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Mate or Fate

Page 18

by J. L. Berry

  Autumn’s jaw dropped, her mother valued family meals over everything else. She insisted that at least once a day they sat down and ate together with no interruptions.

  “You cannot be serious,” Alpha Grey replied.

  “Nate, I am deadly serious,” she fumed at her mate, “This behaviour is ridiculous. You had absolutely no right to interfere in the decisions of her future.”

  “I know and I’ve already apologised for that,” he interrupted her.

  Luna Grey rose from her seat placing her hands on the table, “You will not interrupt me when I’m talking.” Alpha Grey had the grace to look ashamed at his behaviour towards his wife and quietened immediately. Luna Grey fixed both her husband and her daughter with a glare making it clear she was to speak her mind without further interruption. “Your father has a valid point Autumn, he has apologised. Repeatedly. What else can he do to get you to forgive him?”

  “I honestly don’t know,” Autumn replied, “I don’t know how to trust him anymore.”

  Tears welled in Luna Grey‘s eyes at her daughters answer. A fathers bond with his daughter is something sacred; he is the one who sets the example of how all other men should treat her. If Autumn couldn’t forgive her father, what hope was there for any other relationships she may have in the future?

  “Your father cannot change what he’s already done. Nobody benefits from you not forgiving him and moving on. I understand that you are hurting but don’t forget that we are hurting too.” Luna Grey could feel her mate’s pain in her own chest, “Do you think it was easy for me to accept and forgive his actions?”

  “Of course you’d forgive him, he’s your fated mate,” Autumn exclaimed.

  “And you’re my daughter,” she retorted. “I forgave him because it was the right thing to do. He is genuinely sorry and he cannot take it back. A good Luna does what is right for the greater good. Right now you’re both just prolonging your suffering.”

  With that Luna Grey left the table leaving the remainder of her meal behind. She stormed away from the stubborn people she loved so much hoping they would see sense sooner rather than later. Autumn and her father continued to eat their meal in awkward silence as they pondered the words she had left them with.

  The next day Autumn came down to breakfast to find her father sitting alone at the table a box of cereal in front of him. Her mother was nowhere to be seen, her place setting untouched.

  She was serious Autumn’s wolf proclaimed.

  Alpha Grey glanced at his daughter, a pained expression across his face as he continued to eat his cereal. And so it continued, every meal Autumn would come down from her room to find either an empty kitchen or her father sat eating a meal alone. Luna Grey continued her duties as normal in every other respect but refused to enter into conversation with her family with the exception of bare essentials such as acknowledging that she was well. Autumn still refused to leave the house due to embarrassment of leaving Drake at the altar and the whole pack could feel the strain of the Alpha family feud.

  There was already a lot of speculation about why the wedding had been cancelled and Autumn had fled. The rumours about Elijah and Autumn were at the front of everyone’s minds but very few people knew the exact reasons behind the event. Drake had left the pack temporarily to go and build relations with an allied pack. The opportunity had been given to him the day after the wedding was meant to take place. Alpha Grey was trying to make things as easy on Drake as possible given the guilt he was feeling. Beta Morgan missed his son but knew some time away was for the best. He wanted to save his son as much hardship as possible. There was always the chance that Drake might meet someone else given it was clear his fated mate wasn’t in Lunar Forest.

  All the hushed whispers were starting to take their toll on Alpha Grey. He was typically a resilient man but the lack of his Luna’s company was having a great impact on him. Her touch and the sound of her voice soothed him, without that he felt constantly on edge. His pack members wouldn’t come right out and ask what was happening, he was still their Alpha after all, but he was finding all the Chinese whispers much worse. There was talk that Autumn was pregnant with Elijah’s child, that Elijah was a secret spy from a rival pack and even one that Drake had threatened to kill himself if Autumn chose Elijah and he was now sectioned to a psychiatric ward on suicide watch. He was sat at his desk, his head in his hands when he heard a knock. “Enter,” he called.

  Beta Morgan strode into the office shutting the door behind him. “Good morning Alpha.”

