Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology Page 3

by Skye MacKinnon

  I return my attention to the shelves and make my way down the line of photos. Cass and Bobby at the restaurant's grand opening. Cass and his parents in front of a Christmas tree. Cass and…


  The woman and the baby from the market earlier. Cass with his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders as she leans in to him. Twin smiles on their faces while they look down to the child cradled in her arms.

  My heart sinks. Bile climbs its way up my throat, threatening to make an appearance.

  He's married! Or at the very least, romantically involved with her…and a father.

  "Are you jealous?" His whispered words are so close, they send chills skittering down my spine.

  I jerk away and snort in derision. "Don't be absurd. Why would I be jealous?"

  Definitely not jealous. More like I feel like a total fool.

  Here I've been ogling someone who is clearly taken by someone who might have seen us together at the market.

  Oh, God…this is so bad. I need to get what I came for and go.

  Cass brushes his fingertips lightly along the exposed back of my arm, raising goosebumps in their wake. "That's Kaitlyn, my sister, and my niece, Daniella. They just moved back to town a few months ago."

  A little sigh of relief slips from my lips. I hadn't even recognized her. Between the weight loss and lack of the signature thick black glasses she used to wear, I never would have believed it was little Kaitlyn Nova. The last decade really changed her.

  Thank God I'm not fantasizing about a taken man.

  His warm breath flutters against the back of my neck. "I saw how you used to stare at me when I was in my baseball uniform. You liked what you saw. In fact, Sweet Mary, I believe that you still do." He brushes his lips against the shell of my ear and presses the length of his warm, hard body into my back.

  Move, stupid!

  But I'm paralyzed by the curl of sensuality lacing his words. It renders me speechless and immobile. If I shift even slightly, my knees might give out, and I can't let him see my weakness. With concentrated effort, I push my way through the haze and turn to face him.

  Big mistake.

  He's gorgeous, arrogant, and oh, so sure of himself—swagger for days held in that grin. And he's only inches away from me, so close the heat of his body radiates between the tiny gap between us. He takes a step forward, brushing his chest against mine.

  My nipples immediately pebble at the contact, and I shove at his chest, trying to give myself some space to break this spell. "You're so full of yourself. Stop being mean."

  But I can't deny the truth in his words.

  God, did I ogle him.

  Something flickers in his Caribbean-blue eyes—almost like he understands something for the first time, and he captures my face in his palm. "I'm not being mean, Mary. I'm teasing you because I like you." His voice drops an octave, like a lover whispering secret promises against silken sheets.

  My toes curl with anticipation of what he'll say next.

  He glides his free hand back around my shoulder. "Didn't anyone ever tell you in elementary school that the boys who pick on you tug your hair as an expression of affection?"

  His fingers twine into my locks and pull, while a panty-wetting smile spreads across his lips.

  My breath catches, my lungs unwilling or unable to work when every inhalation only sucks in his scent—denim and crisp spring air.

  Holy shit! Is Cass flirting with me? Really flirting with me? Cass brushes his thumb across my cheek slowly. "You were always cute, Mary, but you were my best friend's kid sister and far too young to ever handle the kind of guy I was back then. Plus, I was sort of an asshole."

  His confession doesn't help me find my breath. In fact, I have to consciously inhale deeply before the room starts spinning from a lack of oxygen.

  All those years, I dreamed of this moment, of being in the arms of Cass A. Nova. Of having him say these words to me.

  And now, it's all happening because of a cucumber.

  The absurdity of this situation rips a laugh from somewhere deep in my chest. "You're still an asshole."

  Stepping inexplicably closer, Cass tugs at the ends of my hair again. His lips hover mere millimeters from mine. The endless-blue depths of his eyes swirl with waves of lust and need and something even more wicked. "Yeah, but you like it."

  Chapter 4


  Mary's perfect-pink lips curl into a soft smile, but it doesn't hide her nervousness. The quiver in her voice gives her away. I stroke my thumb across her bottom lip, and she slowly shuts her eyes, an exhale of warm breath gliding across my palm.

