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Damage Control

Page 32

by Eric Alan Williams

  "Why did Ninlil turn even turn Eris?"

  Trevor shrugged as he kept his hands on the navigation equipment. "To be honest, I begged her to do it. She is my sister, both in bite and by my father's side. I felt sorry for her. After my father managed to turn against Ninlil, I had no one, just her."

  Kat gave him a gloomy look. "Her reputation has, as you know, never worked in our favor?"

  "Tell me about it. You and the rest of our bite siblings have pretty much slept through it. I'm just glad she changed her name to Camilla and left her old name in the dirt. Camilla and I have never gone into hibernation like you all have. Sure, she can be annoying, but I have had to listen to her for centuries while you all slept."

  Kat looked out the window as the oval-shaped craft entered the atmosphere. "I just hope she doesn't try to go all glory whore on us like the last major family meeting we had."

  Trevor laughed. "Like the gathering in 1305?"

  Kat nodded. "Was that the year? Damn, I thought it was earlier than that?"

  Trevor shook his head. "Oh no, I remember it well. That was when William Wallace was enthralled by Camilla, remember? She tried to use him to stir most of Scotland against the English so we could all feed on the blood and carnage left after the battle? It was right as we were having that family gathering right outside of that town of Selkirk. She thought we would just feed on the wounded left behind so none of us would be outed for being what we are? She ended up causing an entire freaking rebellion."

  Kat laughed, "Look at the bright side, at least her little rebellious enthralled lover helped set into motion events that helped free Scotland in the process. At least some good came of it."

  Kat looked over at him. "He also helped kill that bastard of a werewolf William Heselrig, remember?"

  Trevor smiled. "The battle of Lanark, and Heselrig being their appointed sheriff. I was actually surprised that day to see a thrall kill a werewolf. William Wallace as impressive. I just wish Camilla would have spared his life and not let him end up being hung and ripped apart like he was."

  Kat sighed. "Thralls have a purpose, and sometimes that means they are the fall guy."

  Trevor scoffed. "Pfft, that poor bastard was drawn and quartered. That shit is inhumane. When I posed as a freaking god, I just killed people outright, so they didn't suffer. That poor guy suffered."

  Kat looked at him again with a tender stair. "Okay, being drawn and quartered, yeah, that was pretty bad. Blame your sister for not being his saving grace and sparing him. Otherwise, let the past be where it belongs."

  The shuttle landed on a landing pad just outside his hidden estate on his island. "Finally, we're here." She said.

  The estate was buzzing with new arrivals. Trevor's landing pad was nearly full. Many were having to carpool or be dropped off due to limited landing space. Others were more bestial in their arrival and arrived by flying over the old-fashioned way.

  Kat was the first to exit the craft and found her way through the beautiful shrubbery art that the groundskeeper had made of Trevor's large bushes. She then proceeded to walk up the marble steps, passing the pool and into the mansion. Trevor was slacking and strolling, taking his time purposely. His entire island was brimming with vampires. He wasn't used to this many being here.

  Upon entering his home, Camilla was the first to greet her brother. The blond vampire was fuming. She tapped her black dress shoes one at a time as she folded arms. If it were possible, daggers would have been tossed from her eyes. Her glare caught Trevor's attention. "Yes, Camilla?"

  "You need to get… Andrew in check."

  Trevor looked at his sister. He looked exhausted. "I hear it is you I need to keep in check. What is going on?"

  "Andrew may be older than I am, but I am still one of Ninlil's bitten children. I have a say so in this House. It is not just the sleepers that get to call all of the shots!"

  He looked at her. His eyes were tired, and his voice lacked emotion. "Camilla, they are older than you. They have the right to order you around, just as I do."

  "Excuse me?!" She asked demandingly.

  Trevor shrugged. "Cam, I don't have time to get into this right now. We have a family meeting, some significant turns of events to go over, and that is it. Understood?"

  She grabbed his arm as he tried to pass by her. "Excuse me, I haven't finished talking with you yet!"

  The handsome vampire stood there. He wanted to snarl at her but kept his fangs and his dark eyes from emerging. He just let out a sigh instead. "What is it, Camilla?"

  Her voice inflection heightened. "I mean it, Trevor, I want you to get Andrew under control! I am just as important to his House as he is!"

  Trevor, in his stunning glory, ran his fingers through his black hair out of frustration. He shook his head, curled his lip, and tilted his head back. His voice carried. "There are more important things going on right now Camillia, far more important than a little pissing contest on who is in charge here!"

  She reached for his left arm, pulling him closer. "What is going on, Trevor? Talk to me?"

  Trevor leaned in. "You will know when everyone else does. We're announcing it once every alpha from this House is here and accounted for."

  "For fuck's sake Trev, I'm your sister, what the hell is going on?"

  Trevor sighed.

  He grabbed her by the arm and proceeded to drag her into the hallway. He looked down both sides, no one was paying attention. He diverted his gaze to his sister. "You really want to know?"