  “Morning, anything to report from last night?”

  “No, nothing from the night patrols. But there is something I think we should discuss,” Beta Morgan began. Alpha Grey gestured for him to continue. “I think it’s time to call a pack meeting. The gossip is getting outrageous and everyone will know eventually so I feel it would be best to quash it now.”

  Alpha Grey sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He knew his Beta was right, but telling the whole pack the truth meant he would have to acknowledge his own mistakes which might jeopardise his position in the pack. Resigned to his fate Nate made the necessary decision, “Call the meeting.”

  Within the hour the pack had gathered in the meeting hall with the exception of a select few warriors left to be sentries just in case trouble came knocking. Unable to avoid a direct order Autumn was forced to attend although she waited until the last possible minute so she could sneak in and hide at the back. Moments later her father stepped up onto the small stage at the front and silence quickly descended over the room.

  “Thank you all for congregating on short notice. There has been much speculation regarding recent events and I feel it is time to put the rumours to bed.” A few murmurs could be heard amongst the crowd but they died down as Alpha Grey continued, “The wedding between Autumn and Drake did not take place because they were not fated mates.”


  “How can they not be fated mates?”

  “Does that mean Elijah is?”

  “Why did they agree to marry?”

  “Surely she can just pick Drake anyway?”

  Questions started firing from all over the room at the confirmed suspicions and Autumn tried to make herself as small as possible to avoid her pack’s notice. Even though it wasn’t her fault she was so embarrassed about all the hassle she’d caused. Alpha Grey raised his hands to signal his pack to quieten down,

  “With no male Alpha heir, Autumn’s choice in mate was always going to be vital to this pack. As you are aware Drake and Autumn were ideally suited to take over in the future and this has been the intention for many years. However, on turning eighteen Drake became aware that Autumn was not his fated mate but despite this fact, his love for Autumn and this pack made him want to choose her as his future wife. He and I discussed this difficult situation at length and felt that although unorthodox, it was in the best interests of the pack.

  “He genuinely believed that he and Autumn would be happy together even though it was not what the Moon Goddess intended, and I agreed with him. I had no doubt that my daughter loved Drake and so I was happy for the mating to go ahead. What I did not foresee was her fated mate turning up and causing such confusion.”

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” a pack member piped up. “If Autumn rejected Elijah to marry Drake then why would she change her mind at the altar?” Alpha Grey swallowed, this was the moment he had to confess his deception but he didn’t get the chance.

  “I didn’t know,” Autumn’s voice rang out from the back of the room as the whole pack turned to face her. At last it was clear this was the root cause of the Alpha family feud.

  “Forgive me Autumn, but how did you not know?” Mariah asked.

  “Neither Drake nor my father told me about the plan for us to marry despite us not being fated mates. When I turned eighteen and Elijah turned up out of the blue I was so confused,” Autumn stated as she closed her to remember the feeling. “I didn’t know who my mate was... not until I walke
d up the aisle. My wolf wouldn’t allow the match.”

  The whole pack was dumbfounded at this revelation. There was a moment of silence before they broke into chaos.

  “How is that even possible?”

  “You poor girl.”

  “Does this mean Elijah will be Alpha?”

  “No, we can’t have a rogue wolf as Alpha surely?”

  “So we have no future Alpha?”

  “No, she can still marry Drake right?”

  “Quieten down!” Alpha Grey’s voice boomed out over the cacophony of questions and concerns. “I know you all have a lot of concerns and believe me I share many of them. Right now we have no answers. The pack council will be called to sit and debate our future options and of course you will all have a vote in the final decisions. But before you all disperse I have something to confess,” the pack quieted with curiosity at this statement.

  “I knowingly deceived my daughter and in doing so took away her right to choose her mate... and for this I am truly sorry.” Alpha Grey hung his head in shame. Nobody in the pack dared to speak, Alphas had to make tough calls and it was impossible to make everyone happy. To hear a public apology was extremely rare. “Despite my best intentions my actions have caused incredible pain to many parties and as such I offer up my position as Alpha with no contest.”

