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Rock Me

Page 16

by Raven K. Asher

  “We’re back and now for the guest that you’ve all been patiently waiting for, Marshal Williams.” The woman states while standing and turning towards Marshal as he joins her.

  They shake hands and then sit down in the seats across from each other.

  The audience cheers and claps for a few moments before becoming quiet.

  “I’m so glad that you could join us on such short notice.” The woman begins. “I am a huge fan, along with my two teenage daughters.”

  “And I’m happy to be here, Linda,” Marshal replies with a smile. “It’s always a joy to meet fans.”

  “That song that you sang at last night’s show with Chloe was amazing. Did you write the lyrics?” Linda asks.

  “No, I didn’t. Typically, I write all of our lyrics with help from Russell, and Chloe writes all of our music. Chloe deserves all of the credit for the song last night, though. It took a lot of coaxing to get her to sing it on stage with me.”

  “Can you tell us what the song was about?” Linda presses.

  “The only one who can truly tell you what it was about is Chloe, but I believe it was a mixture of her experiences and heartbreak recently.” Marshal answers.

  He had pretty much nailed exactly what the song was about.

  Linda nods and then glances towards the camera briefly before turning her full attention back towards Marshal. “Speaking of last night and your duet with Chloe, the fans are dying to know what happened. Did you intend to kiss Chloe?”

  Marshal sighs. “When I went on stage, I never intended to kiss Chloe. Sometimes our emotions become hypersensitive while singing, and being so close to her clouded my judgment.”

  “Do you regret kissing her?” Linda questions next.

  “Yes and no,” Marshal replies before continuing. “Yes, because I obviously hurt her, and no, because I have wanted to kiss her for years.”

  Shocked, I glance towards Micah and Russell. “Did you guys know?”

  Micah shakes his head while Russell sighs. “I had a feeling that there were some feelings there, but I wasn’t absolutely sure.”

  Turning my attention back to the television, I continue to watch.

  “Wow…” Linda breathes out. “Does Chloe know that?”

  Marshal shakes his head. “I haven’t been able to speak to her since she ran off stage last night. She has done everything in her power to avoid me.”

  “Do you think she’s watching this now?” Linda asks curiously.

  “I hope that she is,” Marshal replies.

  “Why don’t you take a moment to say something to her in case she is watching?” Linda insists.

  My heart pounds wildly as I lean forward in my seat.

  Marshal nods and then looks at the camera. “Chloe, if you’re watching and I hope that you are, I need you to know that I have been in love with you for years. I kept my feelings to myself because I didn’t want to ruin the relationship that we did have.”

  “What made you decide to change your mind about keeping your feelings secret?” Linda asks him.

  “I changed my mind when I found out about Chloe’s relationship with Russell. That changed everything for me, but before I could confess how I felt, Chloe began dating Shiloh.” Marshal answers.

  “That must have been difficult to watch,” Linda states gently.

  “It was,” Marshal replies.

  Linda nods and then looks at Marshal in question. “What do you think this means for the future of Cyclone Lies? Do you think after Chloe’s reaction that she’ll come back to the band, or was that it?”

  “Chloe would never leave the band no matter what. I do hope she’ll forgive me though for making this into a bigger mess than it needed to be.” Marshal replies. “No matter what, Cyclone Lies isn’t going anywhere.”

  “That’s good to know,” Linda replies before looking at the camera. “And that’s all the time we have.”

  She turns her attention towards Marshal again before standing up along with Marshal. “It was an honor to have you as our guest today.”

  “It was a pleasure, Linda,” Marshal replies.

  They hug quickly, and Marshal walks away.

  “I didn’t expect any of that.” Micah blurts before turning his full attention towards me as I stare at the television screen absently.

  “Chloe, Sweetheart…?” Russell whispers.

  All of a sudden, a door on the building opens, and Marshal walks outside with Mickie. They begin moving towards the bus.

  I stand quickly and run into the back before closing and locking the door behind me.

  There was no way that I could face Marshal yet.

  I was still in shock by what he had admitted. I couldn’t believe after all of this time that Marshal felt the same way about me that I had about him.

  Thinking back now, I realized that he had tried to tell me after I told him how I felt, but I hadn’t given him the chance to say a word because I had been too afraid to hear what he had to say.

  “Chloe, hiding isn’t going to make anything better.” Russell insists from the other side of the door as I lean back against it.

  Instead of saying a word, I slide down to sit on the floor.

  I listen as Marshal enters the bus.

  “Did you guys watch the interview?” Marshal questions.

  “We did,” Micah replies.

  “Did Chloe…?” Marshal trails off.

  “She did,” Russell answers from the other side of the door. “And now she’s locked herself back here. She won’t answer me at all.”

  Silence fills the bus before there’s a knock on the door.

  “Chloe, can we talk, please?” Marshal pleads.

  My voice gets lodged in my throat as I stand up and face the door. I both wanted to open it and throw myself into his arms, and I wanted to run away.

  “Please, Chloe…” Marshal whispers.

