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Leashes & Lace Books 1-3: MM Romance Boxed Set

Page 45

by Shaw Montgomery

  “This is even more incredible. Come here, my sexy stalker.” Tugging him down onto my lap, I let my hands explore his body as his knees came down to rest on either side of me, straddling my legs. It left him beautifully on display for me. I let my fingers caress over his hips, just barely stroking his cock.

  He moaned, and his hips rocked to press his body more firmly against my fingers. Not wanting to rush, I continued exploring lower and let my thumbs brush over his balls. That just made the sexy sounds even more perfect.

  “Oh yes, I’m going to have to go over every inch of the nightgown and these panties, I don’t want to miss a single thing about them.”

  Lane gave a breathy chuckle and closed his eyes as I continued to tease his body. “Yes, you need to be thorough so you know if you like them.”

  “Yes, very thorough.” I was going to have fun exploring every bit of his body and his sexy outfit.

  Chapter 12


  The passionate, intent look made my insides whirl, but it was the excited happiness radiating from him that took my breath away. He wasn’t unsure or hesitant. He wasn’t nervous. He was a kid with a new toy, and it was clear that he was thrilled to be playing with it.

  Playing with me.

  Playing with me in a nightie and panties.

  Another moan tore out of me as his fingers caressed my balls and moved back to brush over the tiny scrap of fabric that went up between my cheeks. Wilder gave a low chuckle and eased a finger under the panties to pull them down slightly. It was just enough to rub the fabric over my cock and hole.

  Some guys might have found it uncomfortable, but I loved the combination of the soft lace and the way it felt almost rough moving over my skin. It was like a spanking where the pain and pleasure mingled so tightly that it was impossible to explain how it actually felt.

  Wilder’s heated smile turned positively sinful as his finger moved back and forth between my balls and my achingly empty hole. If he’d have kept going and actually played with either, I probably would have come right then. I couldn’t decide if his promise to thoroughly explore me was a good thing or not.

  At that moment, thorough seemed to be another word for torturously slow.

  “Please…” My hips pushed forward and rubbed my cock against his abs, sending sparks through me.

  The pop to my ass sent more fireworks through me, and I let out a whimper that sounded desperate even to me. “Naughty boy. You want to be good for me, don’t you? You want to be my sexy little stalker, not a bad boy who gets punished. Right?”


  I couldn't figure out what answer would get him to spank me again.

  It’d been so long and he’d done it so right. No hesitation. No fear that I’d get pissed, or that I didn’t want it. He’d listened to me and trusted me. I wanted to promise I’d behave. I liked the idea of being his good boy, but I wanted more of the delicious pain first.

  “I’ll try, but you make me so hard.” That was about as honest as I could be. I’d try to behave if that was what he really wanted, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t mind either way.

  The hand that had given me the delicious pain came back down again but started kneading my ass instead of spanking me. Wilder let my cock brush against his body one more time before moving me back. “I can feel how hard you are, beautiful, but if you try to rush me, I’m going to have to punish you again. I can’t have you thinking you can hurry me along.”

  It wasn’t a question, but I wanted to answer him…but promising to behave would be a lie, and from the bulge in the front of his pants, it wasn’t a promise he necessarily wanted.

  Luckily, I was saved from having to find the words when his fingers brushed over my hole. A shiver ran through me and a gasp of pleasure was all I could manage. It was so simple, but I’d been volleying between turned on and being a nervous wreck for hours, so every touch was magnified.

  The hand on my ass started playing with the fabric that covered the top of my cheeks, and I knew from the slightly curious look on his face he wasn’t just trying to get me even more aroused. He was honestly exploring me and the things that I liked. He wanted to understand.

  I also had a feeling it was his way of showing me that he was taking my preferences seriously.

  Wilder leaned in and started kissing down my neck, sending new waves of sensations through me. “You look beautiful. Every silk and lace covered inch of you is perfect.”