  She leans into my touch, just the slightest acknowledgment that she's on-board, but it's all the invitation I need to take what I've wanted since the moment I looked up to see who held the other end of that cucumber.

  I close the minuscule distance between us, sealing my lips to hers. The soft flesh yields under the pressure of my kiss, and I finally get my first taste of her, not even bothering to bite back the groan that rumbles in my chest.

  Sweet fuck…if I had known it could be like this with Mary, I might not have waited so damn long.

  I twine my fingers into her hair tighter, half growling and deepening the kiss. Something sweet and comforting like cinnamon dances from her tongue to mine and the heat of sunshine seems to radiate from her into me, warming me from the inside out. I pull her curvy frame closer to me and slide my other hand around her waist.

  She breaks our kiss, a giggle bubbling from between the lips I just had pressed against mine.

  "What's so funny?" My voice comes out raspy and full of need. It's almost embarrassing how desperate I am to have my mouth back on hers.

  Her gaze drops to my straining erection encased in my jeans, and her laughter brings tears to her eyes. If I weren't so confident in my manhood, I might be offended. But I still don't get what's so damn funny.

  She finally manages to contain her hysterics long enough to inhale a sharp breath and meet my eyes with humor in hers. "Is that a cucumber in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

  I bark out a laugh that echoes around my place, bouncing off the slate floors, but then she pulls back and narrows a scrutinizing look at me, the lightness of the moment suddenly gone in an instant.

  "Is this all a ploy to steal away the cucumber for yourself?"

  "Well, that wasn't my plan, but now that you mention it…" I scoop her up, eliciting a squeal of surprise.

  "Cass, what are you doing?"

  Instead of answering her, I crush my lips to hers, and she wraps her arms around my neck before twining her fingers into my hair. Her tongue brushes mine, and our kiss turns frantic.

  Something I don't dare acknowledge courses through my veins, mixing with the lust and desire that's bubbled beneath my skin since the moment she walked back into my life.

  I'm making out with Virgin Mary. And if the shit she's doing with her tongue is any indication, she's not a virgin anymore.

  Thank fuck for that.

  Because what I have planned might be a bit much for a shy, innocent virgin like she was all those years ago.

  I drag my mouth away from hers to stalk to the kitchen and set her onto the island, but she's back on me in the blink of an eye. And I'm right there with her.

  This is not the Virgin Mary Sweet I grew up with. This is Mary Sweet unleashed. And it is so damn fucking hot.

  Her frantic hands tug at the hem of my shirt. "Shirt off. Now."

  I'm all too happy to obey her command. We have far too many clothes on, and while I'd rather be undressing her first, it won't be long until I expose every single inch of her flawless, creamy skin.

  I grab the collar of my T-shirt behind my neck and yank the material over my head with one hand, letting it fall to the floor wherever it may.

  "Holy shit! You're still hot!" Mary's tongue darts out to wet her lips, and she runs her hands down my abs.

  I clench the muscles there to make them stand out more
. She issues a low throaty moan of approval and trails a leisurely finger down the V that runs into the waistband of my jeans. I let my eyes drift closed, my cock so hard it's almost painful. All it wants is to be buried deep inside her, but I have something even more fun in mind for Mary.

  I take her face in my hands and kiss her. "No mojitos, no canapés. Our customers will just have to do without anything cucumber tonight because I have other plans for it. Very, dirty fucking plans, Sweet Mary."

  Her eyes widen slightly—a mix of shock and confusion darkening them—before a tiny gasp slips from her lips as she apparently comprehends just where my thoughts about her and this cucumber are headed.

  She offers me a knowing smile, and I lean back in, pushing her down onto the cool surface of the island with my warm body.

  "You're fucking dirty, Cass."

  I grin at her and waggle my eyebrows playfully. "Fuck, yes I am." I pin her arms above her head and drop my mouth to hers for another searing kiss before I pull away and waggle my eyebrows. "And you fucking love it."

