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Law Maker 7.5 (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga)

Page 10

by V. Theia

  But it also meant her being seen with a Souls—Lawless in particular, would warn those tiny tadpoles not to fuck with her if they wanted to keep breathing.

  The brown bag disappeared into the maroon backpack slung over her left shoulder.

  “Wish you could take me for a ride but I have a class. Math blows.” She complained. He knew she was full of shit; her last test scores were almost perfect.

  At that, the little pissant she was dating started to shuffle himself forward.

  Lawless cut his eyes over her shoulder to watch what the punk would do with his eyes all over Angela.

  Sure enough, Josh Muller paused his step when he realized who Angela was with. Then he got into step after pushing out his scrawny chest, specs on his nose, some geeky shirt on his reedy frame.

  The walking maggot came forward like he had balls made of titanium.

  “Hey, Angie, we’re gonna be late for class.”

  She spun around and grinned at the kid. Fucking grinned like he was bringing her a bouquet of world peace in his scrawny hands.

  A pulse beat in Lawless’ temple.

  “So run along to class,” he warned him and had Angela’s gaze swerving to him.

  The boy snapped to attention. “Oh, hey, Lawless, right?”

  As if she sensed what his stare meant, Angela turned to the kid and said, “I’ll be there in a second, save my seat, okay?”

  “Okay, babe.”

  The kid looked at her with adoring eyes, whatever the fuck that meant. But it was obvious he was feeling it for Angela. Hesitating, he glanced at Lawless again and then he chose right by walking away. Lawless wouldn’t have touched the kid. Maybe. Who knows.

  “You don’t have to scare the pants off him, you know.” Lawless tuned back in after mentally ripping that little perverts eyes out of their sockets. “He’s already terrified of you.”

  Good. That was good. Lawless smirked.

  He kicked off the stand with the heel of his boot and angled his bike around. “He looks like he paints model dragons in his parent’s basement, but he’s still a guy with a dick, angel. He should be terrified of me. Make sure you tell him I have a gun collection that is eager to shoot off little wieners.” He rasped and made her laugh out loud.

  “You’re like the grim reaper, so scary.”

  He blanked his face because the brat was not scared of him at all.

  “Yeah, yeah. Run to class, get an A.”

  “I always do, grumpy,” she boasted and beamed him a grin. “And thanks for these, you saved my life.” He barely heard when she dropped her voice and added, “again.”

  He felt that word in his sternum.


  Clawing away at him.

  “Will you be at the clubhouse this weekend? I’ll be at Rider and Zara’s.”

  He had things to put in place and he was riding through to Denver to meet up with Judge when he got in from Cleveland. “Heading out of town for a while.”

  He watched her brows bunch in the middle. “Oh, anything fun? Going on a date?”

  He half smiled, not giving the answer her nosy-self wanted. “Later, angel.”

  She stood there long after he took off and he knew this because he cocked his head back at the end of the road.

  Joshua Muller was waiting by the entrance, his maggot eyes on Angela while her gaze was on Lawless.

  If Lawless was in the business of killing sex maniac boys, that kid would be top of his hit list.

  He’d keep it as a back-up.

  A guy like Lawless needed hobbies.

  But he had other fish to fry today.

  Evidence wasn’t going to plant itself for Charlie Timmons, boy wonder sheriff to find, was it?


  “The stupid die young. The down beaten gets a second option.” – Judge

  The young guy coming through the departure lounge had a stride that said he was a little unsure but with an unshakable back bone.

  Cocky and youthful, Lawless questioned again his own decision making as he watched Judge walk with his hands stuffed down into his jean pockets. When he saw Lawless, a grin split his face. It was easy to recognize the trailer park kid in that face.

  “Hey, man.” Judge grinned. “It’s good to see you, thanks for the plane ticket, first fucking time getting my feet off the ground.”

  Lawless slapped his hand and chin jutted over to a nearby café where they found seats. He ordered drinks and food for the kid.

