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Scholomance 5

Page 19

by Logan Jacobs

  “Solis!” Faye yelled in a firm voice.

  A pale light seeped out from the tip of the redhead’s wand and went flying in the replica’s direction. When it hit him in the eye, he howled and then stumbled back as the light began to peel off his scaly skin. Then he started to melt, and I watched with fascination as he crumbled to the ground and turned into a soppy, green puddle.

  “Excellent, Miss Faye!” Vanessa called out as she clapped her hands together.

  Faye breathed a sigh of relief, but then she fell backward, and I had to catch her. Her eyes were squinting up into the sky, but at least they were open. She was pale, though, and sweat dripped along her freckled face.

  “Master,” she breathed. “I can barely feel my body.”

  “But you did it,” I whispered as I helped her back to her feet. “You kicked that fucker’s ass.”

  “I guess I did,” she weakly chuckled, “didn’t I?”

  “What spell was that?” I asked as the color slowly returned to her flawless face.

  “A sunlight spell,” she answered in a proud tone. “It mimics the light from the sun… and apparently, that was his one true weakness.”

  “Alright,” Vanessa’s stern voice rang through the air. “Now that we’ve had demonstrations, this group shall remain on the north end of the pit, and I’ll take care of the south end. Cole, do you think you can manage?”

  “Of course, Professor,” I answered.

  “Very good,” she said, but I could detect a small ounce of concern in her voice. “Alright, get to it. Today, you’re just as responsible as I am for these witches. Understood?”

  “Perfectly,” I responded, and the professor flashed me a small smile before she guided her group to the other end of the pit.

  I stood by and took my time with each witch as they faced a different replica. I remained obediently by their sides and guided them through the lesson, and after hours, the sky darkened, and a frigid wind swept through the pit. All the witches were trembling, and finally, Vanessa decided it was enough practice for one day.

  “Everyone, gather here,” she commanded from the middle of the pit.

  The students slowly retreated to the center, and each witch looked completely white-washed and deathly exhausted.

  I sensed their pain, and as I tried to remain steady and on my feet, something dark and excruciatingly painful took over my entire body. My eyes felt as if they were about to melt from my sockets, and my blood ran ice cold. Suddenly, I couldn’t move, and my head began to swim as my eyesight grew blurry.

  “Cole?” I heard someone say, but I was so out of it, I didn’t even recognize their voice. “Cole… what’s wrong?”

  I tried to answer, but my mouth was dry, and then I lost my footing and fell to the ground. Witches all screamed my name, and I could feel them running to my side.

  My body was numb as if I were made of stone, and the last thing I heard before my world went entirely black was the sound of a familiar woman calling out my name.

  Follow me, Cole… I have something to show you.

  Chapter 14

  Within the blink of an eye, my world became nothing but darkness, and I was pulled into a cold, numbing void where I couldn’t feel anything. If I had a body, I was no longer inside it. My mind, my consciousness, my memories, all of it seemed to be lost within a vortex of the unknown. Shadow and icy captivity were grasping me by my throat, like frozen skeletal fingers, and for a moment, I wondered if I was dead.

  Cole, the woman from the painting echoed. Open your eyes.

  I tried to open my mouth to argue and tell her it was impossible for me to even move or feel anything, but the effort was futile.

  Cole, she repeated. Be strong… follow my voice and open your eyes. I have something important to show you.

  It would have been easier to drown in the overwhelming darkness that surrounded me and simply surrender myself to the hungry shadows, which seemed desperate to consume my body and soul.

  But fuck that. She was right, I had to fight it.

  I forced myself to peel my heavy eyelids open, and when I did, I was staring up at a raven-black sky brimming with blood-red stars and a full, yellow moon. The wind was cool, but not frigid, and the air was still as stone.

  I had no idea where I was or if I was in some dream or a different realm. The last things I could remember were the elder replicas and the pit.

  How the hell did I get here?

