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Damage Control

Page 23

by Eric Alan Williams

  Cathubodua had renamed herself to Kat Ross. The elder vampire was posed and proper, sitting there with her legs crossed and daunting a green business suit with a skirt and high heels to match. She had even trimmed her red hair to being ear length. She had developed a fascination for jewelry and was showing off her stylish golden hoops. Both ancient vampires looked at the doorway when it slid upward. Trevor seemed surprised.

  "Ethan Holiday, I wasn't expecting you to enter my office. Please tell me you haven't found another issue with my schematics, or my intel, I don't have the time to listen to you make attempts at altering my findings right now."

  Kat noticed the animosity. She just rolled her eyes. She knew precisely how arrogant her bite brother Thanatos could be. She rolled her eyes a second time and got up. She could tell that Ethan was another vampire just by the way he smelled and given he had an Alpha's scent, she knew he could tell Trevor was a vampire as well, so there was no risk in outing her closeted brother. She walked over to the Scientist, offering a handshake. "Pardon my brother, he's always like this. I'm Cathubodua, oh wait, sorry, Kat Ross. I keep forgetting I changed my name to something more mortally simplistic."

  Ethan's eyes grew wide. He had heard of the sleeping seven but had no idea that one of them was awake. He also knew the lore all too well when it came to the Irish War Goddess Cathubodua. He wasn't sure if he should bow or continue shaking the woman's hand.

  "A handshake is fine Ethan, really, I haven't been considered a goddess for centuries. Please do come in. I need a mental reprieve from my brother's dry sense of humor."

  Ethan looked startled. Kat snickered. "I read minds."

  Ethan came in, and the door slid downward. Trevor was annoyed at his sister for being overly pleasant. He arose from his seat and sneered at both of them. Kat cocked her head. "Is there a problem?"

  Deep down, Trevor was leery of making Cathubodua angry. She was just as old as he was and twice the warrior. He crossed his arms. "No."

  Ethan was nervous, very nervous. He didn't know where to begin, Kat helped him out. "You can start by telling us what is so important. What has you so rattled that you feel that only my brother can help you.”?

  Now Trevor was intrigued. "Me? Help you? Oh, this has to be good."

  Trevor leaned up against his desk, crossed his arms, and waited.

  Ethan looked to the side then at Trevor. "I was hoping that this would be between us."

  Trevor looked at his sister. "I keep no secrets from my bite sister. Besides, getting her to leave the room would be like trying to wrestle an actual fire breathing dragon, the dragon would be easier. I promise you."

  Ethan crossed his arms. He mustered his courage and started. "Do you know how Sara Tyler is?"

  Trevor was expecting an issue with slip drive technology, or something with the terraforming engines. He dropped his hands to his sides. "Why?"

  "Short version Trevor, I lied about being turned against my will and Sara Tyler is my maker."

  Both Kat and Trevor looked at one another and then at Ethan. Trevor looked at Kat for assurance. "He's not lying Trevor." She looked back at him.

  Ethan took a few deep breaths. "Look, she made me, and my bite siblings keep quiet about who she was. And… We found something…"

  Trevor slowly walked away from his desk. "Found what? Are you trying to tell me that the daughter to our sire is still alive? Is that what you're trying to tell me, Ethan?"

  Ethan nodded. "Sara is alive and hiding somewhere, I don't know where. All I do know is that before she staged her death in the fire in London, she had a child, and her child had children as well. One of which is alive and has enlisted in the Sentinel program. I need a meeting with the Grand Adjudicator to get him relinquished from duty."

  Both the ancients looked at each other, then at Ethan. Trevor spoke first. "Are you fucking kidding us?"

  Ethan shook his head and spoke with his hands. He was adamant. "NO, TREVOR! I am not fucking kidding you. Sara had a daughter named Cecilia, Cecilia was a dhampir, now before you say anything, listen. Cecilia had children with a sensitive, one of those children was bitten by one of the bats that escaped that Zoo near Bastion City. The bat bite converted Sara Tyler's Dhampling Grandson into a fully-fledged reforged original vampire. Lilith's dhampling great-grandson was converted by a bat carrying the Aeon Strain. He has her silver immunity and as far as I can tell, has her reckless hot-headed nature to boot."

  Kat shrugged. "You're telling us that a dhampling was made full vampire from a bat bite, and not just any dhampling, but our sire's great-grandchild?"

  Ethan nodded. "That's exactly why I am here. To tell you, let you know, and get me a meeting with the Adjudicator so I can get him out of the program before he gets himself killed."

  Trevor scoffed. "Pfft, I will give you credit for trying Ethan, I really will, but not even the Adjudicator has that type of authority. Only a Queen's pardon can allow it."

  "All these years of trying to convert our halfling offspring, and the answer was the origin itself?" Kat mumbled.

  Kat's attention diverted to Ethan. "Why were you so leery in coming here?"

  Knowing she was a mind reader, there was no point in keeping anything back. "Sara wanted to come forward years ago and let her mother know she was alive, but she said there was something about House Ninlil she didn't trust, Sara thought there is a traitor in your ranks. That's why I was reluctant in coming."