  She doesn't protest, just giggles, and I lean in to nip her lips and twirl our tongues, relentlessly exploring. My cock twitches in anticipation, and I release my grip on her arms and trace a path down her sides to grasp the soft material of the hem of her shirt. I break our kiss only to pull the fabric up and over her head, tossing it to the floor without care.

  With what I have in mind, we won't be needing clothes for a long time.

  I let my gaze drift to her perfect tits encased in soft purple lace. "Mary…" Her name comes out a half-feral growl. My body practically vibrates to unwrap the rest of her.

  Mary Sweet naked and under me…

  Who would have thought I'd be so close?

  I push down the lacy cups of her lingerie, baring her perfect tits to me. Her nipples harden to high peaks, begging me to drop my head for a taste. My mouth waters. My heartbeat pulses through my cock, and I swirl my tongue around one of her raised points, drawing a moan of approval from Mary. But I don't linger long, shifting my focus to her other breast.

  She reaches out and claws for purchase amid my oral assault, but her hands only rattle the bottles of liquor and mixers resting on the island from my last cocktail experiment.

  The honey pot draws my eye, sparking another idea.

  I hope Mary is on board.

  After one more quick suck on her nipple, I let it free from my lips with a pop and grab the honey. Mary's gaze follows my hand as I remove the lid and grip the wooden spoon.


  In answer, I stroke a finger over her nipple before gently applying pressure, making her arch up for more.

  Oh, I am going to give her so much more.

  I lift the wooden spoon and hover it over the taut peak, watching enraptured as the golden substance slowly drips across her creamy flesh.

  "Fuck." The word slips out on a whisper of awe, but I waste no time lapping up the sweet goodness.

  Mary's hands clutch at my hair, holding me to her while I lap at her sweet, delicate flesh. "Cass—"

  A strangled moan slipping from her lips cuts off whatever else she was going to say, and it serves to kick me into high gear. Leaning back, I swiftly move to the button of her jeans, and she helps out by toeing off her flats.

  I tap her hips. "Raise up. Let me get these off."

  She complies by lifting her ass off the island so I can peel her tight jeans and purple panties off in one smooth glide, letting my fingers drag along her legs, leaving goose bumps across her pale skin.

  "Damn, Mary." Her pussy glistens in the light streaming in from the windows overlooking the street, and my tongue darts out across my lips in anticipation of finally tasting her.

  I spread her legs open wide, and she twines her fingers into my hair, giving it a gentle tug of encouragement.

  Like I need any to do this…

  This woman is so beautiful. So damn sexy. And she isn't even trying to be. She's just being…Mary. All that arguing only served to build up the tension between us and make me desperate to take everything from her, at least, everything she's willing to offer.

  I languidly lick from bottom to top, flicking my tongue over her clit until her nails dig into my scalp. She writhes under me, rolling her hips up against my face. Her arousal coats my tongue.

  Good. I need her absolutely soaked and panting for what I have planned.

  More than that…

  I need her desperate.

  She's so wet now that I easily slide two fingers insider her while I suck on her sensitive bundle of nerves, driving her higher.

  "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Her chant echoes around the loft, ringing in my ears and making my cock ache to be inside her. "Cass, more! God, I need more!"

  The urgency in her tone brings a chuckle up my throat to vibrate against her wet skin. I feel it, too. This need. This knowledge that I will never get too much of Mary Sweet.

  I use my free hand to unbutton my own pants and kick my shoes from my feet without stopping. Something tells me if I did, Mary would lash out at me with a litany of curse words that would prove she's not the sweet virgin she was back when she had a crush on me. Yanking my pants from my hips one-handed finally allows my cock to spring free, a welcome reprieve from the tight confinement it's been straining against.

  Mary's lust-soaked eyes bore into me, watching my every move, and I reluctantly pull my mouth from her clit and my fingers from Mary's clenching pussy to stand to my full height.

  Her gaze devours me the way I just did her, and I bite my lip and stroke my shaft slowly.

  Fuck, that feels good.

  Not as good as it will feel to be inside her, though. Something tells me nothing will.

