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The Moore Sisters of Montana: The Complete Series Box Set: Books 1-4

Page 54

by Ann B. Harrison

  He thought hard. “I might have to work up to that. Let me tell you about me and Christian though and how we got to where we are now because that happened after you left.” He gave her a smile and took a breath. “Both of us loved tinkering in his father’s shed after school, building things, and it was always my dream to build things as you know. Mom still has the first side table I made her. You know that one she kept by her recliner in the lounge?” He laughed thinking about how proud he was when he delivered it for her birthday and noticed Mari was listening despite the fact it wasn’t juicy gossip. “It’s a bit wobbly but she won’t let me fix it. Pretty sure I didn’t measure the legs properly and that was the cause but she wouldn’t let me take it back to the workshop once I’d given it to her. Says it was made with love and she intends to keep it until it falls apart.” Her breathing had steadied and he was grateful for that. The shrill of the fire engine pierced the air. “Your knight in shining armor is here by the sound of it.”

  Her eyes welled again and she blinked the tears away. “I think I have him right here to be honest.” She sniffed, then stiffened, panic in her eyes. “I think I’m slipping farther down the hole. I felt the floor move!”

  “No, I’ve got you. You’re not going anywhere. I doubt you’ve moved an inch since I grabbed your hands.” He heard the intake of breath behind him at his lie and silently begged whoever it was not to cry out and tell her different. He’d felt the small movement and tensed ready to fight gravity for her if he had to. If she panicked and tried to kick her way out of her predicament, she could slip to the floor below, possibly dragging him down with her and it was a long way down.

  “Do you remember when we first fell in love?”

  Her face went through a series of changes. Was she thinking of the good times or the time he let her down? That might not’ve been the wisest thing to ask. He needed to keep her positive.

  “We were at a home game. School teams, all the visiting jocks doing their thing showing off in front of the cheerleaders and the local crowd, trying to impress everyone. Huge egos on show. You can imagine the scene and I think I let it go to my head. Teenagers screaming, hot dogs and soda flowing. Guys strutting their stuff like it was show day for all.” The memory brought back more feel-good tingles than he’d experienced in a while.

  “One of the players kept looking at you, giving you the eye, or so I thought. It wasn’t a secret or anything how close we were but I didn’t realize how much I really cared about you until that day either.” He grinned. “We were pretty cute together back then too, I might add.” Mari was intent on his story and didn’t look down when the fire crew came into the hotel below.

  “Do you remember how I took a knock to the head in the first quarter, sent me to the ground like a bag of sand? Talk about embarrassing to be carted off the field. Especially when cupid had shot me with his arrow and suddenly I had to impress you like never before.”

  “Were you hurt bad? I don’t remember that part.” Concern for him rather than panic now showed in her eyes.

  “No. Winded more than anything but because it was a head hit, coach made me go to the locker room and catch my breath. So there I was, lying down on the stretcher with my eyes closed trying to get a handle on the fact that I’d been carried off in front of the crowd, embarrassment central, and I sensed someone close by. I peeked between my lashes and you were sneaking into the locker room.”

  “No way. That part I really don’t remember. I think you’re making this up, Ethan.” Her eyes widened but didn’t leave his face.

  “I pretended to be out of it and waited to see what you’d do. For what felt like the longest time, you stood staring down at me, your hair barely touching my arm. I have to admit, I was pretty hot back then too so I wasn’t surprised. Trim and fit, young and healthy. I was a machine.”

  “Yeah, in your own mind until a bigger guy sent you flying.” The voice wafting up from below belonged to Jake Woods, a close friend and local fireman. “I’d call that super fit, stud.”

  “Don’t stop, ignore him and tell me what happened next because none of this is coming back to me.”

  Ethan continued to talk while Jake quietly assessed the situation. “Eventually you couldn’t help it. You came closer and closer until I could smell your perfume. You smelled like cotton candy too. Still do, so I’ve noticed.”