  She nodded sarcastically. "YES! I am sick and tired of being left out of the loop in every goddamn thing going on around here!"

  Trevor scoffed. "Fine. Sara is alive."

  She looked confused. "Sara? Sara, who?"

  Trevor shook her lightly. "Sara, Sara Tyler!" He whispered loudly.

  She still looked unphased.

  Trevor rolled his eyes. "Lilith's daughter that was taken by Jaxalon?"

  That got her attention. Her pissed off look melted away. Now she was looking like someone had just punched her in the gut. "What?"

  "There's more. A grandchild, a has been found Cam and here's the kicker, he's already in the Society…"

  "A great-grandson?"

  He nodded. "Yeah. Lilith's daughter is not only alive sis, but she also has grandchildren."

  Camilla looked off to the side with utter shock radiating from her face. "Holy shit."

  "It is the reason for the meeting, alright?!" He exhaled slowly. "I need you to keep this to yourself, okay?" You're my sister Cam, I need you to keep this to yourself until we announce it."

  She shrugged. "Why so secretive about this?"

  "Kat is telling the other sleepers right now. Ethan Holiday, you know, that vampire I can't stand?"

  She nodded. "He wasn't turned against his fucking will like he told everyone. He is Sara's fucking spawn! He came forward, so it is a matter of time until we have to arrange a meeting with House Dracul and figure out what to do about this grandson we've discovered."

  She smirked at him. "House Dracul, why involve them?"

  He rolled his eyes. "For starters, Dracula is Sara's father, which makes him the great grandfather to this heir we've uncovered. Two! Dracula has been found and will be at his home shortly."

  "The rumors are true then? Lord Dracul has been rescued?"

  Trevor nodded. "The report I just looked over said that he is still in Prague being evaluated. I would say he will be at Tenebris Island soon enough."

  "Does the council know about all of this?"

  Trevor shrugged. "We spent hours talking with Ethan. Kat ran a check. The heir is on a team with Helena Dolenigan, so I have no doubt that House Dracul probably knows. As for the council, not yet."


  Ethan had returned home after receiving a pardon of duties from the Global Alliance. The reprieve was temporary. The Supreme Prime Minister had been briefed on the entire situation by Lulia Dolenigan. The act allowed for many Immortium serving both sides afforded the ability
to return to their homes and prepare. Meanwhile, Grand Commander Reese Rhymes glossed several sites that Lulia had informed him about, with silverized gas bombs.

  The order went out to all Society members, warning them to vacate the sites as soon as they could. Society losses were minimal.

  Ethan was greeted by Justin. He had sensed his bite brother coming close and opened the door to the mansion before Ethan had a chance to do so for himself.

  Ethan looked startled. "Justin?"

  Justin hugged him. "Ethan, you're home early?"

  Ethan nodded. "Only by a few months."

  "Anything to do with that Society alert going around?"

  He nodded. "Every bit to do with it, why?"

  Justin shrugged. "I am guessing that the cat is out of the bag on Xairin then?"


  "We have a visitor."

  Justin led Ethan into the mansion and into the lounge. Sitting in a white wicker chair, was Lulia Dolenigan. She was sitting there with her legs crossed, wearing a white skirt, and stylish top. She was sipping blood from a champagne glass.

  Noticing Ethan's approach, the white-haired beauty stood up slowly to extend a friendly handshake. "You must be Ethan Holiday?"

  Ethan looked confused. Lulia smiled. "My sister Helena has been keeping me informed. I know all about the secret you've been attempting to keep to yourself."

  Ethan looked over at Justin. "Where is Peggy?"

  Justin shrugged. "She said she had an errand to run."

  Lulia titled her head. "You do realize that we will have to take Xairin with us?"

  Ethan shook his head. "Xairin is fine where he belongs, with us."

  Lulia looked at him with a feral gaze. "Not your decision, I am afraid."

  Ethan snubbed her. "House Ninlil knows about Xairin. They have just as much right to contend."

  Lulia's eyes went black. "You went to House Ninlil?"

  Ethan looked at her, sincerely. "I was trying to get a meeting with you by going through Trevor, but that discussion didn't go as planned. So… Yes, they are aware."

  She looked around at the white decor of Ethan's lounge. She curled her lips. She wasn't happy about this news, even if it was inevitable. "This house is part of our house, as it is to house Dracul.": She looked at him. "The two greater houses must meet and decide. Till then, I have to know, is Sara alive? And if so, where is she?"

  Peggy came bouncing into the room. She had arrived just a moment ago and had been listening before she decided to enter the large room. She began walking alongside the indoor swimming pool with a determined look upon her face. "Hawaii. Sara is in Hawaii; she will be arriving here at some point after she settles a few things."

  Ethan and Justin looked shocked. Both men spoke in unison. "WHAT?!"

  Lulia looked at the bubbly blond. "Hawaii?"