  I strained to pull myself up from the wet earth and struggled to stand up on my feet. My legs trembled when I finally managed to pull myself upright, and then I took another look around.

  “Hello?” I called out. “Where are you?”

  I’m with you, her mesmerizing voice echoed inside my head. The question is… where are you? Or maybe a better question is, who are you?

  My entire body tensed up, and as I tried to gather my bearings, it felt as if a thousand icy needles were prickling at my skin. Wherever I was, it seemed eerily familiar and frighteningly foreign to me at the same time. I was standing amidst thick, heavy smoke, and when the black mist slowly began to clear, I thought I could make out silhouettes in the vague distance.

  “I-I don’t know,” I said aloud. “I don’t remember much, but I feel as if I’ve been here before, but everything is so murky--”

  You’re standing on the unholy ground of your home, she answered. This… is a glimpse of a future which I hope you will never have to see.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, and I could feel the blood drain from my face.

  Look closer, Cole, she whispered softly. You will see.

  Instead of pushing her for more vague responses, I took a step back and then studied my alien surroundings. It slowly began to snow, but as specks landed on my face, I realized it was ash raining from the sky.

  I took in a shaky breath as the vision cleared, and horror overcame my body when I learned I was standing amidst a pile of stone rubble and chaos, but what truly made my blood grow cold were the countless piles of bones and charred bodies. I narrowed my eyes at the devastating vision before me and willed myself not to scream into the black sky hovering above my head.

  This was Scholomance, and everything and everyone within the castle was dead and long gone.

  “What the hell is this?” I demanded in a shaky voice.

  This is what will become of your beloved school, your precious coven, and everything you hold dear to your cold heart should the elder gods win, she explained in a tender tone. This will be the end of the Wicca era as we know it. It will be the end of Satan.

  “Are you saying the future is already set in stone?” I asked in a faint voice.

  Oh, no, my dearest Cole, the woman answered. You are the key to ensuring the survival of all Wicca kind. You must continue to prepare your people for what is about to come. The elders are planning to attack, and soon.

  “When?” I demanded. “How much longer do we have, exactly?”

  Not much longer, she said in an ominous voice.

  My eyes wandered around the unbearable scene, and bile rose up into my throat when I saw a line of wooden stakes off in the distance. My feet were heavy as stone as I forced myself to approach them, and my heart beat like a thunderous drum as I willed myself to get closer and not turn back.

  I knew whatever I was about to see, the image would never leave my mind.

  When I was just inches away from the stakes, I dropped to my knees and swallowed the scream threatening to leave my trembling lips.

  “No,” I breathed as I stared at the burned bodies in front of me.

  Morgana, Faye, Vesta, Akira, and Penelope were all strung up on perfectly erect wooden stakes, and their charred, lifeless bodies hung limply above me. My entire body went ice cold, and I felt everything and nothing at once.

  How the hell could they be dead? There was no way they could have been murdered, not with the blood pact to protect them, unless this vision meant I was dead, too.

  That could be the only
explanation, and it made my blood turn to ice.

  “This will never happen,” I said once I found my voice. “I’d sooner spend an eternity in purgatory than allow anything to happen to my coven or Scholomance.”

  I know, she responded. I just needed you to remember that.

  Before I could say another word, the horrifying vision before me slowly began to dissolve into smoke. Then my entire body jolted back as if I were being sucked into the eye of a mighty and deadly storm. All darkness vanished in the blink of an eye, and then I could feel my body become whole once more, but my world was still black as night.

  “Cole?” I heard a clear and familiar voice say above me. “Cole, can you hear me?”

  “Yes,” I heard myself groan before I even opened my eyes.

  “He’s awake!” another calming and memorable voice called out.

  My body ached, my head was throbbing, and my mouth was incredibly dry, but at least I knew I was back in the real world. I forced myself to open my eyes, and when I did, my loyal and beautiful coven were all staring down at me with wide, relieved eyes and small smiles. My eyes drifted around the room, and I sighed with pure relief when I realized I was in the infirmary and not in my worst nightmare.

