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Leashes & Lace Books 1-3: MM Romance Boxed Set

Page 47

by Shaw Montgomery

  “I’m not going to be that guy. I respect Lane, and I want things to work out between us. It doesn’t matter what other people say.” I could understand how people in different situations felt that opening up to friends and coworkers might be difficult. However, my situation was different. I didn’t need the tattoo shop income to live, and if I was being honest, Stan couldn’t run things without me. So the chances of him being an ass were slim to none, no matter what he personally thought.

  “Then make sure Lane understands that and don’t expect him to read your mind.” I could almost see Gray rolling his eyes. “He might be waiting for you to say something. Just look at things from his point of view. He might be really nervous to take you to work. If he’s the insecure type, he might be thinking of all the other hot guys that work there, and if he’s still nervous about how you feel with the whole just realizing you’re bi thing, then he might not want to put you in an awkward position.”

  “Maybe.” I still wasn’t sure. I hadn’t made him guess about anything to do with my sexuality. At least, not that I was aware of.

  “Then maybe he’s just shy about you seeing him nearly naked in front of other people. Bringing his boyfriend into a situation like that would have to be weird. He’s not one of the models who flirts and blatantly shows off how sexy he is in every picture.”

  I snorted. “You’ve been browsing around that site entirely too often, haven’t you?”

  Gray laughed. “I should probably plead the fifth on that, but yeah. It’s your fault. You showed it to me.”

  “No, I told you where my boyfriend works. I didn’t say to stalk him and all his friends online.” I was not that kind of guy.

  He tried to sound innocent. “I’m not stalking. I’m helping you analyze your relationship.”

  “I’m not sure looking at my boyfriend half naked falls in that category.”

  Gray snickered. “I’m sure it does. I bet he’s really grateful that you’re not the jealous type.”

  Had I mentioned that to Lane?

  Suddenly I wasn’t sure. I knew I’d told him that I didn’t have an issue with his job, but had I gotten more specific? Okay, maybe there was a valid reason why Lane hadn’t invited me to work. “Would it be a bad thing if I invited myself?”

  “To his work in general or to one of the photo shoots?”

  “A photo shoot. I want there to be no question in his mind that I support him, and I don’t have an issue with it. I think that would also be the best way to meet his friends in their natural environment.”

  Gray nearly giggled. “They’re not wild animals.”

  “Oh no, you haven’t met Eli.”

  “Which one is he?”

  “The one who’s clearly begging the photographer to fuck him. He’s a handful.” And I’d only met him in public.

  “You know, he might just be nervous about you meeting his friends. If they’re that unique, they’ve probably been driving him crazy.”

  Like Gray had me. “Okay, that’s probably a good point too.”

  “I say just go for it. Figure out what his schedule looks like for the next couple of days and see when you can stop in unexpectedly. Get there just in time so that you’re not disrupting the actual photo shoot but where he doesn’t have the ability to shoo you away.”

  “But I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.” I could see that going badly.

  Gray sighed. “Maybe talk to his friend then? The one who was in the coffee shop. See what he thinks.”

  “Oh.” That might work. Eli was more of a handful than I would be willing to date no matter what his gender, but Lane said he was a good friend. Hopefully, a good enough one that he would honestly let me know what would be best for Lane. “That might work.”

  Or it might go terribly wrong…I’d heard enough Eli stories to realize that.

  Chapter 14


  “Oh, your sexy man is here.” Eli sighed dramatically and wiggled in his seat.

  Rolling my eyes, I threw my balled-up straw at him. “Hands off, he’s mine. Besides, you have your hands full already.”

  Eli grinned. “I can still look, though. Besides, I’ve been locked up for days, and I’m at that constantly horny phase.” He leaned back in his chair trying to look pathetic. “I even flirted with the UPS man this morning.”

  “Did Roman see?”

  Eli nodded. “Of course, I’m going to hear about it for days.”

