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Page 11

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I like waking up like this with you,” she sent through the link that all Kindred shared with their brides.

  “You mean like this?” Large, warm hands roamed over her body as he explored her with the gentleness he hadn’t been able to use the night before.

  “E-exactly like that,” Tess whispered, her breath coming short with pleasure as he cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples lightly. She turned over and kissed him, giving him even greater access to her breasts.

  “I want to taste you again,” he growled softly when the kiss finally broke.

  Tess drew back, biting her lip. “After last night? I don’t know. I’m kind of…messy right now.”

  “You think I give a damn about that? I like you messy.” There was an animalistic glint in his eye that made her think maybe his dr’gin was still in there somewhere, watching.

  “But Garron, I’m really—” she started to protest.

  “Perfect,” he interrupted. “Come, lin’del. I’m the one who made you ‘messy’ in the first place, did you think of that? So I’m the one who should clean you up.” He stroked her cheek. “Can’t wait to taste your sweet pussy all over again.”

  Tess’s heart was racing and she could feel her entire body getting hot all over.

  “All right,” she whispered, still a bit reluctant. “But I can’t do the hands and knees thing again. Not when my palms are still tender.” They’d had their first bonding sex in a stone cave and while Garron had healed her wounds, she was still a little sensitive.

  “Do you need me to heal you again?” Before she could answer, Garron took her hand in his and brought it to his mouth. Turning her hand over so it was palm up, he lapped gently at the tender spot on the heel of her hand.

  “No, really,” she said breathlessly. “I’m well now—you don’t have to—”

  “Maybe I want to.” He kissed the inside of her wrist and then ran his tongue over her forearm and the tender inside of her elbow. Before Tess could protest further, he was taking one of her nipples between his lips and sucking it deep into his mouth.

  “Ohhhh,” she whispered, thrusting her chest up to him. “God, that feels so good.”

  “Love to make you feel good, lin’del. Love to taste you.”

  He switched to her other nipple, sucking it deep into the hot, wet cavern of his mouth and then biting it gently to send sparks of pain and pleasure through her entire body. Tess moaned and pressed up to meet him but before she knew it, he was placing a final, hot kiss between her bare breasts and moving further down.

  Tess’s heart pounded as he gently parted her thighs and bent to kiss between her legs. But then, to her surprise, instead of urging her down on her back, he lay down himself instead.

  “Um, what are you doing?” she asked uncertainly as he positioned himself so that his head was near the headboard.

  “Getting ready to taste you. Come here, lin’del.” He gestured for her and she looked at him, not understanding.

  “Come here and do what exactly?”

  “Come here and ride my face.” His voice came out as a low, lustful growl when he beckoned her again.

  “Oh, I couldn’t!” Tess objected, though her pulse quickened at the idea of a new, naughty position. “It’s not like I’m some skinny-minny gymnast. I’ll crush you!”

  Garron laughed, a low, soft chuckle that echoed through the bedroom and made her tingle all over.

  “Tess, you’ve seen what I can become and what I am capable of. Trust me, you’re not going to ‘crush’ me with your lovely curves. Now come here—come and let me taste your sweet honey right from the source.”

  Tess might have been tempted to doubt his sincerity, but she could feel the need and love and desire pulsing through their new link. Garron really wanted this—wanted to taste her this way. And if she needed any more evidence, his long, thick shaft was already standing at attention between his thighs.

  This act—opening herself to be tasted—had been hard for her in the past, mainly because of the sadistic treatment her ex had dished out. But Garron was sweet and patient and he had coaxed her to open to him and allow him to lick and suck and taste her pussy. It was something that had been forbidden on his home world of Pax which seemed to make him desire it even more. And, though she would have thought it was impossible before she met him, Tess was beginning to desire it too.

  “All right,” she whispered at last. “I guess it can’t hurt to try something new.”

  Feeling nervous and hot all at once, she straddled his head and lowered herself down onto his tongue.

