The Beastly Earl

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The Beastly Earl Page 31

by Monica Burns

  "For a change, my sister has shown great restraint when it comes to discussing the boy or anything about her time here in the keep." Sebastian scowled at the floor for a moment before he looked up to see a flash of relief lighten Argaty's face and a small smile twisted his lips.

  "That is surprising given your sister's tendency to speak her mind." The earl murmured with more than a hint of amusement, and Sebastian chuckled.


  Silence drifted between them again for a moment before their gazes locked once more. Argaty's mouth tightened again until the corners of his mouth were white and a stoic look crossed his battle-scarred features.

  "My decision to share the circumstances of my birth wasn't simply to explain why I sent Louisa away, my lord." The earl's gaze did not falter or veer away from Sebastian's. "I believed you deserved to know the truth so you would know the measure of the man who wishes to marry your sister. Retaining my title might not be the honorable thing to do, but I am doing what I believe best for the people who count on me."

  Sebastian nodded as his mind sifted through the events of the past few minutes. It had taken great courage on Argaty's part to confess to a situation that was completely out of his hands. While the earl might see his actions as dishonorable, Sebastian knew the man had made the right decision in choosing to remain. If he'd been in a similar situation he would most likely have made the same choice.

  "Actually, I find your decision an honorable one, simply because you're willing to sacrifice your principles for the sake of others," Sebastian said quietly, and Argaty jerked in surprise. Sebastian smiled. "That is the measure of a man I would gladly welcome as a brother-in-law."

  "I shall do my best to make her happy, if she'll have me," Argaty said firmly. "If I'm to have the approval of the rest of the Rockwood clan, I will require a task for the Speerin."

  "The—I don't think that's really necessary."

  "As far as I'm concerned it is, and it should be done in public." Determination hardened the earl's face, and Sebastian bit back a chuckle. Louisa might delight in winning battles with this man, but she would most definitely lose the war.

  "I should warn you the privilege of asking my sister to marry you may come at a much higher price than you think. There will be no quarter, no mercy given on the part of my siblings when it comes to their selection of the Speerin task." Sebastian arched his eyebrows at the man as his gaze flitted to the earl's missing arm. "However, I will see to it that they—"

  "No. I am not to be afforded any measure of restraint. I expect to be treated as you would any other man seeking your sister's hand in marriage."

  Argaty's voice was harsh as his posture and expression illustrated his strong objection to any accommodation the Rockwoods might give him. It made Sebastian admire the man all the more, and he nodded his head in understanding. The earl relaxed slightly at Sebastian's reassuring nod, and the man drew in a breath of what Sebastian determined was relief.

  "Will you and your clan be attending the Hogmanay celebration in the Callendar village tomorrow evening?" Argaty asked as an uncomfortable hesitation hardened his features.

  "Yes, the entire family will be there." Sebastian grimaced as he contemplated his sister's current state of listlessness. "Louisa might be reluctant to join us, but I will see to it she's there."

  "Thank you. Asking for Louisa's hand in an open forum will emphasize how much she means to me," Argaty said with an uneasy frown. "She knows I do not enjoy public events."

  "Very well, I will send you a note with the Speerin task by tomorrow morning." Sebastian extended his hand to the earl. As they shook hands, he smiled at Argaty's uneasy expression. "If it helps, I understand what you're experiencing at this moment. I'm certain my brother-in-law Lucien would also commiserate with you. But I know my sister, and I'm confident she'll not refuse you."

  Argaty's only reply was a twist of his lips that declared the depth of his uncertainty in a way words could not. Biting back a smile, Sebastian said goodbye and walked out of the study. As he moved through the front door of Argaty Keep, Sebastian remembered his conversation with Helen earlier. Tilly had been correct in her prediction as to the old and new earl.

  Sebastian groaned as he threw himself into his carriage. Life was about to become chaotic in a way he'd never dreamed. He closed his eyes for a moment as he remembered Tilly's decision this past summer to go swimming without supervision in the small lake at Melton Park. She'd frightened Helen to the point of tears, and even he had been shaken by the incident. Now that his daughter possessed the an dara sealladh, all manner of hell would ensue. A grimace of resignation twisted his mouth before he grinned. It was a journey he wouldn't trade for the world.