  Those two had the oddest relationship, and I wasn’t going to even try to guess Roman’s reaction. “What did he do?”

  Eli smirked, looking very pleased with himself. “I actually didn’t realize he was behind me. He just smacked my ass and said if I liked being caged that much, he’d leave me in it for a few more days. The UPS guy just about fainted, but he didn’t complain. I can’t decide if he was picturing himself as me or as Roman.”

  The UPS guy that was enthralled with everything to do with Leashes and Lace. So it was impossible to tell what he really wanted. “One of these days that poor guy is going to have a heart attack.”

  Eli shrugged. “He either needs to step up and admit that he’s curious about it or become a little bit more subtle.”

  “Because we’re only allowed one drama queen and you already have that slot taken?”

  Eli looked at me like I was his star pupil. “Yes!”

  I was saved from any more of Eli’s oversharing as Wilder walked up to the table. He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Did the shoot get finished quicker than you expected?”

  I shook my head. “We had to reschedule. The shipment was missing a couple of key pieces and Roman didn’t want to stretch it out over two days. We should be able to do it tomorrow afternoon. It’s going to change our plans, though. I don’t think the movie’s going to work. Sorry.”

  Wilder shrugged and his hand came out to caress over my head. “That’s all right. We can hang out earlier. Then I can come to the shoot, if that’s okay with everyone. We can go out to dinner afterward.”

  He said it like it was no big deal, but I felt my heart skip a beat. I wasn’t even sure why the idea of him coming was so nerve-racking. I hadn’t been able to narrow down my worries to one specific thing. It might have just been simply the fact that I’d never had a boyfriend or lover watch me at work.

  Other models had brought their significant others in occasionally, and it was never a problem. Hell, with the shit between Eli and Roman, we’d gotten used to having the heat and drama around that couples sometimes brought into a room. If Wilder had been the crazy drama type, then some of the other models might’ve had an issue. But he always radiated a calm strength that I thought they would be comfortable with.

  I must’ve sat there silently for too long because I felt Eli kick me under the table. Trying not to jump at the pain that radiated up my shin, I nodded. “That sounds good. Maybe we can see the later movie instead, unless you want to get some work done.”

  We’d originally planned on hanging out earlier in the day so he could make some progress on his projects in the evening. He had a few sketches he needed to work on for some new tattoo clients and there were a few illustration jobs that he was looking at putting in a submission for.

  Wilder shrugged. “If I can stay more focused tonight, I might be able to get some of the work done.”

  Eli couldn’t resist. “What were you distracted by?”

  Wilder didn’t seem to mind the teasing, though. He just gave me a heated look and then grinned at Eli. “I think that should be obvious. All I got done last night was a dozen sketches of my sexy stalker.”

  Heat started to rise up my face, but I leaned into the hand that had come back up to cup my cheek. “I wasn’t even there, so I can’t be held responsible for your imagination.”

  Wilder’s smile turned wicked. “Oh, but you can. You were supposed to model for me so I could sketch you the other night. Instead, you distracted me, so it is your fault.”

  “What kind of sketches?
” Eli was like a little yappy dog who’d heard the word treat.

  “Beautiful ones. I know exactly how I want him to look.” The sentence wasn’t shocking, but Wilder made it sound wicked.

  Eli lit up like it was Christmas and there were a truckload of presents under the tree. “We’ve got these pretty little nightgowns in the shoot that you’re going to love. They’d be perfect to sketch. Roman thinks they’d be hot for a special photo shoot. Did Lane tell you about it? I think you two would be great for it.”

  My head nearly hit the table.

  Wilder chuckled and was probably smiling, but I was analyzing the table to figure out what else I could throw at Eli. Wilder seemed to find the idea amusing, but I couldn’t tell from his voice if he thought the idea was ridiculous or interesting. “A photo shoot, huh? No, he never mentioned it.”

