The Age of Louis XIV

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The Age of Louis XIV Page 115

by Will Durant

  Guild of St. Luke, 165

  guilds, 23–24, 71, 258, 263

  Guise, Chevalier de (fl. 1646), 33

  Guise, Henri II de Lorraine, Duc de (1614–1664), 440

  Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume (1787–1874), 125

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 338, 358–60, 497

  Gunpowder Ploz (1605), 251, 281, 289, 296

  Gustavus II Adolphus, of Sweden (r. 1611–1632), 366, 375

  Guyon, Jeanne Marie de La Motte- (1648–1717), 82–83, 690

  Gwyn, Nell (1650–87), 249, 266, 274, 287, 314

  Gyllenstierna, Count Johan (1635–80), 368

  Haarlem, 166, 171, 458

  habeas corpus, right of, 192, 272, 282, 566

  Habeas Corpus Act, 290

  Hadley, George (fl. 1735), 506

  Hadrian, Emperor of Rome (r. 117–38), 99

  Hague, The, 43, 176, 177, 178, 205–6, 331, 710, 713

  book publishing in, 168, 231

  Jews in, 458

  Pepys’s praise of, 166

  Spinoza’s residence in, 630, 631, 632, 663

  Treaty of (1701), 705

  Hainaut, province of, 42, 175

  Halberstadt, bishopric of, 412

  Halifax, Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of (1661–1715), 304, 305, 319, 327, 341, 342, 352, 545, 566, 578

  Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of (1633–1695), 251, 282, 283, 284, 289, 290, 292, 295, 296, 297, 299–300

  Hall, Bishop Joseph (1574–1656), 218–20, 222

  Hallam, Henry (1777–1859), 251, 438

  Halle, Saxony, 485

  University of, 414, 485, 486, 660

  Halle au Poisson, Marseilles, 101

  Haller, Albrecht von (1708–77), 522

  Halley, Edmund (1656–1742), 498, 503, 504–5, 513, 514, 545

  and mortality tables, 304, 502

  and comets, 505, 528, 541, 606

  essay on trade winds, 506

  formula of inverse squares, 538, 539

  quoted on Christian doctrine, 529

  Hals, Frans (1580–1666), 170, 171, 632

  Hamburg, 395, 411, 439, 441

  leadership in German opera, drama, 419

  Jews of, 439, 463, 470, 472, 473, 475

  Hamilton, Anthony (1646?–1720), 249, 271

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 142

  Hampden, John (fl. 1683), 285

  Hampton Court Palace, 103, 189, 265, 266, 433

  Handel, George Frederick (1685–1759), 268, 419, 443, 444

  Hanover, city of, 415, 506, 663, 666, 678

  Christian unity conference at (1683), 664–65

  Hanover, Electorate of, 309, 310, 342, 389, 415, 706

  Hanover, house of, 310, 342, 415, 678

  see also George I, King of England

  Hapsburg, house of, 3, 452

  Austrian, faces internal and external threats, 420–21, 423, 425, 426

  and Catholicism, 296, 420

  Empire-Spain union under (1711), 713

  France gains ascendancy over, 3, 8, 11, 411

  and James Il’s deposition, 296

  conflict with Bourbons, 3, 350, 702–14


  Hardenberg, Baron Friedrich von (“Novalis”: 1772–1801), 641, 656

  Hardouin-Mansard, Jules (1646–1708), 89, 90, 92

  Harkány, Hungary, 424

  Harlay de Champvallon, François de, Archbishop of Paris (1625–95), 127

  Harley, Robert, see Oxford, 1st Earl of

  Harrington, James (1611–77), 483, 564–66

  Harrison, Maj. Gen. Thomas (1606–60), 190, 191, 245, 461

  Hartlib, Samuel (d. c.1670), 230, 487

  Harvey, William (1578–1657), 374, 520, 528

  Hauksbee, Francis (fl. 1706), 514

  Hauranne, Jean Duvergier de, see Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean

