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Scholomance 5

Page 29

by Logan Jacobs

  The hot air suddenly grew icy cold, and even with my eyes closed, I could feel the candles flickering. Then I reached for Nyx’s neck and took another deep breath.

  “Vocavi, et tenebras petere quod sit conjunctio fiet, et anima per sanguinem,” I chanted.

  The room began to tremble violently beneath my feet, and as the air grew even colder, I could feel Nyx’s energy transferring over to me. I could feel her soul connecting with my own, and the electrical charge sent a violent, but incredible, shiver through my entire body that was almost as enjoyable as an orgasm.

  “Hae mulieres serve meus, et me in vita mea voluntati parere,” I continued in an echoing and commanding voice. “Now, say you’re mine and that you will serve me for all eternity, Nyx.”

  “Si audierint et observaverint illum sicut animam meam in dominum!” Nyx gasped in a breathy voice as a furious wind shrieked throughout the room.

  “Et nos in viam diabolum malum,” I bellowed. “Nos gratias ago vos omnem virum robustum!”

  Nyx was slightly trembling under my hold, but then the room grew warm and light once more. I slowly opened my eyes, and when I glanced at Nyx, her eyes were closed, and her lower lip was quivering.

  “Open your eyes now,” I ordered as I gently released my hold on her throat and took a small step back.

  Her indigo eyes instantly fluttered open, and she looked at me with a mixture of adoration and surprise.

  “Does that mean it worked?” Nyx asked in a faint voice.

  “Yes.” I smirked. “Now… you can get a taste of what you’ve been missing.”

  Her blue hands immediately shot out in front of her, and she tried to unzip my pants as if her life depended on it.

  “Easy,” I chuckled before I grabbed her hands. “We’re going to take our time… and since you’re new to this… I want you to watch first.”

  “But, Cole, that’s, like, totally unfair,” she pouted.

  “It’s master, and I will say what is fair,” I growled before I lifted my eyes to gaze upon the other women. “Vesta and Morgana, come here and show her how to begin. Akira, Faye, and Penelope, I want you to hold Nyx back while she watches. Let’s let her beg for a taste of me.”

  “Yes, Cole,” the obedient witches answered in unison.

  They crawled off the bed, and while Vesta and Morgana kneeled before me, Akira snatched Nyx by her arms and wrapped them tightly behind her. Penelope and Faye placed a firm hand on each of Nyx’s blue shoulders, and the horned witch’s eyes were wide with desperate longing as she stared at Morgana and Vesta.

  The two witches smiled up at me as they slowly began to pull down my pants and briefs, and once I was stark naked, Vesta was the first one to lean toward my cock and stare up at me with her sparkling, silver eyes.

  “May I begin tasting you, master?” she purred as she licked her pink, moist lips.

  “You may.” I nodded.

  The elvish witch moaned with pleasure before she wrapped her purple hands around my shaft and then slowly began to lick around my tip. Her lips curled up into a small smile, and she stared up at me with devotion and worship before she took me inside her whole mouth.

  “Yesssss…” I instantly shuddered with pleasure as she began to bob her head back and forth in slow motions, and she ran her hot tongue along my length and glanced up at me once more. Her silver eyes were glassy with desire as she took me in deeper, and then my tip scratched the back of her throat. She gently gagged as small tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, but then she went even farther until she reached my balls.

  My entire body quivered with satisfaction as I grabbed a fistful of her sage-green locks and thrust my cock down her throat. I rocked my body back and forth and then groaned as she rolled her tongue along my member.

  “Mmmmmmmmm,” the lavender-skinned witch slurped.

  “Deeper,” I ordered. “I know you can do it. Take all of me down your throat.”

  Vesta flicked her eyes up at me again, and then, without breaking eye contact, she wriggled her head all the way down to my balls and gagged as I fucked the back of her throat repeatedly. She hummed and glugged along my shaft as I bobbed her head along my cock, and as she grew more eager to taste my cum, she began to move her head in swifter motions.

  I tossed my head back and glanced at the other women, who were all staring at me with wild desire and yearning.

  “Good girl,” I grunted. “Now, give Morgana a turn.”

