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Mate or Fate

Page 27

by J. L. Berry

  “He’s not your mate,” Beta Morgan turned to look at Autumn, “Trust me I understand and it’s not your fault. It’s not even a fault, it’s just the truth. Elijah’s a good man and I’ve no doubt you’ll be happy together. Drake would want you to be happy together.”

  “I know he would. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had. I hope he’s just as happy.”

  “He is. He’s with his mate now.”

  Autumn looked at Beta Morgan with a bewildered expression before a smile slowly spread across her face. It felt like the first time she’d smiled in ages. No wonder he looks so peaceful. “In that case I will look forward to the day I get to meet her and see my friend once more.”

  “Me too Autumn, me too.”

  “IT’S TIME EVERYONE,” Luna Grey’s voice called out over the clearing. The sun was sinking down into the horizon as the last rays still illuminated the sky. Everyone gathered to the side of the pyre, waiting in reverential silence for the ceremony to begin. Autumn stood between her mother and Elijah as Cole stepped forward. If he was nervous he didn’t show it. Jess stood on the other side of Luna Grey watching her mate with a sense of pride at his strength in such circumstances. Cole’s voice rang clearly as he paid the respects that were due.

  “As this day ends and the moon rises, we say goodbye to our loved ones. These men and women fought bravely for the freedom of others. Their selflessness is an example to all, and shall be remembered and cherished by this pack as we continue on without them. Tonight we honour their memory as we return their bodies to the earth and allow their souls to run free.”

  Cole grasped the lit torch sunken into the ground beside him and moved towards the pyre. He nodded to those helping him to take their positions as in unison they set the pyre alight. The wood caught quickly as the fire spread. The torches were doused with water so the only light remaining were the flames before them all. As the last rays from the sun finally sank below the horizon the rights of the dead sounded as the flames continued to rise.

  “Tonight I end my run with you,

  As you step into the night’s embrace.

  But know that I’ll remember you,

  Until once again I see your face.

  As surely as the sun will set,

  And the moon will rise.

  My love for you won’t cease or fade,

  For it is written in the skies.

  Watch over us in this place,

  Until we meet again.

  When I can run with you and hold you close,

  One day soon, amen.”

  With the rights completed silence fell over the clearing once more. Only the crackles of the burning flames were audible until the moon had risen in the night sky and the embers were starting to dwindle. Cole moved to stand in front of the pack once more and gestured for Luna Grey and Beta Morgan to join him. In a split second he shifted, his white clothes tearing to shreds. Cole’s chocolate brown wolf let out a grief filled howl which brought the pack to its knees. An indisputable display of power by an Alpha. Every eligible member of the Lunar Forest pack shifted in turn, adding their howl to their new Alpha’s mourning.


  “Autumn, are you nearly ready? You’re gonna be late!” Cole shouted up the stairs after his sister.

  “Don’t rush her, it’s an important day.” Jess chastised her mate.

  Cole looked down at Jess his eyes filled with love. His hands moved to her rounded middle as he knelt before her. “Trust me little mate. I’m well aware what an important day it is. It was the best day of my life.”

  He kissed her belly as felt his pup kick in response to his voice. It had been a year since they were mated and fifteen months since he had become Alpha of the Lunar Forest pack. Jess had moved to Lunar Forest without hesitation to take up the role of Luna at her mate’s side. Luna Grey had been incredibly supportive of them both and a fountain of knowledge while they found their feet. Understandably, she was excited about the prospect of becoming a grandmother and her help was exactly what they needed.

  But today it was finally time to see her daughter mated. It was a bittersweet time for the Grey household. They were all excited to see Autumn married but that meant transitioning into her new role as Luna of the Raptors and finally leaving the Lunar Forest pack.

  Upstairs the door to Autumn’s childhood bedroom swung open and she walked out to join her family downstairs. Luna Grey had styled her daughter’s hair in an intricate up-do of twists and braids, leaving her neck bare. Her autumnal burnt-orange dress was strapless and fitted tightly to her torso with a delicate sweetheart neckline. The skirt fell away from her hips, mid-thigh at the front but long in the back. The light material seemed to flow as she stepped gracefully down the stairs in her stilettos.