  Leaning my head against the door, I close my eyes. “What am I supposed to say, Marshal?”

  He sighs. “I don’t know.”

  After a few moments of silence, he speaks again. “Just open the door so that I can see you.”

  I take a few deep breaths before I unlock and then open the door slowly.

  Marshal smiles sadly as I look up at him. “Hey…”

  “Have you really felt that way all this time?” I question abruptly.

  He nods. “You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to kiss you. I wanted to say something to you, but I was always reminded that we were like family, and that’s all we would ever be.”

  “I only said that because I wanted to shelter my heart,” I reply softly.

  “I never thought that you liked me that way,” I add.

  “For a long time, I never thought that you liked me that way either. I wasn’t completely sure until you told me a few weeks ago.” Marshal breathes out.

  “God, we are a mess.” I snort.

  “Yeah, we are, but at least now we both know how we feel,” Marshal replies before searching my eyes. “You do still feel that way about me, right?”

  “Marshal…” I whisper. “I need time to wrap my head around all of this.”

  He nods and then looks away from me while rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Please, understand…I just broke up with Shiloh…” I explain. “…After the attack and the whole thing with my parents, I just don’t think that I’m ready for this.”

  “I do understand, Chloe.” He replies while looking at me again.

  “For now, can we just go back to before the kiss last night?” I ask.

  He nods once. “We can, but before that happens, can I ask one thing of you?”

  I raise my brow in question. “What do you want?”

  “Can I kiss you one more time, the way that I should have from the start?” He replies.

  “Are you serious?” I laugh.

  “I am.” He replies before taking a small step towards me.

  Instead of moving away, I stand still as he moves forward
a little more. When his hands reach out to grasp my hips, I close my eyes while releasing my breath.

  My breath gets caught in my chest when Marshal moves one of his hands up to cup my cheek.

  After a few moments, I reopen my eyes to gaze into Marshal’s.

  He smiles and then pulls me snuggly against his body while his lips descend to mine.

  The world around us vanishes as his lips move against my own while his tongue tangles intimately with mine.

  All too soon, he pulls away.

  I reach up and touch the ring in his bottom lip while a smile spreads across my lips. “I always wondered what it would feel like to kiss you with this ring.”

  “Was it what you expected?” He asks with a light laugh.

  “Better…” I whisper shyly.

  Marshal barks out with laughter as he strokes his hand across my cheek.

  After a few moments, he becomes serious again as he searches my eyes. “Are you still going to make me wait?”

  I nod while bowing my head. “I just need some time.”

  “I’ll give you all the time that you need.” He replies before lifting my chin with his hand. “I’m not going anywhere, and as long as you feel the same way that I do about you, I won’t even look at another girl, let alone speak to one.”

  “My heart is yours.” He adds.

  Gazing deep into his eyes, I smile. “My heart was always yours.”

  He grins in response before kissing my forehead sweetly. After a moment, he takes a step back before turning to walk away.

  Before he gets too far, I step forward. “Marshal…”

  Stopping, he turns back around to face me.

  “Thanks for understanding.” I then state.

  “You’re welcome.” He replies before turning back around to walk towards the front of the bus.

  Sighing softly, I touch my fingertips to my lips before turning back around. I walk into the room and then lay down on the bed before closing my eyes.

  A smile plays on my lips as I begin to drift off.

  Chapter 26

  “Guys, you’re on in ten. Finish up and meet me by the stage.” Mickie shouts as he walks down the hallway between our dressing rooms.

  Mabel works quickly to finish my makeup while Russell pokes his head into the room.

  “Are you just about ready, Sweetheart?” He questions before moving farther into the room.

  “She’s almost done,” Mabel answers for me.

  Russell nods and then moves around where I can see him better without having to move my head. He bounces on his heels for a moment before glancing towards the door.

  Once Mabel finishes, she takes a step back to hold a mirror in front of me.

  “I love it,” I exclaim while smiling at my reflection.

  “You outdid yourself, Mabel.” Russell agrees.

  The design she had done around my eyes was intricate with small red hearts. Her designs had quickly become a signature style for me.

  For the past two weeks, she had done these designs for concerts, interviews, and anytime there was the possibility of seeing fans.

  She had been a huge help for me to gain my confidence back.

  “Did you check in with Micah?” I ask while standing up.

  Russell nods. “I have. He’s going to wait for your signal.”

  “Good.” I breathe out.

  After a moment of silence, I look at Russell. “I am beyond nervous.”

  “There’s no reason to be nervous. Marshal is going to love it, and the fans are going to love it even more.” Russell insists.

  For the past week, we had been secretly writing a song together.

  It was a song that I wanted to sing all alone to Marshal on stage.

  As promised, things had returned to normal for the past few weeks as we toured, but no one could deny that some things had changed.

  The way that Marshal watched me was one thing that was obvious, and Marshal hadn’t even looked in another girl’s direction. He only had eyes for me, which was both intense and exciting.

  Even the reporters and fans were questioning what was going on between Marshal and me.