  Vesta whined in protest, but then she gently pulled herself away from my member. A wet popping sound echoed in the room, and she gently wiped her mouth and sucked on her lilac finger.

  “Thank you, master,” Morgana whispered before she licked her rosy red lips and leaned in toward my cock.

  “You can thank me by swallowing every inch of me,” I teased. “Now, shut up and take me inside your pretty mouth.”

  The sexy brunette smiled as she licked my flared tip and then hummed with pleasure as she took me all the way inside her warm, wet mouth. She wrapped her delicate hands around my throbbing shaft, and as she moved her head up and down my pulsating member, she stroked my cock in perfect motions.

  “Hmmmmmmm,” Morgana moaned as she bobbed her head faster.

  “That’s it,” I growled before I grabbed a handful of her chocolate-brown locks. “Keep going, don’t you dare fucking stop.”

  I moved my hips with more intensity, and each time I prodded the back of her throat, she gagged but continued to slurp along my length. She started to move a little slower, and my body shuddered with pleasure when she ran her tongue along my underside and tickled the head with perfect swirls and long, circular motions. I was close to cumming, but I didn’t want to explode in Morgana’s mouth just yet.

  I wanted Nyx to be the first to taste my cum tonight.

  “Stop,” I breathed.

  “Nooooo…” Morgana pouted as she pulled away from my erect, throbbing dick and then licked her moist, red mouth, but I averted my gaze away from the desperate brunette and focused on the blue-skinned Nyx.

  “Are you ready?” I growled. “You will have to swallow every inch of me.”

  “I’ll do my best, master,” she said with desperate glassy eyes.

  “You’d better,” I warned her. Then I looked at Akira, Faye, and Penelope. “Hold her arms and guide her head and mouth along my cock.”

  “Yes, master,” they all answered with enthusiastic smiles.

  As the other witches tightened their hold on the sapphire-skinned witch, Nyx slowly opened her blue mouth and then wrapped her wet lips around my throbbing cock. I tossed my head back and groaned with satisfaction as she ran her tongue along my underside and then tasted every inch of my throbbing dick.

  “Take all of it.” Akira shoved Nyx’s head further along my dick, and when she reached my balls, the blue-skinned witch gagged loudly but continued to move her head up and down my entire shaft without hesitation. When she grew more confident, she started to move her head up and down with faster, more desperate motions without help from Akira.

  “So greedy,” I chuckled.

  “Mmmmmmm,” Nyx mewled as she bobbed her head in faster strokes.

  “She looks so lovely taking your cock, master,” Vesta purred as she watched the two of us with glittering silver eyes.

  “Look how deep she’s going,” Penelope remarked with a small grin.

  “She’s a fast learner,” Akira snickered.

  “Very fast,” Morgana sighed.

  “Look at how wet her pussy is,” Faye sighed. “She’s just like Penelope was… dripping on the ground.”

  “I’m dripping right now,” the orange-haired beauty chuckled. “This is soooo fucking hot.”

  “She’s doing good,” I grunted as Nyx ran her hot tongue along my throbbing underside and back to my flared tip.

  I shuddered as she picked up the pace, and I began to move my hips with more fervor as I roughly fucked the back of her throat. She gagged, slurped, and moaned as Akira continued to guide h
er blue head along my member, but I felt the tension begin to build too much.

  “I’m ready, so suck every drop of my cum down, Nyx,” I growled when I couldn’t hold back any longer, and my entire body shuddered before I released my seed into her mouth.

  I greedily gasped for air, and my senses were spinning as I sprayed my hot cum down Nyx’s throat, and she whined as she slurped and swallowed every single last drop as if she was dying of thirst.

  “That’s it,” I panted. “Don’t waste any of it.”

  “Good girl,” Vesta whispered as she brushed back Nyx’s long, blue hair and pulled her off my cock.

  “T-Thank you, master,” Nyx panted as she smiled up at me, and Akira released her hold on her.

  My cock was still leaking cream as I stared at the rest of the women, and their eyes were all wide with desire and an eagerness to please.

  “You may each have a taste.” I smirked. “As long as you take polite turns and share with your sisters.”

