Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 7

by J. L. Berry

  Autumn inched into the room and took a seat on the armchair, far away from Drake. She had desperately wanted to talk to him but now she was here she had no idea what to do or say. She could see the pain he was in and knowing she was the cause wracked her with guilt.

  Drake kept his gaze on her. She sat on the other side of the room, fuck that’s not a good sign. He didn’t want to say anything to make the situation worse. Her wolf hadn’t accepted him and now her real mate had shown up so she must know now he was lying. His wolf whimpered with the thought of losing her.

  They sat in awkward silence for an entire hour until they were interrupted by a knock on the front door. Dr Matthews opened the door and called out, “Drake, hi sorry to barge in but your Dad said I could find you here.”

  “It’s fine Doc come on in.”

  “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realise you had company, I can come back if you’d prefer?” Dr Matthews offered when she entered the living room.

  “No don’t worry about it, I was just leaving,” Autumn gave her a small forced smile and glanced at Drake one last time before heading outside. As she shut the front door behind her the tears flowed down her face.

  He doesn’t want to talk to me she pleaded with her wolf, trying to understand what was going on.

  Drake slammed his head back against the sofa as Autumn left without saying a single word. He had a sinking feeling that he was going to lose her. He could see the marks on her neck were fading and it had only been eight hours. Dr Matthews interrupted his thoughts, “Drake, if I’d have known I would have....”

  “Not your fault Doc, she was here a whole hour before you arrived.”

  Dr Matthews mouthed a silent oh before schooling her features. “Well I came to check your progress and ensure your pain is controlled?”

  “Yes the meds are helping a lot, thank you. But it’s still difficult to get comfortable.”

  “Well that’s to be expected and there’s only so much I can do unfortunately. But keep using ice packs and taking your medication as prescribed and it should get better quickly. Have you managed to urinate yet?”

  “Yes, although it hurt... a lot, oh and there was blood.”

  “Perfectly normal under the circumstances, it should clear up as you heal. If it doesn’t though let me know. The most important thing right now is you can urinate correctly and are already starting to feel better which means no surgery.”

  Drake sighed in relief. Thank god.

  “Come check back in with me in three weeks, but straight away if you have any issues ok?”

  “Sure thing Doc. Thanks again,” Drake replied. Dr Matthews gave him a smile and then left him alone.

  Three weeks. A lot could happen in that time. If he couldn’t claim Autumn then he would do everything possible to make sure she would wait and not choose someone else. He could survive a broken penis but he wasn't so sure about a broken heart.

  BETA MORGAN HAD LEFT his home, gone for a run and then stopped by the detaining cells to check on the progress with Elijah. “How’s he been?” He asked the guard on duty.

  “He’s been the perfect prisoner, no issues, if anything he seems happy.”

  Beta Morgan raised his eyebrows at that remark. Wolves as a rule did not like to be contained; a night in a cell should have him ripping his hair out. “Hmmm, well let’s let him stew a while longer. I’ll go check in with the Alpha and see how he wants to proceed.”

  With that he headed over to Alpha Grey’s house. He spotted his Alpha standing on the front porch sipping his morning coffee with a pensive expression on his face. “Good morning Alpha.”

  Alpha Grey looked up and signalled for his Beta to approach, “Morning Morgan, I take it our unexpected guest has found his accommodations adequate?”

  “Yes Alpha, if anything it seems they are more than adequate.” Alpha Grey shot him a puzzled expression. “He seems very happy despite the confinement Alpha.”

  “Hmmm, that doesn’t sit right with me. Any normal wolf would be at least showing some discomfort by now.” He drummed his fingers on the porch balustrade, “It appears Elijah is not what he seems, he must be hiding something.”

  “So you think he was lying when he claimed to be Autumn’s mate?”

  A shadow fell across Alpha Grey’s face, “I have no idea, but we’re going to find out.”