  Garron growled in approval and the warm, wet sensation of his tongue bathing her outer pussy lips gently made Tess moan with pleasure. God, he was so good at this. It was amazing how he seemed to find just the right spots to lick and suck and taste every time.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, making magical circles around it with his tongue tip until she thought she might scream with the intense sensation. Leaning forward, she supported herself with the palms of her hands against the headboard as Garron continued to bathe her pussy with his tongue.

  “Come further down,” he whispered through their link and his fingers tightened on her thighs. “Come all the way down, lin’del—let me put my tongue deep inside your sweet cleft.”

  By this time, Tess was helpless to deny him anything. With a soft moan, she lowered herself all the way down and his hot tongue found its way deep inside her. She told herself to be careful but somehow she couldn’t help her body’s reaction to the intimate invasion. One hand fisted in his thick black hair and the other braced against the headboard, she rolled her hips, moaning helplessly while she ground against his face.

  “That’s right, lin’del—ride my face.” Even his mental voice sounded hoarse. “Gods, I can taste you—I can taste both of us and it’s so fucking good!”

  “Garron,” she sent back. “I’m close—really close. But I don’t want…don’t want to come with your tongue inside me. I want more.”

  “Shift back, then.” His mental voice was low and urgent with need. “My shaft is more than ready. Shift back and let me fill you another way.”

  Eagerly, Tess did as he said. Shifting back, she scooted down his long, muscular body until she was straddling his narrow hips. His cock was, as he had said, more than ready to go. And so was Tess—she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so needy, so ready to be filled. But it occurred to her as she took him in hand, that this was the first time she’d ever been on top—with any man. For some reason, the thought froze her in her tracks.

  “Tess?” Garron looked up at her, his mouth shiny with her juices and his eyes blazing in the dim hotel room. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, no. I’ve just…never done it like this before. I mean, I’ve never been the one on top. Are you, uh, sure you’re all right with it?”

  “More that all right,” he assured her, stroking her thighs. “I want you on top of me. I want you to ride me, Tess. Use me for your pleasure as I used you last night.”

  “You want me to use you?” She raised an eyebrow, still not quite believing it. Pierce, her ex, had never wanted her to get a speck of pleasure from anything sexual that they did. And he never, ever would have let her be the one on top, controlling the action. But Garron seemed to get turned on by the idea. Incredibly turned on if the throbbing shaft she was holding in her hand was any indication.

  “Gods, yes, I want you to use me,” he growled softly through their link. “Pleasure yourself with me. Fuck yourself on my cock until you come with me buried deep inside you. That’s what I want, lin’del—what I crave.”

  “I want it too,” Tess admitted.

  “Then do it. Take me as I took you last night. Even the score.”

  “It’s not about keeping score,” she objected. “It’s about loving each other—enjoying each other’s bodies.”

  “Exactly. And I want you to enjoy mine to the fullest. Gods, lin’del, please…you’re killing me with that soft lit
tle hand.”

  Tess realized that she was still gripping him loosely in one hand, waiting to guide him in. Well, what are you waiting for? whispered the naughty little voice in her head. Get on with it, girl!

  With a low moan, Tess took her own advice and lowered herself slowly down until she felt the broad head of his cock brushing her slippery petals. For a moment she simply slipped him up and down between her nether lips, getting both of them even hotter and wetter and enjoying the feel of him rubbing against the sensitive button of her clit.

  “Tess!” Garron gasped aloud and she realized she was torturing him.

  “All right,” she murmured, pressing the blunt tip of his cock to the entrance of her pussy. “All right, I’m ready now—more than ready. I want you in me.”

  Garron groaned aloud and grasped her hips as she slid him deep inside her.

  “Gods, Tess!” he sent. “So tight and wet and hot and perfect. So fucking perfect!”

  It felt perfect to Tess too. She could feel her inner walls stretching to take him, could feel her clit throbbing and her nipples tingling with pleasure as the head of his cock finally kissed the mouth of her womb. For a long moment, she held perfectly still, loving the feel of him in her, filling her as they claimed each other.

