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Scholomance 5

Page 25

by Logan Jacobs

  “Dissulto!” she screamed again.

  This time, the light hit the beast right in the stomach, and it jolted backward and then smacked its body against the icy floor. When it was clear it was not going anywhere, Akira jumped up and punched her fist into the air.

  “Fuck, yeah!” she squealed. “That was too fucking close.”

  “Indeed,” Professor Vanessa sighed. “Still, well done… next up.”

  Pairs of witches stepped up and performed the same spell until each Wicca seemed to ace it to perfection. It took us hours to learn at least five other attack and defense spells, and by the time we were done, I had a feeling the sun was setting.

  “I think it’s time for a break,” I whispered to Vanessa after Faye and Vesta had their turn practicing an ancient version of the spell ‘novis.’ “We need to eat and see how others are doing.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” Vanessa nodded. “Alright, everyone, well done. Let’s retire to the banquet hall.”

  The dark-haired professor snapped her fingers, and we were transported back into the massive hall. As I predicted, the sun was setting, and the entire banquet hall was washed in a vibrant orange glow. Students who were not selected for the advanced hexes and spells were helping the professors with other tasks, and when we returned, everyone’s eyes landed on us.

  “I think it’s time for a filling dinner,” Vanessa bellowed as she clapped her hands. “It is much deserved.”

  In the next moment, the tables were all covered with exquisite plates of various dishes, and a delicious array of aromas filled the stale air. I spotted roasted quails, ducks, swans, and griffins and pitchers of pumpkin juice and wild berry teas. There was also an abundant supply of side dishes such as mashed squash, fresh greens, pixie pudding, and towering lemon and fairy cakes.

  Witches immediately began to dig in, and I sat down at a nearby table with my coven and Nyx, Beatrix and the twins.

  “Do you think we’re truly ready, master?” Vesta purred as she plucked a berry from her plate.

  “I think we’re about there,” I answered while I looked at the others.

  “I can barely eat,” Morgana pouted as she stared down at her full plate. “My stomach is in knots, especially after that lesson.”

  “Why?” Akira asked with a raised black eyebrow. “You kicked ass.”

  “It was just so unorthodox of a lesson,” the bookish brunette replied, “I’m not great with change… I miss being in the classroom, having textbooks to study at night, and you know… not concerning myself with the possibility of imminent death.”

  “You just have to bear in mind that things will return to normal, Morgana,” I reminded her. “This is not permanent.”

  “I know, master,” she sighed. “It’s just… overwhelming.”

  “We’re all overwhelmed,” Penelope said in a soft tone, “but look at all we’ve accomplished today! Did you ever imagine we’d be scrolling through ancient hexes to help out a professor before the eve of battle? I never would have.”

  Morgana smiled softly and then took a small bite of toast. “You’re right. I’ll be fine. Thank you, master, Penelope.”

  “Are you sure?” Nyx questioned as she leaned toward the bookworm. “If you’re still feeling tense, I have an excellent pipe in my room--”

  “Don’t even think about it, horn-head,” Akira snapped, “there isn’t even wine on the table tonight. We need to keep clear heads.”

  “I guess so.” Nyx shrugged. “But I’ve got some stuff that will help you eat.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Morgana shrugged. “Thanks for the offer.”

  “I’m always willing to share,” Nyx said as she winked at the other girl and then took a big bite out of a hunk of meat.

  “Hey, Cole,” Faye spoke up before she scooped up a spoonful of mashed pumpkins, “do you want to join me for another dragon ride with Professor Evanora and some other students?”

  “Sure,” I answered as I looked around the table. “Is anyone else interested?”

  “No, thank you,” Vesta refused in a soft voice before she tossed back her luminous green hair. “I think I want to make sure the armor fits everyone snuggly… and I might add a few more embellishments here and there.”

  “Because gems and pretty diamonds will keep us from getting killed,” Akira grunted under her breath, but then Morgana gently nudged her in the ribs.

