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Elsie's New Relations

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by Martha Finley


  "By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."--_Matt._ 12:37.

  As they drew near the house Max came to meet them.

  "I've been to the post-office since the mail came in, papa," he said, "andthere is no government letter for you yet. I'm so glad! I hope they'regoing to let us keep you a good deal longer."

  "I'm not sorry to prolong my stay with wife and children," the captainresponded, "but cannot hope to be permitted to do so very much longer."

  "Grandpa Dinsmore has come back from taking Harold and Herbert tocollege," pursued Max, "and we're all to take tea in there, Mamma Vi says;because grandpa wants us all about him this first evening."

  "That is kind," said the captain, opening the gate and looking smilinglyat Violet, who, with little Grace, was waiting for him on the veranda. Hestopped there to speak with them, while Lulu hurried on into the houseand up to her own room, Max following.

  "Where's my book, Lu?" he asked.

  "O Max, I couldn't help it--but papa caught me reading it and took it awayfrom me. And he told me when you asked me for it I should send you tohim."

  Max's face expressed both vexation and alarm. "I sha'n't do that," hesaid, "if I never get it. But was he very angry, Lu?"

  "No; and you needn't be afraid to go to him, for he won't punish you; Iasked him not to, and he said he wouldn't. But he threw the book into thesea, and said neither you nor I should ever read such poisonous stuff withhis knowledge or consent."

  "Then, where would be the use of my going to him for it? I'll not say aword about it."

  He went out, closed the door and stood irresolutely in the hall, debatingwith himself whether to go up-stairs or down. Up-stairs in his room wasanother dime novel which he had been reading that afternoon; he had notquite finished it, and was eager to do so; he wanted very much to know howthe story ended, and had meant to read the few remaining pages now beforethe call to tea. But his father's words, reported to him by Lulu, made itdisobedience.

  "It's a very little sin," whispered the tempter; "as having read so much,you might as well read the rest."

  "But it will be disobeying wilfully the kind father who forgave a heedlessact of disobedience not very long ago," said conscience; "the dear fatherwho must soon leave you to be gone no one knows how long, perhaps never tocome back."

  Just then the captain came quickly up the stairs. "Ah, Max, are youthere?" he said, in a cheery tone, then laying his hand affectionately onthe boy's shoulder. "Come in here with me, my son, I want to have a littletalk with you while I make my toilet."

  "Yes, sir," said Max, following him into the dressing-room.

  "What have you been reading to-day?" asked the captain, throwing off hiscoat, pouring water into the basin from the pitcher, and beginning hisablutions.

  Max hung his head in silence till the question was repeated, thenstammered out the title of the book, the perusal of which he was sodesirous to finish.

  "Where did you get it?" asked his father.

  "I bought it at a news-stand, papa."

  "You must not buy anything more of that kind, Max; you must not read anysuch trash."

  "I will not again, papa; I should not this time if you had ever forbiddenme before."

  "No, I don't believe you would be guilty of wilful disobedience to anypositive command of your father," the captain said in a grave but kindlytone; "and yet I think you suspected I would not approve, else why wereyou so unwilling to tell me what you had been reading?"

  He was standing before the bureau now, hairbrush in hand, and as he spokehe paused in his work, and gazed searchingly at his son.

  Max's face flushed hotly, and his eyes drooped for a moment, then lookingup into his father's face he said frankly, "Yes, papa, I believe I wasafraid you would take the book from me if you saw it. I deserve that youshould be angry with me for that and for lending one to Lu."

  "I am displeased with you on both accounts," the captain replied, "but Ishall overlook it this time, my son, hoping there will be no repetition ofeither offence. Now go to your room, gather up all the doubtful readingmatter you have, and bring it here to me. I shall not go with you, buttrust to your honor to keep nothing back."

  "Oh, thank you, papa, for trusting me!" cried Max, his countenancebrightening wonderfully, and he hastened away to do his father's bidding.

  "Just the dearest, kindest father that ever was!" he said to himself, ashe bounded up the stairs. "I'll never do anything again to vex him, if Ican help it."

  He was down again in a moment with two dime novels and a story-paper ofthe same stamp.

  The captain had finished his toilet. Seating himself he took what Max hadbrought, and glancing hastily over it, "How much of this trash have youread, Max?" he asked.

  "The paper and most of one book, papa. I'll not read any more such, sinceyou've forbidden me; but they're very interesting, papa."

  "I dare say, to a boy of your age. But you don't think I would want todeprive you of any innocent pleasure, Max?"

  "No, sir; oh, no! But may I know why you won't let me read such stories?"

  "Yes; it is because they give false views of life, and thus lead to wrongand foolish actions. Why, Max, some boys have been made burglars andhighwaymen by such stories. I want you to be a reader, but of good andwholesome literature; books that will give you useful information and goodmoral teachings; above all things, my son, I would have you a student ofthe Bible, 'the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise untosalvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ.' Do you read it often,Max?"