  I tap her thigh with my free hand. "Put your feet on the counter, Mary. Spread your legs wide. Let me look at you."

  She leans back onto her elbows and does as I ask, and when I look down, my cock jumps with appreciation. Mary is no longer that awkward little sister of my best friend. She's all fucking woman. Every beautiful, curvy inch of her.

  Every inch I want to defile.

  I grab the cucumber that brought us to this moment, and I've never been more eager to hold a vegetable in my hand. With its bumps and ridges, it was practically designed for this type of depravity. I bring it between her legs. Mary giggles, and I look up to meet her gaze with a devious grin.

  She raises a slender eyebrow playfully. "Is that cucumber disease-free?"

  I bark out a laugh at the clear comparison between this cucumber and my dick and the obvious question in it.

  Am I clean?

  "Yeah." I wiggle the cucumber lasciviously. "It's been tested. And it hasn't left the patch in six months."

  Mary's lips tilt into a smirk. "Good to know Cass A. Nova. My lady garden hasn't been watered in about a year."

  A year? If this woman was anywhere near me during that time, I would have made sure she was never in a sexual drought. Her garden would have been drenched daily. Multiple times.

  "So, no condom, then?" I nudge the end of the cucumber against her wet flesh and grin.

  Please say yes.

  Mary bareback will be like finding Heaven. I'm confident of that.

  She laughs and nods her agreement. "I'm on the pill."

  That is music to my ears.

  Focusing on the task at hand, I swirl the green, bulbous vegetable lightly against her clit.

  "Shit! It's cold!" She shrieks and smacks her hands against the counter, jerking her legs closed while our laughter mingles.

  I spread apart her legs again with my forearms. "It won't be for long."

  Not if I have my way. I apply the cucumber with a little extra pressure against her sensitive bundle of nerves. She moans her approval, and her legs fall farther apart.

  "Fuck, Mary." I can't seem to drag my gaze from her pussy, watching transfixed as I trail the cucumber down to her opening and gently push just the tip inside.

  "Mmm, Cass." Her fingers meet her clit and begin to move in l
azy, unhurried circles while I work more of the cucumber in and out of her.

  It doesn't take but a second for us to find a rhythm, but I can't stand it much longer. Seeing this phallic veggie in the place I so badly want to be is pure torture. I knock her hand out of the way and suck her clit into my mouth while I continue to fuck her tight cunt with the cucumber and work my rigid shaft with my other hand.

  Sweet fuck!

  It's raunchy and lewd and oh so wrong, but I don't want it to stop. Our mingled moans of pleasure only serve to turn me on more. Mary finally finds her release, her hot pussy clenching around the cucumber hard enough to almost tug it from my grip. Her head falls back on a moan, and I keep stroking myself and gently pull out the cucumber while she recovers.

  Her laugh breaks through the sound of our panting breaths, and her eyes reach mine. Mary Sweet is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Legs spread wide, waiting for more. Ready and waiting for me.

  And I'm not about to make her wait any longer. Because Christ knows, I sure as hell can't.

  I smile at all the dirty thoughts that spring to my mind about all the ways I plan on making this woman come. My cock strains to get inside her, and I keep stroking it and bring the cucumber to my mouth and take a big bite from the end that was just shoved inside her. The flavor that is all Mary bursts along my tongue, and I growl deep in my chest at her taste and the contentment it spreads through my body.

  Mary watches, licking her lips, and I hold the cucumber out to her. She leans forward slowly and wraps her lips around it seductively, gliding down the length slightly before she takes a bite. Her eyes drift closed, and she issues a low moan of approval, relishing in the naughtiness that just transpired between us as much as I am.

  "Knowing that just made you come…" I shake my head, words escaping me. "That is the hottest thing I've ever seen."

  I toss the remaining portion of the cucumber onto the island beside her and crash my lips to hers while I align my cock with her opening. Our kiss is a hot, searing brand, the taste of her pussy and the crisp, clean cucumber rolling on our tongues as I finally guide myself inside Mary's velvety-smooth, perfect cunt.


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