  “Sweetheart you look beautiful,” Luna Grey gushed with tears in her eyes.

  “Mom! Don’t start crying you’ll just set me off.”

  “Sorry, sorry. You’re right.” She dabbed at her eyes, “I just wish your father was here to see this.”

  “Me too Mom.”

  “We all do,” Cole added placing an arm around both of their shoulders.

  “Now come on all of you. Less of the chitter chatter we’re keeping poor Elijah waiting!” Jess scolded trying to lighten the mood.

  At the sound of Elijah’s name a smile grew across Autumn’s face. It had been a tough year full of a lot of changes but being with Elijah made it all worth it. He was clearly born to be an Alpha. Against normal tradition, Elijah had held elections for the role of Alpha within the Raptors while the pack looked for a place to settle down permanently. He was voted in unanimously and the Raptors were finally beginning to function like a normal pack. The majority of them had made the journey to Lunar Forest today to see their Alpha finally mated to their future Luna which would at last see their pack complete.

  “Let’s go.”

  BENCHES LINED EITHER side of the aisle decorated with begonias and satin. The two packs sat mingled amidst each other waiting patiently for the ceremony to start. Elijah stood on the stage erected at the front wearing a crisp white shirt open at the collar and slate grey slacks. He looked ever the confident Alpha that he had grown to become. The only thing that gave away his nerves was the constant tapping of his fingers against his thigh as he waited for his mate to arrive.

  Luna Grey made her way up the aisle, her arm linked with Jess’. She winked at Elijah before taking her seat on the front row. Elijah sensed her presence then. Goosebumps rose on his skin as he tingled in anticipation of seeing her face. The crowd stood and twisted to face Autumn as she turned down the aisle with Cole at her side. Elijah’s eyes zeroed in on her immediately. He could see her trembling and couldn’t help but smile.

  Our confident spitfire is nervous his wolf chuckled.

  She looked up then, and stole his breath away. Her grey eyes filled with warmth as she took in the sight of her mate. Cole’s grip on her arm tightened to stop her running down the aisle. “Easy tiger,” he whispered.

  A few seconds later they reached the stage and Autumn moved to stand before Elijah. Cole clasped his friend on the shoulder before taking his position facing the gathered audience as he would be officiating the ceremony. “Welcome,” he began with open arms, “Today is a momentous day for both our packs and one I’m sure we’ve all been eagerly awaiting.”

  The congregation laughed and nodded in agreement.

  “While we may have all met under difficult circumstances, this mating shows that love can rise from the darkest of shadows to shine light on us all. Elijah and Autumn stand here before us to declare their love for one another. Rather than traditional vows they’ve chosen to create their own, so Elijah why don’t you start us off,” Cole gestured.

  Elijah raised Autumn’s hand to his lips, skimming them across her knuckles causing a blush to flush her complexion. “Autumn, you are my light, my heart and my soul. I never knew a part of me was missing or what it meant to have your world revolve around someone so comple
tely before you. I promise to love you in this life and the next. To respect and support you as my Luna. And remind you every single day just how incredibly beautiful you are.”

  Autumn’s hands shook in Elijah’s as he placed a simple band on her ring finger. Her love for him was beyond measure but finding the words to tell him in front of both their packs was harder than she expected. Elijah pulled her closer and ran his nose along hers to soothe her anxiety all the while inhaling her cinnamon apple scent. She instantly relaxed against him.

  “How did....”

  “Drake told me,” he whispered.

  Autumn smiled and let out a hiccupping sob for her best friend, still helping her even now he was far away. Taking a deep breath she composed herself before pulling back to look Elijah deep in the eyes.

  “Elijah, I’ve waited my whole life for you. You have spent your life protecting others and were born to be an Alpha. I promise to protect you, love you, care for you in this life and the next. I love you unconditionally and cannot wait to see what our future brings.” With trembling fingers she slid Elijah’s wedding band in place with a beaming smile on her lips.