  “I think that’s a great idea, Vesta,” I said as I looked into her silver eyes, and then I gazed around the table once more. “You sure none of you want to come along?”

  “I should be making more smoke traps,” Nyx said with a lazy shrug.

  “And I’d like to make an inventory of the weapons we have,” Akira added after she swallowed a mouthful of meat. “Do you think there’s a spell we could place on them to make them even more powerful?”

  “I could look,” Morgana offered with wide, eager blue eyes.

  “I’ll help,” Penelope responded in a perky voice.

  “Well, then,” I said with a small chuckle, “I suppose it’s just us, Faye.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” the redhead responded with a broad grin.

  I nodded in agreement, and when we finished our plates, Faye and I strolled over the professors’ table, and Evanora was already getting on her feet.

  “Still up for an evening ride?” The pink-haired professor grinned.

  “Yes, Professor.” Faye smiled politely. “Cole would like to join us this time, too.”

  “Perfect.” Evanora nodded.

  “Are you sure that’s wise, Evanora?” Vanessa asked, and her brow furrowed severely over her sharp blue eyes. “Shouldn’t we be resting and staying within the confinements of the castle, especially when its near nightfall?”

  “One quick trip won’t hurt,” Evanora said with a dismissive wave of her hand before she regarded the room and then whistled so she had everyone’s attention. “Listen, if there’s anyone who’d like to accompany us on a dragon ride, please gather in a group.”

  A wave of excitement filled the air, and at least a hundred students stood up from their place and rushed toward Evanora. Faye and I exchanged excited glances with one another, and when we shadow ported out of the castle and landed in the grand fields, the sight of the magnificent emerald beasts took my breath away.

  “Shit,” I sighed. “Every time I see them… a part of me still can’t believe we’ve tamed them.”

  “Same here,” Faye giggled as she bounced on the balls of her feet. “Come on, the sun is about to set, and that’s the best time to fly.”

  As witches began to mount their dragons, I quickly spotted the largest of the herd, and the moment his glowing eyes met mine, he lowered his elongated, shimmering jade scaled neck as if he were bowing to me. I repeated the gesture and then carefully climbed up onto his back by carefully wedging my boot between his massive scales.

  “Is everyone ready?” Evanora cried out, and she couldn’t contain her excited grin. “Let’s go!”

  The professor’s dragon took off into the sky, and we all followed suit. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, and my stomach dropped as soon as we took off from the ground and soared into the orange and red-hued sky. Sharp wind swept past my face, and as we passed through the clouds, I took in a deep breath.

  For a moment, everything seemed calm and peaceful. I was exactly where I needed to be, and I felt invincible. We soared up and down, and I could see the broad smiles on the other witches’ faces as they also sped through the clouds and past the glowing sun. I knew they felt free and wild, and as my dragon flew faster through the air and glided past the orange setting sun, I closed my eyes and breathed in this intoxicating moment.

  But then, something seemed to pierce my chest, and I winced from the sudden pain and nearly fell over. I grabbed onto the dragon’s hide for support, but still, my entire body convulsed like I was about to collapse. My head and heart were throbbing, and an echoing, familiar voice suddenly seeped into my mind.
  Cole, whispered the woman from my visions. They’re coming. Now!

  My mouth went dry, and when I opened my eyes, an arrow flew right past my ear, followed by a piercing scream. When I spun my head around, I saw a witch falling from her dragon and down to her death. Other high-pitched screams followed, and my blood turned ice cold.

  Theodora’s vision had been wrong.

  The elders and their army were already here.

  Chapter 19

  “Everyone, be quiet!” I ordered, and the screaming came to a dying halt.

  My heart was beating in my throat, and I strained my eyes to get a better view of what we were dealing with, but it was nearly impossible to see anything ahead. The sunset-hued sky had quickly darkened, and now we were surrounded by thick, unforgiving black clouds. Whoever shot that arrow was hiding behind a mass of ebony clouds, and if we didn’t act quickly, another one could pierce any witch it so desired.