  The pleasure was warring with sweeter emotions that were trying to rise up. Relief flooded through me, and I could feel my eyes start to water. Not wanting to make him think I was upset, I turned my head and chased his mouth with mine. He took my lips in a heated kiss, and I could feel his body start to stiffen as I writhed against him. When I finally pulled back, I tried to show him with my eyes how much his words meant to me.

  “You make me feel beautiful.” I leaned in and gave him another kiss, tender and quick that time. “Thank you.”

  I wasn’t even sure what prompted the words or what I was actually thanking him for.

  Thank you for making me feel beautiful even though it wasn’t conventional?

  Thank you for looking past the exterior to see who was underneath it?

  Thank you for taking a chance and opening yourself up to a new relationship that you never would have considered before?

  All of them…maybe none…I wasn’t sure. It probably didn’t matter. The smile on his face and the emotion radiating from him said he understood. Wilder’s hands slowed their teasing caresses, and he pulled me close, wrapping me in his arms.

  “I’m not going to downplay how I feel or tell you that it’s too soon for me to know what should happen between us. I’m sincere when I say I don’t want us to rush. But I need you to know that this isn’t something I’m going to walk away from when my curiosity is satisfied, and this isn’t something that I’m going to regret in the morning. No matter what happens tonight, you matter more to me than anything else. I think you’re incredible inside and out, and nothing will change my mind about that.”

  It wasn’t the three little words most people longed to hear from the person who’d captured their heart, but at that moment, his words were even sweeter. Giving him another tender kiss, because I wasn’t sure words would ever explain what was going through me, I nodded. “Thank you.”

  There were better words…more exact…more romantic, but there was just so much inside me it was impossible to sort them out.

  Wilder smiled, not bothered at all with my lack of conversational ability at that moment. In fact, he looked almost proud. “Come here, my beautiful stalker.”

  His arms tightened, and he took my mouth in another heated kiss. Slowly, his lips tasted mine, nibbling and sending shivers through me. He gradually increased the intensity and the heat until I was putty in his hands and breathing was something I’d decided wasn’t actually necessary.

  When he finally eased back, I curled into him breathlessly, not caring that my panties were damp from precum and my cock was straining against the fabric. Wilder’s hands made long, soothing strokes over my back and down my sides to my legs. He seemed captivated by the heels because I could feel his fingers moving over them for long seconds before he started the tender exploration back up my body.

  I wasn’t sure if he was trying to relax me or get me even more turned on, but it felt so good I wasn’t going to complain no matter what he was trying to do. When his fingers grazed over a sensitive spot at the base of my spine, I shivered and rocked my cock against his body.

  Wilder chuckled, and his tongue licked over the outer shell of my ear as he started kissing down my neck. “Are you trying to tell me you want more kisses…more of my hands on your body? I thought you were going to show me more of those sexy clothes you have in your bag. You probably have more panties in there and lots of things you think I’d like.”

  The idea that I might have to get up and find the energy and coordination to change clothes was frustrating and erotic. W
ould he make me wait?

  “Can I show you later?” I moaned as his teeth grazed my neck. “Please…”

  Hell if I knew what I was begging for. Just to come? For him to make love to me?

  His tongue flicked out again to trace a wet trail toward my ear, and I could hear him chuckle again. The wicked sound sent a shiver through me. It promised such naughty things, and I could hear desire dripping from every sound as it escaped him.

  “But you’re hard now. I like seeing how your dick strains against the panties and how sexy you look dressed up for me while your erection throbs in my hand.”


  “I’ll get hard again. I promise.” Everything the man did turned me on. Getting aroused wasn’t going to be an issue even if he let me come right then.

  His hands started moving down to my ass again, making my cock jerk. It was all I could do not to thrust my ass into his hands and beg him to fill me. He made me forget how new he was to making love with a man, and I still wasn’t sure what he was comfortable with.