  April called out from the doorway. “It’s that skin cream she uses. She can’t sneak up on me either. I can smell it a mile away. Its old-fashioned rose in case you wanted to know for future reference.”

  “Thanks. Anyway, you lowered your head, and I almost bolted. I was so damned scared you’d know I was faking it. Anyway, you lowered your head and kissed me.”

  April sighed loud enough for them all to hear her. “That’s so sweet. What did you do?”

  “You’re making this all up, Ethan.” Mari didn’t sound annoyed. If anything, she’d calmed down with his storytelling.

  “No, I’m not. I grabbed you and held tight, kissed you right back. Of course you pretended to struggle for all of two seconds, but it was all for show. I knew it was me that you’d been watching and the other guy meant nothing to you. I mean, we’ve been friends for years but one day I noticed the shift from friends to something more. You wouldn’t look at me the same way and kind of avoided touching me. Made it into a big deal when you did. That was the biggest signal that our relationship had changed to something more so I felt safe locking lips with you. I’ve been in love with you ever since.”

  “Ethan, how is she?” The voice came from downstairs and Ethan lifted his head and peered down the hole at April’s boyfriend, Doctor David Morrison. “I’ve got her, David and I don’t think there’s too much damage. She’s in a bit of a pickle but we’ll get her out of here soon. Right, Jake?”

  The fireman had made his way upstairs and talked to them from the doorway. “Yeah. Everyone needs to remain calm and listen up.” He faced Mari. “I’m going to have the guys bring up a ladder and lay it down beside you, okay? Then I’m going to crawl along, get a safety harness around you, and once you’re safe, get you to shuffle your body over onto the ladder and then I’ll release your foot. I don’t want you to move until I say so, got it?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Panic lit her eyes again.

  “Keep talking to her, Ethan. Keep her calm and we’ll have her out in a jiffy.” Jake spoke into his two-way and organized his crew.

  In the meantime, Ethan kept up a line of chatter, some real events and some stretching the imagination. Without looking, he knew her sisters hovered by the door of the ballroom watching and waiting for Mari to be released. By the time Jake had managed to get a safety harness on her, she knew how much he’d missed her. How grateful he was that she was back in town. He left out the part where she ran away and why, just mentioned how her leaving had left him heartbroken even though he blamed himself.

  Jake double-checked the harness. “Right, I’m going to poke around your foot, Mari. If it hurts too much, say so.”


  David called up. “I’m here for you, Mari, in case you need me. I have my bag so I can patch you up or we can go down the street to the practice. I don’t mind either way.”

  She giggled nervously and squeezed Ethan’s hand. “He’s so cute. April is such a lucky girl.”

  “I’ll decline to agree with you on that one. Not sure the guys would like me talking about them like that. Just seems wrong somehow. Now your turn. Tell me how you met up with your sisters. We didn’t really know much about them before you left.”

  Her face lit up for a moment. “Don’t you know? I thought for sure someone would have filled you in.”

  He shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Rake suggested I get in touch with Dad. It all kind of snowballed from there and when the girls found out I was coming back, they all decided they’d move here too.” She gave a little squeal when her foot came free.

  “Okay, Mari, I want you to move your legs
sideways onto the ladder and then crawl toward Ethan. Slowly now. Ethan, back up a little but don’t let go of her hands. Take your time, both of you. This isn’t a race. Safety first.” Jake kept one hand on the harness even though the safety line was being pulled taut by a member of his team positioned at the door end of the attic. “That’s it. Keep going, you’re both doing great.”

  Mari crawled along the ladder until she was far away from the damaged floor. Jake helped her sit up and undid her harness. “Get David to look at that ankle but from first impressions, I don’t think it’s too bad. You were very lucky.”

  “Thanks to Ethan.” She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tight. “You’re an amazing man. Thank you so much.” He went to pull away but she leaned in again. “Thank you for saving me.”

  Better late than never were the words that ran through his mind as she hobbled out of the attic into her sisters’ arms.

