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Leashes & Lace Books 1-3: MM Romance Boxed Set

Page 30

by Shaw Montgomery

  “You’re right.” Then, giving him a pat, I glanced toward the elevators. “You’re making me late, Brat.”

  “Will that get me punished too?” The needy, almost wistful expression made my cock start to harden.

  “Possibly. But you’ll have to guess if it will be one that you like, or one you won’t.”

  “Meanie.” Eli gave me a pretty pout and stepped away.

  “I was promised food.” Moving away from the car, I reached for Eli’s hand. “Lead the way.”

  Eli turned off the pout once he realized it wasn’t getting him anywhere. “It smells fabulous upstairs. Reece can actually cook, and he had to send Houston on a crazy errand for dessert to keep him from trying to eat it early.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Reece should hope Houston doesn’t figure it out.”

  Eli shrugged. “He probably already figured it out, but Reece baked him a cobbler and then sent him for ice cream to go on it.”


  “When you said he could cook, I didn’t realize you meant actually cook.”

  Grinning, Eli pushed the button on the elevator and nodded conspiratorially. “He made this stuffed shells thing with cheese inside because Italian seems to be Houston’s weakness.”

  “Sounds fabulous.” And like I would need to go running over the weekend.

  * * * * *

  “That was delicious, Reece. Thank you.” Leaning back in the chair, I gave the last shells a longing glance but wisely didn’t ask for more. Houston looked like he was ready to go to war to make sure there were leftovers.

  Reece smiled at me but rolled his eyes at Houston. “You’re welcome.”

  “I told you it would be fabulous.” Eli’s smile turned slightly concerned. “Are you sure you don’t want more? You were working on the website so long today that I know you didn’t eat lunch.”

  “Not even married and you’re already trying to rule the roost and fatten me up. What am I going to do with you?” I was mostly poking at Eli, but the way Reece’s eyes widened made me want to laugh.

  Glancing over at Reece while Eli sputtered, I shrugged. “He’s been like this all week. Every time I talk to him, he starts going on about getting serious. I’m not sure what to do about it. I’m not ready to be married, but he doesn’t look like he’ll take no for an answer. Just the other night, he started talking about wanting my opinion when he starts redecorating. Hinting that I would need an office space in the house soon. I had to break it to him gently that I wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment yet.”

  Eli threw his napkin at me. “I asked you what you thought about the color of the curtains in my office!”

  Reece finally got his surprise under control, but Houston started chuckling and shaking his head. “He seems like a handful. You’ll have to keep your wits about you, or he’s going to have you married in a matter of weeks.”

  “I know, but he’s so cute. What can I do?” I shrugged and casually dodged a piece of garlic bread that went flying toward me. “He’s a bit high-strung, though, as you can see.”

  Reece was just looking back and forth between us, not sure whether Eli’s drama and frustration were more worrisome or my teasing. Finally, he leaned close to Houston, dropping his voice but not bothering to hide what he was going to say. “It’s like they were abducted by aliens or something.”

  Houston nodded. “Agreed. But it’s entertaining.”

  “It’s a little freaky, though.” Reece’s gaze was still going back and forth between us, curious but ignoring Eli’s drama for the moment. “They’re supposed to be yelling at each other, not flirting with Eli trying to get a spanking. Well, that part isn’t out of the ordinary.”

  “Hey, I’m not begging for a spanking.” Eli tried to sound outraged, but it wasn’t believable. The excitement in his eyes gave him away.

  “Oh, but you are. And throwing your food at me has only cemented that.” Turning away from a clearly aroused Eli, I looked toward Houston. “Do you have a guest room or study with a sturdy chair I can use?”

  Reece was back to giving his impression of a goldfish, but Houston chuckled. “Down the hall, first door on the right. The chair should be sturdy enough.”

  “Thank you. Eli, if you would come with me, please.” I kept my tone even, but I knew the heat coming from my eyes betrayed just how turned on I was.

