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JASPER: A Bully Romance (The Baron Kings Book 2)

Page 10

by S. J. Black

  He dipped towards her lips, wasting no time in hungrily sucking on her bottom lip, tasting every part of Zara.She opened her mouth readily, giving him access, responding to his touches. Jasper pushed Zara against the door, gently pushing her back against the surface.

  “W-wait, stop,” she pulled away, breathing.

  He panted heavily. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not making out with you in the bathroom,” she said bluntly.

  “Oh,” he said lightly. “Right,” he chuckled.

  He leaned forward, resting his forward on hers, stroking her cheek softly. “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?” She murmured, tracing the outline of his blazer.

  “For fucking up our beginning.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, the corners of her mouth lifting in a small smile. “Just don’t fuck up the ending and we’re good.”

  His face split into a wide smile, grinning. “Deal.”


  Later that evening, she heard a tentative knock on her door. There was only one person she knew who it could be.

  Someone with enough balls to break into the girls’ tower at this time of night.

  Opening the door, she saw Jasper’s face glance up at her slowly. The moonlight illuminated the right side of his face, his harsh features taking an ethereal glow, while the other was shrouded in darkness.

  The dark. The light. Everything he embodied in an image.

  His dark stare pierced into her gaze, a look of brooding determination and confusion etching his masculine features. He was devastatingly beautiful. His styled, blonde hair framed his angular face.

  “Hey,” she breathed.

  What else could she say?

  Smooth, Zara.

  Jasper said nothing, moving closer to take her face in his hands, granting her a strong kiss, his lips wasting no time in tasting every inch of her mouth. He kicked the door shut behind him.

  She clutched at him tightly. His actions coaxed needy moans from her, pulling, extracting until there was nothing but his touches. His mouth moved to her neck.

  “Don’t run from me,” he whispers tenderly. A stark contrast to the needy, hungry actions. He leaned back slightly, bringing his hand to push her head back, gazing over her. “I need you.”

  He kissed her roughly suddenly, his tongue hungrily reaching for access. “You’re mine, mine only,” he murmured softly between his kisses.

  He wasted no time in his next move. He shifted Zara towards her bed. His eyes darkened as he studied her body.

  She panted, her eyes wide with want. A sliver of vulnerability flashed in her eyes. He didn’t let her feel shy around him.

  “Beautiful,” he rasped, moving forward to kiss the space between her breasts, slowly undoing the buttons, one by one.

  Jasper’s calloused, strong fingers slide up and down her breasts, massaging the tender area. His hands trailed her soaking core, teasing her body to act, to touch him and unleash the fire that was igniting happening between them. Her breathing hitched up as her nipples hardened under the soft fabric of her nightwear.

  Without breaking eye contact, Jasper leaned down her body, trailing a series of hot kisses. Zara’s mouth felt dry.

  “What are you - oh my God!” She exclaimed, clutching the sheets. Jasper sucked harshly on her clit, openly tasting the salty wetness that is dripping from my core. His tongue was relentless as it glided down her folds, before trailing back up.

  Jasper sucked faster, like a man dying of thirst, until she felt her core tighten, so close to her release. She moaned loudly, grinding into his mouth until he suddenly moved away from her cunt, leaving her unfulfilled.

  She whimpered in frustration, helplessly staring into Jasper’s handsome face as he stood up, unbuckling his belt, releasing his thick erection, dripping in pre-cum. She breathed heavily at the sight.

  His knee parted her legs, revealing the soaking centre of her pussy on display for him. He glided his knuckles along her quivering centre, feeling the pink, wet folds as they twitched in aching arousal. He leaned down to the pocket of his trousers, pulling out a condom. Zara leaned up, watching as he carefully glided the material over his girth.

  Leaning forward, the muscle of his thighs rested against hers, his arms on the side of her head, trapping her in his cage. He ripped his shirt off, his jeans down for her to see everything. His thick member was hard. With careful attention, he adjusted himself to her entrance, watching her expression as he pushed into her, until he reached the tilt.

