Book Read Free

The Change

Page 19

by Lori Aisling

  “We are here for you, Bristol. We will never leave you ta face this storm alone. And I don’t mean this rainstorm. I mean this life. This realm; everything. You don’t have ta do this on your own. Look at me and know that I speak the truth. This isn’t all on you, love. It’s on us.”

  She felt Ristan’s hand running down her back as she stared deep into Bror’s eyes. Her men. Her Others. They would never leave, abandon, or betray her. She felt that truth settle over her and she shuddered with the realization of their unconditional dedication. She grabbed Ristan’s hand, lacing her fingers through his as she continued to look deeply into Bror’s eyes. Her breathing slowed. Instantly, the storm let up. The thunder and lightning ceased and the rain changed to a soft, warm drizzle before stopping completely. The sun peeked out from the storm clouds overhead and it warmed her chilled skin. Bror smiled and the sight of it caused butterflies in her stomach.

  “I knew you could do it, love,” he said. “Your will can only get ya so far. You need ta trust your heart, too. Have faith in yourself, and in us.”

  “We did it!” She beamed. “Kind of- and it was a mess! I honestly didn’t even know I had such doubts. You two have been nothing but supportive of me, yet I was still reluctant to just let go. I’m sorry. I guess I just thought if I was strong enough, I could do it myself. There was a part of me that feared you were both too good to be true, maybe. Everything and everyone I have ever loved or trusted is gone. I think I have just hardened myself to live life thinking that way.”

  “Fear isn’t real, Bristol,” Ristan said. “Fear is an emotion- a manifestation of your mind. You have complete control over that. Danger, however, is very real, and it can hurt you. Bror and I will do anything we can to save you from danger. But it is up to you to let go of that fear and trust us.” He squeezed her hand. “I think you did quite well. We got a little wet, no harm. Let’s just be glad that you didn’t start with me and burn the whole damn forest down.” He chuckled and she turned and slapped his chest.

  “You laugh, but holy shit, you are so right!” She admitted.

  “That was you, wasn’t it? Damn, girl! I told you guys, it was her!” Bristol turned her head to see Jessie, Jayson and Boz headed towards them.

  “Well technically, it was Bror. But he wasn’t doing anything to stop me from saturating everything around us.” Bristol said, giggling. “I need to work on that a little more. I didn’t mess up your walk-about, did I?”

  “Nah. It actually helped us a little,” Jayson said, a twinkle in his eye. “You wanna see what I planned? Come on back to the cabin. You two are going to thank me,” he added, looking at Ristan and Bror.

  The group made their way to their temporary home and with a flourish Jayson motioned to the items on the table. “Ta-da!” He said. Setting on the table was a small bag of flour, a chunk of lard, some salt and an egg. “I saw this stuff at the cabin owned by those settlers where we fought the horde. It gave me an idea, but I have one more crucial ingredient to bestow.” Walking to the counter, he held up a small metal bucket. “Our bounty from today, my fair lady.” He dipped into a bow and handed the bucket to Bristol. Looking inside, she started to laugh.

  “Honey! You sneaky guy! Looks like I am making honey scones for dessert tonight.”

  Falling to his knees in a mock plea, Jayson stared up at her. “Oh please, Bri. Please. I need them. I have been addicted since the first time they crossed my lips.”

  “I am happy to do it. Heck, I am excited! How about we plan for a big, farmer-style supper tonight to celebrate all our successes and me not causing a flood of epic proportions?”

  “I will help!” Jessie volunteered. “I miss cooking with you, Bri. Plus, they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. We gotta keep these boys eating out of our hands.” She winked at the guys and shooed them towards the door. “Off with you all. Leave me and my girl alone. We are going to knock your socks off.”

  Grabbing some dry clothes, towels, and soap, the guys decided to take the time to bathe and relax for a bit while the ladies spent some well-deserved time together. As they filed out the door, Bror winked at her and Ristan slapped her butt, hopping out of the way before she could retaliate. Grinning from ear to ear, Bristol thanked the gods for this moment of bliss in her new life.