  Yeah, I was second and third guessing everything, but he made it hard to think, so I wasn’t going to feel too bad about that. When Wilder’s hands slid over my panties and started teasing caresses at the end of the fabric, all I could do was whine for more.

  Wilder’s teeth nibbled at the lobe of my ear, and he laughed again. “Is that what you want? Are you needy and aching? What does my stalker want?”


  “Do you want me to get you off with my hand or maybe other things…or do you want more than that?”

  Other things?


  What did that mean?

  “I…I…” Damn brain had stopped working. “Please.”

  Yes, begging was a good idea. He could do whatever he wanted to me as long as I got to come. His fingers inched close to my hole, and I wasn’t sure if he was deliberately torturing me or if he was just taking his time because he was nervous.

  Nothing about his reactions or touch said he was worried, but the little part of me that still somehow kept thinking wanted to make sure I didn’t push him to do more than he was comfortable with. Just because I was begging and frantic for him to do anything didn’t mean he had to actually do it.

  “Please…whatever you want…whatever you’re comfortable with…please…” He started plucking at the thin strip of fabric that went between my cheeks, and the way it pulled the front of the panties across my cock had every thought flying out of my head. The fact that he was so close to where I desperately wanted his fingers and his dick didn’t make thinking any easier.

  That pleased chuckle full of wicked joy had another shiver racing through me. Fuck. I loved his voice. “Anything I want? Is that what you’re promising?”

  “Yes…please…” I’d promise him the moon if that was what made him take me.

  “What if I want all of you? What if I want to make love to my sexy stalker?” The husky words were low and sexy, and I loved the dirty but tender words that came out of his mouth. “Is that what you want?”

  My entire body seemed to seize up, and I almost came. My ass arched back toward his hands and a whimper came out of me. Wilder bit down on my ear. I could feel desire radiating from him. “Oh, yes. You can’t hide how much you want that.”

  His hands moved just enough so his fingers were brushing against the tight ring of muscle, and they started softly stroking over me. It was incredible, but it wasn’t nearly enough. “This is where you want my attention, don’t you? Do you want to rub your cock against me while I slide my fingers into you or do you want my cock? What does my sexy stalker want?”


  My eyes squeezed shut, trying to force out the dirty, beautiful images that were flashing through my mind. If I didn’t get a hold of myself, I would come before he’d even started stretching me. “Make love to me. Please, Wilder.”

  One finger paused the teasing caress and started a gentle tapping motion that had my mind filling with fantasies about how good it would feel when he was actually inside me. “Please.”

  Another low chuckle made Wilder’s chest move up and down, unexpectedly pressing me tighter against his finger. The tip barely breached my entrance, but it was enough to make me moan and clench down on him, trying to get more.

  A shiver raced through Wilder, and his hips thrust his cock up against mine. It shouldn’t have sent me closer to the edge, but it was like little sparks shooting through me. “Yes…Wilder…please…”

  “Not yet. I’m going to stretch you out and get you ready for me first.” He was confident and sure of himself as he gently fucked me with just the tip of his finger. “This is all you get until you’re slick and I can watch my fingers thrust deep inside you.”

  I was going to come with just the barest touch and the dirty words that came so easily to him.

  When his finger slid out of me, I moaned in frustration and actually managed to open my eyes. Wilder was smiling at my reaction when I straightened up enough to see his face. Before I could say anything, he wrapped his arms around me and started moving us off the couch.

  “I should take you upstairs, but that’s too far away.” In seconds, he had me stretched out on the floor. He was kneeling between my splayed legs, watching me intently, and brushing his fingers lightly over my thighs. The smooth texture seemed to intrigue him and I wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he’d never met a guy who shaved or if it was just a tactile thing that he didn’t even notice. Either way, I loved how it felt and the way he couldn't keep his hands off me.

  “You’re beautiful, Lane.” He moved his hands from my legs and stretched out over me. The floor might not have been the most comfortable place to make love, but the way he pressed against me made me feel trapped and sent waves of needy submission rolling through me.