  Then she couldn’t hold still any more. With a low cry, she braced herself on his hard abdomen and began rolling her hips, fucking herself with long, slow strokes onto Garron’s cock just as he had asked her to.

  “Gods!” he groaned, his brilliant turquoise eyes half-lidded with lust. “Gods, you feel so good around me! That’s right, lin’del—work yourself on me. Work yourself hard!”

  “I’m…trying,” she gasped, thrusting her hips. God, it felt incredible to be in control like this. Incredible and so damn arousing. Though she could feel his long, hard body tense beneath her, for a while Garron simply lay there, letting her move on him, letting her use him as he had wanted her to.

  But finally Tess needed more, needed him to go deeper than she could manage on her own. Though her pleasure was growing, she couldn’t reach the peak without his help.

  “Garron,” she gasped aloud. “Please, I need…need more…need deeper.”

  “Yes, lin’del…” He gripped her hips harder and started a steady, deep thrusting that seemed designed to drive her insane. “I’ll give you deeper,” he promised through their link. “I’ll fuck you as deeply as you need me to.”

  “Deeper, harder!” Tess urged him. Reaching between her legs, she stroked along the side of her clit, bringing herself to the brink. She could feel the familiar wire tightening inside herself and she knew she was about to come. “Please, Garron, I’m close…so damn close. I just need a little…more…”

  With a low growl, he gave her exactly what she needed. Gripping her hips even harder, he pressed up into her even as he looked into her eyes.

  “I love you, Tess…” His deep voice was a low, needy growl. “Love you forever…”

  And then, with their eyes and bodies locked, Tess felt him spurting inside her, filling her again with his cum, bonding them together all over again. But this time he was looking into her eyes and the expression on his face—the look of love so great it was almost pain—sent her right over the edge.

  With a low gasp, she let herself go, flying over the peak of pleasure and moaning his name as her inner muscles caressed him.

  “Garron,” she sent through their link. “Love you too, so much…”

  And then she collapsed onto his broad, heaving chest with a moan of pure satisfaction.

  They were both trying to catch their breath when a familiar voice came drifting through their link.

  “Hello? Garron, can you hear me? I hope this isn’t a bad time…”

  “Truth?” Garron sat up with a jerk, causing his still semi-hard shaft to move inside Tess and forcing her to bite back a moan. “In fact, this is not a very opportune time to talk. Why are you bespeaking me?”

  Tess climbed hastily off Garron’s lap and crawled under the sheet, feeling like her brother-in-law had just walked in on them having sex. Could he sense through the link she shared with Garron what they had just been doing?

  “Well, he can if you keep on thinking about it so loudly!” another voice, which sounded rather amused, spoke in her head. “Hi, Tess—this is Becca. Truth and I are sorry for bothering the two of you in the middle of your hot and heavy action but this is really important.”

  “Rebecca is right—Commander Sylvan asked us personally to bespeak you,” Truth’s voice said. “It is a matter of utmost importance.”

  “Well, what is it?” Garron sounded grumpy and Tess couldn’t blame him. If there was any drawback at all to having a mind and soul bond to a hot Kindred warrior, this had to be it.

  “Did Kat finally have her babies?” she sent in what she hoped was the general direction of Becca.

  “Not yet but Sylvan says any day now—the poor thing is just huge and absolutely miserable.”

  “Rebecca please,” Truth growled through what was now a four way link. “Kat’s pregnancy is not what we are calling about.”

  “Well what are you calling about, Brother?” Garron demanded. “Hurry up and tell me. I enjoy my link with Tess but having it with anyone but her is mentally taxing and confusing.”

  “I agree,” Tess sent. “I feel like I have too many people in my head right now.”

  “Then we’ll be brief,” Truth sent. “Tess told Commander Sylvan that she met the Dark Kindred who was dream sharing with Mei-Li, Senator Hastings’s daughter when the two of you visited Zeaga 4, correct?”