  As the guys made their way to the creek to bathe, Ristan thought back on the events that had passed since that first night he saw her in that dive bar- His Other. She was everything he had ever prayed for, and so much more. It wasn’t just her power and her ability to save a realm. Her capacity for love, understanding, and empathy was astounding. Her strength and will to succeed humbled him. He had always loved her; he was made for her and he knew that. But it really was different this time. Seeing her face light up when she completed one of the trials they had worked on today. Her raw grief after discovering the slain woman had been pregnant. The look in her eyes as she lay under him, surrendering herself. Even now, her excitement over something as simple as preparing their evening meal. This woman was different. He had never understood human nature. After all, he wasn’t human at all. He was a creation, a tool fashioned by the gods to serve a purpose. But this woman; this Re-Order- she made him understand how humans could settle down in a small cabin and dedicate their life to a simple purpose. He found himself craving that. Even his beast purred at the thought of keeping her close. What if? What if they could save this realm and Bristol could uncover the clues to keeping them all together? Could they travel to the next realm as a family? The thought of it caused his heart to skip a beat. To never lose her and his brethren was a wish he had never granted himself the luxury of contemplating. Seeing her this afternoon when she called down a storm, bending nature to her will, he had been amazed. An untrained keeper of balance accomplishing a feat of nature that he had never witnessed in all his years. Allowing herself to trust her Others to control the power she had released was awe-inspiring. The gods had a plan for her- he knew it. If only he knew what it was. With her abilities, once Caspian and Bane found them, they could truly be unstoppable. Even with all these feats ahead of them and the battles they had yet to fight, he found himself most excited about this evening in front of them. His woman and her friend, preparing a meal. Such a basic thing, yet the emotions he was feeling were far from simple. He hoped they could stay here for a few more days, continue working on magical exercises and further hone her skills before heading to the next fight. But during that time, he wanted to absorb every moment he could with her. To get to know her personally; not as The Balance, but as Bristol. The farm girl from Nebraska that had grabbed ahold of his heart in her capable hands. He prayed she would never let it go- and he would slay every last god alive if that is what it would take to keep her.


  She really enjoyed the normal evening of preparing a meal for her friends. Having Jessie next to her, non-stop jabbering about everything, and the feeling of sinking her hands into the dough for the requested honey scones all just felt so perfect and right. They had prepared a rabbit stew from some hares Jessie had caught in her cat form. Having the cat do the majority of their hunting for them was really making life much easier. With the stew bubbling on the stove and the scones coming out of the oven, she couldn’t believe that in just a few more days they would be back on the road, risking their lives for the survival of this planet, or realm, as the guys called it. As if on cue, the door opened and they filed in. Jayson made a beeline for the tray of scones and Bristol swatted at him as he grabbed one, hot from the oven, and shoved it in his mouth. His eyes rolled back in his head and he sighed.

  “Sweet Lord, Bri. I think you really were born from the gods. No mere mortal can reproduce these things,” he muttered around a mouthful of the sweet, flaky treat.

  “Get away, Jayson! They are for everyone! If you hang around, there won’t be any left!” She laughed at him and shoved him away from the stove. “Make yourself useful and find enough bowls and spoons for everyone. W
e’re ready to eat.”

  With her five friends sitting around the table, she served the stew, hot from the stove. Placing the scones in the center of the table, she surprised the guys with a bowl of fresh raspberry glaze to drizzle over the top of their dessert.

  “Jessie found the berries this morning, so while the stew was cooking and the scones were baking, we went out and found enough to make our treat extra special. Thank you all for being here, really. I can’t imagine trying to get through this without each and every one of you.” She said.

  “Cheers!” Boz said, raising his coffee mug. “Thank you, lasses, for preparing this meal. It is we that are most fortunate.”

  Ristan and Bror both smiled and looked at each other in amazement. “This is new for us,” Bror stated. “We are usually surrounded by so much war, chaos and stress. I can’t recall a Re-Order that had so much acceptance. This group has a gift; making the most of whatever good times we are offered. I am humbled and hope ta learn from all of ya.”

