Book Read Free


Page 13

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Oh, this just gets better and better,” Mei-Li snapped. “So you were ordered to take me but you also felt sorry for me, right? Like I was some helpless little kitten that couldn’t take care of itself. Well let me tell you…” She poked him right in his broad chest. “I am fine. I don’t need your help or your protection. Now let’s get this over with so I can go back home when the month is up.”

  Ignoring his outstretched hand, she pushed past him and took the long step down herself to the pitch black floor. The fact that her bare and rather dirty foot didn’t immediately sink into the shiny black surface was little comfort.

  Suddenly a new person appeared before her—or rather, a creature. Mei-Li was so angry she nearly ran into it. She was going to brush past it but it was so odd looking she did a double take and stopped in her tracks.

  The creature looked like a cross between a hairy gray monkey and a dog. It moved with a chimpanzee’s scampering gait but it had the long face, sensitive nose, and soft, floppy ears of a bloodhound. She would have thought it was an animal—some kind of Dark Kindred pet maybe—except for the fact that she couldn’t imagine an emotionless society having pets. Also, its large, liquid brown eyes brimmed with intelligence when it spoke to her.

  “Yareg Yipper—selma Tolleg, dar a si, dar a si,” it said, nodding eagerly at her.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Mei-Li said. “I’m afraid I don’t understand you.”

  “Para turgl. Jarop tix, dar a si, dar a si.” It stuck out its tongue which was long and had a strangely pointed end.

  “Um, ooookay,” Mei-Li said edging away from it. She didn’t want to act like a scared little girl and hide behind Six’s bulk—especially not after her ‘I can take care of myself’ speech, but what the hell was this thing anyway?

  Before she could ask Six what it was, the intelligent monkey-dog bounded forward and stuck something that felt like a thousand tiny little pins into her left calf. Mei-Li screamed and tried to kick it off but it hung on. Then, to her horror, she realized the sharp thing it was sticking her with was its tongue.

  “Oh my God! Get it off! Get it off me!” she gasped, reaching down to pry the furry creature away. She couldn’t get hold of it though—it kept dodging her grip while somehow keeping its tongue firmly lodged in the side of her calf.

  Mei-Li felt like hear heart was going to pound right through her ribcage. Every single alien or vampire or alien vampire movie she had ever seen shot through her mind at once.

  It’s drinking my blood…it’s infecting me…it’s impregnating me with some weird alien creature that’s going to come bursting out of my sternum at any moment…

  “Six, help!” she pleaded, turning to him. She didn’t want to admit she needed his assistance but at this point, she had no choice. And even if he was upset with her for the way she’d talked to him, surely he hadn’t brought her all this way to let her be mangled and infected by some weird animal—had he?

  But the big Kindred didn’t even look annoyed—let alone worried for her safety.

  “Be calm,” he said. “This is Yipper, one of the Tollegs I told you about.”

  “Be calm? He’s biting me!”

  “No, he’s injecting you with translation bacteria. A process which probably wouldn’t take nearly so long if you would simply hold still.”

  “What?” she demanded, looking down at the furry monkey-dog clinging to her leg.

  At that moment, it finally detached itself and skipped a few feet back from her.

  “My apologies if I startled you, my lady. I am sorry, so I am, so I am,” it said in a high, piping voice.

  Mei-Li stared at it. “I…I can understand you.”

  “Of course you can.” It nodded vigorously. “Six asked that I meet you with a dose of the bacteria so that you could understand us, yes he did, yes he did.”

  Mei-Li turned on Six, furious all over again. “So you told him to meet us here and bite me? Are you crazy?”

  “He did not bite you—he injected you. And I told you I would ask that an injection of the bacteria be brought for you. I do not understand why following through on a promise I had made you would call my sanity into question,” Six said, frowning. Clearly he had no idea why she was so upset.

  Yipper seemed to, though.

  “Forgive us, my lady, if you would, if you would. I thought that Six had explained to you our form of medicine. We Tollegs are natural surgeons, so we are, so we are. And we do most of our surgery with our tongues.”