  “I didn’t think so.” There was a short pause where I knew Eli was giving me a frustrated stare, but I was too busy figuring out the patterns in the wood grain of the table to notice. “You two would be so hot together. When you come to the shoot tomorrow, I’m going to have Roman tell you what he’s picturing. But it’s basically focusing on the chemistry between you even though you’re so different. It’s going to be fabulous.”

  Eli spoke about the shoot like it was a done deal, and Wilder didn’t argue with him. Was it because he was too nice? Did he not want the drama of having to tell Eli no? Could he actually want to do it? The grown-up thing to do would be to ask, but I didn’t seem to be able to.

  “Eli, don’t drive him crazy.” Okay, that wasn’t exactly forcefully telling him no, but it was at least something.

  I glanced up at Wilder to see him smiling like I’d done something cute. Eli, on the other hand, just sighed and plopped his elbows down on the table to rest his head in his hands. “You know I’m right. And once Roman gets a good look at your tattooed hunk here, he’s going to be even more excited about the photos.”

  Eli’s eyes danced and I could see passion and excitement stirring in. He wasn’t trying to hide how incredible he thought the pictures would look, but I knew it was more than that. I was pretty sure he was imagining how worked up Roman would be after a shoot like that.

  A private BDSM shoot with Eli egging everyone on—there was no way Wilder would do it.

  “We’ll see.” Wilder’s vague response only made Eli’s excitement worse.

  Eli took the noncommittal answer as an agreement to do the shoot and excitement started racing through him. “Make sure Lane brings you a few minutes early tomorrow. It’ll let you have time to talk to Roman before he starts focusing on work.”

  Wilder just chuckled but lifted one shoulder in a careless shrug that just gave Eli’s imagination more to work with. I was going to have to have a talk with him about giving Eli clear boundaries. Vague answers would only keep him obsessing. “I’d love to meet Roman. He sounds interesting.”

  Was Wilder doing it on purpose?

  Was it his way of making Eli crazy?

  I could probably support that, but Eli was going to continue to drive me nuts about the photos. Besides, Wilder really wasn’t the type to poke at the drama queen just see his reaction. The only thing that made rational sense was that he was actually thinking about it. But that just couldn’t be right.

  Not that he wouldn’t look incredible in the photos.

  I could understand why Roman was so enthusiastic about the idea. The rest of the guys had only seen Wilder in passing, but they were in agreement that he was hot. At first glance, he gave off a bold masculinity that was incredibly sexy, and once people got to know him, the softer side made him even more appealing.

  In the photos, however, I had a feeling Roman would focus on the rough passion that Wilder radiated. Even I had to admit that pairing my unique femininity when I was dressed up and Wilder’s masculinity would be beautiful. That didn’t mean doing the shoot would be a good idea, though.

  Before I could figure out a way to even approach the subject, Wilder leaned down to give me another quick peck and glanced toward the counter. “I wish I had time to sit down with you for a while, but I have an appointment soon. You guys have fun tonight. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Wilder gave me a tender look and his hand came up to caress my cheek again. “It’s not a late night for me at work, so don’t feel like you’d be interrupting something if you called later.”

  I felt my cheeks heating up, but I nodded. “Didn’t you just tell me you had a lot to do tonight?”

  He grinned. “I have a feeling you’re going to be on my mind for quite a while.”

  How was I supposed to respond to something that sweet?

  “You’re just trying to make me feel guilty for distracting you.”

  He gave me a knowing look and chuckled, not upset at all about my deflection. “And I’m going to continue to do it until I get my sketches. Okay, I really have to go. This is someone really nervous, or I’d invite you to come hang out for a while to see the process.”

  He thought for a moment and I could see him mentally sifting through things in his head. “I’ve got a couple of good ones next week that you might find interesting.”

  “Thanks.” I was interested in the whole process, but I wasn’t sure how to ask him about everything else.

  Before I could ask, or find a really good excuse not to, Eli butted in. “Does your boss know you’re dating a guy?”

