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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

Page 63

by Shaun F. Messick


  As Nichelle left with the female guard, Celeste knew that was her cue to move. Even though her mother had just passed away, she knew she had to put the grief of her mother's loss deep down into the recesses of her emotions. She needed to look as happy as she could in order for her plan to work with the young male guard.

  She stood and made her way to the restroom. The male guard began to follow, but Celeste stopped him with her look. She had made sure not to look angry. The look was more seductive than anything else. As a result, the young guard smiled shyly and ducked his head.

  "If you don't mind, I need some time to myself," Celeste said.

  The guard looked back at Celeste. It was obvious to her that the young Gnol was attracted to her. The thought almost made her sick, but she had to do what she had planned or she would soon be joining her mother in the afterlife.

  The guard hesitated and stuttered a little as he spoke. "I-I am ? I am sorry, Your Highness. I am not to let you out of my sight."

  Celeste smiled compassionately at the young guard. "What's your name?" she asked.

  The guard seemed taken aback. "What? ? Um ? my name?"

  "That is what I asked," said Celeste as she slowly moved closer to the guard.

  The guard backed up a little. "Uh ? yes ? my name ? it's ? uh ? Gyrale."

  Celeste walked to within inches of Gyrale's face. She leaned in and spoke softly into his ear. "Gyrale," she said. "That is a strong name." And then she eased off a little. She could tell that she was getting to the young guard. He was sweating and seemed very nervous. She continued. "Tell me, Gyrale. Do you find me attractive?"

  Gyrale nodded his head, but didn't say anything.

  Celeste moved in closer and made sure he could smell her freshly bathed body. Gyrale gulped and tried to back away, but Celeste moved with him. "As you know, Gyrale, I am scheduled to be executed soon."

  Again, the guard nodded.

  "And ? um, well, I was wondering, Gyrale. I haven't been with a man for such a long time," Celeste said, and then she giggled. "What am I saying? I haven't been with a man at all, and ? Well, when I saw you, I knew you were the one I wanted to be with before my father had me killed."

  "Y ? you did?" said Gyrale, wiping his forehead.

  Celeste nodded. She was disgusted and felt foolish. Never in her life had she acted like this, and she was ashamed, even though she knew it was the only way to save her life. "You know, Gyrale," she said. "That other guard and Nichelle will not be back for a while. If you could just untie my hands, I could show you things that ? well, things that you could only imagine."

  Gyrale continued to back up, and Celeste followed. The closer Celeste got, the more nervous the young guard became. As he backed up, his left foot caught the rug that was next to Ciminae's bed. He flopped onto the bed, rolled over, and then back onto his feet on the other side. As he did so, Celeste saw the blanket that was being used to cover her mother's body slide off.

  Celeste turned her attention back to Gyrale, who was slowly making his way to the door. This is not working, she thought. "Gyrale, what are you afraid of?"

  Gyrale continued to back up to the door, and Celeste followed. "Uh ? I ? uh ? I can't untie your cords."

  Celeste forced a disappointed look upon her face. "Okay. If you will not untie my hands, there is something else we can do."

  Just as he reached the door, Gyrale stopped. "Wha ? what is that?"

  Celeste moved closer, hoping her gamble would pay off. "As you know, Gyrale, we Gnols can use our minds to simulate ? uh ? how shall I say ? certain feelings? And because of our telepathic abilities, our bodies cannot tell the difference between what we are thinking and what is actually going on."

  "Uh huh," Gyrale stammered.

  Celeste walked right up to Gyrale and placed her right cheek on his left. It was easy for her to do so because Gyrale was about an inch shorter than she was. She then proceeded to - as she rolled her eyes - gently peck his cheek. She moved up his cheek to his ear where she whispered. "Take out your inhibitors so I can show you what I mean."

  Gyrale backed away a little, but he didn't seem nervous now. Instead, he had a crooked grin on his face that gave Celeste an uneasy feeling, but she continued the act, nonetheless.

  Suddenly, Gyrale grabbed Celeste by her arms and pulled her close. He then turned Celeste around and began to untie her cords. Celeste allowed a small smile to crease along her lips. She had finally gotten to him.

  Once her bonds were free, Celeste felt her muscles in her shoulders relax. She then turned to face Gyrale and backed away. Gyrale tried to follow like a deprived animal, but she put up a finger to stop him. Then Celeste raised her hands.

  Gyrale's eyes widened and he reached for his weapon, realizing that Celeste had misled him.

  Celeste also saw him reaching for his gun. As he did so, she flicked her left wrist. Gyrale's weapon went flying across the room. And then, with her right hand, she levitated Gyrale off the floor. Gyrale's eyes were wild with fear. He knew there was nothing he could do.

  With a flick of her right hand, she sent Gyrale flying into the wall. Gyrale's body hit the brick wall with such force that pieces of brick fell to the floor.

  Celeste let her arms fall to her side and dropped to the floor in near exhaustion as Gyrale's body dropped. She looked at Gyrale and crawled toward him. She placed two fingers on Gyrale's throat and felt a pulse. She was glad that she hadn't killed him. After all, Gyrale was never actually a threat to her, but she knew he would suffer the wrath of her father.

  She wiped the sweat away from her forehead and proceeded to undress him.

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