  Gasps of shock along with some shrieks sounded throughout the group.

  “No!” Autumn cried aloud from her place at the back of the hall before she surged forward. The pack parted to allow her passage. “I won’t let you give up your position! The pack is in a bad enough situation as it is. Quitting may ease your guilt but then everyone suffers more.”

  “Spoken like a true Luna.” Luna Grey smiled at her daughter. “I happen to agree. I think such rash decisions at this time are unnecessary, but in the light of the events perhaps the pack council can determine an appropriate outcome?”

  Nods of agreement could be seen around the room as everyone was still reeling from all the new information. The future of the pack was highly uncertain and it made everyone uneasy. The doors to the hall suddenly flew open with a slam and a breathless warrior ran in before skidding to a halt. With the pack already on tenterhooks the loud noise caused yet more shrieks of surprise.

  “What on earth is going on?” Alpha Grey barked.

  “Sorry Alpha,” the woman gasped, “But there’s a car at the border.”

  “And? Why couldn’t you just mindlink Beta Morgan as instructed?”

  “I didn’t think it was appropriate to tell you that way,” she continued panting, “You see, one of the people in the car... he claims to be your son.”

  Chapter 34:

  Cole, Jess and Elijah drove late into the evening before finding a motel to shower and rest in. Cole desperately needed sleep to allow his shoulder to heal and there was only so much space in Jess’ car. They were quick to rise the next morning and get back on the road to the Lunar Forest territory. Taking it in turns to drive they covered the distance quickly as well as getting some much needed rest. On the final leg of their journey, Elijah was asleep on the back seat while Jess and Cole were sat up front. Cole was brooding, looking out the window with one of his legs bouncing like a pogo-stick in anticipation.

  “You doing okay?” Jess asked him. She reached one hand across to squeeze his leg affectionately. This seemed to be what Cole needed to drag him out of his reverie.

  “Is it that obvious I’m nervous?”

  “It’s completely understandable you haven’t seen them in eighteen years. You’re not even the same person anymore.”

  Cole’s face sank at her comment.

  Shit they’re not going to want me, not after everything I’ve done.

  Sensing she had made a faux pas Jess tried to resolve the situation. “What I mean is you’re a grown man now not a little boy. That would be the same even if you never left. The only difference is they’ve not been around to see you grow.”

  Cole gave her a soft smile. He knew she was doing her best to make him feel better. In reality there was nothing she could say. No one could make up for the fact he had been kidnapped as a boy, forced to sleep with girls to sire wolves for sale, and then been responsible for the murder of a man. The man may not have been innocent but he didn’t deserve to die. Cole could not forgive himself for the atrocities he had done in the name of survival and he couldn’t imagine how his family would accept him once they knew.

  A little after 10am they finally pulled up at the sentry point for the Lunar Forest. Immediately three pack members blocked the road, forcing them to stop. Cole let out a big sigh.

  Here we go.

  “This is private land you're not welcome here,” one of the wolves advised.

  “We are here to see your Alpha,” replied Jess.

  “We have no visitors sanctioned for meetings today.”

  “I’m sorry we're turning up unannounced, but we are here on a very urgent matter. You see...”

  “I’m sorry Miss, you have to turn around and go home,” he interrupted her.

  “This is my home,” Cole stated sharply a low growl emitting from his chest.

  The sentry regarded Cole closely, “Look, I know everyone in this pack and you are definitely not one of them so don't try to kid me. Please, turn around and go away or we will be forced to take action.”

  Jess was starting to worry, Cole was barely holding himself together and the sentries were being no help whatsoever. Reaching around to the back seat she shoved Elijah to wake him, “Elijah, wake up we’re here.”

  Elijah grumbled but roused himself and stretched lazily in the back seat. After a moment he realised where they were and sat up bolt right. He opened the back door and stepped out of the car. Immediately the three sentry wolves were on the defensive with weapons pointed at him. Elijah quickly held his hands up before calling out, “Bennett it’s me Elijah. I’ve come back with Autumn’s brother just as I promised.”