  There’d been no cause to ever remember anyone from Ohio other than the few people he checked in with from time to time to see if they were dead or doing time.

  Judge being one of them.

  Twenty-one year old Judge took care of his brother and sister due to their mother being the same waste of air as Lawless’ mom. If not for the different coloring and surnames, he’d swear those bitches were born from the same rancid blood.

  Judge was a two-bit crook who did what he had to do to earn a buck. Not all of that shit was above board. It was a miracle he’d never gotten himself caught in Jay Benz’s conglomerate by working as one of his many gofers. When Lawless was doing a bit of hacking he discovered one more strike with his kid siblings getting into trouble at school and they were going to get taken away.

  Lawless wasn’t much into small talk on any normal day and today was not normal so he didn’t beat around the bush. He knew all he needed to know about Judge and what he’d been up to with his small petty criminal crew over the years. The kid was a survivor, he was loyal to those he gave a fuck about. He went all in, sometimes being a dangerous little shit. Above all else, the kid was ready to claw his way out of that Ohio pit the same way Lawless had all those years ago.

  A hungry man was willing to do just about anything.

  And Lawless was banking on Judge being ravenous.

  “I have a job for you. And if I give you this job it means a better situation for you and your siblings.” Judge’s attention caught because the coffee paused halfway to his mouth. Blue eyes focused on Lawless. “It also means relocating to Colorado. Getting out of the shithole back home and all the trouble you’re amassing back there before it gets you killed. You down for that?”

  “Fucking hell man, you serious? Course I’d be down for it. I’d burn that park to the ground on my way out if I had a chance to get my brother and sister out of there.”

  Lawless smirked. “No need for pyrotechnics. But I need to know you’re serious. You don’t get to fuck around, not even once. You burn means you go up in flames and I’ll be the bastard holding the match.”

  Judge half laughed. “Man, you’ve been gone for a long fucking time, but it doesn’t mean we don’t hear about what you’re doing or who you’re doing it with. I’d be insane to fuck you over. Which I wouldn’t. I want to get out of that place, you know that. Fuck, I’d sell my left nut to get out of there. I’ve been trying, you know.”

  Lawless did know.

  And that’s why Judge came to mind.

  “You still dealing?”

  Lawless had the answer already and wanted to see if the kid told the truth. He wasn’t about to trust a liar with something as sensitive as this. Surprisingly he didn’t hesitate. “It’s good money and that’s what I need to keep me and the kids afloat right now.”

  “You ditch the dealing if you come to Colorado, we don’t tolerate that shit in our patch. I need your head on straight, not worrying about 8 balls and chasing after dime bag pittance.”

  “You got it. What’s the job?”

  “Babysitter. Bodyguard. Confidant. Whatever the fuck is needed.”

  “For you?”

  Lawless cracked open a fresh smirk. “Not me. Someone I know. Someone who is important to the club.”

  Judge showed Lawless he’d chosen well by asking the right questions. “Why can’t your MC do the job then?”

  “They will, but there’s always instances they can’t be around. She’s a brat, she pushes against authority. You’re young enough that y
ou won’t register as being the one keeping her head on right. This is a 24-7 never off the clock deal. That means if you have a dick date and she needs something, you ditch the dicking.”

  “Ah,” he said. And then. “Does this chick know she’ll have a minder?”

  “No, and she won’t find out either. That’s part of your job description. She finds out and you’re canned. That’s rule one.”

  “Got it. Is she in danger, like am I gonna need to take a bullet or something?”

  He’d been watching too much James Bond.

  “If there’s bullets, sure, she doesn’t get a scratch on her. But I don’t foresee any of that. You make sure she doesn’t get in trouble of any kind. No one messes with her. Or punk-ass little fuck boys don’t get in her pants if she doesn’t want them in her pants and you do this by any means necessary.”

  Judge had a reputation for using his fists so he’d trust the kid to do what he had to in that equation.