  “Am I hurting you?” he rasps hoarsely. It was like he’s warring with himself. I can see him trying so hard to exercise restraint, battling with his primal instincts to just take me now.

  She shook her head after a few moments, urging him to continue. At the motion, he sends a sharp thrust inside her, causing her to arch in pleasure. His pace increased, his pace reaching a steady rhythm. In response, she rolled her hips to him, encouraging him to go faster. “Jasper,” she moaned lightly.

  “Say it again. Say my name,” he groaned roughly into her mouth.

  Jasper reached down to touch her swollen clit, rubbing harsh circles before sending a soft, teasing tap to the area. She arched her back, trying to push her legs together, but he didn’t let her hide.

  “Please, Jasper!” She whimpered loudly.

  “Cum for me, princess,” he rasps, rubbing her clit harshly in rough circles, as he thrusted quickly into her, snapping his hips at angle that created more of that sinful, slick, slapping sound as she clenched around his thick cock.

  “Oh, fuck!” She cried. Her body gives out completely, accepting the euphoric release of her orgasm, twitching softly in relief.

  Jasper groaned loudly into her neck, chasing his own release until she felt him collapse in relief. He pulled out of her slowly, panting. He turned to Zara, pulling her softly into his chest as her eyelids drooped in exhaustion.

  “I love you,” he murmured into her hair.

  Those were the last words she heard before drifting off into a dream-filled sleep.


  The next few weeks were milder than before. Zara had resumed her classes, relieved that life had returned to normal.

  Well, somewhat.

  Jasper had made his feelings for her known, and she couldn’t hide that from the talk of the school. No matter how hard she tried.

  Leaning against the wall of her locker, Jasper waited casually, glancing around him. He noted Theo walking up to him.

  “You alright, mate?” Theo smiled weakly. He sighed, rubbing his face.

  “Alright,” Jasper nodded, studying his features.

  “Zara’s just talking to Ms Femi about an assignment, she won’t be long,” Theo murmured, leaning against the locker. Jasper didn’t miss the way Theo’s voice softened at her name.

  “You like her, don’t you?”

  Theo looked up, bewildered. “What?”

  Jasper’s watchful eyes followed the flurry of emotions that swam past Theo’s gaze.




  Jasper’s hands were tucked into his pockets as he casually leaned against the locker, tilting his head around, glancing around the hallway.

  “Zara,” Jasper said lightly. “You have feelings for her.”

  “Jasper, mate,” he muttered uncomfortably. “It’s…it’s...”


  “Something like that,” Theo sighed, rubbing his tired face.

  Jasper said nothing, casting a brooding stare into the distance, watching the view outside of the main window. The sunset glow illuminated a golden sheen to his harsh profile, rejuvenating the stoic, cold features. Yet nothing could stop the myriad of emotions that scurried past his eyes, all dark and grey. He clenched his jaw.

  “How long?” Jasper whispered.

  “Does it matter?”

  “It does to me,” he turned to face Theo. A blank, unassuming expression remained on Jasper�
�s features. “How long?”

  “I don’t know,” he shook his head. “It just came out of nowhere.”

  Jasper nodded, glancing down.

  “What about you?” Theo said.

  “Probably the first time she insulted me,” Jasper murmured.

  “Her first day then,” Theo mused.

  “She’s a pain in the arse,” Jasper kicked the floor gently, smirking. “She’s infuriating. Her special talent is to push all of my buttons at the same time and yet, I -” Jasper’s expression softened, his eyes relaxing at the memory. “I want to be around her all the time.”

  “I suppose I’m not surprised in some respect,” Theo mused.


  “She’s another copy of you.”

  He scoffed. “How do you work that one out?”

  “Do you mind not loitering around my locker?” Zara bellowed. She walked over to where they stood.

  Jasper gave her a contemplative, amused stare before releasing a quiet chuckle. He gazed at Zara’s teasing face.

  That was his answer.

  “Just like that,” Jasper murmured.

  She approached the two boys, smiling politely at Theo. “Hey Theo.”

  “Charmed, as always,” he winked back.