  Eli didn’t even try to argue that he didn’t want a spanking or that he’d behaved. He just stood and nearly purred, he was so turned on. My exhibitionist little brat. Taking Eli’s hand, I gave Houston a nod. “We’ll be right back.”

  As we walked down the hall, I heard Reece. “Are they going to have sex in your office?”

  I pictured Houston’s casual shrug as he started talking. “Quite possibly, but if they leave cum on my desk, I’m going to lose it.”

  Whatever Reece was going to say was abruptly cut off as the sound of kissing followed us down the hall. Houston didn’t seem to care what we’d do in his office. He just didn’t want Reece to worry or us to leave a mess, evidently.

  “You were naughty at the table. After your behavior in the parking garage and teasing me, I think you need a reminder of how a good boy is supposed to behave.” My rough words washed over Eli and seemed to bring a flood of submission. The frustrated sub who hadn’t been getting enough attention, or the right kind of attention, was gone and the sexy sub who was shaking with arousal was back.

  “I…I’m sorry, Sir.” Eli didn’t sound sorry, but it was clear he was trying.

  Opening the door to a small but well-organized office, I guided Eli over to a chair in the corner. It was a sturdy-looking leather one with a high back. The lack of arms made it look almost like it was designed for a dining room table, but it was perfect for my purpose.

  Sitting down, I started to unbutton Eli’s pants with efficient movements that just seemed to turn him on even more. Something about the lack of overt romance and seduction seemed to push his need even closer to the surface.

  When his pants were loose enough that I knew they’d slide down easily, I gave him a firm look. “Over my lap. I won’t tolerate bad table manners, Brat.”

  I could feel little shivers of excitement and need running through Eli as he shifted and laid himself over my lap. With his head down and ass in the air, I had to fight back the moan that wanted to escape. He was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  Roughly shoving his pants down so they were just below his ass, I bared the tiniest panties I’d ever seen. The scrap of fabric teased up his crack and left his cheeks bare, perfect for a spanking. My little slut.

  Steadying him with one arm wrapped around his waist, I let the other rest on his ass, making slow circles. “They’re going to hear every cry of pain and pleasure, Brat. They’re going to know just what a naughty boy you were and how you’re being punished.”

  Eli let out a low moan as my fingers teased over the dark purple fabric and over his tight little hole. It took a few moments, but finally, he managed to force the breathy, desire-filled words out. “I’m sorry. I was naughty. I understand you have to punish me.”

  Bringing my hand up and down quickly, I loved the way he moaned and the flush of pink that showed the outline of my hand. Not worried about his pain tolerance, I wasn’t going to bother with taking the time to let it build. That would be another night.

  In that moment, I wanted to send Eli flying, and I wanted Reece to hear how turned on Eli was and how much he needed it. I didn’t want there to be any confusion about Eli’s desires and choices. “You were very naughty.”

  Keeping up the steady rhythm of smacks to his arched, quivering ass, I listened to Eli’s moans and told him in beautifully dirty detail how wicked he’d been. When I started talking about the way he’d teased me and how aroused he’d gotten me, I started mixing up the spanking with teasing touches to his ass.

  His needy moans jumped in volume to almost porn-star quality when I pushed the fabric out of the way and started barely fucking his
ass with the tip of one finger. It was just enough of a pinch to send him even higher.

  Eli knew enough not to beg for more, but he couldn’t hold back the sounds of pleasure that escaped and the way his body reacted, shaking and arching up to silently plead for more. Pulling out, I roughly gave him several more spanks. “Naughty boy, trying to get me to fuck you harder.”

  Whimpering, Eli tried to stay still, but he was fighting a losing battle. Because it was one he really didn’t want to win. “I think I’m going to have to try something else to get your attention. You’re just focusing on how hard your cock is and how good my dick would feel sliding into you, aren’t you, naughty boy?”

  Surprisingly enough, my stern words only fueled his desire. By the time I brought my fingertip back to his tight pucker and started lightly caressing over it, he was desperate. “Yes, you need something else to remind you how to be a good boy. You want to be my good boy, don’t you, Eli?”