  “You do that and you’ll have a sweet set up in Armado as a prospect, but that shit you earn yourself by putting in the work.” The eyes watching him lit up like Lawless had handed him the right of passage to Santa’s workshop. He knew what he was offering. Not simply a well-paid job, but the IN to the Renegade Souls. Getting a passing shot at being a prospect was hard to come by. They rarely took any one on, the last being Dix and Coop and those meat were due to patch in any time now.

  “You mean it? I get to be a prospect?”

  “We work it out, I’ll sponsor you, the work after that is up to you, kid.”

  “Fuck.” He breathed. Dazed and starstruck. “And all I gotta do is be some chicks BFF bodyguard?”

  “Yeah.” He’d go over his duties again and again until the kid had them rooted in his brain, so he never forgot what Lawless was promising.

  He did not outsource any problem.

  This was a first for Lawless, but even as fucking majestic as he was, he couldn’t be in two places at once. He ignored the itchiness under his clothes.

  This part of his decision making he’d taken the longest over. Looking out for someone who wouldn’t have a clue what was happening. She was going to see it as him micromanaging her life if she ever found out. Tough fucking shit, he was keeping her little ass alive. He didn’t drag her out of hell to then let her drift in the wind and get swallowed up by demons.

  The MC would look out for Angela, Rider was like her second dad and no way would Zara see the girl get into trouble but even they could only do so much if she decided to run wild one day. They couldn’t always be there to make sure she wasn’t hurt…messed with.

  Snake especially would do his bit when he talked to his friend. But he knew how prone she was to going off the deep end unprovoked. The more eyes on her the better.

  Judge was closer to her age, less of an authority figure, she was likely to listen to a friend who told her when her shit was messed up.

  “She hot?” Judge dared ask and Lawless felt the heat start in his sternum and pulse through his deadly eyes.

  He didn’t think it was clever to slice and dice a guy in a busy airport. But for a dark second, Lawless considered it, seeing as he planned on jail anyway.

  “Excuse me?” He asked in a frosty tone.

  “I said…”

  “Oh, I know what you said, I’m giving you a chance to rectify the words that come out of your fucking mouth next.”

  Judge recognized instantly his mistake, Lawless noticed. “What I meant to say is, if she’s pretty, will she have a lot of dicks sniffing around her?”

  Thirty percent of rage scratching beneath his skin receded enough for Lawless’ voice not to sound like the grim reaper had crawled off his jacket to come play with knives and blood.

  “She has a boyfriend right now. That situation needs eyes on it too.” Joshua fucking Muller was a lanky piece of piss who thought with his wiener. He was preferable to the college guys who would put real dirty moves on her.

  “If you don’t mind my asking, why are you paying someone to do this?”

  “The less you ask, the better.”

  Judge nodded.

  “You get a hundred grand every year you’re in my employ.” He announced and Judge started choking.

  Lawless waited it out.

  “Fucking hell, man. Is this one of those hidden princess stories I see on Netflix?”

  In Lawless’ eyes, the kid lost some of the respect.

  In a dog eat dog world, you had to be the shark. Staring across the table, Lawless recognized something in Judge that resonated. He saw himself long ago.

  He knew he was a self-serving asshole. A manipulative, controlling one for putting safeguards in place. Judge was the right kind of hungry to do it without being nosy.

  For little over an hour he laid it out for him, before he looked up at the boarding announcements. “Your flight is taking off soon.”

  “I got the job then?”

  Lawless got to his feet, leaned over Judge after putting a few grand down in front of the younger guy. “Get your shit in order, that means the dealing stops now, don’t have no fucker following you here. You sever ties and move you and your kids within the next few weeks. There’s an apartment for you in town,” the smile split the other guy’s face. Lawless wasn’t about handing out wishes to anyone.

  He was all self-serving in this matter.

  So when his voice rumbled out of him, soft and low, he meant every word. “Don’t ever think about fucking me over, kid. This I am deadly serious about. You step one toe over my rules and I’ll know. If you understand this, if you accept there’s nowhere you can hide that my reach won’t find you, then yeah, you got the job. Only you and a couple of my boys will know the true nature of your prospecting, got it?”