  “Cole!” Faye shouted as her massive green dragon hovered by my side. “What do we do? We’re completely exposed out here.”

  “Follow my lead!” I yelled. “They’re trying to use the clouds to mask themselves, but I have an idea. Just fly behind me and keep your eyes peeled!”

  “Yes, master,” the redhead answered before she looked at Professor Evanora, who was not too far away from us.

  “Cole, what are you doing?” the pink-haired professor bellowed. “We can’t see a damn thing.”

  “I know!” I called out.

  I was about to change that.

  I stared at the charcoal black clouds and at the yellow lightning, which was beginning to split through the dark sky. Another arrow whipped past my ear, but I refused to let these motherfuckers use the elements as their advantage. So, I stared at the dim clouds with all my mental strength and willed them to do my own bidding.


  Suddenly, the sky morphed from a deep, unsettling gray to a vivid scarlet, and then the thick, black clouds turned as clear as water. My heart beat wildly in my chest as I stared at the vast, flying army in front of us, and as they drew even closer, my breath caught in my throat while my palms grew slick with sweat.

  Hundreds of soldiers with shimmering gold breastplates were soaring through the bright sky on giant, winged white horses. They were all armed with bows and arrows and led by a giant man with pale blond hair and a deep scar across his face. His glowing green eyes met mine for a moment, and then his face broke into a venomous smirk. He raised his fist into the air, and his army all notched their arrows at once.

  “Dive!” I commanded as I quickly whirled my head to look behind me and raised my own hand. “Now!”

  As I willed my flying beast to plunge himself downward, the rest of the witches followed, and when I glanced upward, I saw a rain of arrows soar through the clouds. We needed to get closer and use our dragons to our advantage, so I stared down at my obedient beast and then pressed myself against his scale-covered back.

  “I haven’t seen you breathe fire yet,” I said, “but if you can… now would be the ideal time to do it.”

  My beast made no immediate indication that he understood me, and for a moment, I was at a loss for what to do next, but then he suddenly heaved himself upward, and we were soaring right for the army.

  “That’s it,” I encouraged him, “burn them all!”

  “Cole!” I heard Faye scream as I sped toward our enemy.

  Before any of the soldiers could notch another arrow, a deep resonating growl rumbled through my dragon’s entire body, and he suddenly grew hotter. His scales nearly burned my skin, but regardless, I continued to press my frame against his.

  Then he let out a ferocious roar before flame spurted out from his massive maw and began to set the flying army on fire.

  Terrified screams echoed through the sky as my dragon scorched a handful of men and their horses. The smell of raw, burning flesh instantly filled the air, which caused the other dragons to crave for their own fresh blood. In the next moment, all of our giant, unwavering beasts began to tear through the men and their horses, and when I glared at the leader of the group, his eyes shot daggers in my direction. I swerved my dragon toward him and his own flying creature, and then fire erupted from my dragon’s massive snout and nearly scorched the son of a bitch, but he managed to dive out of the way at the last possible second.

  A few other soldiers followed his lead, but now, we had the upper hand, and he knew it.

  “Burn as many as you can!” I ordered without turning to look at my own army. “Command your dragons to breathe fire, and they will obey! Quickly! Take them all out!”

  Soon, massive balls of fire began to soar through the sky as the other witches commanded their own dragons to scorch the elders and their flying creatures. Some dragons even began to snatch the magnificent white horses and clamp down on them with great and powerful jaws. Blood, fire, and gore fell through the sky like rainfall, and agonizing screams echoed as the glorious chaos ensued.

  The elder army realized too late that they were nothing compared to our beasts, and in the blink of an eye, the small militia leader disappeared as he dove downward and carefully avoided the flames and jaws of our superior creatures.

  I thought about flying after him, but I couldn’t abandon the women while they took care of the rest of the elder legion, so I chose to remain behind and take care of the rest of these motherfuckers.

  “Master, we’re overpowering them!” Faye called out with pride, and she looked like a fierce warrior goddess as she sat astride her dragon.