  “Yes…good…please…” The halting words weren’t anywhere close to a full sentence, but they seemed to be all he could manage.

  “Then ask me for more. Ask me for another punishment so I know you want to learn your lesson.” The seductive order was given while I alternated between the light caresses and not-quite-painful spanks to his ass that left him breathless.

  Eli’s head relaxed down even lower, and he offered his ass up. “Please, Sir. Please. Good.”


  And damn it, I didn’t have my camera.

  I was going to have to learn to bring it everywhere.

  “That’s right. I’m going to show you how to be a good boy.” Removing my hand from his ass while he made needy, low whines, I reached into my pocket carefully. I hadn’t been sure if he’d felt it earlier, but knowing Eli, he wouldn’t have been able to leave it alone if he’d realized what I’d brought with me.

  Pulling out the slim plug and a little packet of lube, I set them on his back. I knew my grin had to look positively wicked. But just imagining how incredible he was going to look made it impossible not to show a reaction. When he heard the lube coming out, his body gave a start, and I let my arm rest against his back.

  “No, don’t move. I’m not done with my boy yet.” The low words were almost dismissive, but I was too turned on for him not to hear it in my voice, and I knew they would just push him even higher.

  The plug was slim and long, designed more to tease his prostate and keep him on edge than stretch him, so getting him ready was easy. I slid one finger in gently while Eli made desperate sounds of pleasure that sounded exactly like he was being fucked.

  When the lube was spread and he was stretched enough that the plug wouldn’t be painful, I reached for the toy again. “You’re going to think about behaving and what happens to a naughty boy all night. This is going to press against your prostate and help you remember how to behave.”

  And it was going to keep him right on the edge of insanity. But he already knew that.

  Beautiful sounds spilled out of him as the plug slowly entered him. By the time it was seated, he was breathing hard and fighting to be still. When I gave the plug a little tap and nudged it so it would press against the bundle of nerves, he almost came off the chair.

  My sensitive brat.

  “Alright. I think they’ve waited for us long enough. Stand up so we can go finish dinner.” I’d been promised peach cobbler. Eli moaned in more frustration than pleasure, but he forced his body to obey the order.

  Letting my hand caress over his reddened cheeks as he stood, I gave his hard cock a heated look. “If you’re very good, I might let you come later.”

  He pouted as I straightened his clothes, finally finding his voice. “But I thought you were going to come home with me tonight. That’s what you said.”

  “Oh, I’m going to go back to your house tonight, and I’m going to fuck you as hard as you want, Brat.” Letting my fingers wander over the plug, I brushed over it firmly enough to make him gasp. “But I never said anything about you getting to orgasm.”

  As I smoothed his pants over his erection and finally hid his body from view, I didn’t make any effort to avoid his desperate cock. “If you want to feel cum shooting out of your dick while I pound into you, I expect better behavior.”

  Eli’s eyes took on a wild, frantic look. Reaching for his face as I stood, I pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Do you understand, Brat?”

  He gave me a slow nod, nearly lost in the submission and desire that was flowing through him. “I’ll be good.”

  After thoroughly enjoying tucking in his shirt and making sure he was presentable, I took his hand and we went back out to Reece and Houston. The table was clean and they were sitting on the couch, Reece perched on Houston’s lap, kissing like they were trying to climb inside each other.

  Leading Eli over to an overstuffed chair, I sat and urged him down onto my lap. I wanted to keep him close so I could remind him why he wanted to be good. Houston finally released Reece’s mouth and gave us a questioning look.

  Before Houston could say anything, however, Reece glanced at us both, snuggling back into Houston’s embrace. “I still think you’ve both been invaded by aliens.”

  Eli started to laugh, but it got stuck in his throat and turned into a moan as it jostled the plug. “We told you that we talked and came to an understanding.”

  Shifting my leg so my thigh would brush against the plug, I made Eli moan again. “See, we’ve learned how to communicate very effectively.”

  Houston chuckled. “At least it doesn’t look like there will be cum on my desk.”