  Chapter Eight

  “Oh my goodness. I was so scared for you, Mari.” April flung her arms around her and the tears rolled unheeded down her cheeks.

  “If it wasn’t for Ethan…”

  “Yeah, he’s a gem. Don’t let him get away.” April looked her in the eye and smiled. “You need to go see David before he has a heart attack and let him check your ankle but I mean it. Ethan’s such a sweetheart. Don’t let him get away again, Sis.”

  “But he’s not, I mean, I’m not looking for anyone.” She couldn’t get the words out in a way that sounded like she meant it before April hurried away to get David.

  Jake moved to stand in front of her. “Mari, we need to block this off now before anything else happens.”

  Ethan came loping out onto the landing, dusting his clothes off. “I’ll make sure nobody can get in here, Jake. I was looking for Mari when she slipped up there not realizing what was going on. We’d only just discovered the rot in the ceiling when we were taking down the boards today.”

  “I saw the collapse downstairs when I came in. Guess you have more work on your hands than you thought.” Jake glanced at the floor. “Looks like more than one lucky escape today.”

  “Yes. I can’t believe that happened and then…then…” A wave of emotion hit her and stars flittered around her face. Strong arms wrapped around her and she dropped her head to Ethan’s shoulder. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. It’s been a shock and you did well under the circumstances. Don’t beat yourself up, sweetheart.” He stroked his hand down her hair, much like he used to do when they were dating.

  She savored the moment wanting to relive that part of her past if only for a second. The part where he cared for her regardless of her circumstances. Loved her for who she was regardless of what had happened.

  “I’ll leave it in your hands, Ethan. Block off that room until you’ve figured out the floor and it should be sweet.” Jake tipped his hat to her. “Mari. I have to say I prefer to meet you over dinner but it’s always nice seeing you regardless.”

  She trembled but tried to smile. “Thanks, Jake. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t arrived so fast.”

  “You’re a survivor and you had Ethan here and he had everything under control. I’d better get back to the department.” He clomped down the next set of stairs, his boots heavy on the wooden treads.

  Ethan wiped her bangs from her face, cupped her chin and looked into her eyes. “Do you think you’re going to be okay now?”

  She willed herself to a calm state and pulled up another smile for him. “Yeah, I think so. Thank you so much for saving me.”

  The lines around his lips deepened as he smiled, the dimples she remembered coming to the surface. “It’s my pleasure. Always happy to save a fair damsel in distress.”

  “I do have a bone to pick with you though. That kiss. It wasn’t quite how it happened, was it?” The golden flecks in his eyes brightened with amusement, just as she remembered.

  He feigned shock and disbelief. “Is that what you think? Well, let me tell you, it’s exactly how I recall it. I’ve played that over and over in my head when I’m trying to bring up my favorite memories of you and me together. I always start with that one so it has to be right.”

  He thought of her? “Oh. I don’t know what to say.”

  A devilish glint came into his eyes. “I can think of something. You could say, ‘I’ve thought of nothing but you since I moved back home too, Ethan. In fact, that kiss, the one where my toes curled and I was a lump of molten lava for you, is the most defining highlight of my life.’” He fluttered his eyelashes and she thumped him on the chest.

  “Get outta here.” He’d always been able to talk her out of a mood or make her forget the pain. Ethan hadn’t changed that much at all as he’d grown up. Had his feelings stayed the same too or was that too much to expect considering the issues they still had to deal with before any thought of romance came into play?

  “Back to business. Where are those keys for the attic door?” He dropped a light kiss on her forehead and let go of her. The loss of his arms around her was instant and shocking at the same time.

  “In the office, second drawer down on the left. There’s a box of old keys. I suspect one of those may fit this door. If not, you have my permission to board it up with the biggest nails you can find.”

  “Right. Let me get you downstairs so David can look at that ankle and I’ll get right on it.” He slipped his arm around her waist and helped her down the next flight of stairs where most of the bedrooms were situated along with her apartment. “If you need anything from the attic, you’re going to have to wait until we deal with this rot. I don’t want anyone up here until then, okay?”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t need anything from up here. April’s the only one who’s been in here of late. She’s been using some of the old stuff for her shop and the displays she’s been making for the rooms. I can certainly live without them.”