  “What am I? Chopped liver?” Jasper said in a bemused tone, gazing at Zara.

  Zara shook her head, blinking away, lifting the corner of her mouth in a soft smirk. “If the shoe fits.”

  “It didn’t take long for you guys to insult each other, huh,” Theo raised his eyebrows.

  “Our love language,” Zara quipped.

  Jasper tilted his head. “Did you just say love?”

  Zara blanched, stuttering her next words.

  “Um…” She trailed.

  Jasper sauntered to where she stood, a wide smile etching into his handsome face. “I knew it,” he teased.

  “Shut up!”

  “Zara -”

  I didn’t say it!” Zara exclaimed.

  “Theo’s a witness!” Jasper retorted.

  “I’m staying out of it!” Theo coughed, backing away.

  “You love me!” Jasper said, crowding her space, a cheeky grin on his face.

  “Go away!” Zara grumbled, moving away from the two. She could hear Jasper laughing behind her, following her trail. She was prepared to give him a piece of his mind, but her body bumped into another in front of her.

  “Oof!” A rough, masculine voice winced.

  “Sorry!” Zara said, looking up to see James standing before her. Annie was right next to him. “Oh, hi.”

  Truth be told, things had been awkward since Jasper and Zara started seeing each other. She still couldn’t warm to James. It didn’t help that things weren’t any better between her and Annie.

  Jasper and Theo walked up to Zara, greeting their friend.

  “Hey, James,” Theo nodded, smiling widely at Annie. “Annie, you alright?”

  “Hey, Theo,” she smiled politely.

  “Where have you lovebirds been?” Jasper smirked, teasing the two.

  Jasper gave James a pat on the back, nodding in greeting as well. Zara stood there awkwardly.

  “Just walking around the fields, had a mad day today with class,” James scratched his head. He glanced at Zara. “How are you, Zara?”

  She stilled, looking at him. “Um, fine.”

  A painful moment of silence passed. Annie cleared her throat.

  “Zara, can I talk to you?” Annie said tentatively.

  Zara’s eyes widened slightly, her expression looking flustered. That was unexpected. They hadn’t said a word to each other that went beyond the usual pleasantries. Their respective boyfriends may have been friends, but their relationship was still...rocky.

  She never would have expected that Heidi was a closer confidante to her than Annie was, but life had a funny way of surprising people.

  “Sure,” Zara murmured. She turned to Jasper, giving him a subtle warning look to not say anything stupid, to which he winked back. Both the girls moved down the corridor, strolling along, both avoiding each other's gaze.

  “So,” Zara started.

  “So,” Annie repeated, giving her a sheepish glance.

  “Look, I’m sorry -”

  “It was my fault -”

  They both spoke simultaneously, before giving each other a relieved expression. They were smiling softly. The ice was broken.

  “I’m sorry,” Zara said. “I was being unforgivably rude to you the other day, and you hadn’t deserved that.”

  “No,” Annie countered, frowning. “I did. You were right.”

  Zara began shaking her head. Annie gave her a pointed stare. “Zara, you were right about everything. As soon as I started seeing James, I barely spent any time with you and with everything that was happening with Jasper -”

  “Don’t worry -”

  “No, let me finish,” Annie insisted. “With what Jasper was doing to you, I should have stopped it. I should have stood by you but I didn’t, and for that, I’m really sorry.”

  Zara pursed her lips, stopping in the hallway. “It’s really weird how things change, though. Never in a million years did I think I would date the guy.”

  “Me neither,” Annie agreed.


  “Well, I don’t know, you both are so stubborn and it kind of reminds me of two raging bulls dating; it’s just a lot to watch,” she smiled.

  “I can see that.”

  Annie moved closer, putting her hand on her shoulder. “But it works. I see it. He’s a little obsessed with you, I’ll admit. I guess he was always like that. Even in the beginning.”

  Zara frowned, not understanding her meaning. “Huh?”

  “You didn’t notice?” Annie said.

  “Notice what?”

  “Uh, that he wouldn’t stop staring at you whenever he could get the chance,” Annie released a shocked laugh. “Seriously, you didn’t know?”