  Both of them looked thunderstruck. Kat confirmed. "He is telling us the truth Thanatos. At least that is what I can see in his mind." She looked back at Ethan. "Sara, the heir, you have no idea where she is?"

  Trevor leaned back against his desk breathing heavily. "Ethan, what powers does Sara have? Can she perform aerial siphoning?"

  Ethan nodded. "She can. I've seen her do it with my own eyes."

  Trevor looked at Kat. "Two women were seen in a video hitting a nightclub owned by a Conclave Operative. In the recording, one of the apparent assassins used an aerial siphoning attack."

  Ethan added. "When we were working with The Hand, right before she killed Jaxalon, there was a list she had made. Sara had a list of those who could identify her by her eyes."

  Trevor looked at Ethan. "Janice St Clair wouldn't happen to be someone on her list, would she?"

  Ethan's eyes got big as he nodded.

  "Fuck." Trevor blurted.

  "Janice St Clair was killed a couple of days ago." He added.

  Kat looked at Ethan. "Where is this grandson now? Still at the Academy?"

  Ethan shrugged. "Doubtful. Knowing Xairin, he's probably already graduated early and started his first operation. I've been out of contact with my underling that I had him paired within unit 203."

  Trevor sneered at him. "Helena Dolenigan's team?"

  Kat looked perplexed, "Is that a bad thing?"

  "Or fate. Helena Dolenigan is one of Dracula's brides."

  Ethan added. "Being that Lilith is My sire's mother, that makes my house is a branch of both your mighty house and Lord Dracula." Ethan walked forward. "My next question is this, where does this leave us?"

  Trevor wanted to butt in, but Kat stopped him. "It makes you simply that." Kat jumped. "Your bite sister, Peggy? She is immune to silver as well?"

  Ethan found himself at a disadvantage. "You're the mind reader. Right?"

  Trevor looked at Ethan. He was serious about what he was about to say. He was disturbed by the news of what Sara suspected. This, he would need to get to the bottom of, but despite his animosity towards Ethan, he felt compelled to offer. "If there is a traitor in House Ninlil, they are not in this room. That you have my word on."

  Kat looked at Trevor. "By Immortium law, we must contact House Dracul, they have the right to know that Sara is alive, and about this... Xairin? Did you say?"

  Kat looked over at her brother. "If Sara cannot be located, this Xairin would be the only known heir that against his wishes could be forced to serve. If he cannot defend himself against a challenger, we
must consider the fact that both houses may have to agree to unite in a war effort against any leader that challenges the throne."

  Ethan interrupted. "Can we do that? Declare a war among houses to protect an heir?"

  Kat nodded. "It is an older tenant of Immortal law but yes."

  "So, this could all result in war is what you're saying?" Ethan asked.

  Kat shrugged. "I look at it like this my dear, without a queen, there will be a war, with an heir they could be a challenger, which again, would result in a war if our two houses agree to defend the heir. Plus, we have the conclave breathing down our throats, so yes, either way, Mr. Holliday, war is all around us."

  She smirked. "I hope your Xairin is like his grandparents."

  Chapter 12

  Topher was sitting behind the bar serving drinks. He was wearing a bowtie, a purple one, with baggy purple silky pants. Tonight's theme was Arabian Knights, Topher was trying to pull off a genie look. Baxter had called in sick, so Topher was doubling over.

  Nina, one of his new bartenders, was busy serving drinks on the far end of the bar. She wasn't as festive in her attire, but she was wearing a purple shirt that was a little revealing of her bust. It was her black hair with blue dyed tips that made her the most noticed. Meanwhile, a husky looking black man with a neatly shaven head was escorting two individuals out of the club that was having verbal disagreements. Jeremy was proving to be a great bouncer.

  Grayson Lane was busy, bustling tables and getting them cleaned off. The table he was currently cleaning was a train wreck covered in crumbs and wet paper towels. "Great." He mumbled.

  Sasha Hemming was a new employee and on loan from House Holiday. One of the few straight employees in the establishment. The sultry blond caught the attention of every lesbian that came into the bar, including the straight and bi guys that frequented the establishment for the overly friendly and accepting atmosphere. The club had an excellent reputation for being a good place to hang out, especially among the three colleges within a relatively short distance. As for the onlookers, flirting with Sasha usually ended quickly when she would grin showing off her fangs right as her eyes went black. Prejudices had a long way to go even here. Sasha was carrying a tray of chicken wings to a table off to the far end.

  Topher finally managed to serve the first wave of customers wanting mixed drinks, meanwhile, the new cook was busy in the newly crafted open grill off the left of the bar. Chicken wings were selling like crazy. Jason Florence, the cook, was multitasking well between the grill, grilling hamburgers and hot dogs while tending to the deep-fried foods and the baked goods. It did help that he had a droid assisting him. Topher wasn't all too crazy about having to sell food now, but with the latest law requiring any alcohol-selling establishment to offer a variety of foods to help sober their clientele up, he was the type to maintain compliance.