  Wilder’s cock rubbed against my balls as he spoke, making me fight to listen. He was trying to drive me nuts. “I imagined how you would look in lingerie when you first told me what you did. Then when I saw you on the website, I was struck by how incredible you looked. But nothing compares to having you here with me.”

  I’d fantasized about how it would feel to be held in his arms and to run my hands over his body, but as I stared up at him, I still couldn’t believe it was happening. Wilder was looking at me like I was the most incredible thing he’d ever seen. Emotion I wasn’t ready to name was clear in his eyes, and I knew he wasn’t just giving me a line of bullshit. He’d never been anything but honest with me, and I wasn’t going to start doubting him.

  Inside and out, he was the beautiful one. Every sexy inch of him and every word made me see how special he was. I’d been drawn to him since the first time I saw him, but everything that had happened since that moment just made me see how lucky I’d been.

  How many sexy, tattooed bad boys read kids’ books and wanted something serious with a shy guy in panties?

  “No, nothing compares to having you here with me. Watching you, I never imagined how sweet and perfect you would turn out to be. I thought I was wasting time obsessing over a guy who would end up hating me if he knew who I was. You not only understand, but—”

  Wilder broke in and gave me a heated kiss. “But I find you beautiful and captivating, and I can’t get enough of you.”

  I smiled and stretched up to give him a quick kiss. “If anyone here is captivating, it’s you.”

  With his muscles bulging as he balanced his weight on his forearms, I couldn’t resist running my hands up his sides and around his back. Heat radiated from him, making me feel like he was soaking into me. It made me want to rub up against him. I’d been holding back so long, I didn’t want to wait any longer to touch him.

  Tattoos wrapped up his arms. Every time his shirt moved, I could see more peeking out from under the fabric. Caressing over his clothing wasn’t enough. “Take off your shirt. I want to touch you.”

  I would have gladly begged if that had been what he’d wanted. But Wilder’s only focus seemed to be making me ha
ppy because he grinned and nodded. “Anything my sexy stalker wants.”

  I had a feeling we’d end up with me begging in the end, though. “Your sexy stalker wants to touch you.”

  Wilder’s smile turned wicked as he sat up, muscles stretching in ways that made my fingers itch to feel them. But just imagining I didn’t have permission yet had my cock straining against my panties. Stripping off the shirt slowly, Wilder made it clear he was having fun drawing it out. I might get what I wanted, but he’d give it to me at his pace.

  Just the thought of what else that could mean had my dick jerking.

  Inch by inch, the shirt slowly lifted, baring his broad, sculpted body. Colors and patterns swirled across Wilder’s chest. The patterns looked like random designs, but as he stretched out over me again, I thought I saw glimpses of familiar shapes on his chest.

  “Beautiful.” My hands came up to caress his body as he balanced on his hands over me.

  His skin under the tattoos was smooth, but where silky skin made me feel feminine and sexy, on Wilder, it highlighted his muscles and masculinity. Tracing my fingers over the tattoos that whirled around his chest, I skimmed over one nipple. Wilder let out a moan that was even more distracting than the artwork covering him.

  Smiling, I moved my other hand higher up his chest and started teasing his nipples. Circling his buds with my thumbs, I flicked them both before going back to the slow exploration of his body. “You’re even more incredible than I imagined.”

  Wilder gave another low moan as the pads of my fingers ghosted over his sensitive nubs again. I loved the way his body tightened, and they puckered up like they were begging for more. Wilder’s voice was filled with desire and sent another shiver through me. “Are you going be the only one who gets to tease and caress tonight? I think I promised I was going to explore every inch of you.”

  I wasn’t sure what I wanted more…to touch or to be the one writhing under him while he drove me crazy.

  “Both.” I wasn’t going to choose if I didn’t have to.

  “So we’re going to take turns?” His wicked smile turned almost wolfish. “I like that idea, my beautiful stalker.”


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