  Ristan agreed. “Thank you, all of you, for your selfless sacrifices and support of this cause. Bristol needs you and the gods have been gracious with the friends they have afforded her.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I love y’all too. Can we eat now? Cuz otherwise, I will not be responsible for what happens to that tray of sweets there,” Jayson said, his stare setting solidly on the tray of scones in the center of the table.

  The group laughed and everyone tied into their meal. The stew was perfect; the girls had used root vegetables they had found in the pantry at the last cabin, plus some wild onions and herbs they foraged since arriving here. When it was time for dessert, everyone waited for Ristan and Bror to take the first bites. The look of shock on Ristan’s face caused Jessie to double over in laughter.

  “I told you she was a domestic Goddess!” She squealed. “Our girl has a lot of skills, but her baking is other-worldly.”

  Bror moaned when the decadent delight met his lips. “Oh, by the gods, love. I could die right now and be a very happy man,” he said.

  “Well, I would hope that you don’t!” Bristol said. “But thank you for the compliments. I love to bake. It makes people happy,” she said, blushing.

  “These make me happy, without a doubt,” Jayson said, grabbing his second piece. “If nothing else, let’s make a pact that we con Bristol into baking for us at least once a month. That will give us something to strive for as we move along, trying not to die.” He laughed and shoved the whole scone in his mouth, groaning as he chewed.

  With the evening meal over, the group worked together to get everything cleaned up and put away. A schedule for the evenings watch rotation was established and everyone agreed to keep a vigilant eye out for the animals that left the large tracks so close to the cabin the night before.

  “I want to go check on the horses once more before retiring. I also want to take a few minutes to try and reach out to Bane and Caspian,” Bristol stated. “You two might as well come with me because if I do it right, you will just come to me anyway,” she said, addressing Ristan and Bror.

  The three of them left the cabin as the sun was just starting to set. Jessie was taking the first watch, but she still had some time before she needed to head out, so she and Jayson had decided to spend a little time together. Boz was sitting outside, leaned against the cabin, carving arrow shafts to replenish what they had used fighting the last horde.

  Reaching the rock overlook she had sat on the night before when she called out to her Others, she grasped Ristan and Bror’s hands.

  “I’m going to try something different this time. I am going to use your powers combined with mine to reach out to them. Maybe it will go farther. Or maybe it will give them a clearer path. I don’t know, but I figure it’s worth a try. I just wish they could let me know that they hear me.”

  “Oh, they hear you, love,” Bror said. “That much I can guarantee. And even if they have a long way ta go, knowing you are alive and have awakened will give them the motivation to drive harder. Bane has a Chollima horse; as long as he is ridin’, the miles will pass quickly. Caspian has the element of air in his favor. He can move through realms nearly as fast as Bane.”

  Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Bristol called her power to her. It responded readily, she was getting stronger and she could feel it. Gathering it all together, she reached out with her mind and grabbed a tendril of power from Ristan and Bror. Opening her eyes, she watched the three strains of magic as they swirled together as if dancing. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “Aye, love. It is.” Bror said.

  “Send it to them with all the intent and desire you have, Bristol. They will come to you,” Ristan said, squeezing her hand.

  Bristol closed her eyes again and thought about Bane and Caspian. There was little she could recall in her memories about them; just flashes, really. She knew she would remember everything as soon as she was able to complete her bond with them. But her heart knew them, it remembered them. Taking that knowledge, she shoved the power out to find them. She whispered, “I am waiting for you. We need you here. Come to me.” And with all her heart’s desire, she let the message ride the winds of her power as it dissipated into the horizon.

  The second her wish was sent, Bror and Ristan let out a collective breath, their hands gripping hers tightly.

