “You look so sexy right now,” I murmur.

  She lies down beside me in the bed as we continue kissing, holding, and touching each other for a time.

  I move my hand down and start to play with her again. She was wet earlier, but I’d swear she’s even wetter than before. “I see you’re ready for another round.”

  I see you’re ready for another round.”

  She reaches for a condom and looks at me. “Are you up to having some fun?”

  My mind screams, “Yes!” but I try to remain calm “I’ve never wanted anything this badly before.”

  She nestles herself between my legs and rolls the condom on my cock, then pulls each of my balls deep into her mouth and sucks on them before pulling back with a big popping noise. She slips her leg over me and straddles me, using her hand to guide me inside her, and slowly slides down my shaft, taking time to adjust to my size. God, she’s so fucking tight. She rocks gently back and forth until she’s fully seated. I reach for her hard nub and begin to circle it with one hand, the other tugging on an erect nipple, her pussy clenching my cock like a vise.

  “Oh, that feels so good,” she moans.

  She leans forward, her breasts pressing against my body as our mouths meet again. Our tongues intertwine, and she slowly begins to move her hips. Both of us moan in ecstasy as our bodies grind together, almost as if we’re one.

  When we finish, we lie together in silence, my arms around her, her head on my chest. Stroking each other tenderly, sharing the occasional light kiss, we stay like that the rest of the night.

  Pushing up on her elbows, she looks at me and softly shares, “I don’t regret last night in the least.”

  I lean in and kiss her aggressively. “Good, because neither do I, and I’m looking forward to many repeats.”

  She snuggles in closer, resting her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm firmly around her. Before we know it, we’re watching the sun rise over the Golden Gate.

  I’ll never forget how our night started, with her in that red dress. Last night was positively unforgettable. Not only did Cynthia impress the hell out of my friends, but being with her was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

  I don’t know if it was the alcohol that allowed me to see beyond all the problems sleeping with her could
create, but I just couldn’t help myself any longer.

  Thank fuck for hard liquor and red dresses.

  Chapter TWENTY


  We spent all of yesterday sleeping and enjoying one another. I’m a bit sore this morning—it’s been a long time since I had any exercise like this.

  Every time I think of him, my heart races. I’m not interested in food or water; I just want to be in bed exploring him.

  Before finally falling asleep, we agreed to meet tonight and pick up where we left off. I woke to an empty apartment. He did tell me he had to leave for his office by four thirty this morning, but I didn’t want our weekend to end.

  Entering my office just after daybreak, I’m not the first to arrive. Mason sees me and waves me over. “We had a problem at Smithright this weekend. Did Jim come with you this morning?”

  “Not Jim, but guys from his team did.”

  “As soon as he gets here and everyone else has arrived, we’ll meet here in my office.”

  “Got it. Do you want me to text everyone about a meeting?”

  “Do you mind? That way I can find Jim.”

  I text the partners.

  Me: Emergency meeting in Mason’s office as soon as everyone can get here.

  I get a bunch of arrival times all within the next half hour.

  Emerson: I’m in San Jose, so I’m a good hour-plus out. If you want to start, you can call me and I’ll participate from the car as I drive in.

  I give Mason the update, and he asks, “Can you just tell Emerson to stay put? We’ll call her once everyone arrives.”

  When everyone is present, some with cups of coffee in their hands and some with breakfast, we all meet in Mason’s office.

  Once we’re all sitting in our regular seats, Mason announces, “Smithright was hit by internet trolls this weekend.”

  “What does that mean?” Sara asks.

  “There was a concerted effort by a group from outside the US to take over social media with false information and pure disdain. They started with spewing hate on some of the user boards, which is overflowing to mainstream media.”

  Cameron mutters, “Haters gonna hate.”

  “But this grew beyond the hate and attacks we saw with Visionaire. They started spamming other sites with false information about Smithright, which included hashtags that have Russian implications.”

  I sit up straight and look at Jim and Mason. Could I have brought this on?

  The debate continues, and we get a lesson on Russian hackers and how they’re managing to disrupt Silicon Valley.

  Finally, I can’t hold back anymore. “Is this my fault?”

  Jim shakes his head. “No, Cynthia. The Russian government’s all over Silicon Valley. They’re investing on one side, and where they can’t invest, they steal technology. We find that they’re bribing employees for what seems like innocent information, and then they start asking for more with threats, and then from the other side, they have internet trolls who are working to undermine their success.”

  “What a mess,” Greer says.

  “Unfortunately it isn’t just the Russians,” Jim continues. “The Chinese are equally guilty of doing the same thing, threatening Chinese Americans who have families back in China.”

  “Is this for real?” Cameron questions.

  “Yes. I wish it wasn’t,” Mason shares.

  Christopher sits forward and asks, “What do we do?”

  Mason stands and paces. “To start with, Dillon and I are going to meet with the board of Smithright. We have the voting majority, but we need to get everyone on the same page. Then we’ll work with the authorities to share the algorithms with them for transparency. Together we’ll address the malicious actors’ access to their services so we can enlist the rest of Silicon Valley for their help and feedback to rid ourselves of this crime.” Mason pauses, and I’m not sure if it’s for dramatic effect or just to collect himself. “Greer, we’ll need you and the public relations team to begin working through this with Cameron and his team. Cynthia and Dillon will take that information to Wall Street and, in the end, will move this forward.”