  “The wolves of the Lunar Forest and Raptor packs bear witness to the vows you have made today,” Cole confirmed. “As Alpha of the Lunar Forest pack I am happy to pronounce you mated for life. You may kiss your bride!”

  The crowd let out an almighty cheer as Elijah spun Autumn and dipped her low in a passionate kiss that left them both breathless.

  “Alright dude that’s still my sister!” Cole joked. The pair broke apart as they grinned at each other. “Now before we all go ahead and celebrate, we have one more ceremony to complete. Elijah,” Cole gestured for his best friend and now brother-in-law to take the lead and he moved to stand by Jess and his mother.

  “Thanks Cole.” Elijah grinned at the crowd gathered in front of him. “I know I’m not the only one who’s been looking forward to this day,” his gaze dropped to Autumn before lifting again. “We are so grateful to share this moment with you but we have one more request. For the members of my pack this union represents a new start and a future none of us ever thought was possible. In the interests of a fresh start our pack has voted to rename itself. From this day forward we look to the horizon with hope for a better future as the Rising Sun pack.”

  Howling whoops sounded from every member before him.

  “With that said, I’d like to ask all members of the Rising Sun pack to stand for their Luna ceremony.” The pack dutifully stood as the crowd quietened once more. Elijah gently took Autumn’s hand and guided her to stand beside him. “Autumn, as Alpha of the Rising Sun pack I ask you, my fated mate, to stand by my side as Luna. Do you pledge yourself to this pack? To place their needs before your own? To guide them forward until you leave this mortal plain?”

  “I do.”

  Elijah squeezed her hand as a sense of relief washed over him. Looking up, he addressed his pack, “Do you, the Rising Sun pack, accept my chosen mate as your Luna? Do you promise to support and follow her, and accept our bloodline as the future for this pack?”

  “We do.”

  Autumn began to tremble once more but this time with expectation of what was coming next. She had always thought being a Luna was a part of her future, but hadn’t anticipated it would come at such a young age. Elijah moved slightly behind her and ran his fingers across her collarbone in a gentle caress. He leaned in close, his breath sending a shiver through her body as he whispered, “I love you.”

  He kissed the base of her neck where it met her collarbone and Autumn’s eyes closed as she hummed with pleasure. As his fangs bit down into her flesh the entire world slipped away. There was no audience. No pressure. Just Elijah.

  As he withdrew his teeth and licked up the beads of blood she felt the change. It was like a warm summer breeze tingled through her blood.


  She heard Elijah’s wolf for the first time and couldn’t contain the gasp which sounded from her lips. Her eyes flew open as she finally remembered they weren’t alone. In quick succession every member of the Rising Sun pack sank to one knee.


  The word chorused through her head as her mind linked to her new pack. Autumn felt an overwhelming sense of awe at her pack of new wolves before her.

  “I present to you Luna Alma.”

  Both packs rose then to their feet clapping as they rushed forward to congratulate the couple. Elijah had taken his mother’s maiden name for his surname, refusing to acknowledge the lineage of his biological father. Alma was a fitting name to bestow on the woman who was his heart and soul.

  After hugs and congratulations were passed around, the crowd moved back towards the main building to celebrate. The courtyard had been strung with lights ready for when the sun set and a temporary dance floor laid. Round tables and chairs lined the sides for everyone to sit and eat while four large serving tables laden with food and drinks provided enough sustenance for everyone. The atmosphere was light-hearted as all of them ate, drank and danced the night away.

  Shortly before midnight Elijah pulled Autumn away from some of her old pack members she was chatting to. He didn’t say a word as he gripped her hand causing the group of wolves to snigger after them, “Have fun!”

  Within moments he had her pinned up against the wall around the back of the building out of sight.


  Autumn heard Elijah’s wolf growl in her head, his voice laced with lust. Elijah kissed down her exposed neck. “I’m sorry for dragging you away,” he murmured between kisses, “I kept him quiet for as long as I could.”

  I want you.