  Chapter 21

  "I should send you to bed instead of letting you go to the celebration this evening, young man." Louisa released a small noise of exasperation as she leaned over Wills and brushed cobwebs off the back of his jacket.

  "But, Mama, I had to rescue Roscoe."

  "The dog would have found his way out of that rundown farmhouse without your help," she scolded. The last of the white gossamer removed from his coat, Louisa straightened and eyed her youngest son sternly. "You are not to go to the Banks croft again, do you understand?"

  "Yes, Mama." Wills nodded his head contritely, and Louisa sighed.

  "Did you at least find Roscoe?" Her question made the child grin with satisfaction.

  "Yes, Mama, I left him with Fergus in the stables."

  "Left who in the stables?" A deep male voice asked.

  Louisa turned to see Sebastian standing in the salon doorway a twinkle in his dark eyes as he looked down at his nephew. With his scolding complete, a cheerful expression lightened Wills's small features.

  "Roscoe. I rescued him from old crofter Banks's farmhouse, uncle Sebastian. But it was filled with spider webs."

  "Which explains this," her brother said with a grin as he pulled a piece of cobweb off of the child's jacket that Louisa had missed. Sebastian held it up for inspection as he chuckled softly. "Off with you, scamp. Your brother and the other children are waiting for you at the wagon."

  Without hesitating the boy rushed past his uncle, his shoes tapping against the wood floor of the main hall. As her son disappeared from the room, Louisa shook her head as she pressed one hand against her stomach.

  "Dear heaven, he's almost as bad as Tilly when it comes to adventures."

  "He comes by it naturally." The teasing note in Sebastian's voice made her scowl at her brother before she laughed.

  "Yes, I suppose he does." Louisa rolled her eyes then turned away to find the book she'd set down when Wills had appeared covered in spider webs.

  "Come, with the exception of Rhea and Constance, who is always late, the rest of the family is waiting outside." Sebastian stretched out as his arm, and his fingers flicked in a commanding gesture for her to join him.

  "I am not always late, brother dear," Constance declared with mock severity before her gaze skimmed over Louisa. "Why aren't you wearing that new coat you bought from Madame Sabine? You practically swooned over it when you saw it the day we visited Ophelia."

  "Ach, why are ye nae ready, lass?" Matilda Stewart bustled into the salon and circled her niece and nephew to study Louisa with dismay. "The wee bairns are all tucked snugly in the wagon and demanding to know when we're leaving."

  "Actually, I thought I would stay home this evening and read The Black Corsair," Louisa murmured as she moved toward the end table where she'd set her copy of the book. "I thought it might be one the boys would enjoy, but I wanted to be sure it's suitable for them to read."

  "You will absolutely not stay here," Constance said firmly. "I refuse to let you remain here wallowing in misery over the man."

  "I am not wallowing," Louisa snapped as she glared at her older sister.

  It was a lie, but she wasn't willing to admit it. For the past week she'd spent every night sobbing into her pillows. Her family knew she was unhappy, but she'd done h
er best to keep them from realizing just how miserable she was. Her heart had been ripped out of her the day she'd ridden away from Argaty Keep. She'd left it behind her, and knew she would never be whole again.

  The first two or three days after she returned to the abbey, she had hoped Ewan would defeat his demons and come for her. But the hope she'd dared to harbor inside had shriveled up and died with each passing day. All she wanted to do now was block out the darkness that had settled on her shoulders for the second time in her life. But this was a weight that she knew she would never defeat.

  Without Ewan, there was little joy in her life. If it weren't for the boys, she wasn't sure how she would have hidden the majority of her sorrow from her family. But for Wills, Charlie, and Ross, she had no other choice than to move forward no matter how difficult or painful it was to do so.

  "Tilly. Stop this instant." Irritation threaded Helen's voice from out in the hall, and everyone turned toward the sound. "Lady Matilda Rockwood, don't you run away from me, young lady."

  "But I must see Aunt Louisa, Mama."