  On recognising Elijah, Bennett lowered his weapon and signalled for his comrades to do the same. “Elijah, I thought you were gone for good?”

  “No, I only left because it was what Autumn wanted. But I had to see if I could bring Cole back to you.”

  The wolves regarded Cole sat in the front seat, his body rigid with tension. There was certainly a family resemblance, but surely this could not be the Alpha’s son coming back home after eighteen years. Bennett frowned, “Elijah, how is this even possible? Is this some kind of joke!?”

  “I promise you this is no joke. I am the Alpha’s son,” Cole stated firmly through gritted teeth.

  Unsure what to do Bennett had a silent conversation with his friends. A series of expressions passed over their faces from disbelief to anger to confusion. Eventually the female sentry spoke up, “I will go and speak to our Alpha and advise him on the situation. Given the circumstances we cannot allow you to enter until we get the all clear. But we will allow you to wait here in the meantime.”

  Jess and Elijah were somewhat mollified by this result although Cole remained tense. He wasn’t sure if this was due to his anxiety of meeting his family or the fact that his pack members thought he was a liar.

  They do not know us his wolf tried to reason with him.

  The irony of his wolf having to calm him down wasn’t lost on Cole and he smiled to himself. Jess clasped his hand and ran her thumb over the top of his knuckles in a soothing manner. There was nothing for them to do now but wait.

  Elijah remained outside of the car, leaving the two of them to each other. The silence between him and Bennett was awkward to begin with and Elijah was sure Bennett was deliberately avoiding mentioning Autumn. His wolf was going crazy knowing she was likely so near although he could not scent her; she clearly hadn’t been out to this part of the woods any time recently. Plucking up the courage Elijah finally asked, “How is Autumn?”

  Bennett paused regarding Elijah kindly, “She’s well as far as I know... but to be honest I’ve not seen her since the weddin
g, no one has.”

  Elijah’s wolf growled deeply, too busy enjoying their honeymoon.

  He couldn’t blame Drake for keeping her to himself but it still hurt to hear. His head told him to be happy for her but his heart still ached at the loss. With nothing else to say Elijah smiled grimly and focused his attention on the ground beneath his feet.

  What felt like an age later, the sound of vehicles could finally be heard coming along the road towards them. Soon, two Land Rovers with tinted windows pulled up and a flurry of activity began. Wolves formed a line in front of the cars before Alpha Grey stepped out. Elijah nodded in greeting but felt a stab of disappointment that Autumn didn’t come with her father.

  “Elijah, I honestly didn’t think I’d be seeing you again,” Alpha Grey stated plainly.

  “Don’t worry Alpha, I won’t disturb you for long. I just wanted to bring your son back home to you.”

  Alpha Grey raised one eyebrow, “So it’s true? You genuinely believe you can bring my son home after all these years?”

  Cole had been regarding his father from inside the car with mixed emotions. He was worried his own father wouldn’t recognise him but also angry that he never tried to find him in the last eighteen years. Maybe if he had, he wouldn’t have suffered so much for so long. As his father talked with Elijah, Alpha Grey didn’t once glance into the car to look for Cole. He appeared cold and aloof which riled Cole even more. Unwilling to wait for his father’s recognition a second longer Cole flung open his door and stepped out of the car, “No. He doesn’t believe it, he’s already done it.”

  Alpha Grey’s eyes flew to Cole’s face the second he spoke. They took in every detail of the man that stood before him as his nostrils flared taking in his scent. He could certainly see the resemblance of himself in him, the tall stature and piercing grey eyes typical of the males in their family. He had dark hair cut short much like his own but his skin wasn’t anywhere near as tanned. He had clearly been mistreated and had the same signs of malnourishment and abuse that Elijah had when he first appeared. He wanted to believe but after so many years he didn’t want to have all his hopes crushed. As the internal battle between his head and his heart raged on he saw Cole’s face turn sour.


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