  Hautefort, Marie de (1616–91), 155

  Hawkins, Admiral Sir John (1532–95), 172, 200

  Haymarket, Queen’s Theatre at, 314, 343

  heat, 512–13

  Hebrew language, 168, 458, 475, 489, 576, 622, 623

  Hegel, Gcorg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831), 656

  Heidelberg, 692, 707

  University of, 631, 658

  Heinsius, Antonius (1641–1720), 703, 707

  Heinsius, Daniel (1580–1655), 129

  Helmont, Frans van (1614–99), 669

  Hclmont, Jan Baptista van (1577?–1644?), 515, 526, 669

  Héloïse (d. c.1164), 686

  Heist, Bartholomeus van der (1613–70), 168*

  Helvétius, Claude Adrien (1715–71), 619, 656

  Henrietta Anne (“Madame” Henrietta), Duchesse d’Orléans (1644–70), 35–36, 92, 115, 132, 135, 150, 161, 289, 417, 716

  Bossuet’s funeral oration on, 76–77

  and brother Charles II, 35–36, 204, 246, 247, 249, 250, 276, 277

  Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort of Charles I of England (1609–69), 35, 188, 204, 215, 289

  Bossuet’s funeral oration for, 76–77

  Henry VIII, King of England (r. 1509–47), 250, 399, 432, 563

  Henry IV (Henry of Navarre), King of France (r. 1589–1610), 12, 15, 35, 50, 52, 69, 247, 350, 563

  Henry I (the Fowler), Holy Roman Emperor (r. 919–936), 412

  Heraclius (Corneille), 131

  Herbelot de Molainville, Barthélemy d’ (1625–1695), 492

  Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, 1st Baron (1583–1648), 357

  Herder, Johann Gottfried von (1744–1803), 593, 656

  Hero of Alexandria (3d? cent.), 516–17

  “Heroic Stanzas” (Dryden), 322

  Herrera, Francisco de, “El Mozo” (1622–85), 449

  Herrera, Gerónimo (fl. 1725), 450

  Herrera, Nicolás (fl. 1725), 450

  Hesse-Darmstadt, 463

  Hevelius, Johannes (1611–87), 490, 502–3

  Heyden, Jan van der (1637–1712), 381

  Highland Rogue, The (Defoe), 337

  Hildesheim, bishopric of, 691

  Hind and the Panther, The (Dryden), 327

  Hippocrates (460?–377? B.C.), 527

  Hispaniola, 200

  Histoire amoreuse des Gaules (Bussy-Rabutin), 160–61

  Histoire critique du Nouveau Testament (Simon), 494

  Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament (Simon), 493–94

  Histoire des oracles (Fontenelle), 86, 618

  history, philosophy of, 78

  History of Colonel Jacque, The (Defoe), 337

  History of England (Macaulay), 254*

  History of England in the Eighteenth Century (Lecky), 254*

  History of His Own Time, The (Burnet), 330

  History of Philosophy, (Stanley), 492

  History of the Rebellion (Clarendon), 330

  History of the Reformation of the Church of England (Burnet), 330

  History of the Royal Society (Sprat), 497

  History of the Worthies of England (Fuller), 330

  Hobbema, Mcindcrt (1638–1709), 170

  Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 13, 66, 85, 482, 483, 486, 497, 548–64, 576

