Book Read Free

Rock Me

Page 3

by Raven K. Asher

  As the fans see me, their shouts become louder.

  “Wow, I guess you all approve of Chloe’s new outfit.” Marshal laughs into his microphone as the crowd quiets down a little. “Who would like to see her like this more often?”

  I swear the entire crowd shouts in response.

  Marshal chuckles and then glances back at me. “I guess you’re going to have to keep this sexy look, Chloe; we wouldn’t want to disappoint our fans.”

  He was saying one thing, but his eyes were saying something else altogether.

  No matter what anyone said, he still didn’t approve.

  I plaster on my best smile while plugging my guitar in before I prepare myself to play.

  “Anyway, who’s ready for some kickass music?” Marshal shouts as he returns his attention towards the crowd.

  They shout again and then become quiet as Micah taps his sticks together.

  Within seconds we begin to play. The music pours from my fingertips as I smile. It takes a little while, but as soon as I become more comfortable, I start to dance around the stage like I always did.

  In the middle of the song, Russell and I meet in the middle of the stage.

  We dance together for a few moments before parting.

  As the song continues, I get lost in the excitement. All of the issues from earlier disappear as Marshal’s voice fills the air.


  Before I know it, our time on stage ends. Marshal thanks the crowd and then turns to leave along with the rest of us.

  As soon as we exit the stage, Marshal’s smile disappears before he walks away.

  “What’s gotten into him?” Russell asks as he stops next to me.

  I shrug. “I don’t know.”

  “That was a great show, guys.” Mickie greets as he joins us. “And I’ve got a little surprise for you. You’ve been invited to join Lucky August for a late-night party.”

  Russell and Micah hoot in response.

  Mickie glances around for Marshal. “Where’s Marshal?”

  “He already left,” I answer.

  He nods and then rubs the back of his neck. “Alright, I’ll find him and let him know. For now, I’ll have Mitch take you to the room where Lucky August will be holding their party.”

  “Wait, how big is this party going to be?” Russell asks.

  “It’s just the bands and a few groupies, nothing too big,” Mickie replies.

  He turns to walk away but stops before glancing at us. “Behave yourselves.”

  We nod in unison before watching him walk away.

  My bodyguard shows up a few moments later before waving for us to follow him. As we follow along, I snatch a bottle of water from a table in the hall. I take a long drink before handing the bottle to Russell.

  Behind us, Micah grabs an armful of bottles before opening one.

  I laugh as he pours the water over his head.

  Water splashes Russell and me as Micah shakes his head like a dog.

  Russell is the next to grab a bottle from Micah to pour it over his head. He grins as the water runs between his spikes.

  “Geeze, it’s like your hair is waterproof.” I snort.

  He gives me a wink. “That’s the power of beeswax. It’s the only thing keeping us looking this good.”

  I laugh and then dodge him as he tries to pour some of his water on me.

  Micah tries next, but I manage to elude him too. Before he can stop me, I grab a bottle and then open it before splashing them.

  They both look at me in shock before mischievous grins spread across their lips.

  I squeal and run down the hall along with my bodyguard.

  I don’t stop even as Mitch stops to open a door for me. I run inside the room and then turn around just in time to have two bottles of water drench me.

  Laughing, I grab one more bottle from Micah before running behind Russell. I leap onto his back and then pour the water over his head while he chuckles loudly.

  Our laughter slows as four guys watch us from their seats on two black leather couches in the middle of the room.

  Russell holds me on his back as they wave at us.

  Shiloh stands and then moves to greet us with a bright smile. “You guys were awesome out there tonight.”

  “Thanks, man,” Russell replies. “You guys were great too.”

  He glances towards me before motioning towards the guys on the couches. “I should make introductions. That one over there, with the long hair, is Max. Sitting next to him with the braid is Dante, and the wild-child with the beer is Lucas.”

  “I’m Russell, this is Micah, and the monkey on my back is Chloe. Marshal is busy at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Russell replies.

  As if on cue, Marshal walks into the room. He stops next to Russell and me before raising his brow in question.

  I smile and then raise my bottle before pouring the remaining water over his head.

  “I think I’m going to like these guys.” Lucas hoots.

  Our fun comes to an end when a group of girls walks into the room. They look at me with disgust before moving to sit on the couch with the other guys.

  “You guys are more than welcome to help yourselves to anything in the room. We’ve got food, water, and liquor over there on that table.” Shiloh states while Russell places me down on my feet.

  “Make yourselves at home.” He adds.

  Without another word, Shiloh returns to his seat on the couch. Instantly, two girls move to sit next to him.

  Micah doesn’t waste a second to hop onto the couch between two other girls.

  Marshal and Russell look at me.

  “What are you going to do, Chloe?” Russell asks. “Are you going to hang out for a little while, or are you going to go to the bus?”

  “I think I’ll go,” I reply. “You guys can have fun.”

  They nod their heads and then move forward.

  I watch them for a few moments before I turn to leave.

  “Wait, where are you going?” Shiloh calls out just as I reach the door.

  “She’s going back to the bus. Chloe doesn’t usually stick around to hang out.” Marshal explains.