  Judge blinked, the pallor on his face a lot paler now. “Sure, sure thing, boss. I won’t let you down.”

  He left him to get back to the gate to fly home. Lawless strolled through the airport, neither engaging nor meeting people’s eyes.

  Only time would tell if Judge let him down.

  Lawless hoped for his sake he didn’t.


  “The ideas of a mad man.” – Snake

  He didn’t know if eye on the prize was the right term of phrase, but today was the day.

  Even if Lawless fancied changing his mind … and he didn’t … he’d screwed himself anyway. By being the fastidious fucker he was, which meant he left nothing to chance of it going wrong.

  The evidence came from a dealer in Nebraska. And then stashed it in two places before he used a burner phone to anonymously tip off sheriff do-right.

  The operation of his arrest would go down in a few hours according to the scanner he was listening in on. Charlie Timmons, so fucking thorough wanted to have his ducks in a row before he got his mitts on the biggest catch of the decade.

  What more could the man need? Lawless delivered it in a neat fucking bow for Christ sake, he’d all but arrested himself.

  It meant he had time to meet Judge at his cabin. he’d relocated him and his family in an apartment he owned in town and donated an old bike to Judge. It was the start of the kid’s windfall if he kept his head on straight and didn’t fuck up his job.

  He again went over the rules, Judge nodding his head in understanding.

  Judge hadn’t met his charge yet. All that could change. Lawless, though he planned to be far away, would reach across the country and pulverize the guy if he so much as broke a rule. Emotions were funny things; they often ran the show for the majority. He was taking a lot on trust right now, something he never did.

  For the last time, he locked up his cabin and took the ride down the mountain.

  It was unfortunate that while he was planning his incarceration, Rider and Texas were getting themselves shot by the Russians. Had the enforcer known what was going to happen, he might have pumped the breaks on his endeavor. But it turned out Rider was fine, hobbling around like Ebenezer Scrooge with a cane. And the better news the fuc
king bratva second in command was finally in the ground.

  Shame he didn’t have the time to celebrate with a decent bottle of Balkan Vodka.

  Ah, well.

  With his mind numb to the normality’s of life, he headed to the clubhouse with Judge trailing behind to give him his big debut.

  He watched all the naughty stares, especially the female ones—even the ones with rings on their married fingers eyeball Judge. Assessing the new meat. It had been a while since any of the boys introduced a new prospect, so he got their curiosity.

  He didn’t look while the youngest of that female group eyed him up deeper than others. That was Joshua Muller’s problem if her gaze strayed. He’d of course, factored in what would happen if she fell for Judge…

  He had so much to think about and very little time.

  Feeling like the rabbit down the hole, but he’d planned this to the letter so it would be fine. Eventually, once everyone got used to it.

  It was only when he got Snake outside that he started to waver.

  Unnaturally so.

  So fucking unlike Lawless.

  But there it was.

  Threads to the club and the boys were strong as though he’d always been a part of the RSMC foundations.

  Strange for a man who wanted no ties to have so many connections to the outside of his skin.

  Snake knew something was up, what with the private pow-wow out in the forecourt like damsels. “What’s this all about? You’ve been acting weirder than normal and that’s saying something.”

  So with the tightness in his chest, an expectancy of sorts, he laid it all out for his friend as best and as quick as he could.

  “I need you to take this all in and not get in your fucking feelings, man. The sex trafficking Hades got tangled with ... I’ve been following the trail for years, tracing it back to the belly of the beast and eliminating the bastards.”

  When Snake voiced one word, “Why?”

  Lawless went on. “The last part of that is the most difficult, which means I gotta go away for a while. As in away, Snake. Becoming prison meat. The cunt of the operation is a confederate flag flying hick, serving fifteen for manslaughter. I’ve tried to access him through contacts inside and it hasn’t worked out. I need to be there to do it myself.”


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