  “With your tongues?” Mei-Li couldn’t believe it. Then she remembered the way Six had licked her to heal her—hadn’t he said something about it being necessary because of the Tolleg medicine he was using? Actually, it was a little hard to remember since she’d been trying so hard not to squirm all over her chair at the time…Not that you should have gotten all hot and bothered in the first place, she reminded herself. Since it was all just business to Six. Probably he just didn’t want to bring damaged goods back to his home planet.

  “We do surgery with our tongues. So we do, so we do.” The Tolleg named Yipper nodded eagerly. “But I would not have injected you if I had known you weren’t expecting me to, no I wouldn’t, no I wouldn’t.” He looked up at Six. “You should have warned her, Six, so you should, so you should.”

  Six shook his head. “Forgive me,” he said stiffly. “I thought I had.”

  “No, you said you would get someone to give me a shot of translation bacteria. I was picturing someone in a white lab coat holding a syringe. Not a…a…” She gestured at Yipper. “A Tolleg with a surgical tongue.”

  Six shook his head. “Clearly I have much to learn still about your culture, ideas, and beliefs. I am truly sorry you were startled. I will try to avoid such confusion in the future.”

  “I hope so.” Mei-Li looked down at her leg—there wasn’t so much as a scratch or a red spot where Yipper had bitten—no, injected her and the translation bacterial did seem to be working so she supposed she ought to let it go. Honestly, it was no worse than finding out that this entire claiming thing was just business to the big Kindred.

  It was, as Six had said, a cultural difference. He would probably have been mystified if she had taken him to an ER on Earth where they had doctors who used their hands instead of their tongues to do procedures.

  I’m okay, she told herself. A little shaken up but okay. Everything is going to be fine. I’m going to get through this and someday back on Earth when I’m an old lady I’ll have a crazy story to tell my grandkids.

  “So you forgive us? So you do, so you do?” Yipper was looking up at her anxiously.

  “Yes, I suppose.” Mei-Li nodded and took a deep breath. “I forgive you anyway, uh, Yipper, was it?”

  “Yes, indeed, yes, indeed.” The little Tolleg looked pleased. “And you are…?”

  “Mei-Li.” Mei-Li held out her hand to shake without thinking about it. Yipper seized it affably enough but instead of shaking, he licked the back of her hand with his long tongue.

  “Well met indeed, well met indeed,” he said, releasing her.

  “Um, yeah. Well met.” Mei-Li tried to wipe her wet hand on her dirty skirt without being too obvious about it. “So, is this the only reason we came here? So I could get injected and be able to communicate down on your home world?”

  “Naturally not, naturally not.” Yipper shook his head, making his long ears flop. “You are here for the same reason anyone stops at the medical barges before they go down to Z4.”

  “And what reason is that?” Mei-Li demanded, looking at Six. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like the answer.

  “To get an enhancement, of course,” he answered. “No one is allowed on the surface of Z4 without an enhancement. The Collective demands it.”

  Mei-Li shook her head. “Uh-uh, no way. Look, I’m sorry if you don’t like my chest—I’m not wild about it either. But I am not getting a boob job just to make you happy.”

  Six frowned. “I believe we have had this misunderstanding bef
ore in the last dream we shared. Why do you think I would wish you to change your breasts in some way?”

  “Well, because they’re…not very big.” She could feel her cheeks getting warm. “But I have this thing about elective surgery because my—”

  She broke off because Six was studying her chest with an intense interest that made her feel hot all over.

  “Your breasts may not be large but they are perfectly formed,” he murmured. “And quite beautiful, from what I can see.”

  “How would you—” Glancing down, Mei-Li saw that her ripped blouse had come open again, showing her lacy white bra. It was nearly see through and the outlines of her nipples were clear behind the white lace.

  Oh God! She clutched it closed quickly but Six’s steel gray gaze remained pinned to her chest.

  “Hey—my eyes are up here,” Mei-Li snapped.