  They were fully aware that Marshal was in love with me, but no one knew where I stood.

  Tonight everyone would know, though.

  I was going to pour my heart out on stage for the world to see.

  “Are you sure?” I press.

  “Yes, now get that robe off and walk with me to the stage,” Russell commands.

  I snort and then slip my robe off to reveal a red velvet corset over a black lacy tank top and ruffled black skirt that rested halfway down my thighs. I also had on my favorite knee-high boots and fishnet stockings.

  Mable had pulled my hair into pigtails and added braids and ribbon to match the rest of my outfit.

  It was a playful take on my usual look.

  Russell releases a low whistle. “If Marshal didn’t already have dibs on you, I would be canceling this show to ravage you.”

  I burst into laughter while pointing at him. “Keep your distance.”

  He pouts dramatically before smiling as I move closer to him. Without another word, we exit the room and then walk down the hallway.

  Once we reach the stage, Russell and I are handed our guitars before the stagehands fit us with all of our other necessary equipment.

  “The microphone you requested is hidden next to your amp, Chloe.” One of the stagehands whispers into my ear. “It’s wireless, so all you need to do is give me the signal to turn it on, and you’ll be able to walk anywhere on the stage with it.”

  “Thank you, Nick,” I reply.

  “Wait, what was that about?” Mickie questions me as Nick walks away.

  I shrug in response.

  The only people who knew of my plan were Russell, the stagehand who had just helped me, and Micah. Mickie didn’t have a clue, and that’s the way that I wanted it to stay because if he knew he would take advantage of the moment for a photo shoot and that’s not something that I wanted.

  “Chloe…” Mickie scolds.

  “What…?” I laugh, nervously.

  “Please, whatever you have planned, it better be worth it,” Mickie replies.

  “It will be,” I promise.

  He nods and then steps away from me while Micah and Marshal join us.

  Micah lets out a hoot as he scans me from head to toe. “Damn, girl, just damn…”

  I laugh lightly while shyly looking at Marshal. He bites his lip ring while gazing at me intensely. It was maddening to see him do that because I so badly wanted to kiss him.

  Instead of allowing my urges to take control, I turn around and move closer to the stage.

  Shiloh belts out the end of his song before thanking that crowd the way that he always did. He then runs off stage with Dante, Lucas, and Max.

  Each of them bumps fists with my guys before rushing down the hallway.

  Oddly enough, both bands had become closer than ever. Even my friendship with Shiloh had grown, and Marshal had learned to tolerate him a little more too.

  As someone announces our band, Marshal moves behind me.

  His warm breath fans over my neck as his hands grasp my hips. “I could eat you up right now. You look amazing.”

  With that, he releases me and then rushes onto the stage with Russell and Micah.

  Taking a deep breath, I follow them on stage and then prepare to play.

  Seconds later, Marshal starts the first song.


  In the middle of the show, Marshal stops to catch his breath. As he takes a long drink from his bottle of water, I grab the microphone from beside my amp and then give Nick the signal to switch it on.

  Glancing back at Micah, I give him his signal before turning my attention towards Russell.

  He grins and then nods.

  While Marshal gulps down his drink, Micah begins tapping his sticks together to start the next song.

  Marshal nearly spits out his water as he look
s back at us wide-eyed.

  He was nowhere near prepared to sing yet.

  Moving quickly, I slip the microphone headset on and then strum my fingers across my guitar strings. Seconds later, I begin to sing while moving closer to Marshal.

  He watches me curiously as I sing directly to him.

  I sing about our story, about how we met, and growing up together. I then sing about what he meant to me and how I felt about him.

  The fans go absolutely crazy when I confess my love for him.

  Marshal smiles uncontrollably as I continue.

  After just a few more lines, I end the song. Marshal reaches out and pulls me close while I push my guitar out of the way.

  He gazes deep into my eyes and then pulls the microphone headset off before tossing it to the floor. Seconds later, he kisses me passionately in front of everyone.

  No one else mattered at that moment.

  Pulling back reluctantly, Marshal grins brightly. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Marshal,” I reply.

  He kisses me one more time before moving back to his microphone at the front of the stage.

  “I never saw that coming, guys.” Marshal laughs while glancing back at me. “Give it up for the always stunning Chloe.”

  The crowd cheers and chants my name before quieting down again.

  Marshal glances back at Micah and Russell. “Did you guys know about this?”

  They nod in response gaining laughs from the fans this time.

  “Did you guys know about this?” Marshal then asks our fans with a laugh.

  The fans laugh along with him before quieting down once more. Marshal glances in my direction again before smiling.

  “Do you want to sing our other song together?” He asks me.

  I nod and then move forward.

  Once I’m standing next to him, he gives Micah and Russell the signal to start playing.

  For the first time in a very long time, I felt whole. Right next to Marshal was exactly where I belonged.

  I truly did love him.

  Chapter 27

  “Are you two ever going to leave the room? Some of us would like to grab a quick shower.” Russell calls out from the other side of the door abruptly.


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