  Chapter 15:

  Alpha Grey had been watching Elijah on the surveillance monitor for hours. He slept, ate, used the bathroom, worked out and then sat in perfect silence patiently waiting as if he hadn’t a care in the world. This troubled him more than he would care to admit. If this man was indeed his daughter’s intended mate then he had incredible timing.

  No it’s too much of a coincidence his wolf reasoned. I mean what are the odds that a lone wolf with no pack shows up the night she turns eighteen and is ready to mate with someone else? He was clearly here for an ulterior motive and Alpha Grey was determined to uncover what it was.

  He decreed no-one in the pack was to speak to the prisoner but him and no-one was to enter the detaining cells except to bring him meals. His plan was to rattle Elijah by isolating him and get him to talk. Three days passed and Elijah did not seem fazed. He continued his routine and appeared content at his situation, he even looked like he’d gained some weight already. Alpha Grey scowled at the camera feed on his laptop. His observations were interrupted by a knock on his office door.

  “Enter Morgan,” he called detecting his Beta outside. Beta Morgan opened the door and entered the office.

  “Just checking in Alpha, anything I can do?”

  “Actually yes,” he gestured towards the laptop, “What do you make of him?”

  “Honestly.... he’s either a psychopath or extremely used to isolation. Either way we’re not going to break him this way.” Alpha Grey nodded in agreement, they were his thoughts exactly. “I do have one suggestion... but you may not like it.”

  “Go on.”

  “Well, if he claims to be Autumn’s mate then she’s going to stir reactions from him whether he likes it or not.” Alpha Grey sighed, he was trying to keep his daughter out of the situation and make things simple for her. Beta Morgan continued, “Of course I don’t see how that’s possible given Drake feels a mating pull. Has Autumn said anything to you?”

  He shook his head. Beta Morgan could tell something was troubling his Alpha. They had been friends a very long time and been through many trials together including the loss of his wife during Drake’s birth and then the loss of the pack’s pups including the Alpha’s son. He chose to stand in silence. Alpha Grey didn’t respond to being pushed, he was far too stubborn, simply waiting was much more likely to get him to open up. After a minute Alpha Grey whispered, “Drake doesn’t feel the pull.”

  “What?” Beta Morgan’s eyes were wide with disbelief as his mouth hung open. “But.... but the way he’s been with her these last two weeks, I mean I saw him!”

  “Oh do not doubt that he loves my daughter, more than you can even imagine. But that does not make him her fated mate as much as that pains me to say.”

  “I can’t believe he didn’t tell me.... So what the hell was he thinking trying to claim her?” Beta Morgan was beginning to understand the severity of the situation and was angry at his son’s behaviour.

  “He wishes to claim Autumn and forsake his own mate wherever she may be.”

  Beta Morgan was confounded at the notion and began pacing the room. “And you knew this? Wait a second, does that means you approved of it?” He stopped pacing then and glared at his Alpha. He had never had a reason to disrespect his friend and leader before but in that moment he seriously questioned his judgement.

  “I had to Morgan. I couldn’t lose another child.”

  The room went quiet.

  “You wouldn’t lose her Nate, it’s not the same as last time.”

  “Really? Well answer me this then, if Elijah is her mate what’s going to happen? He is not established in this pack so cannot be Alpha
. I have no other descendents so when it is my time to step down our pack will be in turmoil.... And that’s the best case scenario! Worst case the pack will completely reject Elijah and Autumn will be forced out with him!”

  Beta Morgan considered his response carefully, “What other option is there? Denying a mating pull is excruciating and can completely ruin a wolf, you wouldn’t want that for her.”

  Alpha Grey took a moment to decide how much to confide in his oldest friend and most trusted advisor. “The other option is she chooses Drake. They have a strong bond built on years of friendship and trust, clearly they have a physical attraction too so it will actually be a perfect match.”

  Beta Morgan considered this point of view carefully, “I don’t doubt they would be great together and obviously I would be proud to see my son rise to Alpha when the time comes. But, if Elijah is her mate Drake isn’t an option without destroying Autumn in the process.”