  on Catholic Church, 559, 560

  and Charles II, 251, 549, 561

  on church and state, 529, 557–59, 628, 652

  ecclesiastical attacks on, 251, 560, 561, 587, 597

  exile in Paris, 549, 560

  and Leibniz, 661

  and Locke, 551, 576, 580–81, 584, 585, 587

  and mathematics, 500, 548–49, 550, 562

  and Milton, 228–29, 239

  on mind and matter, 239, 574, 584, 587, 604, 613, 642, 654

  political philosophy, 529, 549, 554–59, 563, 565, 572, 680–81, 650–52, 654, 658

  psychology, 550–53, 562, 574, 584, 588, 590, 592, 604, 642, 644, 646

  religion, personal, 558, 562, 570

  and Spinoza, 613, 621, 628, 642, 644, 646, 650–652, 654

  his work, evaluation of, 331, 562–564, 588, 613, 680

  Höchstädt, Bavaria, 707

Maréchal Charles d’ (1599–1658), 161

  Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, 286

  Hogarth, William (1697–1764), 266

  Hohenzollern, house of, 412, 413

  Holbach, Paul Henri Dietrich, Baron d’ (1723–1789), 563, 587, 614, 656

  Holbein, Hans, the Younger (1497?–1543), 250

  Holland (present Netherlands), see United Provinces

  Holland, province of, 73, 84, 173, 175, 178, 405, 461, 463

  Locke, exile in, 484, 577, 578, 589

  Holland House, London, 346

  Holowczyn, 387

  Holstein, duchy of, 387

  Holy League (Austria, Poland, Venice; 1684–1690), against the Turks, 424–25

  Holy Roman Empire, 3, 8, 411–27, 658

  Catholicism and Protestantism in, 420–23, 665, see also under Germany; in Grand Alliance (1689, 1701),

  against France, 693, 705–7

  in Great Coalition against France (1672f), 43–45, 175, 178, 179

  in Holy League (1684), 424–25

  and Hungary, 421–26, 706

  and Jews, 464

  in League of Augsburg (1686f.) against France, 180, 691

  in Palatinate War (1688f.), against France, 425, 699

  and Spanish-succession conflict with France (1701–14), 414, 464, 699–708, 710–15

  and Turks, 41, 45, 420–425, 691, 705, 706–7

  weakness of, 41, 411–12, 426, 663

  Home, Henry, see Kames, Henry Home, Lord

  Homer (9th cent, B.C.), 142, 147, 23;, 241, 243, 327, 492

  in Fontenelle’s Dialogues, 615

  Homme machine, L’ (La Mettrie), 599

  homosexuality, 28, 271

  Hooch, Pieter de (1629–77), 168*, 170

  Hooke, Robert (1635–1703), 496, 498, 506–7, 510, 512–14, 518–19, 523, 528, 535, 537–39

  Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus: 65–8 B.C.), 147, 148, 162, 327

