Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 8

by J. L. Berry

  His penis was semi erect from her close proximity, but he refused to give himself over to his wolf’s desires. He couldn’t deny he was also attracted to her. He’d give anything to plunge his hands into her long thick hair and devour her mouth. But what she didn’t know was he had years of severe self discipline on his side and waiting was no trouble.

  Autumn stood there trying not to stare at him. She wasn’t horrified as he stripped himself bare. In fact to her annoyance she felt her mouth go dry and blood rush to her core. She swallowed, trying to moisten her tongue so she could speak all the while stopping herself from looking below the tan line which crossed Elijah’s hips. Well, she asked her wolf but she still got no response. Shaken by her body’s betrayal and her wolf’s lack of support Autumn went on the defensive, “You want to know what I think?”

  “Yes, enlighten me.”

  “You... need to shave!” Autumn spun on her heel and stormed out of the building leaving Elijah naked and none the wiser.

  He looked down his body, shave where?

  Chapter 16:

  “Well that was certainly enlightening,” Beta Morgan commented.

  “I don’t know a pack where no-one has surnames, do you?” Alpha Grey queried.

  “No, but I guess it could be a small pack, maybe one of those hippy nudist ones,” he joked.

  “I don’t think so, not with the number of scars he’s got.”

  They saw Elijah start to get dressed on the screen, as he turned around to retrieve his t-shirt from the bed they saw his back for the first time. The web of lacerations stood out as large red vines criss-crossing his tanned skin.

  “Holy fuck!” Morgan swore unable to contain his horror.

  Alpha Grey gave a deep growl and slammed his palms on the desk, “Want to bet those scars are related to the reason he was made to leave his pack?”

  “Well, he’s nice and riled up after talking to your daughter so maybe it’s time we got some answers.”

  Together they left the guard observation room and headed down to Elijah’s cell. They found him fully dressed but pacing frantically. He paused when he saw them and moved towards the bars, “I want to see her, send her back in.”

  “No,” Alpha Grey was blunt as he stared down Elijah his dominance commanding the room. He could see Elijah hesitate and as he stepped forward Elijah flinched back involuntarily. Someone really did a number on him his wolf concluded. “Beta Morgan here is going to have a nice chat with you instead. Bear in mind that if you don’t start giving us some answers you’re not getting out of here and you certainly won’t get another visit from my daughter.”

  Alpha Grey left without another word, trusting his Beta to do what he did not have the patience to under the circumstances.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” Beta Morgan started, “Tell me what I want to know and I’ll get you a shaving kit like the lady requested.”

  Elijah’s wolf jumped for joy but he scowled at the knowledge that they were watching his interactions with Autumn. He needed to tread carefully, he wouldn’t be surprised if they bundled him in the back of a van and took him back to the Raptors, then he’d be a dead man and so would they. He was torn between wanting to please Autumn and wanting to protect her and her pack.


  “What is the name of your old pack?”

  “They call themselves the Raptors.”

  “Never heard of them,” Morgan replied. Elijah shrugged his shoulders, it’s what he expected. Nobody did, that was the point. “Ok so where are the Raptors located?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied honestly with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “You don’t know? How can you possibly not know?”

  “Because I don’t know! They’ve moved locations several times during my life, we never interacted with other packs and there were never any major landmarks.”

  “So they’re nomads?”

  “I guess.... look I was more of a farmer gatherer guy, I have no idea how they ran things.”

  “Who’s they?”

  Elijah hesitated but his wolf whined. He wanted the shaving kit. “Santos and Harrison are the Alpha and Beta.”

  Beta Morgan nodded in approval, “Ok one more answer and you can have your shaving kit, why do you have the scars on your back?”

  That confirmed it; they must have hidden surveillance cameras. Elijah cursed himself for such a stupid mistake. He was already disappointed that the first time Autumn saw him naked he wasn’t in prime physical shape. He didn’t need anyone pitying him for the abuse he took at the hands of his pack’s enforcers. He suspected Beta Morgan would be able to tell if he was lying so he elected for a half truth, “They were a punishment from the Alpha and Beta.”

  “For what crime?”

  “Stealing food.”

  Beta Morgan detected no falsehoods in his answers but it seemed an extreme punishment for stealing food. There’s more to this his wolf concluded. True to his word though he asked no further questions for now, instead he brought Elijah a shaving kit as promised and gave him access to the bathroom.

  AUTUMN HAD LEFT THE detaining cells in a foul mood. She didn’t know why Elijah got under her skin so much and the lack of input from her wolf was starting to worry her. She fiddled with her amber necklace and worried at her bottom lip. Normally when she was stressed she went to Drake and talked things through, but they hadn’t spoken since the morning of her birthday. Autumn was still mortified about what had happened and didn’t know what to say to him. The mating marks had disappeared from her neck and as she walked through the camp she frequently saw her pack mates glance at the vacant spot before they averted their gaze. She’d started wearing her hair over her shoulder to cover the area but it didn’t stop the whispers.