  Tilly's response echoed through the salon as the five-year-old dashed into the room and bolted straight for Louisa. As the little girl flung herself against Louisa's skirts, the room erupted into a soft buzz of exclamations as to the child's behavior. Louisa sank down until she was at eye-level with her niece.

  "Whatever is the matter, sweetheart," Louisa gasped as she saw tears forming in Tilly's eyes.

  "Uncle Caleb says you aren't going to the ceilidh with us, and I want you to. You promised you would let me dance that highlander dance with you."

  The child's words elicited a quiet groan from Sebastian, and Louisa looked up to see her brother rubbing the back of his neck as resignation twisted his mouth into a small grimace. She knew her brother had been hoping the an dara sealladh would bypass his children, and his look of defeat made her shake her head at him. She returned her attention to Sebastian's youngest and gently wiped the tears from the girl's eyes.

  "I do seem to recall telling you I would dance the Gay Gordon with you, and since it's usually the first dance of the evening, we should hurry." At Louisa's reply, her niece's tears vanished as she nodded vigorously. His expression still slightly dazed, Sebastian picked up his daughter and sighed.

  "You are far too impulsive, Tilly."

  "I know Papa, but Uncle Caleb insisted I remind Aunt Louisa to keep her promise."

  "Did he now," Sebastian murmured as an odd look crossed his face before he turned toward Louisa. "It appears the entire family is determined to see you attend the celebration whether you want to or not."

  "Oh, that much I've gathered." Louisa's mouth curved in a wry smile of surrender as she looked up at her brother.

  "Then get that coat Constance mentioned. The one that came with that quite sizeable bill."

  "That was paid for out of my own account," Louisa sniffed with affectionate exasperation.

  "An account that at this rate will be non-existent in five years."

  She rolled her eyes at Sebastian's chiding as Constance appeared in the doorway with the item being discussed. Louisa allowed her sister to help her put on the ankle-length garment and usher her out of the abbey and into the cold night air.

  § § §

  "Enough. Three is my limit, dearest."

  Louisa tugged her protesting niece off the makeshift dance floor that had been erected in the center of the village. When it was obvious her aunt wouldn't give into her demands, Tilly released a noise of exaggerated suffering. A moment later she pulled free of her aunt's grip and charged toward Ross who was being playfully shoved around by her oldest.

  "Lord Westbrook, act like a gentleman, please." At her reprimand, Charlie grimaced and bowed slightly in her direction.

  "Yes, my lady." As always when he was being scolded, there was a distinct note of rebellion in his voice. She opened her mouth to chastise his manner, when Percy appeared at her side and gently squeezed her forearm.

  "Don't you dare," he said with a grin. "You were the same way when you were younger, and you haven't changed one bit."

  "I was not." Louisa tilted her head toward him and glared at him in sisterly disgust. The minute he arched his eyebrows, she released a sigh of concession. "All right, maybe just a little. But I wasn't anywhere near the challenge for Sebastian that Tilly is."

  She bobbed her head toward her niece, who was holding Ross's hand as he bent down to say something to her and pointed out toward the dance floor. It had taken only a day for the child to become attached to Ross. Whenever Tilly saw the boy, she followed him around just like a puppy. Ross didn't seem to mind, and like the rest of the Rockwoods he succumbed to her charms on a regular basis.

  "I think it will take all of the Rockwoods to ensure Sebastian's youngest doesn’t do something rash. I think she has the ability to exceed even the most reckless of your escapades."

  "At least I won't be the subject of exasperated gasps and reprimands by my siblings anymore."

  Percy mocked her as he clutched at his heart as if mortally wounded. Louisa laughed at his dramatic display of injury. A grin brightened his face as his knuckles gently jabbed her below the tip of her chin. Before she could tease him on his lack of acting skills, she looked over Percy's shoulder to see Aunt Matilda's eyes open wide as she gasped with astonishment.

  As her aunt turned toward Helen and Patience, the Scotswoman bobbed her head with excitement at something her sister-in-law said. Behind her, Louisa heard loud cheers, laughter, and whistles filling the air on the other side of the village square where it narrowed down into one of the side streets. Percy nodded over her shoulder as a complacent grin curved his mouth.