  “It depends on if he’s been paying attention, so I have no idea. I’ve mentioned Lane a few times, and I told him what happened the first time I heard you guys.” Wilder’s gaze went back to that distracted, analyzing look he got sometimes when he was lost in thought. “We don’t really talk about personal stuff that much. We’ve never had that kind of relationship. And to be honest, he can be a little bit of an asshole. But if he hasn’t been paying attention before, he will when I bring Lane in.”

  Eli clearly wasn’t satisfied with that answer. “How much of an asshole? Is he like some kind of preachy bigot?”

  That was a very good question.

  “No, he’s not that bad. Most of the time he just makes vague remarks about artistic types. Which is a little crazy considering he’s a really good artist.” Wilder gave Eli a long look. “I wouldn’t bring Lane into a situation where I thought there would be a problem. He didn’t say anything really negative when I mentioned the first conversation that I overheard, so I’m not expecting anything now.”

  “How old is he?” Eli wasn’t letting up.


  Eli nodded knowingly. “I’ve got some neighbors like that. They never really seem to understand how offensive or ridiculous what they say is. When you point it out, they just give you this confused look and shrug.”

  Not wanting to get deeper into the discussion, I glanced back up at Wilder. “Don’t let us distract you. I don’t want you to be late.”

  Wilder smiled and leaned down to give me another kiss, clearly not worried about public displays of affection. “You’re right. Thank you. I’ll see you later.”

  With a nod and a hasty goodbye to Eli, Wilder went over to order his coffee and was quickly out the door. I was quiet until Wilder was out of earshot. Then I turned and gave Eli a look. “What was the third degree for? And I can’t believe you brought up the photo shoot.”

  Eli didn’t seem to be bothered by my frustration in the least. “Somebody had to ask the questions, and I think he likes the idea of the shoot. He’s clearly not bothered by the modeling. I think he’d like to see what you do.”

  He was?

  He did?

  “There’s a big difference between accepting what I do in an abstract way and seeing it all firsthand. What if everything drives him crazy?” I wasn’t even sure if that was the main issue, but it was a good place to start.

  “I don’t think it’ll bother him. I’m not sure if he’s some kind of closet exhibitionist who’ll get turned on watching you and watching everyone else watching you, but I don’t think i
t’s going to scare him off, if that’s what you mean.” Eli leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his coffee. “If just seeing everything online hasn’t freaked him out, I don’t think seeing it in person will.”

  “Probably. But what if…”

  Eli cut in. “No buts. Baptism by fire and all that. He just needs to see it and it’ll be fine. We’re a colorful bunch, but he’s an artist and does tattoos for a living. Seeing a bunch of naked drama queens isn’t going to scare him off.”

  That made me roll my eyes. “You’re the only naked drama queen he’s going to see.”

  As much as I wanted to believe him, I wasn’t as confident about it as Eli was, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Telling Wilder that I didn’t want him there would be a lie and would also chase him away faster than anything he would see at the shoot.

  I wasn’t ashamed of what I did, and there was a small part of me that was excited about it. A very small part. But I’d never brought anyone I was dating into that part of my life. It was almost like being naked in front of someone for the first time. The analogy might not make sense, because I was nearly naked on the site a lot, but it was sharing something…intimate, maybe.

  What if he hated it, or even worse, what if he didn’t understand why I loved it?

  Chapter 15


  The ping of my phone woke me the first time. Rolling over, I tapped the screen and squinted my eyes at the brightness as it lit up the room. It was early for me, but I had a feeling Lane had been up for a while. I smiled as I read the text. You up?

  I could almost hear the skepticism in his words. Forcing my fingers to work, I answered. Possibly…come over and maybe that will help wake me up…door’s open just come on up.

  Maybe the door was open.

  Was it?

  Cursing under my breath, I stumbled downstairs and unlocked the door before making my way back up to the bedroom. He needed a key. Getting up just to unlock the door so I could go back to sleep was stupid.


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