  “We’re not in the clear just yet,” I yelled back. “Let’s rid the sky of every single one. Watch my back while I bend the elements to my will, and then charge at them with all you’ve got!”

  “Yes, master!” Faye shouted, and her green-gold eyes were brimming with determination and bloodlust as if she were one with her dragon.

  As my beast soared through the air and I focused on the scarlet sky, Faye and Evanora whipped past me with their own obedient dragons and began to tear through the army without an ounce of mercy. Faye cried out in fury as her beast ripped horses and men apart and tore them into shreds, and her fiery red hair had gone undone and was soaring behind her like a mass of bloody ribbons. She whipped through the clouds and smoke with feral willpower I’d never seen before, and her dragon’s outstretched wings knocked over men and sent them falling to their deaths. Other witches followed behind her, and charred, blackened bodies began to fall down into the earth as we rid the skies of our foes.

  Evanora was demonstrating the same resolve as she swerved and dived through the red-hued sky, and she burned the remaining elders who were desperately trying to guide their horses away from our dragons.

  As my army ripped the elders into shreds, I glanced up at the clouds and willed them to do my bidding. I wanted blood to fall from the sky and stain the eyes of the elders. I wanted to drench them in my wrath.


  Thick, crimson droplets began to pour from the sky, and I willed the rainfall to cascade over our enemies. Their glowing eyes were now tainted with blood, and their white mares were stained scarlet. The metallic smell of blood mixed with the stench of raw flesh enticed our beasts to attack with even more fervor, and they ripped the remaining soldiers into bits and pieces. As the dragons devoured our enemies, they roared with greed and satisfaction, and their war cries were as loud as thunder.

  “We did it!” Faye cheered as she soared by my side.

  When I turned to look at her, the beautiful redhead’s face was completely stained with ash and blood. I couldn’t even spot one freckle on her face, but she didn’t seem to care.

  I opened my mouth to respond, but a violent shiver crept up my spine, and it nearly knocked me off my dragon.

  “Fuck,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “What’s wrong?” Faye called out with wide, panicked eyes. “Cole, say something!”

  “What’s going on?” Evanora demanded as she flew to my side.
/>   Pain continued to pierce my skull and send vicious shivers coursing through my entire body, and I could barely see anything in front of me, except for our dragons’ shadows and the glowing outlines of crimson clouds.

  Then the world before me shifted until I was looking down at Scholomance, and the castle was being overrun with elder armies, mortal men, and other beasts. I could see them running across the grounds and using spells to try and bring down the stone barrier Vanessa and I created, and I saw the same leader in my mind’s eye, with the pale hair and piercing green eyes, leading men, elders, and beasts into the academy. It was a horrific image, but soon, the picture in my head vanished, and my eyesight had returned to the fiery, red sky, filled with ferocious dragons ripping the last soldiers into bits and pieces.

  “Cole,” Faye shouted as she hovered next to me, “say something! Even through the blood and ash, your face is paler than snow, and I’ve seen that look in your eyes before. Was it another vision?”

  “Yes,” I finally managed to respond. “We need to return to the grounds and quickly. These men were just a diversion.”

  Evanora, who was within earshot, glanced at me with wide, fearful eyes, but then she shook her head and looked around at the witches who were soaring through the sky.

  “We need to head back to Scholomance!” she roared. “The others need our help now!”

  It would be a waste of energy to try and shadow port everyone plus their scaled-steeds back to the academy, so all the witches turned their attention to the pink-haired professor and commanded their beasts to follow us back to Scholomance. We sped through the air, and the hot wind whipped across my face as I guided my small legion back to the grounds.

  When we finally found ourselves soaring across the black forest near the academy, I could make out a variety of creatures and men galloping on horseback toward the castle from the opposite direction we had flown. On the other side of the school, I thought I saw another group of men with vast golden and silver wings flying through the sky and charging toward Scholomance. There were other soldiers with them, too, and they were flying on the same white, magnificent winged horses we’d just encountered.


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