  She may not be sure who she wanted as a mate, but she was certain who she wanted as her best friend. She prayed the three days of distance was enough to get him talking to her again as she made her way to his house. Knocking on the door she waited for him to answer but got no response. Trying the handle she found the door locked. He must be out. Disappointed she turned for home resolved to trying again later.

  DRAKE’S INJURY HAD been making steady progress the last three days and he was finally able to sit and move around without pain. Being in the house had been driving him crazy, wolves weren’t meant to be cooped up for long, so he took the opportunity to get out for a walk through the forest. Running was still out of the question, but at the least the fresh air, space and smells of nature would appease his wolf for now.

  Autumn hadn’t come by in the last three days. His wolf was sulking, missing the company of her wolf as much as Drake missed the sight of Autumn herself. He’d been so stupid. He knew she must be embarrassed and confused so she would struggle to be the one to speak first, it needed to be him.

  Time to be the man she needs his wolf agreed.

  Drake nodded to himself. If he and Autumn were to be Alpha and Luna then he needed to step up and show that he could deal with difficult situations. He couldn’t wait any longer, it would just become more awkward, he needed to rip off the band aid and see where everything stood. He headed for home and couldn’t believe his luck. He saw Autumn walking down the street away from his house. She came his wolf hummed.

  That was enough of a sign for Drake, “Autumn!” He called out to her.

  She turned quickly a look of relief on her face which bolstered Drake’s confidence. He could see she was stressed and had clearly not been sleeping recently. Part of him hoped it was because she missed having him by her side. Goddess knows he missed her. He didn’t like to think of her lonely and restless tossing in her bed. Drake walked towards her and she noticed that he moved without pain now but not his usual grace. She smiled as he neared but found herself tongue tied now they were face to face. Why is it now awkward just because we had sex?

  Drake placed a finger over her lips, “Let me go first. I am so sorry for what happened and for how I handled it. I....” He didn’t know
what else to say.

  “How can you possibly think it was your fault? No one could have known Elijah was going to turn up, especially at the moment he did.”

  “But if I’d been quicker then this wouldn’t be happening,” he mumbled.

  Autumn was shocked, “You’re upset because we’re not officially mated?”

  “Of course I am!” His eyes flickered to the hair covering her neck knowing what would be missing beneath, “Your wolf rejected me and now he’s here and if he claims you then it’s all over.” Drake let all of his insecurity flow out putting his heart on the line.

  “Drake, listen to me,” Autumn soothed, “I have no idea what’s going on, but Elijah showing up doesn’t change how I feel about you.”

  Drake looked up hope searing into his expression, “So you still want me?”

  “I.....” Autumn stumbled over her words she didn’t want to hurt Drake but she also didn’t want to lie to him, “My wolf has vanished.” She hoped that would be enough of an explanation for now.

  It was Drake’s turn to be shocked. Shit, no wonder she’s confused. Without her wolf he knew she couldn’t choose but he wasn’t sure if that worked in his favour or not. He decided a pro-active approach was in order so he slung his arm over her shoulder, “Come on, let’s go draw her out.”

  He kissed the crown of her head, inhaling her cinnamon apple scent and steered her in the direction of the training centre. Feeling more at ease Autumn wrapped her arm around his waist tucking herself against him as they walked. The comforting familiarity of having Drake wrapped around her and his lack of judgement was exactly what she needed. He always knows.

  The training centre boasted different areas to allow for different types of workout. The matted combat area was in use as lessons were taking place today. Drake wasn’t fit for most types of physical training at the moment anyway so he led them to the free weight section.

  “Pretty sure your wolf won’t be able to resist showing off her strength,” he winked at Autumn.

  Smiling she started stacking some weights on the bar of the chest press. Training with Drake was a familiar activity for her and involved little talking. Plus the exertion would hopefully exhaust her enough that she could get a proper night’s sleep.

  Drake gently positioned himself on the bench while Autumn moved to spot for him. He swiftly executed fifteen reps before replacing the bar. Autumn increased the weight slightly after each set as Drake worked his way up through the strength pyramid training schedule. When he maxed out with muscle fatigue they swapped over. Sweat was already forming on his body causing his t-shirt to cling to his muscular frame. Autumn couldn’t help but stare at him lustfully and felt her chest warm under her necklace.

  She distracted herself with the workout as they both threw themselves into their training. Thirty minutes of intense strength training later they were utterly spent. Autumn had an enormous grin on her face, nothing like the endorphins of a tough work out to make you feel better. Sweat dripped down her chest into her cleavage, drawing Drake’s eye. He quickly looked away closing his eyes as a wince of pain flashed through him. Frowning, Autumn felt guilty even though she knew it wasn’t something she could help.

  Drake walked ahead of her as they left the free weight section. A wolf whistle rang out from across the gym, “Looking good Grey!” Autumn thought nothing of it as they continued on towards the exit to go home and shower given they hadn’t brought anything with them.

  “Hey, where you running off to?” the voice called out again. This time she turned to face the source, discovering it was Michael stood with some of the other guys from her training class.