  “Awe, come on, don’t leave us.” Lucas pleads while standing up. “Live a little with us. We’ll make it worth it.”

  Turning around, I sigh as he moves closer. I really didn’t want to start this new friendship on the wrong foot. If I left now, it would be rude.

  “Fine, I’ll stay, but only for a little while.” I give in.

  Lucas hoots and then wraps his arm around my shoulders before leading me to the couch where Marshal and Russell were already sitting.

  Lucas waves his hand at the other girls to move. “Get the hell out of the way. Make room for a rock goddess.”

  Once they leave the couch, I sit down between Marshal and Russell.

  With a raised brow, Lucas motions between the three of us. “Which one of you guys is with her? A lot of people have been trying to figure it out, but no one has been able to get it right.”

  “Let us in on the secret.” He begs.

  “She’s not with either of us.” Russell answers.

  “Ha, I knew it.” Dante laughs. “You owe me ten grand, Lucas.”

  “Damn…” Lucas breathes out. “I thought she was at least dating one of you.”

  “What about your drummer?” Lucas presses.

  “I’m not dating anyone,” I answer.

  “Well, shit…” He snorts before glancing towards Marshal and then Russell. “Why haven’t one of you snatched her up by now?”

  “She’s family,” Marshal replies.

  Lucas nods in understanding. “That’s something that we can understand.”

  “Why don’t you get her a drink, Lucas?” Shiloh instructs.

  He nods and then thankfully walks away.

  I sigh and then glance towards Marshal. He looks at me but remains quiet. It was evident that he wasn’t comfortable being himself with me sitting right next to

  Turning my head to look at Russell next, I’m met with the same rigid posture.

  Sighing again, I stand up and then move to join Lucas at the table in the back of the room.

  He turns and then hands me a cup filled with a clear liquid and ice. “It’s vodka on the rocks.”

  I nod once and then take a small sip.

  Without a word, Lucas grabs another cup before moving back to the couches. He hops over the back and lands between two girls who giggle loudly.

  Two other girls join Marshal and Russell while I remain in place.

  It was times like now that sucked being the only girl in the group. It was awkward watching the guys enjoy their time with other girls.

  After what feels like forever, I empty my cup and then move back to the door.

  I stop with my hand on the door and glance back briefly into the room.

  No one notices me as I open the door and then walk out. As the door shuts behind me, Mitch appears.

  He quietly follows me down the hall and then outside.

  As I get onto the bus, he stays behind.

  Luckily no one, not even Todd, was on the bus. I move into the back and then lay down on the large bed before raising my arm over my eyes.

  A deep loneliness creeps in as silence surrounds me.

  I would have given anything to have someone’s arms wrapped around me. It physically hurt to be all alone.

  “Miss Chloe…” Mitch suddenly calls out from the front of the bus.

  I sit up as he moves into the back.

  He stops at the doorway. “There’s someone outside for you.”

  “Who is it?” I ask.

  “His name is Shiloh.” He answers. “Should I let him in or tell him that you’re busy?”

  “Let him in,” I reply after a moment of silence.

  He nods and then walks back through the bus while I lay back down on the bed.

  Moments later, Shiloh appears in the doorway. “Is everything alright? You left without saying anything to anyone.”

  “I’m fine.” I breathe out. “And the guys have more fun when I’m not around.”

  Pushing up on my elbows, I look at Shiloh in question. “Why didn’t you stay with the others?”

  He shrugs. “Those girls don’t interest me all that much, and I was more worried about you. You didn’t seem very happy before you left.”

  Shiloh then holds up a bottle of vodka. “I figured that we could hang out together for a little while and get to know each other.”

  I smile. “I’d like that.”

  It was exactly what I needed to erase all of the stress weighing me down.

  Chapter 5

  “Are you serious…? He threw up right on stage?” I laugh as Shiloh pours more vodka into my cup. “What did you end up doing?”

  We were currently sitting across from each other in the front of the bus.

  It had been over an hour, and no one had come to the bus yet. I didn’t mind, though, because I was actually enjoying myself.

  Shiloh was nothing like I thought that he’d be.

  We had a lot in common, including how we grew up in religious homes.

  He laughs before answering. “I slipped and fell right in it.”

  “Oh my god, that’s horrible.” I snort.

  “I didn’t miss a beat, though,” Shiloh replies. “I have no idea how I did it, but I made it through the rest of the set.”

  Sipping my drink, I smile and watch Shiloh as he watches me.

  After a moment, he leans forward. “Would you be willing to join my band and me for a song? The fans would love it.”

  “I’d have to talk to Marshal, Micah, and Russell first,” I reply gently.

  “Of course…” Shiloh replies.

  Before I can say another word, the bus door opens, and Russell and Marshal rush inside before stopping abruptly.

  “We’ve been looking all over for you.” Russell breathes out.

  “And you just now came to the bus?” I snort. “Where else would I have gone?”

  “We weren’t sure, especially since he was missing too,” Marshal replies while glaring at Shiloh. “We thought you were hiding somewhere together.”

  “Well, we were right here, getting to know each other,” I reply while standing up.