  It was a busy night for a Friday night.

  Lucretia was on stage in a sparkling purple dress, daunting her black Morticia Addams styled wig, and lip sinking to the latest hits. The crowd was tipping well. She could see her tip board changing nearly every ten seconds or so as people were swiping their ID cards, adding in the amounts and left the club's main Drag Queen smiling.

  The crowd was finally giving Topher a moment to breathe. Rory had just walked in, he walked over to Topher, almost dragging. The man looked beat. "Bottle of water?"

  Topher handed him one as he leaned forward with his elbows resting on the counter. "You look about as tired as I am?"

  After a swig of water, Rory nodded. "Dude it has been a day."

  "Do I need to counsel the counselor?" Topher asked.


  "What's on your mind bub?"

  "One of my kids was found the way Xairin almost ended up."

  "Holy shit, are you kidding me?"

  "No Topher, I'm not. That Detective Huxley and his gang of investigative-can't-do-shits came to see me tonight. One of my sensitive kids, I guess mind fucked some guy into giving him his cellphone and made some app profiles. Anyhow, his two friends are missing, and all I can do is sit back and wait."

  Rory lowered his head. "Have you heard those assholes are targeting sensitives?"

  Topher nodded. "It was on the four o'clock news today." He pointed at a laser display shooting purple lights urging sensitives to log into a link for today's news."

  Rory took another drink. "I should have figured you'd be on it."

  "A shepherd tends his flock the best he can."

  "Speaking of our flock, have you heard from Xair?"

  Rory shook his head. "Not since he left for that sentinel training camp."

  "I sure hope our little buddy knows what he's getting himself into," Topher said with a sigh.

  Rory nodded. "He sent me a text telling me about his date with that Interpol agent."

  Topher sighed again. "He didn't need to send me one, it was all over the news where people were filming it on their phones. I swear Xairin just can't catch a break."

  Rory nodded. "I wonder if that training academy will change him, ya know? Xairin has always been the quiet type."

  Topher frowned. "So far being a vampire seems to have made him a bit more confident. Did you see the video that went viral of him trying to fight that, what was it called, a Gargoyle?"

  Rory nodded while finishing his bottle of water. "Yeah, I saw it."

  Topher noticed how Rory was standing. He was usually very outgoing, a flirt, and generally on the prowl, even when he was tired. Something else had to be on his mind. "Rory, I have known you for what, ten years or longer?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "Besides the Interpol agents coming by and telling you about one of your kids, what else is bothering you?"

  "Another kid."

  "One missing?"

  "No. One of the scavenger kids, a vampire. Kid's gay and got disowned by his group for being gay and a vampire. Really pulled at me today."

  "How old?"


  "He has no one? Man, I just don't get those scavs." Topher said while taking an order from a woman that approached.

  "Topher. Do you think I would make a good dad?"

  Topher's eyebrows raised. "What?"

  "A dad, me."

  "Rory, are you thinking about getting you one of those at home womb kits or something?"

  Rory shook his head. "Heck no, I mean, if I wanted kids, I would adopt. Anyhow…"

  Topher leaned forward and looked at Rory. "Wow, that new case really got to you today, huh?"

  Rory nodded. "The kid has no one man. Unless I go vamp or well whatever, I'm really not getting any younger. I mean, look at me. I'm in my early thirties, and what am I doing every evening, playing the field. I want more out of life than that, and honestly yeah, I think I want to adopt. Take in a kid, maybe two, kids that are like the one I met today, that really have no one."

  Topher smiled. "Sure, why not man. You make bank, you could easily support a kid, you'd just need to get out of your grandmother's house." He said with a chuckle.

  "The house beside her is for sale, I mean shit, I have over six hundred thousand currency just sitting in a savings account, the house beside my grandmother would easily allow me to still check on her, and the last time I heard anything about it, the place is in good shape. What do you think? Honestly think?"

  Topher nodded. He smiled. He stood up and crossed his arms and chuckled. "You know being a dad, you won't be able to play the field as much right? Or come out here on the weekends."

  Rory grinned. "I will miss the shit out of ya, and yes, I know what it means. You created a great place for people to make friends and meet up, but I think the time has come for me to give up the scene for something else."

  "Rory, then you need to do it. Get out there, and make it happen. Honestly, I could really see you playing the dad role."

  Rory smiled. He pulled out his crystal model cellphone and started deleting his hookup apps. "Well I will leave one app for tonight on here, but
starting tomorrow, I think I might just go buy a house."

  "Rory, you do that."

  Rory took another bottle of water and started playing around with the last hookup app on his phone and walked off while Topher pulled out the same phone to check his text messages. He sent Xairin a text. He didn't expect to hear anything back due to him being in training, but he still wanted to say. "I'm proud of you Xairin. I miss you and hope to hear from you soon. Just don't get that sexy ass of yours killed… LOL"

  Lucretia approached the bar panting from overheating. "OH, dear lord in heavens, give me a bottle of water and turn the air up will ya? That stage with those spotlights has me sweating like a two-currency hooker on a half off sale."


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