  Grinning, I turned to Reece, trying to look innocent. “Eli said you made cobbler. If that’s what I’ve been smelling from the kitchen, I can’t wait for a piece.” Letting my fingers trail up Eli’s thigh just high enough to give him sexy ideas, I gave Eli a smile. “You want to stay for dessert, don’t you?”

  Eli groaned and slouched back against me, which only made the sensation running through him worse, if the sexy sounds were any indication. “Be a good boy.”

  That didn’t help any, either.


  Chapter 16


  Exquisite. Fucking. Torture.

  By the time we were halfway home, I was cursing the fact that I hadn’t driven my own car and that Roman had such a wicked streak. He was positively evil, and his constant reminders about being good, with his lingering touches, were maddening.

  It was perfect.

  “Spread your legs, Brat.” His rough voice cut through the fantasies that were weaving their way through me. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to kill him or bend over so he could fuck me, so the mix of crazy that was running through my head was interesting.

  Disobeying wasn’t an option, though.

  “Yes, Sir.” Opening my legs, I loved the flood of desperation and submission that flowed through me. Knowing that I was just there for his pleasure…knowing that he wanted me to be good for him and then he would fuck me sent dirty images flooding through my mind.

  Roman’s fingers slid over my thigh and down below my hard cock. He teased and caressed my balls before going lower and pressing against the plug. “There it is. Still keeping you nice and ready for me.”

  The way it wiggled as he fingered it made it hard to breathe, and I closed my eyes, pressing my head against the seat while trying to be still. The pleasure flooding through me made it almost impossible. Moans and frantic sounds ripped out of me, and my cock throbbed painfully.

  “Tell me the rule, Brat. Are you allowed to come?” His rough voice sent me back to the moment when he’d flicked my cock head, sending lightning through me as Reece and Houston watched, fussing at me for moaning too loud and getting too close to orgasming while he ate his dessert.

  He was wicked, and the terrible way his brain worked was beautiful.

  “I won’t come. I’ll be good.” I had to be good. I wanted to feel him slide deep into me and fuck me so hard I couldn’t think.

  It was getting harder and harder to hold onto that promise, though.

  A promise he was deliberately making difficult with the little touches and the goddamned speed bumps.

  A low moan tore out of me as we hit another of the fucking things. I couldn’t decide if he was taking them too fast or if it was just the way the bump made the plug move, but it made it impossible to think, much less remember why I didn’t want to come.

  It didn’t help that he’d taken the long way back to my house through a series of neighborhoods with dozens of the blasted things.

  By the time we pulled into my driveway, I was shaking, and random pleas were escaping that I couldn’t hold back. Roman kept chuckling and reminding me to be good. When I’d lost control for a moment and tried to push my ass harder against his hand, it earned my dick another swat and a threat that if I didn’t behave, he’d go around and do the speed bumps again.


  He was an evil, wicked, perfect Dom…How had I not seen it before?

  As the garage door opened and he parked the car, I wasn’t sure I was in any shape to walk up the stairs to the house, much less the bedroom. When Roman climbed out of the car, I just slumped back against the seat, taking long, deep breaths to try and work up the energy to move.

  All I wanted to do was orgasm and then sleep for a million years. It seemed like I’d been hard for hours, and every muscle twitched and ached like I’d run a marathon. When Roman opened the door and crouched down beside me, I could see the heat from his eyes.

  “You did such a good job, Brat. Have you learned your lesson?”


  What was I supposed to have remembered?

  “I’ll be good. I’ll listen.” I had no idea what I’d done but knowing me, I’d pushed something too far or just disobeyed. A promise to be good was all I could think to say.

  Roman smiled wickedly but nodded, probably guessing I was too gone to figure anything out. So I tried again to give him the answer he wanted. “I’ll be good, Sir.”


  Maybe if I said it enough he’d shove his cock deep into me and finally let me come. I was hovering just outside of subspace in the needy, desperate realm where I wanted to submit, but I also wanted to beg to come.


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