  “I…” Zara trailed. There was no way. She wouldn’t have been able to miss something as obvious as that. But then as her mind travelled to the past, she remembered that she had her head stuck in her books, especially her Music studies. Nothing could have broken that concentration in the beginning. She couldn’t afford to fail or disappoint Baba.

  “I guess I never really paid him much attention at first,” Zara said.

  “It’s okay, I wouldn’t have either. He was an asshole back then.”

  “Was?” Zara smirked.

  Annie chuckled, nodding in agreement.

  “He’s a pain in the arse, but he’s…” Zara trailed softly. “He’s someone I want with me. If he’s a pain, he can be my pain. I’ll just piss him off back.”

  “Hey, whatever floats the boat,” Annie smirked.

  "Zara!" A loud voice called. Zara turned to find Heidi running frantically towards her. She panted heavily, resting her arm on Zara's shoulder. "Jesus, girl, I thought you'd walk a little slower."

  "Sorry," Zara laughed, putting her arm around Heidi.

  Annie and Heidi shared an exchange of a polite smiles.

  "Annie," Heidi said warmly.

  "Heidi," Annie replied with a smile. "I haven't seen you in practice lately."

  "Yeah, well, what can I say? Sweating profusely is not my style," Heidi stretched her arms.

  "Oh yeah? So what's with the huffing and puffing a second ago?" Zara joked. Heidi lightly poked her in the ribs.

  "That was called running with style," Heidi sniffed.

  The girls snickered, smiling at each other warmly. It was strange; after everything that had happened with Jasper, she had never thought Heidi and Annie would become somewhat agreeable with each other.

  It took Heidi some time to get used to Zara dating her childhood bully.

  "So where's the the big butthead you call your boyfriend?" Heidi quipped.

  "That big butthead is right behind you," a male voice drawled. Heidi didn't turn around but merely rolled her eyes.

  "Hi, Jasper," Heidi said in a deadpan voice.

  "Good afternoon to you too, Heidi," he mused. "May I steal my girlfriend from you?"

  Heidi gave him a nonchalant stare, lifting her head up in a haughty posture.

  "If she wishes it," she sniffed.

  Zara chuckled. "She does."

  "Then you may go," Heidi nodded. "Farewell, Queen."

  Annie chuckled, motioning for Heidi to join her. Both girls walked down the fields, leaving Jasper and Zara alone. They stared at each other, a devilish twinkle in his eyes, and a soft, fluttering in hers.

  "Hey, stranger," she smirked.

  Chapter Ten

  Jasper spun her around from the front lifting her body with ease. She yelped in shock.

  “Hey, stranger,” he whispered.

  “Jesus!” She chuckled, patting his arm lightly. He set her on her feet. “You can give me a heart attack like that.”

  “Sorry,” he mused, kissing her on the lips. She leaned into his touch, kissing him softly.

  Moving backwards, she looked at him squarely in the face. “I know your secret.”

  He tilted his head, frowning. “I have many. Do tell.”

  She pursed her lips in amusement. “What’s it worth?”

  “I’m not sure,” he narrowed his eyes, smiling. “How bad is it?”

  “Not bad. I think it’s adorable.”

  “Oh, crap. It must be bad then.”

  “Shush,” she sniffed, strolling. He followed her pace, pulling her towards him. She was trapped, held by his arms. There was nowhere to run.

  “Got you,” he murmured. He traced his lips down the side of her neck, skimming the pulse point down to the collarbone. Her breath halted. He pressed a hard kiss to her neck. “So what was it you wanted to tell me?”

  “A birdie told me you were a bit fascinated with me,” she trailed, closing her eyes.

  “Annie,” he chuckled into her skin.

  “So it’s true?”

  He pulled back slightly, watching her intently. “It’s true. I was enamoured with you.”


  “Because you pissed me off within three seconds of meeting me,” he tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “And you’ve been in my mind and heart ever since.” He leaned forward, stroking her cheek. “Only you can get under my skin.”


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