  Horologium oscillatorium (Huygens), 510

  horse racing, 195, 271, 286, 307

  Horton, England, 213, 216

  Hospice de la Charité, Marseilles, 101

  Hospital de la Caridad, Seville, 450

  Howard, Lady Elizabeth, wife of John Dryden, 322

  Howard, Sir Robert (1626–98), 322

  Howard Castle, 319

  Huddleston, Father John (fl. 1651–85), 287

  Hudibras (Butler), 328–29, 497

  Hudson Bay, 713

  Huet, Pierre Daniel (1630–1721), 459, 490, 599

  Hughes, Margaret (fl. 1660), 314

  Huguenots, 5, 38, 46, 48, 53, 69–75, 161, 432, 483, 582, 605, 720

  Mazarin’s toleration of, 5, 69

  Bossuet and, 75–76, 80, 82

  Louis XIV’s policy toward, 70, 71, 72, 163, 291, 606, 686–687

  persecution of, 50, 71–75, 82, 163, 291, 606, 607, 691

  Cromwell’s intercession for, 194

  emigration of, 72–75, 141, 589, 690

  exiles from France, 73–75, 85, 166–67, 179, 296, 302, 414, 690, 692

  Humble Remonstrance to the High Court of Parliament, An (Hall), 218

  Hume, David (1711–76), 551, 571, 574, 586, 587, 593, 597, 604, 641, 642

  quoted, on French theater, 143

  —on Newton’s genius, 546

  —on Berkeley’s view of matter, 596

  —on Spinoza’s “atheism,” 656

  Hungary, 3, 420–26

  passim, 706

  Hunyadi János (c.1387–1456), 421

  Hutchinson, Colonel John (1615–74), 330

  Hutchinson, Lucy Apsley (1620?–80), 202, 330

  Hutten, Ulrich von (1488–1523), 485

  Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95), 655

  Huygens, Christian (1629–95), 168, 171, 498, 544, 630, 662

  subsidized by Louis XIV, 129, 496, 499

  his work in astronomy, 504

  in mathematics, 57, 499–500, 662

  in physics, 510–14

  passim, 517, 528, 535, 536*

  marine clock, 510

  laws of motion, 510–11

  velocity of sound, 513

  wave theory of light, 514, 535–536*

  Huygens, Constantijn, father of Christian (1596–1687), 499

  Huygens, Constantijn, brother of Christian (fl. 1650), 504

  Hyde, Anne, Duchess of York (1637–71), 269–70, 279

  Hyde, Edward, see Clarendon, 1st Earl of

  Hyde, Henry, see Clarendon, 2d Earl of

  Hyde Park, London, 275

  hygrometer, 506

  ibn Ezra, Abraham (1092–1167), 620, 621, 626, 653

  ichthyology, 519

  Idea of a Patriot King (Bolingbroke), 307

  Iliad, The (Homer), 162, 343

  Pope’s translation, 492

  Hobbes’s rendering in rhyme, 562

  Illustre Théâtre, Paris, 106

  “Il Penseroso” (Milton), 214–15

  Impartial History of Peter Alexoivitz, the Present Czar of Muscovy (Defoe), 337

  Impeachment of High Treason against Cromwell and Ireton (Lilburne), 184

  Incognita (Congreve), 319

  Independents (republican Puritans), 183, 246, 253, 590

  see also Puritans

  India, 26, 172, 259, 409, 509, 662, 699

  Indian Emperor, The (Dryden), 322

  Indian Queen, The (Dryden and Howard), 268, 322

  Indians, American, 256, 447, 459, 509

  Industrial Revolution, 512, 518

  Ingria, 369, 375, 383, 384, 390

  Innocent X (Giovanni Battista Pamfili), Pope (r. 1644–55), 67, 204, 432, 434

  Mignard portrait of, 98

  Velazquez’ portrait of, 98, 431, 435

  character of, 431

  Innocent XI (Benedetto Odescalchi), Pope (r. 1676–89), 49, 291, 293, 424, 429, 431–32, 447, 666