  "It appears someone is performing the Speerin for the privilege of asking for his sweetheart's hand." Percy's words made her heart wrench at the thought of watching a happy couple become engaged at the ceilidh, and before he could stop her, she slipped away from him and turned to push her way through the crowds.

  "Fear, Lady Westwood? You've never shown a reluctance to face the beast in the past."

  The arrogant taunt rang out loud and clear above the frolicking laughter and whistles. Louisa came to an abrupt halt wanting to turn around, but terrified to do so. It was wishful thinking on her part. Ewan hated being out in public. Certain she was experiencing a delusion born out of wishes she had buried in her heart, she moved forward again only to come up against a hard chest.

  She looked up to see Lucien smiling down at her. Quickly stepping to one side in an effort to move past her brother-in-law, another hard body blocked her way. This time it was Julian preventing her retreat. She drew in a sharp breath as Sebastian appeared at her side.

  "A Rockwood never runs from a challenge, Louisa," Sebastian said quietly.

  Her heart beating frantically in her breast, she didn't move as she stared up at her oldest brother. He bobbed his head in the direction of the square behind her. Still terrified she was having a waking vision, Louisa slowly turned around. The sight of Ewan standing on the edge of the dance floor with a caber on each shoulder made her suck in a sharp breath of disbelief.

  He was here. The beastly earl was here in the middle of the village square surrounded by a multitude of people. The image made her throat close as she tried to believe what she was seeing was real. Ewan's good hand balanced the caber on his good shoulder with ease. The second heavy log wobbled as his artificial hand tried to hold the unwieldly weight steady.

  Rooted in place, Louisa saw how the heavy logs had forced him to hunch over slightly in order to shift some of the weight onto his upper back. Louisa shook her head slightly as she struggled to grasp the notion that Ewan was standing in the village square, surrounded by dozens of people, and carrying two cabers on his shoulders.

  "Bloody hell, Percy! Lucien and I told you two cabers was asking too much of the man," Sebastian growled directly behind her.

  Her gaze locked with Ewan's as she saw his mouth twist into a visible grimace of pain. She took one
step forward before her brother's words suddenly sank into her brain. The Speerin. Her family had given Ewan a task to perform in exchange for his right to ask for her hand. Annoyance swept through her the instant she realized he'd gone to her brother instead of her. If the man had come to her in the first place, he wouldn't be carrying two cabers at this very moment.

  "Damn it, Louisa," he grunted. These cabers are heavy, lass."

  "I'm sure they are," she said sharply as she scowled at him. "Especially when you were so dull-witted as to ask my brother and not me about an offer of marriage. I wouldn't have asked you to perform any Speerin task."

  "Your brother didn't ask me to, I insisted," Ewan growled. At his reply, Louisa's mouth sagged open slightly as she stared at him in amazement until her annoyance returned with a vengeance.

  "Then I should let you stand there a little while longer for not using the good sense God gave you, you stubborn Scot," she snapped.

  Gasps and sharp inhalations from her family echoed behind her, but she ignored them as she met the glittering frustration in the gaze of the man in front of her. A hand on her shoulder made her jerk her head to meet Percy's worried gaze.

  "For the love of God, Louisa. The man has a body full of sutures."

  "And you knew that, didn't you?" she bit out between clenched teeth. A flush of color and shame crossed her brother's handsome features. "Oh, you're not alone in your feebleminded foolishness, brother mine. He's just as thick-skulled as you are. Isn't that right, my lord."

  "Damnation, Louisa. I love you more than my own life, and I’m asking you to please put this beast out of his misery," Ewan roared.

  "What did you say?" Louisa gasped as she stared at him in stunned disbelief.

  "I said, I love you," he snarled like a caged animal.

  Had the man actually said he loved her in the middle of the village square? In front of the entire village? The glare he pinned on her was just as fierce as ones she'd seen before, but there was something different about his expression now. There was a desperation about him that had nothing to do with the weight he was slowly bowing beneath. It frightened her.


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