  “Just heading out to shower Michael.”

  “You want some company?”

  Autumn froze. What the hell, Drake was standing right next to her.

  “I mean we all know Drake’s currently out of commission so there’s no harm in offering.”

  A deep growl rumbled from Drake’s chest. Michael better watch his mouth his wolf snarled.

  Autumn grabbed his arm pulling him away, “Ignore him Drake, let’s go.”

  They could hear the guys still snickering as they went to leave. “Oh well some other time then?” Michael called after her.

  “Nah man you don’t want to go there,” one of his friends piped up, “She broke his dick! I mean that shits gotta be painful.”

  Autumn could feel her blood beginning to boil as she flexed her fingers. Just ignore them and walk away she told herself.

  “You’re wrong, that’s exactly why I want to bang her. She fucked him so hard he broke! On her first try as well. With a bit of training she’s going to be amazing in the sack.”

  He didn’t get to say another word. Autumn launched herself at him, her fist connected with his nose shattering it and spraying blood across the floor. A deafening roar came from her mouth as she snarled at them all, her eyes black and canines elongated. The whole centre fell silent in response to the powerful aura emanating from her every pore. Taking deep breaths to calm herself Autumn regained control.

  You’re back she whispered to her wolf who was seething with anger.

  No one disrespects us.

  Autumn agreed wholeheartedly as she smirked and sashayed out of the centre, Drake hot on her heels as everyone gawked.

  Chapter 17:

  The routine continued. Elijah was questioned everyday and rewarded when he co-operated although Alpha Grey didn’t allow Autumn to return again. Meanwhile Drake continued to heal and spend time with Autumn although there had been minimal physical contact between. The one time they had kissed Drake let himself get carried away and his arousal resulted in shooting pain through his length and into his abdomen. Autumn had blamed herself despite Drake’s protests and had since raised an invisible barrier until he got the all clear from Dr Matthews. Instead they focused on what physical training he could do without causing him pain.

  They were in the free weight section again today completing a full body workout. They’d completed their warm-up and were starting out with squats. As Autumn lowered herself into a deep squat with the bar across her shoulders Drake took the opportunity to stand back and admire her ass in her tight gym shorts.

  Damn fine his wolf agreed as he imagined mounting her from behind.

  Drake felt his groin twitch and the resulting throb reminding him that mounting her was not going to happen yet. At least it was a throb and not a full-blown stab of pain like it was two weeks ago. It was still going to be an excruciating gym session watching her though.

  The door to the training centre was forever opening and closing as people came and left without disturbing the general din. When silence fell over the gym Drake and Autumn automatically turned to find out what had caused the disruption. Elijah had entered the gym flanked by guards and despite the mass of people present his piercing blue eyes zeroed on Autumn immediately.

  The first thing that struck Autumn was the squareness of his jaw. He’d shaved off his beard revealing not only his strong jaw line but also his thin lips. His face was all hard lines, carved from stone. The change was astonishing. It was clear now that Elijah was in his early twenties and a dominant strong male. He stalked towards her like a predator his eyes narrowed as he assessed every detail before him.

  Autumn felt her heart start to race as he approached and her mouth went dry. Drake stepped up behind her throwing an arm around her waist and pulling her back into him possessively. Elijah emitted a low growl in response as his eyes flashed black. One of the guards swiftly laid a hand on his shoulder reminding him to behave himself. “That’s close enough,” the guard commanded.

  Elijah scowled as his wolf complained about not being able to get to Autumn. “Hi,” he said simply his attention now solely focused on her face.

  “Hi,” she replied shyly.

  “I didn’t know you would be here, but I’m glad you are.”

  “Actually we were just leaving,” Drake lied.

  “I’m pretty sure Autumn can
speak for herself!” Elijah barked back at him.

  “You don’t even know her so how would you know!”

  “I may not have grown up with her like you but I’ve learnt a lot about her over the last two weeks.”

  “Autumn, what’s he talking about?”

  “I.... I went to see him, but only once I promise,” she confessed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t approve and I didn’t want you to overreact. You had more important things to be focusing on.”

  Elijah stood there with a smug expression on his face as Drake fumed at this revelation. By now everyone in the centre was starting to gather round to watch their exchange. “You better wipe that expression off your face before I do it for you,” Drake threatened.

  “That’s a lot of talk for a pup whose bark is worse than his bite.”

  “PUP! Who the hell do you think you’re calling a pup! I’m the son of a Beta and future Alpha of this pack!” Drake pushed himself in front of Autumn puffing out his chest as he drew himself to his full height.

  Elijah scoffed, “Hardly! Her wolf rejected you and as I keep telling you, she is mine.”

  Autumn hadn’t been sure if the rest of the pack knew about this nugget of information, if they didn’t before they certainly would now. “ENOUGH!” She roared, her alpha blood projecting her voice across the centre with an air of authority as she moved to stand sideways between them. “Right now I wouldn’t pick either of you with the way you’re behaving. I’m surprised you’re not comparing lengths.”


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