  Innocent XII (Antonio Pignatelli), Pope (r. 1691–1700), 49, 83, 432, 453, 523

  and Spanish succession problem, 700–1

  Innsbruck, 439, 506

  University of, 486

  Inquiry concerning Human Liberty (Collins), 571

  Inquisition, Catholic: in Italy, 429–30, 447, 456

  in Portugal, 447, 454–55, 456, 476, 477

  in Spain, 251, 256, 449, 452, 454, 620

  Inquisition, Protestant, 166, 167, 608

  international language, 677

  international law, 655, 658–59

  Invalides, Hôtel des, 90, 95, 143

  Inverse squares, law of, 499, 507, 536–41


  “Invisible College,” 496, 512

  see also Royal Society of London

  Iphigénie (Racine), 138, 143

  Iran, Sephardic exiles in, 455

  Ireland, 190, 203, 251, 252, 348, 356, 357, 361, 568

  anti-Catholic legislation in, 187, 303

  rebellion against Cromwell in, 183, 185, 186–87, 191, 201, 230

  rebellion against William III in, 302, 303, 347, 483, 693

  trade restrictions against, 259, 303

  Ireton, Henry (1611–51), 184, 186, 245

  Israel, Jewish state, 629

  as Promised Land, 472

  Italy, 83, 163, 216, 426, 428–32, 663

  and art, 88, 90, 92, 95, 102, 104, 432–38

  population of, 3, 257

  war for Spanish possessions in, 699, 700, 704, 705, 706, 708, 714

  see also Italian states by name

  Iuvara, Filippo (1676–1735), 433

  Ivan IV the Terrible, Czar of Russia (r. 1533–1584), 404, 468

  Ivan V, Czar of Russia (r. 1682–99), 377, 378

  Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich (1743–1819), 656

  Jamaica, British colony, 200, 253, 255, 275

  James I, King of England (r. 1603–25), 218, 228, 415, 461

  James II, King of England (r. 1685–88), 35, 174, 263, 265, 266, 267, 288–99, 304, 313, 694, 706, 708

  and Anglican Church, 253, 285, 289, 291–94, 299, 580

  Catholic faith and partis
anship of, 179–80, 257, 277–87

  passim, 288–98, 432

  character of, 269–70, 288–89

  and Charles II, 277, 282, 283, 287, 288

  and daughters, Mary and Anne, 179, 279, 280, 295, 297, 306

  death of, 705

  deposing of, 74, 179–80, 295–99, 578

  Ecclesiastical Commission revived by, 291, 293, 294, 297

  helps Huguenots, Quakers, 73, 255–56

  Louis XIV’s influence on, 14, 290, 296, 302, 693, 699, 705

  marriages of, 269–70, 279, 294–95

  and Monmouth, 283, 285, 286, 289–90, 295

  and navy, 174, 270, 287, 333, 335

  and parliamentary-supremacy issue, 288, 290, 291, 294, 297–98, 299

  portraits of, 265, 288

  and “Popish Plot,” 280, 281, 287

  religious-toleration attempts of, 255, 256, 289, 291–292

  and restoration attempts, 305, 693

  his succession to throne, opposition to, 282, 284–85

  and theater, 314, 316, 326

  and women, 266, 269–270, 288

  “James III” of England (James Francis Edward, the Old Pretender: 1688–1766), 14, 307, 310, 705, 706, 713

  birth of, 294–95, 296

  James, William (1842–1910), 645

  Janissaries, 388, 425–26

  Jansen, Cornelis (1585–1638), 53, 60, 67, 96

  Jansenists, 30, 50, 53–55, 63, 74, 79, 85, 96, 132, 156, 161, 599

  conflict with Jesuits, 48, 52–55, 59, 60, 67, 68, 81, 431, 483

  Pascal’s championship of, 55, 57, 59, 60, 67

  King’s persecution of, 68, 69, 163, 686, 720

  and Gallicanism, 69

  see also Port-Royal

  Jasna Gora, Monastery of, 371

  Java, 275, 509

  Jaworów, Poland, 374

  Jean Baptiste de La Salle, Saint (1651–1719), 486

  Jeffreys, George, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem (1644–89), 250, 290, 296

  Jennings, Sarah, see Marlborough, Duchess of Jerusalem, 472

  Jesuits, 149, 201, 204, 209, 251, 277, 582

  in Austria, 382, 420

  and casuistry, 47–48, 59, 60, 79

  and education, 106, 486

  in England, 257, 280, 281, 293, 294, 295

  in France, 30, 47–48, 50, 52–55, 59–61, 67, 68, 74, 79, 81, 85, 161, 486, 490, 599, 605, 718, 719

  in Germany, 414, 415, 526

  in Italy, 4, 48, 429, 435

  Louis XIV’s association with, 85, 718, 719

  and Pascal’s Provincial Letters, 59–60, 61, 67, 85, 149

  in Poland, 465, 468

  in Portugal, 447, 476

  in Russia, 399

  and science, 507, 508, 526

  in Spanish Netherlands, 164

  Jews, 69, 454–78, 493, 607, 608, 653

  in America, 467, 483

  Ashkenazim, 458–59, 463–69

  in Austria and Bohemia, 464

  education among, 466


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