  Morgana was the first to reach over and lick my tip, and then Vesta, Akira, Penelope, and Faye followed. Then I looked over at the blue-skinned witch, and she was staring up at me with adoration and a thirst for more.

  “You did well,” I said as I stared into her indigo colored eyes.

  “Thanks,” Nyx murmured as a blush darkened her cerulean cheeks.

  I turned to look at the other eager witches and then took in a deep breath. “Take her to the bed and spread her wide open for me. She deserves the reward she’s been craving for a long time now.”

  “Yes, master,” they all answered.

  My coven yanked Nyx up to her knees and then tossed her onto the bed. Akira and Vesta held down her hands, Morgana and Penelope held onto her ankles, and Faye decided to hold onto her head and laid it down on her naked, freckled lap.

  Nyx’s eyes glanced up to the ceiling, and her blue lips trembled as I slowly crawled onto the bed. As Morgana and Penelope spread her sapphire legs wide apart, I could see her navy-blue folds glistening with arousal. Her pussy was gushing wet and ready for me, but I wanted to tease her before I gave in to her wild desires. Her breathing was labored, and as I drew closer toward her opening, she closed her eyes and bit down on her lip.

  “You’ll look at our master when he claims your pussy,” Akira snapped. “Open your fucking eyes.”

  Nyx’s purple eyes fluttered open, and then she gazed longingly at me. I slowly began to slide my cock along her wet lips, and she moaned each time I pulled away from her hungry hole.

  “Oooooh, pleeeeeease, master,” she begged. “Pleeeeeease, fuck me. I neeeeed you inside me.”

  “You are not the one who gives the orders around here,” I reminded her in a sharp tone.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” she mewled before she bit down on her blue lip. “But I just need to feel you inside me.”

  “Soon enough,” I growled.

  “He will spread you wiiiiiide open and fill you up with his unholy seed when he sees fit,” Vesta purred in a soft voice. “You must be patient.”

  “It will be worth the wait,” Morgana added, “you’ll see.”

  My cock hardened like a titanium rod as my throbbing head rubbed along her sopping pussy, and I grunted in pleasure as I slowly slid my tip inside her warm, wet tunnel. Nyx immediately gasped, and her eyes went wide as saucers as I slowly drilled my cock deeper inside her. She was incredibly tight and warm, and her walls clenched like a velvety bear trap around my cock as I went deeper and deeper into her hungry body.

  “Ooooooh, master!” she screamed. “Fuuuuuuuuck! Oh, Satan! So, this is what it feels like!”

  “Aren’t you glad you joined us?” Akira teased as she reached out and tweaked one of Nyx’s sapphire nipples. “Doesn’t his cock feel like an unholy blessing?”

  “Y-Yes,” the horned witch gasped. “T-This is better than any smoke in all the realms.”

  “Well, you’d better be grateful,” Penelope warned her. “Now, you’re his for all eternity, body, and soul. You live for him, and only him.”

  “That’s right,” Faye added. “He is our alpha, and we serve him. Whenever Cole wants to fuck you, you agree. Whenever he demands something of you, you listen. Your womb is his to own for all of eternity, you’ll bear his children when he demands it, and you’d better not forget it.”

  “Fuuuuuuck, I won’t,” Nyx panted as she tossed her head from side to side. “Master, please, don’t stooooooop! I’ll do whatever you demand of me. Just pleeeeeeease, keep fucking me!”

  Small, delicious moans escaped from her blue, full lips as I thrust deeper inside her. Her walls clenched even tighter around my cock, and I grunted each time I bucked my hips against her skin. Her breathing was growing even more labored as if she were on the verge of a heart attack, and her eyes grew as wide as dinner plates as I plowed deeper inside her gyrating body.

  “M-Master,” she squealed. “I-I’m about to cum!”

  “I’ll allow it,” I grunted. “For tonight, you can cum as many times as you please.”

  “Yessssssssssss!” Nyx yelled before her entire body jerked upward, and then she let out a long, drawn-out scream.

  Her tight walls spasmed around my cock, and her cries grew so loud I thought she would wake up the entire castle. Warm fluid dripped down her thighs and spurted all over my cock, but I didn’t pull out. Then she bit down on her lip, and blue blood trickled down her chin as I continued to thrust deep inside her.