  “Good. I think I’d better get back to it. Why don’t you go and put your feet up for half an hour and let your blood pressure settle down and make sure David is happy with you? I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”

  “Sure. Thanks, Ethan.” He guided her along the hallway to her apartment and she was immediately surrounded by her sisters and drawn inside.

  “Mari, are you okay, honey?” Bella and Dakota both reached for her at once, wrapping her in a sisterly hug that did much to hold her together. She started to shake.

  “Shock.” Bella pushed her toward the leather couch and pushed her head down between her knees. “Go make her a cup of sweet tea, Dakota. It’ll be good for her.”

  “I’m fine, really.” Her muffled voice sounded wobbly to her own ears. “I’d rather have a coffee.”

  “No, Bella’s right. Sweet tea is what you give people for shock and you need some. You have no color left in your face at all.”

  Bella rubbed Mari’s back. “April’s talking to David. He insisted that he checks you out and it gets wrapped properly. He’s being a little bit over the top but after seeing you hanging through the ceiling, but I don’t blame him. April’s a little rattled too so I gather he’s calming her down.”

  “That’s fine. I’m okay, honestly.” She went to sit up but had to hang her head again as the blood raced through her veins, leaving her feeling woozy.

  Bella leaned back but kept a hand on Mari’s back for support. “So, before we got interrupted with the collapsing ceiling, you were talking about Ethan. Care to continue with that conversation?”

  “My God, you don’t give up, do you?”

  “Nah. What’s the point in having sisters if you can’t squeeze them for details? And you have to admit, we have years to make up for with you and you two looked pretty cozy together just now. Kind of like you fit together well.”

  And it felt good knowing they were behind her and didn’t feel as though she was trying to force her way into the family. Even her stepmother had welcomed Mari with open arms when she got in touch after Rake died.

e wondered fleetingly if Ethan’s father had forgiven her yet. Such a stupid misunderstanding. A lot of time had passed since she’d seen him. She wondered if he had issues of his own that made her an easy target, but still, it didn’t make it any easier for her to like him when he was like that.

  Pearl had evaded that question and Mari wasn’t keen to push it with her, preferring to relive the happy times and to make new memories now that she was back home where she belonged. She’d deal with Jeff when he crossed her path and if he tried to avoid her, she’d go looking for him.


  “I can’t believe we didn’t see this before.” Christian stared at the mess in the ballroom.

  “Me either but it wasn’t obvious until we started pulling it all down. No point moaning about it, we can’t do anything about it now.”

  “No, I guess not. So long as nobody’s hurt, that’s the main thing.”

  “I’ve taken off what boards I can so you can see just how far the rot goes. I’m guessing you’re going to want to play around with the numbers so Mari has some idea of how much this is going to cost her.”

  Christian tapped his finger on his chin. “I don’t want to slug her if she can’t afford it. There might be a way around it if she doesn’t mind pre-used timber. That job we did in Poulson where we had to take down the mezzanine floor that wasn’t compliant? I still have all those beams in the yard.”

  “I’d forgotten about them. I don’t know how much money she has to put into this place and I’d hate to see her struggle because it’s gone over budget.” He ignored the twitch of his friend’s lips. “I know you build a percentage into the cost for contingencies but even I can figure out that this will blow that.”

  “Yep.” Christian nodded. “You still have a thing for her, don’t you?”

  “We were talking about cost here, not my feelings.” Ethan knelt down and picked up a used nail that hadn’t made it to the trash bucket. “Too much water’s passed under the bridge. I doubt we could ever be as close as we were and we still have issues to get over.” Even holding her in his arms before had made him question his feelings and there were the things they’d put off discussing. Until he knew everything, Ethan needed to keep control of his feelings. Funny how he felt things slipping out of control already though.


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