  Guilt flashed over Alpha Grey’s face.

  Time to come clean his wolf encouraged.

  “Morgan, I may have found a way....” He went to the bookcase and pulled down the same book he had showed Drake. “It is possible to alter an emotional attachment using a similar method described in here and instilling it into a moonstone. Using Drake’s hair, I gave Autumn an amber moonstone for her birthday which was made to help them form a mating bond.”

  Beta Morgan was horrified. “Does she know?”

  “No, she’s confused and her wolf isn’t able to make a decision. What I don’t know is whether that’s because Elijah is her mate and the pull is strong... or the necklace failed and her wolf knows Drake isn’t.”

  “You need to tell her.”

  “NO!” Beta Morgan opened his mouth to argue with him but Alpha Grey continued, “I will not risk losing my daughter and hurting my own mate. You will keep this to yourself until we know exactly what’s going on. It still seems fishy to me that Elijah turned up at that exact moment.”

  Beta Morgan was not happy with his Alpha’s decision but he was loyal to a fault, “Very well Alpha, what’s the plan?”

  “I hate to do it but I’ll ask Autumn and see if she’s willing to help. Why don’t you head over to the cells and I’ll go find her.”

  With that they both left the main building and Alpha Grey headed home. He found Autumn sitting on the swing bench on the front porch chewing on her lower lip. “Hey sweetheart,” he called out.

  “Hi Dad, how’s it going?”

  “Ok, could use your help though if you’re up for it?”

  Autumn’s face lit up, it was the happiest he’d seen her in days. She needed something to focus her attention on and distract her from her current predicament. “Absolutely! What can I do?”

  “You can help me question Elijah.”

  Her face sank; not exactly what she thought he was going to ask and definitely not the distraction she was hoping for but the sooner they dealt with Elijah the sooner everything would settle down. Hardening her expression she gave her father a curt nod and stood to walk with him to the detaining cells.

  En route her father discussed what information he would like gathered and how he would approach the situation. She listened eager to learn more about his interrogation tactics and the role she would be aspiring to in the future. She was so focused on the details that she forgot for a minute who she was going to be interrogating.

  “I’ll be watching and if there’s any problem at all just signal and I’ll come straight in, ok?”

  She nodded. I’ve got this she told herself.

  After greeting the duty guard she pulled back the bolts and turned the key to enter the building hearing it lock behind her. As she walked the corridor towards where Elijah was being kept she finally remembered who would be waiting at the end. The scent of sandalwood increased in the air and her legs began to wobble as her heart pounded against her ribs.

  She found him dressed in a white t-shirt and olive green cargo shorts, laid on the bed his hands supporting the back of his head. He sat up when he saw her, his eyes dilated, “Autumn,” he whispered reverently. He stood and walked swiftly to the bars to get near to her. On reflex Autumn backed up at his abrupt movement and collided with a chair behind her. Elijah’s mouth quirked up into a smirk, “Careful, that chair’s out to get you.”

  She shot dagger eyes at him before moving the chair to sit an appropriate distance in front of the cell bars. Elijah stared at her with a puzzled expression before following her cue and pulling his own chair right up to the bars.

  Good, clearly he is affected by me.

  She took a moment to observe Elijah in more detail than she had the chance to do the other night. He appeared more ‘normal’ than a few days ago, clearly the food he’d been receiving was doing him some good. His body was still too thin and made him look gangly but the hollowness to his cheeks had already vanished. His eyes were no longer wild; instead they were calm pools of blue with a hidden depth as he stared intently at her. The same could not be said for the bird’s nest of a beard which continued to grow on his face and masked his features. She could barely make out the shape of his lips, not that she wanted to know what they were shaped like of course.

  She chastised herself for getting distracted already and reminded herself of the goals her father had set her. “Who are you?” She began.

  “As I said the other night my name is Elijah, and I am your mate.”

  She flinched at the extra information but chose to ignore it. “Elijah who?” She continued.