  He looked up at last, clearly puzzled. “I am aware of the placement of your eyes but at the moment I am studying your breasts. Or I was before you covered them.”

  “Why…you…” Mei-Li was at a loss for words. “This is unbelievable! You can’t just stare at my breasts.”

  “Why not?” The big Kindred was still frowning in apparent confusion. “You were the one who mentioned them and said you felt they were too small. I thought you were soliciting my opinion of them. Which, by the way, is favorable—very favorable. They are perfect for your size.”

  “Yes, I got that.” Mei-Li blew out a breath in frustration. “But look, this is another one of those things we just don’t do on my planet. We don’t comment on each other’s body parts—especially not in public.”

  “Not even if the other person brings them up first, as you did?” Six asked. “I am simply trying to learn what offends you so that I don’t do it again,” he added quickly when Mei-Li glared at him. “I am assuming from the levels my scanner is reading that you are angry right now.”

  “You’re damn right, I’m angry!” God, he was the most frustrating man! Mei-Li took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Look, we’re getting way, way, way off topic here. Let’s try to get back on track. You were telling me I have to get enhancements before I can go down to the surface of Zeaga Four. But apparently, not breast enhancements so what do you want?”

  “I believe the question is what do you want?” Yipper said, breaking in. “Would you like a—but no, perhaps I am getting ahead of myself. So I am, so I am. Maybe it would be better to show you what you can choose from.”

  “Show me what I can choose from?” Mei-Li wanted an explanation but the hairy little Tolleg was already scampering away from her, over to a solid black pole set in the middle of the floor.

  “Come and stand, come and stand,” he said, gesturing to her. “This lift goes directly to the medical complex. So it does, so it does.”

  Mei-Li didn’t like the sound of that but there didn’t seem to be much choice. Reluctantly, she followed Yipper and went to stand close to the pole, which was about as thick as one of her thighs. Six came to stand beside her as well. He held the pole with his metal hand and wrapped the other firmly around Mei-Li’s upper arm.

  “Hey.” She frowned down at his long fingers curled around her bicep. “You don’t have to do that, you know. I’m coming of my own free will—I’m not a flight risk.”

  “Very well, if you prefer that I let you stand alone, I will.”

  The big Kindred’s voice still sounded stiff. If she didn’t know he had no emotions, Mei-Li might almost have thought he was as irritated with her as she was with him. But that was foolish, wasn’t it?

  “Here we go, here we go,” Yipper called. He pressed something on the pole and suddenly they were dropping so rapidly Mei-Li felt like the floor had literally fallen out from under her feet.

  She gave a gasping scream and grabbed for the pole with both arms, pressing her cheek to its slick black surface. It slid through her grasp and her glasses were knocked askew. There was a burning pain on her face where she was pressed against the pole but she didn’t care—she just didn’t want to fall. Oh God, don’t know how long I can hold on…

  But almost before it started, the crazy ride was over. The round, thin platform they were standing on suddenly jolted to a halt which threw Mei-Li to her knees.

  “Oh!” she gasped, and looked up. Yipper was already scampering off down a long hallway to do something else. Six was just standing there, watching her impassively. “Is that why you wanted to hold on to me?” she demanded. “So I wouldn’t fall?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, you could have warned me!”

  He shrugged, his face like granite. “You did not appear to want my help or my advice.”

  Mei-Li struggled to her feet. “Stop acting like you’re mad at me! I’m the one who has the right to be upset here.”

  “I am not angry—I do not have the capacity to be angry with you,” Six said. “I am, however, concerned. You appear to have injured yourself.” He reached out and cupped her chin lightly in his right hand—the non-metal one. Turning her face, he examined her cheekbone and frowned. “You are not bleeding but your skin is red and raw.”

  “I’m fine.” Her heart was suddenly pounding and she wanted to pull away from his touch but it was difficult.

  “Are you certain?” Six had apparently finished his examination but he showed no inclination to let her go. Instead he stood there, cupping her face and looking down into her eyes.