  “Cole,” Vesta purred before she gently took my hand and then stroked it with her light purple fingertips, “how are you feeling?”

  “Not too hot,” I chuckled before I forced myself to sit up. “How long have I been here?”

  “For a day,” Morgana replied as she chewed on her red lower lip. “We were so worried about you.”

  “You just fucking passed out in the pit,” Akira explained as she sat on the edge of my narrow, white bed. “We’d seen you lose consciousness before, but there was something different about this time.”

  “How so?” I questioned.

  “You’re eyes just rolled into the back of your head, and you were mumbling in different tongues,” Penelope answered and tucked a long, loose strand of orange hair behind her ear.

  “It was absolutely terrifying,” Faye whispered as she fumbled with my nightgown collar. “We thought… well, we weren’t sure what to think.”

  “You shouldn’t have worried,” I said with a cocksure grin. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

  My women chuckled faintly at my response, but then Morgana’s pale blue eyes met mine, and I knew what she was about to ask me.

  “Cole,” the bookish brunette began in a soft voice. “Was it the woman from the painting? Did she pull you into another vision?”

  I took in a deep breath and then forced myself to meet their concerned gazes.

  “Yes,” I confessed after a moment.

  “Well?” Akira pushed impatiently after I didn’t immediately elaborate. “What happened?”

  I opened my mouth and desperately tried to find the words to explain the horror I encountered, but it was difficult. Their bright eyes were fixated on me as I struggled to speak, and I knew I had to be honest with them.

  “I saw Scholomance… it was… gone,” I started, “everything was burnt to the ground.”

  “By the elder gods?” Penelope questioned in a low, terrified voice.

  “Yes,” I continued quickly, “but it wasn’t a future set in stone. It was more of a warning.”

  My coven all exchanged panicked glances with one another, and the air between us grew heavy with painful silence.

  “I don’t know about the rest of you,” Akira finally growled, “but I’ll be damned if those fuckers burn the school to the ground.”

  “Akira’s right,” Morgana added, and her blue eyes burned with a fierce determination. “Cole, what can we do? Just name it, and it will be done.”

  I glanced around the infirmary again, and I could tell it was early morning by the pale sunlight streaming in through the windows. We had a class to attend, and there was no fucking time to waste.

  “I’m getting out of this damn bed,” I grunted. “We have class.”

  “But Cole,” Faye argued in a soft voice. “You look like death. You should probably rest.”

  “Fuck that,” I replied as a shook my head. “I’ll be fine… Morgana, which class do we have? My head is still a little fuzzy.”

  “Err, Necromancy,” she answered with a small frown, “but--”

  “Perfect,” I said as I swung the sheets off the bed and then planted my bare feet on the cold floor.

  My body was begging me to lay back down, but instead, I shoved the weakness aside and then looked at the empty beds in the infirmary.


  “Where’s the headmistress?” I asked in a rushed voice.

  “She’s fine,” Vesta whispered in a soothing tone, “she’s probably in her office. She was here just minutes before you woke up.”

  “I’ll need to talk to her after class,” I said. “There is still plenty of training which needs to be completed, and we have to act quickly. Time is of the essence. Now, I’ll meet the rest of you in Crimson’s classroom.”

  “Yes, master,” they collectively responded before they swept out of the room.

  I watched my loyal coven leave the infirmary, and when I glanced at the chair by my small cot, I was relieved to see one of them left me a fresh set of clothing to change into. I quickly peeled off my nightgown and began to dress, but as I was buttoning up my shirt, there was a small knock on the door, and when my eyes landed on the doorway, I was mildly surprised to see the beautiful, blue-skinned Nyx standing there with wide, violet eyes and a confused frown.

  “Ah, cool, you’re awake,” she said with a small laugh, “and already getting out of bed, it seems.”