  "Not very, papa. But you know I hear you read it every morning andevening."

  "Yes; but I have sometimes been grieved to see that you paid very littleattention."

  Max colored at that. "Papa, I will try to do better," he said.

  "I hope you will," said his father. "You will enjoy the same religiousadvantages at Ion, and, my boy, try to profit by them, remembering that weshall have to render an account at last of the use or abuse of all ourprivileges. I want you to promise me that you will read a few verses ofthe Bible every day, and commit at least one to memory."

  "I will, papa. And what else shall I read? You will let me have somestory-books, won't you?" Max said, entreatingly.

  "Yes," said his father, "I have no objection to stories of the right sort.There are some very beautiful stories in the Bible; there are entertainingstories in history; and there are fictitious stories that will do you goodand not harm. I shall take care in future that you have plenty ofwholesome mental food, so that you will have no excuse for craving suchstuff as this," he added, with a glance of disgust at what he held in hishand. "It may go into the kitchen fire."

  "Mrs. Scrimp never burns the least little bit of paper, papa," said Max.

  "Indeed! Why not?" asked his father, with an amused smile.

  "She says it is wicked waste, because it is better than rags for thepaper-makers."

  "Ah! well, then, we will tear these into bits and let them go to thepaper-makers."

  Max was standing by his father's side. "Papa," he said, with a roguishlook into his father's face, "don't you think you would enjoy reading themfirst?"

  The captain laughed. "No, my son," he said; "I have not the slightestinclination to read them. Bring me that waste basket and you may help metear them up."

  They began the work of destruction, Max taking the paper, the captain thebook his son had been reading. Presently something in it attracted hisattention; he paused and glanced over several pages one after the other,till Max began to think he had become interested in the story. But no; atthat instant he turned from it to him, and Max was half frightened at thesternness of his look.

  "My son," he said, "I am astonished and deeply grieved that you could readand enjoy anything like this, for it is full of profanity; and reading orhearing such expressions is very likely to lead to the use of them. Max,do you ever say such words?"

  Max trembled and grew red and pa
le by turns, but did not speak.

  "Answer me," was his father's stern command.

  "Not often, papa."

  The captain barely caught the low breathed words. "Not often? sometimes,then?" he groaned, covering his face with his hand.

  "O papa, don't be so grieved! I'll never do it again," Max said in abroken voice.

  The captain sighed deeply. "Max," he said, "dearly as I love my only son,I would sooner lay him under the sod, knowing that his soul was in heaven,than have him live to be a profane swearer. Bring me that Bible from thetable yonder."

  The boy obeyed.

  "Now turn to the twenty-fourth chapter of Leviticus, and read thesixteenth verse."

  Max read in a trembling voice, "'And he that blasphemeth the name of theLord, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shallcertainly stone him; as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land,when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death.'"

  "Now the twenty-third," said his father.

  "'And Moses spake to the children of Israel, that they should bring forthhim that had cursed out of the camp, and stone him with stones; and thechildren of Israel did as the Lord commanded Moses.'"

  Max had some difficulty in finishing the verse, and at the end quite brokedown.

  "Papa," he sobbed, "I didn't know that was in the Bible. I never thoughtabout its being so dreadfully wicked to say bad words."

  "What do you now think a boy deserves who has done it again and again? sayas often as Max Raymond has?" asked his father.

  "I suppose to be stoned to death like that man. But nobody is ever put todeath for swearing nowadays?" the boy said, half inquiringly, not daringto look at his father as he spoke.

  "No, Max, fortunately for you and many others. But suppose you were myfather and I a boy of your age, and that I had been swearing, what wouldyou think you ought to do about it?"

  "Give you a sound flogging," he answered, in a low, reluctant tone.

  "Well, Max, that is just what I shall have to do, if I ever know you touse a profane word again," said his father, in a grave, sad tone. "Ishould do it now, but for the hope that you are sorry enough for the pastto carefully avoid that sin in the future."

  "Indeed I will, papa," he said, very humbly.

  "And, Max," resumed his father, "you are never to make a companion of, orgo at all with anybody who uses such language, and never to read a book orstory that has in it anything of that kind. And you are not to say byGeorge or by anything. Our Saviour says, 'Let your communication be Yea,yea, Nay, nay, for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.' My son,have you asked God to forgive you for taking His holy name in vain?"

  "No, sir."

  "Then go at once to your room and do it."

  "I did, papa," Max said, when he came down again to find his fatherwaiting for him.

  "I trust the petition came from your heart, my son," was the grave butkind rejoinder. "I must have a little more talk with you on this subject,but not now, for it is time we followed the others into the next house, ifwe would not keep Grandma Rose's tea waiting."


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