  All at once, the alcohol hits me, and the world around me spins. I giggle and then stumble forward into Russell’s arms.

  “Are you drunk?” He questions.

  I nod and then giggle again. “I think so.”

  Marshal growls out as he turns his attention towards Shiloh. “Leave now.”

  Shiloh stands with his hands raised. “Alright, I’ll go.”

  He takes a step forward to leave, but I push away from Russell to stop him. I stumble and then begin to fall, but Shiloh catches me in his arms this time.

  “When will I see you again?” I ask while looking up at him.

  “Soon…I’ll text you in the morning, though.” He replies.

  I smile and then hug him tightly before stepping back. Russell wraps his arms around me from behind as Shiloh moves towards the door before leaving.

  Marshal sighs roughly as he turns to face me. “What the hell were you thinking? We don’t know that guy. He could have hurt you.”

  “My bodyguard is right outside,” I argue. “But that doesn’t matter, Shiloh was the perfect gentleman.”

  “From now on, no one comes onto this bus but the people in this band.” Marshal snaps.

  I laugh abruptly. “That means no more whores.”

  “Whatever…” Marshal breathes out before turning his attention towards Russell. “Take her to bed. I’ll find out where Micah went and then bring him back to the bus.”

  With that, he exits the bus.

  Russell sighs behind me. “I think you made him jealous.”

  “Does it even matter anymore? He’s never going to notice me or how much I care about him. At least Shiloh isn’t afraid to spend some time with me.” I reply.

  “Marshal will come around eventually.” Russell insists.

  “I’m tired of waiting,” I reply as I turn around to face him.

  Biting my lip, I gaze up into Russell’s eyes before wrapping my arms around his neck. A sly smile crosses my lips after a moment.

  “So, are you going to do what Marshal told you to do? Are you going to take me to bed?” I ask.

  Russell snorts. “You are one naughty girl when you’re drunk.”

  “Just shut up and take me to bed, Russ,” I reply sternly.

  He nods and then lifts me into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and then lean forward to brush my lips against his. At first, he doesn’t respond, so I bite his bottom lip.

  A soft sexy groan bubbles up from his chest as he closes his eyes.

  Seconds later, he reopens them and then presses his lips to mine while carrying me through the bus. Once we’re in the backroom, Russell lays me down on the bed.

  He trails his lips down my neck before pulling back slightly to search my eyes.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asks.

  “Yes, Russ, I need this.” I insist.

  Before he can ask any more questions, I grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it up and over his head. I quickly toss it to the floor before moving to his belt.

  As I unbuckle it, Russell helps me out of my top before he unfastens my jeans.

  I release his belt as he pulls my jeans down and then tugs them off of my feet. He tosses them to the floor and then strips out of his jeans.

  Moments later, we become tangled in the sheets while getting lost in a haze of lust.


  “What the hell?” Marshal breathes out abruptly.

  Russell and I sit up abruptly. I rub my eyes and curse while holding a sheet against my chest as Marshal glares at us from the doorway. Behind him, Micah watches with a hint of amusement.

  “How long has this been going on?” Marshal snaps.

  “That’s r
eally none of your business,” I reply.

  “Anything that has to do with this band is my business.” Marshal bites out. “And this definitely messes with the band. Do you have any idea what this could do? It could destroy this band. I thought you knew better.”

  “We’ve been sleeping with each other for years, Marshal.” I sigh. “We tried dating once, but it didn’t work out. Instead, we sleep with each other when we get too lonely.”

  “Seriously…?” Marshal whispers.

  “I knew it.” Micah suddenly blurts. “I knew that the way you two acted together was more than from just friendship.”

  Marshal pinches the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes.

  After a few minutes, he reopens his eyes. “I can’t deal with this.”

  “Marshal…” I whisper.

  “I can’t, Chloe, not when you’re naked and in bed with my best friend,” Marshal replies before he turns and then walks away.

  Standing up, I wrap the sheet around my body before running after Marshal. Once I catch up to him, I grab his shoulder before forcing him to turn around to look at me.

  I poke his chest as my anger builds. “So, it’s completely fine when I catch you in bed with a strange girl?”

  “That’s different, and you know it.” He argues.

  “At least I know who the hell I’m sleeping with.” I bite out harshly.

  After a moment, I release a long-winded sigh. “How the hell do we fix this, Marshal?”

  “I honestly don’t know, Chloe.” He replies.

  “Would sleeping with you and Micah make this better?” I laugh.

  His brow rises. “Are you serious?”

  “No, but I don’t want this to mess up what we have here,” I reply.

  “Just give me time.” He replies before walking away again.

  This time I stay put as he exits the bus before walking towards the building again. Once he disappears from view, I turn and walk back into the room.

  Russell was sitting on the edge of the bed with his jeans already on.

  “I shouldn’t have fallen asleep.” He breathes out.

  “He was going to find out one day,” I reply before moving closer to him.

  “Just for the record, I’m totally fine with you sleeping with Russ,” Micah states as he exits the bathroom. “I’m a little jealous, but I totally get why you two would sleep together.”


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