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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

Page 48

by Shaun F. Messick


  Temple Ruins outside of Talead ?

  Skip, Jaskead, and Ariauna sat in the fountain room of the temple, waiting for Captain Morasea and Lieutenants Ishae and Tapal to come in from the guard post outside of the temple. The room was well lit by the lights they had brought with them from the base. As Skip scanned the room, he noticed the details of all of the hieroglyphics he couldn't wait to decipher. But, he felt guilty for being somewhat safe in the temple while his friends were about to be attacked.

  Skip heard voices and saw the three soldiers that were in charge of guarding his research enter the room. Captain Morasea was the first to enter. He was a tall Terrestrian, just over six feet with short black hair that was covered with the black battle helmet he had on his head. Captain Morasea looked to be barely over the age of twenty. He saluted Skip and sat down on the bench on the other side of the fountain.

  Lieutenants Ishae and Tapal soon followed. Both men looked to be in their late teens and dressed in the same black fatigues and battle helmet that the captain was wearing.

  Skip liked all three men. They were loyal and subordinate to every order Skip gave them, even though Skip felt more like a civilian than a colonel in the Terrestrian army.

  Captain Morasea was the first to speak. "So, Colonel, what's the emergency?"

  "I just received word that the base will soon be under attack by the Gnols."

  The three guards looked at one another. Lieutenant Tapal was about to speak, but Ariauna beat him to it.

  "You mean the Gnols know where the base is?"

  Skip looked at Ariauna. She still looked beautiful even after sleeping. "Yes," he said. "Apparently, they found it and are going to be on top of it within minutes."

  "What were you ordered to do, Colonel?" the captain asked.

  "General Gibson told us that our orders were to stay put and to continue our research. They will notify us when they reach the second base."

  "That's if they reach the second base," said Lieutenant Tapal.

  Captain Morasea shot Tapal a look. "Where's your faith, Lieutenant? General Palmer is a great strategist. If anyone can defend the base, he can."

  Tapal looked shocked that Morasea would reply as he did and said, "I know it's just tha-"

  "Don't argue with me, Lieutenant!"

  Skip raised his hand to stop the two from getting into an argument. As he lowered his hand, he noticed Tapal give Morasea a dirty look. "Hold on, guys. There's no need to get into an argument about it. Frankly, Captain, I agree a little with the lieutenant." Skip noticed that Morasea looked disappointed.

  "I know General Palmer is a strong leader, but I have also seen these Gnols in action. ?" Skip paused, stood, and paced back and forth.

  Jaskead saw the indecision on Skip's face. "Forgive me for interrupting, my young friend, but what are you proposing to do?"

  Skip turned around and looked at Jaskead, a man who now seemed more like a father. "I don't know. I know that we were ordered to stay here, but ?"

  "But what?" Ariauna asked.

  "But ? I feel guilty for working on this project while our friends are in trouble. I think we should go and help."

  Captain Morasea looked surprised. "But, sir ? your orders were to stay here until notified."

  "I know, but I feel like the general gave this project to me because he knew how curious I was about the temple."

  Ariauna, seeing the indecision on Skip's face, stood and walked toward him. She placed both of her hands on his shoulders. "Skip, this isn't just some selfish research project. For centuries, the truth about the Tilicah tribe's religion has been lost. And you heard it directly from the general's mouth. He believes that within these walls is the key that will defeat the Gnols."

  Skip smiled shyly at Ariauna. The more he got to know her, the more he liked her. "I know, but I can't help but feel like we're abandoning them."

  "Nonsense," Jaskead said. "You have been put in charge of a very special mission. A mission the general knew you were capable of accomplishing because of your experience and skills. So, my young friend, think of it like this. You may not be on the front lines of the actual physical battle to defeat the Gnols, but you are on the front lines of the spiritual battle to find the key that will finally free our planet from their tyranny."

  Skip smiled at the professor. "You're right, Jaskead." He turned and looked at the three guards. "Captain, you and your men resume your posts outside of the temple. Notify us immediately if you suspect any Gnol activity."

  Captain Morasea and his men stood and saluted. "Yes, sir," Morasea said, and the three men left the room.

  Skip looked at Jaskead. "You're right, Jaskead. I have a feeling there is something in here that will help us defeat the Gnols. I don't know what it is, but it's in here. And from what I've found already, there are many similarities to the Christian religions on Earth."

  Jaskead patted his hand on the stone bench he sat on and motioned for Skip to sit beside him. "So, my young friend, tell us what you have discovered so far."

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