  Autumn let her wolf speak for them both as she lost herself in Elijah’s kisses. Her tongue tangled with his as their scents mingled together in the air. She slid her hands from around his neck down to unbutton his shirt but he stopped her. “Not here... once we start I won’t be able to stop,” He panted. “Follow me, I’ve got another surprise for you.”

  Elijah led Autumn down a narrow path into the forest which was seldom used. The path was slightly overgrown and Autumn stumbled in her heels. She paused to remove her shoes but Elijah stopped her once more. “No. Leave them on.”

  She smirked at him knowingly as he lifted her easily into a bridal carry. “Did Drake tell you that too?”

  “Maybe... but I happen to completely agree with him on that point. You look sexy as hell in heels.” Autumn blushed at his compliment as her thighs clenched in anticipation. She hoped wherever he was taking her wasn’t much further. “Don’t worry it’s not,” he answered. She looked at him in shock making him chuckle, “Mind link now, remember.”

  “I’m gonna need to be careful if I’m ever going to keep things from you.”

  Elijah fake gasped at her comment, “Planning to deceive me already mate! It’s only been half a day.”

  “A girl’s gotta have her secrets... how else will I be able to surprise my mate?”

  “Speaking of surprises, we’re here.”

  Elijah set Autumn down on her feet and clasped his hands around her waist from behind giving her the opportunity to look around. A small single-story cabin had been built into the surrounding trees. Three steps led up to a porch with a couples swing scattered with cushions. Fairy lights were strung through the tree branches stretching over the cabin roof. “It’s for us whenever we visit your family.”

  Autumn moved forward out of Elijah’s embrace as she slowly stepped up to the front door. She turned the handle and allowed the door to swing inwards. Inside the cabin, a fire roared in the sitting area and she could see a quaint kitchen in a room off to the side. The decor was natural and cosy; exactly what she would have chosen herself.

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered.

  “Like you.” Elijah had followed her through the door and placed a lingering kiss on her bare shoulder. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, just you.”

  She heard Elijah swallow deeply behind her at the same time she
felt his heart rate increase. With a coy look over her shoulder she took his hand and towed him towards the door on the other side of the room which she presumed would lead to a bedroom. The door opened to reveal a wooden four poster bed draped in cream gossamer fabric. Candles were lit around the room adding a romantic muted lighting.

  Autumn stopped at the foot of the bed as Elijah’s fingers skimmed up the outside of her arms to her shoulders. He slowly drew the zipper of her dress down, allowing the material to fall away and pool on the floor at her feet. He groaned when he realised that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  Slowly, Autumn spun to face her mate. Elijah growled low in his chest at the sight of her standing in a thong and heels before him. With complete confidence, Autumn hooked her thumbs into her thong and slipped it off her hips.

  “Oh. My. Goddess.”

  “Well. What are you waiting for?”

  Needing no encouragement Elijah grabbed the collar of his shirt and peeled it off his body. Throwing it to the side he fixed Autumn with a look of carnal lust as he unbuckled his trousers. He kicked off his shoes and bent to pull off his trousers, boxers and socks all in one go. Autumn’s eyes zeroed in on his erection as she licked her lips. He wasn’t shaven anymore but kept himself well groomed which made him look manly at the same time as accentuating his enormous length. Autumn could feel her core throbbing at the thought of him inside her as her arousal dripped onto her thighs.

  Mine, her wolf howled.

  Elijah lurched towards her, lifting her by her hips to wrap her legs around him. Autumn crossed her ankles behind his back, her heels digging in slightly. She felt him harden even further as his cock lined up to her entrance.

  “You’re truly mine now, mate.”

  He let her sink onto him, impaling her in one swift motion. Autumn threw her head back in pleasure as he sank deep inside her, stretching her walls to wrap around him tightly. He manoeuvred them onto the soft bedding as he trailed kisses up Autumn’s neck. Her hands gripped the rippling muscles in his back as she held him close. Their hips moved in unison as they ground into each other slowly, savouring the moment. Autumn could feel the orgasm building inside of her already, the whole evening has been a long slow foreplay, “Deeper Elijah, please.”


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