  “Just Elijah, I have no last name.” He smiled at her, his white teeth shining in contrast to his deeply tanned skin and heavy beard.

  “Why?” She kept her questions clipped short as her father had advised.

  “No one in my pack had surnames except the Alpha and Beta.”

  “Which pack do you belong to?”

  Elijah was beginning to get irritated with her short questions and lack of emotion.

  Does she not recognise us his wolf whined?

  “I have no pack,” he responded stone faced, his tone of voice turning harsher.

  Two can play this game.

  “But you just....” Elijah smirked and Autumn realised her mistake, she had broken the facade. She scowled at him.

  Ok time to change tactics.

  She pulled her jumper off over her head and placed it on the back of the chair. Underneath she was wearing a simple scoop neck tank top but it was still enough to make Elijah sit up, literally, and pay attention. “So they chucked you out?”


  “Then you abandoned them?”


  Autumn was puzzled, what other options were there? She gasped at the alternative, “They’re all dead?”

  Elijah laughed darkly, “Nope. Well, not that I’m aware of.” He fixed his gaze on her face staring into her stormy grey eyes, “You know if you’re going to be here a while you can come closer, I won’t bite.” Yet, his wolf added.

  “How about you give me more information and I’ll think about it,” she bargained leaning forward placing her elbows on her knees.

  Elijah licked his lips and shuffled in his seat at the view of her cleavage. He felt himself begin to harden but reigned in his arousal. His wolf chuckled, told you she was feisty. “You know I remember exactly what those pert little breasts look like.”

  Autumn’s jaw dropped and a blush spread across her cheeks. “You had no right walking in on us like that!”

  “Actually, I had every right. I. Am. Your. Mate.” He enunciated every word sharply before glaring at her, “What did you think you were doing with that male?”

  “That male?” Autumn was seething, “That male as you call him happens to be my boyfriend Drake, and I think it was perfectly clear what I was doing when you rudely interrupted us.”

  Elijah leapt to his feet growling in anger as he gripped the bars, shaking them. “He had no right touching you! You’re mine.”

  “Oh really? Well then, answer me
this Elijah No-Last-Name,” she started sarcastically, “If you’re my mate why doesn’t my wolf recognise yours?” She sat back in her chair a self satisfied smirk on her face.

  Elijah was dumbfounded. “What?”

  “You heard me, she doesn’t recognise you.”

  Elijah’s wolf let out a whimper and he stared downcast at the floor.

  Why doesn’t she recognise us?

  He began pacing the room running his hands through his nearly shoulder-length hair in aggravation. A determined look snapped to his face and he stormed to the bars shaking them hard once more, “Let me out and I’ll prove it to you, I will make her recognise me.”

  Autumn laughed, “Do you think for a second I’d let a complete stranger lay his hands on me?”

  “I. AM. YOUR. MATE!” Elijah yelled in frustration. His chest was rising and falling with heavy pants as she just continued to scrutinise him like a specimen in a scientific study. “Fine, if you won’t let me out and I can only assume you won’t come in, you leave me no choice.”

  He began to strip. First he pulled his t-shirt over his head by the neck and tossed it onto the bed facing towards her the entire time. Autumn stood and gazed at his lean tanned torso, he wasn’t anywhere near as muscular as Drake but he was obviously malnourished which would hinder his inner wolf. She could also see scars spotted in several locations over his chest and arms. Clearly his pack did not have a doctor. It was difficult for a wolf to keep a scar unless it was a severe injury that did not receive prompt medical attention or of course if healing was prevented due to silver or other methods.

  Elijah kept his eyes stubbornly fixed on Autumn’s face as he loosened the drawstring of his shorts and they dropped to the floor. He had no underwear to remove so he kicked the shorts to one side and stood before her with his hands on his narrow hips. He saw her eyes dilate when he dropped his shorts and how she actively tried to keep her gaze fixed above his waistline. He gestured down his body with his hands, “Well, does your wolf recognise this?”


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