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The Pirate's Apprentice

Page 16

by L.M. Batstone


  There wasn't much on the Pearl worth taking—only a couple of bolts of silk, some coffee, a few bottles of wine, five suits of clothes, three pistols and a dagger. The pirates brought what they wanted onto the Sultana and then sent the boatswain over to the Pearl to chop down her mainmast with his double-edged battle axe. The pirates had decided chopping down the mast was a fitting punishment for attempting to flee.

  The boatswain was abnormally tall for an English man and was as muscular as a prize fighter. John was terrified of him, just as most of the pirates were. He was the man who carried out the punishments decided on by the majority.

  The captain of the Pearl didn't complain as the boatswain chopped down the mainmast. Willas seemed to know the pirates were letting him off easy and was visibly relieved that he'd still have his ship when the pirates left.

  With a thunderous crack, the mainmast fell over, crashing onto the deck of the Pearl in an array of splinters and snapping ropes. What a terrible mess, John thought as he witnessed the mayhem. He wondered how her crew would survive out at sea without their mainsail. He guessed that someone would come by and help them eventually. They were being stranded on a busy shipping lane after all.

  As the Sultana pulled away from the crippled ship, John found himself hoping that someone would come across the Pearl soon. The thought of being left to float aimlessly in the vast waters of the Caribbean left a knot in John's innards. As the Pearl shrank in the distance, John's attention was captured by a large group of pirates gathering on deck.

  Mr. Noland was waddling about, busily setting the looted pistols and clothes on the deck. John climbed up to the navigation platform where he could watch the scene unfold. He knew it was unlikely he would be called to take anything from the pile, but he was still interested to see what Eddie would be given.

  Eddie stood behind the short, fat quartermaster, his eyes bright with interest as Mr. Noland prepared to start calling names from his list.

  "Eddie … lad, yer first. Choose a weapon and a suit of clothes," Mr. Noland instructed.

  John swallowed hard, he couldn't help but feel an intense jealousy towards the teen-aged boy. His eyes scanned the flintlock pistols that had been laid out over the deck, wishing that he could pick one from the bunch.

  Eddie clearly knew what he wanted. He picked up a short iron-barreled pistol with silver and ivory inlay, and a suit of clothes which included a pair of red trousers and a red-and-white, striped button-up shirt.

  "Here lad, this one would fit ye better," Mr. Noland kicked a pair of navy-blue knee breeches and a white shirt to show the teenager which ones he spoke of.

  Eddie dropped the clothes he had chosen first and took the ones that Mr. Noland recommended, then he ran to the hatchway and disappeared down the ladder.

  "Capt'n, is there anything ye desire from the prize?"

  "Aye, I'll take that dagger," the captain said as he stepped forward. He stooped to pick up the knife and then walked toward his cabin.

  "Lad, I'll be needin' yer service," Black Sam called to John as he opened the door.

  John reluctantly descended the ladder to the deck. He wanted to see who took what, and resented being cooped up in the cabin when there was so much excitement going on. He stopped in the doorway and continued watching Mr. Noland as he called out the next name on the list.


  "Come in lad," the captain ordered.

  John entered and shut the door behind him. As he leaned against the wooden door with his arms crossed over his chest, the captain turned and held out the dagger he had taken from the prize.

  "Come take a closer look if ye like," Black Sam insisted.

  "Can I hold it?" John asked, stepping forward to take the blade, forgetting his resentment of only a moment ago.

  "Aye, ye can do more than that. It's yers if ye want it."



  Exhilarated, John took the dagger, holding the handle in one hand and resting the blade in the other. The deadly-looking double-edged knife had a plain wooden handle with mother-of-pearl inlay. It was a simple design, but breathtakingly beautiful. John turned it over and over, memorizing every detail. Finally, he had attained one item on his list.

  "I got to thinkin' ye should have at least a small weapon just in case ye need to defend yerself," the captain said.

  "Thanks," John said, looking up at the captain gratefully.

  "An' ye'll be needin' this as well," Black Sam held out a brown leather sheath connected to a buckle strap. "Come here an' I'll put this on ye."

  John stepped forward and held his arms out so the captain could drape the leather strap over his shoulder.

  "Can I wear it around my waist?" John asked.

  "Aye, we can make a new hole in the leather with yer new knife," the captain lifted the strap over John's head and wrapped the strap around John's waist, taking note of where the strap needed a new hole so it would fit properly.

  Black Sam took the dagger from John and brought the strap to the table, where he punched a small hole through the leather with the end of the sharp blade. Then he fitted the strap around John's waist and fastened the buckle using the new hole.

  "Fits snug enough?" the captain asked.

  John nodded while the captain pushed the knife into the leather sheath. Black Sam stood back to admire the look of the dagger hanging from John's waist.

  "Now yer on yer way to becoming a proper pirate," the captain said.

  "Aye, aye captain!" John said, radiating with pride.


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