  Marching orders in hand, we head to our respective offices to get done what we set out to do today.

  I bury my head in a prospectus for a potential client, working for a few hours before heading out to get a Diet Coke and a snack from our break room. Walking into the kitchen, I see Sara pouring herself a cup of coffee.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” she asks.

  “I needed to stretch my legs.” I realize how silly I sound. She doesn’t care why I’m in the kitchen.

  “Me too.”

  “How are you adjusting to having a team around you all the time?”

  I forgot that when Sara started dating Trey, he was a paparazzi darling and they were hounded by the press. After their wedding a few months ago, the press has become more aggressive, and they’re often in the supermarket tabloids talking about babies and infidelities. Anyone who knows them knows at least the infidelity isn’t a possibility, but because of the mess, they have a security team. Sometimes it’s one person and others it’s many.

  “It’s hard never being alone. I think that’s one of the reasons I moved to San Francisco in the first place—to be anonymous and alone.”

  “I completely understand. I don’t pay attention anymore though. How much longer do you think you’ll need them?”

  “Well, I was hoping after I met with the assistant US attorney, I’d be in the clear, but apparently they’re going to be around for a while.”

  “If you ever want to get away, Jim and his team have secured our beach house up in Stinson. You’re welcome to always hide away there.”

  “That’s incredibly generous of you. Thank you. I’ll check with Todd, and we may take you up on that.”

  Her eyes light up. “Does that mean you and Todd finally saw what the rest of us see?”

  “We made a move in a more personal direction this weekend. I met his friends, and we had a nice weekend together.”

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you. I’m excited. I don’t know if it’ll last, but I think we’re both committed to having fun while it does.”

  “Then I think you both need to join Trey and me up in Stinson. We go most weekends. Check your calendars and let me know.” She reaches for my hand. “I mean it. This isn’t an empty invitation.”

  “I promise.”

  We order pizza for lunch so we can work straight through. It’s later than I’d hoped before I’m finished, but I finally head home.

  I walk up to the door of Todd’s apartment and tiredly open it. The BrightStar investigation, work, and trying to have a personal life have been leaving me drained lately. I don’t know how much longer I can pull it all off.

  Since I moved in, Todd has been letting me know when he’s going to return to his apartment. I haven’t heard from him so far today, so it doesn’t surprise me when I find his place empty.

  With a huff, I drop my messenger bag and kick off my shoes before walking down the hallway toward the bedroom, stripping as I do so. The articles of clothing fall to the ground as I walk, leaving a haphazard trail behind me. All I need right now is some good music and a nice hot shower.

  I’m naked before I reach the bathroom. The room’s exactly how I left it this morning; I make the bed before I head to work, so if Todd comes home, he doesn’t think me a total slob.

  I can see my reflection in the full-length mirror in the corner. I’ve watched Todd get ready in front of that mirror most mornings from my side of the bed. He’s always so sexy in the morning. His voice is usually just a little bit deeper, and the way he says my name gives me shivers.

  I shake the thought from my head and walk to the shower.

  Once the water’s hot enough and my music’s playing over the small shower speaker, I hop in and let the water run down my bare back. My tense muscles slowly begin to soothe and relax as my mind wanders. I start to think
of Todd. We’ve been living together for a few weeks now, though his busy work schedule and my crazy life leaves us little time alone. We’re always so exhausted at the end of the day, but the change in our relationship over the weekend excites me. I had begun to wonder if a man would ever excite me like he does. I’m so glad we’ve made the transition from friends to lovers.

  As my mind begins to drift to my favorite things that Todd and I did this weekend, a deep warmth spreads between my thighs. Within no time, my eyes close and my mind takes over, my hand roaming to the most sensitive part of my body. I think of all the things Todd does down there. Before long, I’m rubbing my clit with one hand and bracing myself against the shower wall with the other, moaning loudly. Hot water runs down my back and legs, making it so much easier to slip my fingers inside my tight pussy, but no matter how hard I try, I can never hit the spot that Todd can.

  The feeling of hands on my hips causes me to snap out of my daze and gasp. I quickly turn my head around and see Todd, naked and wet, standing behind me. I look down to see him hard and ready to go. I hadn’t even heard him come in. How long has he been here?

  His eyes are clouded with lust, and his mouth’s set into a low smirk.

  “Did I scare you?” he growls.

  I chuckle but am unable to answer before he smashes his mouth against mine. He pushes me against the shower wall, hot water running over us as his lips move down to my neck and then up to my ear.

  “I love it when you moan for me,” he whispers. “God, you looked so sexy pleasuring yourself. Moaning my name.” He spins me around suddenly and pushes my back against the wall. His hands go to the insides of my thighs, shoving my legs apart. “I want to make you moan louder,” he murmurs, kissing my shoulder blade as he rubs the tip of his hard cock against my entrance. He teases me by rubbing it against my clit, then down to my entrance and back up again.

  “Please, Todd,” I beg.

  He steps out of the shower, letting all the cold air in. I see him rifle through his pant pockets until he finds what he’s looking for before he returns. I’m mesmerized as he rips open the package and rolls it on his thick, hard cock, my mouth watering.


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