  “That would be correct,” I answered.

  Her glittering eyes slowly trailed from my face and down to my exposed chest, and I could see a deep, cerulean blush spreading across her face as she marveled at my body.

  “Do you like what you see?” I smirked.

  “What?” she asked as her color deepened. “Err, I-I-I just wanted to see how you were doing, not that I was super worried or anything, but, you know…”

  “Well, thank you.” I grinned as I slowly buttoned up my shirt. “I’m much better now.”

  “How did you get those scars?” she asked, but she was still unable to meet my eyes. “If you don’t mind me asking… they’re kind of badass.”

  “It’s a long story,” I replied with a shrug. “Perhaps one of these nights when you’re feeling bored and lonely, you can come up to my room, and we can talk about it.”

  “I’m not sure about that,” she said as she stared at the floor. “I’m not really a part of your coven, but I mean, I’m not opposed to the idea, either. Since leaving Vipera, I just really feel like I haven’t found my true place… which sucks, but it is what it is… and I’m totally rambling right now, aren’t I?”

  “Yeah,” I chuckled as I pressed my hand against the wall next to her so she was only a few inches away from my chest, “but you could be a part of a coven, you know. Just say the word.”

  “I-I--” she stuttered as her eyes went wide, but I raised my finger to her lips.

  “Let’s talk about it later,” I purred. “Come on, we have to get to class.”

  “Totally,” she cleared her throat before she lazily swung around and began to stroll down the hall.

  I followed the unperturbed, blue witch out the door, and we walked in silence down to Professor Crimson’s classroom. We were halfway there when Nyx suddenly stopped in her tracks and then grabbed my hand.

  “Cole,” she said as she slowly lifted her plum-colored eyes to meet mine, “do you think we can do this? I mean… do you really think we stand a chance against the elder gods? I know I come off as carefree, cool, and collected, but I’m just as worried as everyone else.”

  “Yes,” I replied without missing a beat. “We have no other choice but to protect ourselves and fight tooth and nail to stay alive. I promise you, we will not let those motherfuckers win.”

  At that moment, her worried eye
s glittered with hope, and then she smiled at me.

  “You seem so damn sure,” she chuckled. “I’m digging the energy.”

  “Because I am,” I said before I squeezed her hand. “Now. come on, we don’t want to be late.”

  She nodded and then quickly let go of my hand before we continued on our way. When we finally reached the classroom door, and I pushed it open, everyone was already in their seats with parchment pulled out and quills at the ready. The room was silent, every woman’s mouth was set in a firm line, and all eyes landed on me when we strolled inside.

  “Let’s sit over there,” Nyx whispered before she pointed to my coven, the twins, and Beatrix.

  They were all seated near the front of the room, and when they saw us, their eyes twinkled with pride as they gestured for us to come over.

  “Master,” Vesta purred as soon as I sat down, “are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m great,” I answered. “In fact, I’m more than great… I’m fucking fantastic, and we’re going to conquer today’s lesson… right?”

  “Yes, master,” my coven responded with small smiles and deep nods.

  “I’m curious to see what Professor Crimson has planned for us,” Morgana said after a moment.

  I studied the deep red walls, the cherry wood desk, and the gleaming black marble floors, and then I looked back at my coven.

  “Whatever it is,” I responded, “I’m sure it will be unlike anything we’ve done before.”

  “And you would be correct, Cole,” a familiar voice by the doorway announced.

  We all turned our heads to look at Professor Crimson as she leaned against the doorframe with a heavy red book in her pale hands, and there was a small, demure smile plastered on the sexy professor’s flawless face. Today, she was wearing a long, flowing red gown that matched her ruby red hair and hugged her curves, and her bright red eyes darted around the classroom before she strolled over to her desk and then set the heavy book down.

  “Well, well, well,” she drawled. “I must say, I do love walking into such an organized and poised classroom. I hope everyone is prepared for a very grueling but rewarding lesson today.”


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