  “Well, we didn’t exactly visit the planet’s surface since no one without enhancements is allowed there. But yes, I met him on a medical barge orbiting the planet,” Tess sent. “His name is Six. But he told me he wasn’t planning on coming to claim the senator’s daughter at all.”

  “Well, he must have changed his mind.” Becca’s mental voice sounded grim. “Because he just showed up tonight out of the blue and literally carried Mei-Li off like some kind of a caveman.”

  “Oh, that’s bad!” Tess shivered, remembering the scary, Terminator-looking Dark Kindred with his metal hand and the red laser beam where his left eye should have been.

  “It is worse than you suppose,” Truth sent. “Word has reached her father, Senator Hastings, and he is calling for an immediate meeting of the World Security Council.”

  “We think they might declare war on the Kindred!” Becca sounded really upset. “Which is going to be bad news for any Kindred who are left down on the planet—like Garron.”

  “Oh, no!” Tess said aloud, clutching Garron’s broad shoulder. She’d just found her man—she wasn’t about to lose him!

  “It’s all right, lin’del. We won’t lose each other,” he murmured soothingly, stroking her hand. But Tess wasn’t soothed and Truth’s next words only made her more worried.

  “The Kindred High Council is advising any and all Kindred warriors who are still on Earth to come back to the Mother Ship immediately,” Garron’s brother sent. “Unfortunately, the ban on Tess remains in effect.”

  “Which is completely ridiculous, of course.” Becca sounded indignant. “I don’t know what Chancellor Terex is thinking!”

  “I don’t either but I’m not coming back to the Mother Ship without Tess,” Garron growled.

  “Of course you’re not, honey,” Becca sent soothingly. “Nobody would expect you to. What the two of you need to do is find someplace safe to hide out until all this blows over.”

  “But where?” Tess sent despairingly.

  “I don’t know, but you’d better find someplace quick,” Becca sent. “If things go down like we think they will, it’s going to get awfully hot for any Kindred left on Earth.”

  “This comes at a particularly bad time for everyone since Commander Sylvan had just made the announcement that we would start calling brides from Earth again today,” Truth put in. “If only Six hadn’t decided he had to come and claim
his bride right now we might be all right.”

  “He made a big scene, too,” Becca sent. “Apparently the police were called in and an elderly neighbor said she saw him taking Mei-Li away by force.”

  “Don’t forget the male they found with multiple broken bones at the scene,” Truth sent. “The news media on Earth are trying to make it out that he was a friend of Mei-Li and Six flew into a jealous rage and nearly killed him.”

  “Is that true?” Garron asked.

  “We think it’s more likely he was attacking her or trying to hurt her in some way,” Becca sent. “You know how Kindred men get when they think their female is threatened. They go into rage all right—just not the jealous kind. More like the I’ll-kill-you-for-trying-to-hurt-my-woman kind.”

  “But Six can’t go into Rage for his female,” Garron protested. “He has no emotions. In fact, he was held out to us by the surgeon who performed my implant surgery as a shining example of success when it came to emotion dampers.”

  “Yes, but we know how long your implant lasted,” Tess reminded him. “The minute you started having strong emotions, it failed completely.”

  “I had only had mine for a day, though,” Garron pointed out. “Six has had his for years. And I had my dr’gin inside to contend with.”

  “I think every Kindred has a beast inside when it comes to protecting their woman.” Becca sounded thoughtful. “I’d be very surprised if Six is able to keep his emotionless state once he starts feeling possessive and protective of Mei-Li.”

  “He’d better keep it,” Tess said grimly. “If he doesn’t he can be killed. Yipper—the Tolleg surgeon who did Garron’s implant—told us they don’t allow any emotion at all on Zeaga 4. If anyone gets caught feeling, they’re gotten rid of. Purged, I think he called it.” She shivered.

  “What about Mei-Li? How will she survive down on Zeaga 4 during the Claiming Period?” Becca asked.


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