  I reached over to lick her mouth, and when I was close enough, Nyx nibbled on my lower lip. She lifted her head away from Faye’s lap, and when our mouths met, our tongues snaked together as her kiss quickly grew more demanding and fervent. The blue-skinned witch moaned into my mouth, and when I pulled away, she nearly squeezed her eyes shut, but then she apparently remembered what Akira told her because she instead stared deeply into my eyes and panted desperately for air as I thrust deeper inside her sopping tunnel.

  Then she just kept cumming. Over and over again as I claimed her body.

  Each time Nyx came, she screamed, and her eyes rolled back as if she were being possessed by a demon. I lost count of the times she climaxed as I prodded deeper into her soaking pussy, but I could feel my cock twitching and building tension each time her walls frantically grasped around me, and finally, I couldn’t hold back any longer. Her body was just too delicious, and I knew she was on the verge of exploding again.

  “Cum with me,” I demanded. “Now.”

  “Fuuuuuuuuck, yeeeeees!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  “Yessssss…” I growled, and my entire body spasmed as I spurted my hot cum inside her warm, hungry womb. Then her greedy walls clenched even tighter and milked my cock for every last drop of semen as our bodies quivered and convulsed in unison for half a minute, and when I finally pulled my slick cock out of her cream filled pussy, she was gasping for air as if she’d been holding her breath underwater for several minutes.

  My body was trembling, and I was also struggling to breathe as I turned my attention to the other women.

  “Lick her pussy clean,” I demanded. “Don’t waste a drop.”

  The others all took turns sticking their tongues inside the sapphire blue witch, and as I relaxed for ten minutes or so and watched each beautiful woman sample my cum from Nyx’s fucked pussy, my eyes landed on Faye. She was sitting patiently for the others to finish their snack with Nyx’s limp head still on her lap.

  “Faye,” I growled. “Leave Nyx and get down on the floor over the pentagram. I want you on all fours and presenting that hot little pussy of yours to me.”

  “Yes, master,” the redhead replied with an eager smile.

  As she parted from the other women, I glanced at them and then pushed back my slick and sweaty hair.

  “That’s enough with Nyx,” I purred to my coven. “Now finger yourselves while I fuck Faye senseless. Oh, and I want to see your legs spread wide open for me while you pleasure yourselves. I want a good fucking show.”

master,” each witch purred as they situated themselves on the bed.

  I stepped away from the others, and Faye was already waiting for me on the floor with her ass raised and back bent like an animal in heat. Her golden-green eyes glittered with desire over her shoulder as I sauntered over and then got down on my knees behind her. Her blood-red hair was splattered over her smooth freckled back, and her palms and knees were pressed against Nyx’s blue blood on the floor.

  “Ooooh, master,” the redhead panted as she rocked her body back and forth with sheer desperation. “I can’t wait to have you inside me.”

  “Is that so?” I teased with an arched eyebrow.

  The eager redhead arched her spine more in response, and I used my thumb to rub her glistening, bright pink pussy lips. She moaned as soon as I touched her quivering flower, and she was sopping wet as I gently inserted a finger inside her tunnel and explored her insides.

  “You’re soaked,” I growled. “I like that.”

  “Only for you, master,” she rasped. “Please, fuck me like I’m your bitch. You are my alpha. I need your cock to spread me wide open. I need you to breed me. I need it so bad I can’t even think straight. The heat burns inside my body like a bonfire that only your seed can quench.”

  “Patience,” I reminded her. “You’ll get what you desire soon enough.”

  When my eyes flicked upward, I saw each woman with her legs spread wide apart, and they were all biting down on their lips as they sawed their digits in and out of their hungry holes. I could feel the blood rushing to my cock like a ravenous river as I stared at them and their perfect pussies, and as I grew even harder, I batted my throbbing head along Faye’s sopping folds.

  She moaned each time I neared her soaking entrance and then whined in protest each time I mischievously pulled away.

  “Do you want me inside you?” I teased. “Is that truly what you want?”

  “Yes, pleeeeeeeease, master,” she begged. “I need you to fill me up with your cream. I’m yours. Please breed me. Please fill my womb with your unholy seed.”


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