  Peggy nodded. "Yep, alive and well, along with her daughter and a son that we didn't know about." Peggy eyed her. "Sara will decide where Xairin stays. She is the rightful heir and a grand alpha! So, unless you feel like challenging the daughter of Lilith and your maker, I would suggest a change in your present course of thought might be well advised?"

  Lulia nodded and looked at Ethan. He was the rightful master of this specific House, after all. "I will wait here if you don't mind. I wish to meet with her."

  Ethan dipped his head forward. "Who am I to refuse a request from an Adjudicator?"

  She then looked at Peggy. "You say that Sara has a daughter and a son?"

  Peggy nodded. "Both dhampirs, but I guess you're aware of Xairin…"

  She interrupted the blond woman. "I am fully aware of his interesting situation. If he can be turned, perhaps the same is true with all halfbreeds."

  Peggy glared. "I probably wouldn't call Sara's children halfbreeds around her. She is a redhead with a temper to match. It may sound unpolite."

  Lulia nodded as she took another sip of the blood Justin had provided her. "Duly noted."

  "I trust you have a guest room in which I may retire to Mr. Holiday?" The vampire asked in a daunting manner.

  He nodded. "I will show you to it myself."


  Sara had been dreading the day she would eventually have to come forward and make a decision she wasn't keen on. To complicate it, Vaughn was pressing her, along with his sister for the first time. Cecilia had the vigilante mentality like her mother, but now, knowing Xairin's situation, she was joining her brother on the issue.

  Sara had walked into a study where Isac was sitting in front of an old brick fireplace. He was reading a book. He hated technology, feeling that reading a tablet somehow felt like he was losing a connection to the art of writing itself. It felt more human to him to read this way.

  The distinguished man looked up at his youthful wife. He had overheard some of the conversations but decided to wait until Sara spoke to him directly. His voice hinted at his actual age. "This is it then?"

  Sara looked coy. "This is what?"

  He looked at her with a tearful look. "All of these years, we hunted them until I grew old on you. Now, you're going back?"

  Sara crossed her arms and leaned up against the mantel just under a painted picture of the two when Isac was in his prime. "We need to talk about something Isac."

  "You're leaving me to settle your mother's affairs?"

  She shook her head. "Isac, I want you to come with me…"

  It was his turn to shake his head. "I'm an old man now, Sara. I'm where I belong."

  Sara disagreed. She walked over and knelt down beside him, pressing lovingly on his knee. "Isac. Stop being a stubborn old man, and be my husband in this, will you?"

  He smiled tearfully. "You haven't asked me to be that since Vaughn was five." He looked at the fire burning. "You have been on your mission for so long. You do the fighting, I make the weapons, and then raising our son since we both missed out on truly raising Cecilia."

  He looked over at her. "A parent should never outlive their children. I don't envy you in that. It is the reason I can't become what you want me to be."

  "Something has changed Isac. Xairin has been found. He's a pure vampire now love. He was bitten by one of the infected bats. If dhamplings can be turned, that means our children might be able to be transformed as well. Vaughn is already looking at news recordings for bat sightings. You can still be in their lives Isac? You don't have to live like this and leave your family behind." She stood up. "You don't have to leave me?" She said tearfully.

  "You refused my blood so you could age. I get it. Our kids age like humans do, but now, this… We can be together always Isac? We have a grandchild that has never met us, and if we don't come forward, he is going to be forced to take the throne since my mother has been taken." She was standing there, trembling. "I love you, you old fart! I need you with me now more than I ever have."

  He looked at her. He stood up and caressed her face. "I chose this life so that I wouldn't have to feel your pain when our children died of old age."

  She grasped his face. "The woman that came to visit Isac was one of my friends from Tresmah. They found Xairin, it is true. He was made pure by that bat bite. He is going to need our help, honey."

  He looked away. "You haven't called me that in years."

  She sobbed. "We have been so estranged for too long Isac. You and I fell in love, had our daughter, and then went our separate ways because of what I am. We found each other again, we had Vaughn, and now, I want us to find each other one more time Isac." She was crying. "We have both lost so much. Please don't make me lose you too. If there is a chance that our children can be made pure vampires, then let us take that chance together. Please Isac, I can't do this alone."

  "You want me to turn?" He asked.

  She nodded slowly as he wiped away her tears. "Please, Isac. I never thought I would find love again after I lost my first mate, then I found you. Please don't make me lose you. I know I haven't been the wife I should be. I have been so busy trying to make sure our children were sa
fe, that I lost track of everything else that was important to me. We lost our grandchildren, and let one go, thinking it would keep him safe, now, he needs us. I can't do this alone, my love. I just can't."

  Cecilia and Vaughn had been listening through the door. Cecilia and Vaughn had been talking outside. The age gap had left a barrier between them, but they both agreed on a few things. It was time to be a family, and if that meant becoming purebloods and taking the throne, Cecilia was ready to do it for her son to keep him safe. Vaughn was tired of hiding and being unable to properly defend himself. If they could be turned, both siblings agreed. Cecilia opened the door.


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