  With an effort, Mei-Li tore her eyes away from his and stepped back.


  Trying to break the strange spell that seemed to have been cast between them, she turned to go the way Yipper had, down the long hallway. It twisted and curved and soon took them to a pair if sliding metal doors. Mei-Li wasn't sure if this was they way the Tolleg had taken but Six strode right through as the doors slid aside, so she followed.

  She found herself in a large area with high ceilings and walls lined with cabinets. Everything from floor to ceiling was pure white—as white as their landing area had been black. Sitting in racks and on shelves at the end of the room were all kinds of metal pieces and parts.

  What in the world? Mei-Li straightened her glasses and pushed them up her nose. Were those really what they looked like?

  “Welcome to my Enhancement area.” Yipper was suddenly beside her, bowing excitedly. “It is well stocked with every possible enhancement prosthesis, so it is, so it is. I see you are admiring my collection of mechanoid limbs. There are arms that can punch through walls, or hands with fingers delicate enough to do the most complicated tasks. I also have legs that will carry you tirelessly for days and allow you to jump thirty sectors in the air and land without harm. Feet that can kick through solid plasti-steel as well.” He tugged at Mei-Li’s sleeve. “Come and see, come and see.”

  “All right.” Bemusedly, she allowed the hairy little Tolleg to lead her to the rows and racks of shiny, silver parts. There were, as he had said, all types of arms, legs, hands, and feet. Not all of them appeared to be made for a human—or a human type person—but all of them were apparently robotic.

  “Now, I realize most of these are much too large for you, my lady,” Yipper said anxiously. “But they can be customized, so they can, so they can.”

  Suddenly what he was saying sank in.

  Mei-Li turned to him. “Wait a minute, you’re not suggesting that I let you cut off one of my perfectly good arms or legs and replace it with a metal prosthesis? I mean, you’re not—are you?”

  “Not just one,” Yipper said earnestly, clearly misunderstanding her. “I will be more than happy to give you a matching set, yes I will, yes I will.”

  “What?” Mei-Li looked at Six who had come to stand beside her. “He’s kidding, right? Tell me he’s kidding,” she pleaded.

  “Why would Yipper attempt humor about such a serious decision?” he asked, frowning. “The selection of an enhancement will affect you in the long term. Personally, I would recommend one of the arms Yipper has to offer.
It will make you a formidable opponent for anyone, despite your diminutive size.”

  “Look, I’m sorry but there is no way I am doing this.” Mei-Li protested, backing away. “No way I’m letting you cut me up and turn me into some kind of a cyborg freak.”

  “A cyborg freak?” Six raised the eyebrow over his red searchlight eye at her.

  “Okay…Oh, God—look, that came out wrong.” Mei-Li was still backing away. “I didn’t mean you look bad. But you’re a guy. You can get away with the evil robot from the future look. I can’t. I’m a social worker, for God’s sake! Can you imagine what would happen if I showed up at someone’s door with a hand that could punch through steel? They’d…they’d…”

  Something hard bumped her behind and she realized she had backed right up against the opposite wall. And both Yipper and Six were coming toward her.

  “I am sorry, my lady. So I am, so I am,” the little Tolleg told her in his high, piping voice. “But the rules of the Collective clearly state that no one without an enhancement is allowed to come down to the planet’s surface. So you must choose one.”

  “Then I’ll stay right here,” Mei-Li said quickly. “I don’t really want to go down there anyway.”

  Six frowned. “I told you earlier that staying aboard the medical barge or the shuttle is not an option. You must come with me to Z4 for our Claiming Period. It is clearly outlined in the contract I got from High Chancellor Terex.”

  “Screw the contract,” Mei-Li said tightly. “I’m not letting you cut me up and stick on new parts. You keep telling me I can go back after this is over—but what good will that do me if I look like something out of a science fiction novel? Absolutely not—I refuse.”

  “You cannot refuse.” Six was coming closer and closer. “I do not understand why you are making so much of such a simple thing. Everyone who visits Z4 gets an enhancement—it is the law.”


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