  “Your pull is so strong, woman. The gods themselves couldn’t keep me away from you,” Ristan growled, pulling her into his lap. He kissed her, his fingers tangling in her hair as his lips took possession of her mouth. Clinging to him, Bristol kissed him back, losing herself in his touch, his taste, his desire. Feeling Bror’s hands running up her back as he stood behind her, she broke the kiss with Ristan and tilted her head back. Bror leaned forward and captured her lips with his.

  “I think it’s time to properly thank you for the meal you prepared for us,” Bror said, smiling at her.

  As the sun dipped down over the horizon, her Others peeled the clothes from her body and with the light from the sunset painting her skin, she gave herself to the two men who had given her so much.


  Caspian took the last bite of his supper and washed it down with a swallow of ale. He had been riding hard since he had felt the pull from his Other and he was anxious to get back on the road. He had left his stallion, Grisone, at the local stable to rest and enjoy some grain. In all the years, all of the Re-Orders, he had never felt the pull of his Other so strongly. He couldn’t wait to be reunited with her and his brethren. Standing, he pulled a satchel from around his neck and fished out payment for his meal. Walking to the bar, he was approached by a sultry young woman with clear intent written on her face.

  “Hey, stranger. You are impossible to overlook in this lonely little town. Would you care to buy me a drink and we can get to know each other?” She ran her hand down his arm. “What are these markings?” She asked tracing his runes with her fingertips.

  “They are a gift for my one and only,” he said, giving her a small smile and attempting to walk around her.

  “Leaving so fast? Is there anything a girl can do to get you to stay?” She asked, moving to stand in front of him and letting her fingers brush over his chest. “I can be quite convincing if you just give me a chance,” she responded, a coy smile on her lips.

  “I’m sorry, but I really must be leaving, I have a long way to ride. Your attention is appreciated, but I am a taken man.”

  “Hmm. Any girl with a man like you must be pretty special to trust letting him out of her sight for long. If you were mine, I don’t think I would let you leave my bed,” she purred, taking in his broad shoulders and letting her eyes dip lower, assessing his body. Reaching up, she touched his cheek and the back of her hand grazed down his well-trimmed beard. “No, I would be much more cautious than her.”

  Putting his hand over hers, Caspian pulled her hand away from his face. “I said I wasn’t interested. You cheapen yourself, goodnight.” Walking away, he heard her grumble something unintel
ligible under her breath.

  Paying his bill, Caspian stepped out into the evening air. It was still warm, but it was cooling off as the sun made its descent. He crossed the street and walked down to the stables where he had left his dappled grey steed. The air smelled of fresh hay and leather, and he called out a greeting to his oldest friend. Grisone nickered at him, tossing his head. Suddenly, Caspian felt a tingling of magic around him. Dancing in the air was a yellow glow. It pulled at him, an undeniable force. Dropping to his knees under the strain he watched the magic float on the air around him. Then he heard her voice again. “I am waiting for you. We need you here. Come to me.” The gentle command brought tears to his eyes with its intensity. Watching the manifestation, he saw two other colors slide up the edges of the yellow glow. Rich amber, swirling with red and black tones and the other, ice blue with white, like frost on a spring morning. As he watched the magic weave and swirl, shapes appeared. The yellow light was fashioned into a woman with long legs and long hair flowing all around her. The amber magic formed a large man and he embraced her; possessive and powerful. The blue light was also an imposing male, but more gentle as he draped himself across her back, fitting her against him. “My Other,” Caspian thought to himself, awed with her power and the beautiful scene in front of him. “Ristan and Bror. Thank the gods you have found her. Keep her safe, my brothers, I am coming,” he said to himself, resolution filling his bones. Jumping to his feet, he grabbed the lead holding Grisone and began to walk towards the stable doors. Grisone threw his head and spooked, pulling against the leather straps.

  “I know, I know, we’re going! Calm yourself, boy,” Caspian said, right as he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head. The strike threw him off balance and he stumbled. His vision blurred, he found himself again on his knees. Dropping the reins, he yelled at his horse. “Run, Grisone! Run!” The horse bolted and Caspian saw hands reaching for the bridle. Ripping the reins from the hands of the assaulter, Grisone disappeared into the dusk.


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