Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology Page 4

by Skye MacKinnon

  Chapter 5


  Cass has every right to be cocky—he is a sexual god.

  Never, in all of my fantasies, did I think this would be the reality of being with him. I'm already on the verge of another orgasm, and he must sense it because he glides a hand between us to apply pressure to my clit.

  He pounds into me, his cock bringing me sweet oblivion while stars dance on the edge of my vision.

  "Cass. I'm going to come." I manage to force the words from my lips between pants. "God, oh, God!"

  "Come on my cock, Mary." He whispers the words into my ear then gently takes a playful nip of my lobe.

  I thrust my hips up to meet his cock. He impales me over and over again, and I chant his name in time with his thrusts until I finally fall over the edge.

  His strokes turn lazy and long, and I scratch my nails up the length of his back, riding out my orgasm. I tighten my legs around his waist, digging my heels into his lower back, and it changes the angle slightly, dragging the head of his cock along that elusive spot deep inside of me.

  It begins a whole new ascent. Drawing me toward another orgasm, I'm not sure I can handle. His panting breaths at my ear drive me insane. It's sensory overload. The room spins, and my vision blurs. A lust-soaked haze hovers in my head.

  He moves, sliding his arms under my back to draw me closer so he can quicken his pace again. I'm nothing more than a boneless, panting mess in his arms. A stream of cusswords fall mindlessly past my lips, and I hang on for my very life while the literal man of my dreams rides me to the edge of another orgasm.

  "Cass, I can't, I can't take it. It's too much," I practically beg him, but if he stopped, I'm confident I would cry and possibly die on the spot.

  "Yes." Thrust. "You." Thrust. "Can." Thrust. Each word marked by a deep stroke drives home his confidence in me.

  A cacophony of sensations overrides my ability to speak again, and I hurtle into bliss. This man—cucumber fornicator, vagina conqueror, king of orgasms, and dry-spell curse breaker—is bringing his A-game.

  His hands slide out from under me and grab at my legs, untangling me from around him. I whine in protest, but he ignores me and grabs for the honey again.

  Holy shit.

  He drizzles the golden, sweet syrup on my pussy and tosses the wooden spoon before he dives in. His tongue licks a trail from my ass all the way up to my clit, where he issues a deep, rumbling groan that might as well be a vibrator against my overly stimulated skin.

  Thank God I kept up with my waxing appointments even through my year-long dry spell.

  He nibbles my sensitive flesh, and by the time I finally come on his tongue, I'm nearly hyperventilating. He pushes my legs apart, licking every drop of my release from my body, dragging out the pleasure and overwhelming my senses…yet again.

  "Mary." My name falls from his lips, a feather-light whisper, almost a prayer, the word ghosting across my flesh.

  I shiver at the unfamiliar feeling his awed voice stirs within me, but I don't have long to think about what it could be because my gaze follows Cass reaching a hand for the cucumber.

  Oh, God…not again. I don't know if I can take it.

  He runs the unbitten end of the vegetable up the seam between my legs. The coolness of it against my over-heated, sticky flesh sends goose bumps scattering everywhere. He slips it inside slowly.

  Cass leans down and stops with his lips a mere hair's breadth from mine. "I could fuck you all day."

  I don't doubt his words or his stamina. This man does not lack in that department…or, hell, any. I drink him in with open covetousness—from his beautiful eyes focused on fucking me with the cucumber to his gorgeous face, complete with angular jawline graced with stubble. My gaze drifts down his muscled neck, and my mouth waters to bite it as soon as possible before my eyes track to the hard, muscled pecs dusted with light-colored hair. His six-pack bulges and shifts with his every move, driving the cucumber in and out of me with increasing speed and laser-focused precision.

  His bicep bulges every time his clenched fist strokes his hard shaft. I hum my approval and suck in a deep breath. This man is an Adonis, and I can truly appreciate the time he must put in at the gym to maintain his physique.

  I want every hard inch of him pushed against me, inside of me, all over me. Reaching between us, I yank the cucumber from between my legs and from his hand.

  His gaze darts up to meet mine. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

  The look of concern in his eyes and marring his brows undoes me. He'd stop right now if I asked him to and wouldn't even be worried about his thick, unsatisfied hard-on that juts out between us. That thought only makes me hornier.

  I hold the cucumber out toward his mouth, and his eyes stay trained on mine while he leans forward and bites where it's covered in my release. He closes his eyes and chews, almost as if he's savoring my essence. His jaw works slowly, and when the muscles of his throat move as he swallows the bite of cucumber that was just inside of me, I snap. I drag him toward me by his muscular arms and slam my mouth to his in a claiming, searing kiss.

  Years of wanting Cass since we were teens and now as a full-grown, beautiful man pour from me, and I give it all to him in my kiss. Every day I waited in vain for him to see me as more than Bobby's kid sister. Every time I looked at him with little-girl love in my eyes. But now, I'm a grown woman, and he finally sees me as such for the first time...and it undoes me.

  I reach between us, my fingers unable to meet around the width of him. Twining my tongue with his, I line up his cock with my pussy. He digs his hands into my hips, lifting me from the counter. I tighten my legs around him, and he bounces up into me, impaling me on his impossibly hard length.

  Ecstasy like I've never known roars through my veins, demanding my release as he pushes, harder and faster, and we both fight, reaching for that ultimate release.

  My breath stalls in my lungs. My heart thuds against my chest so hard, it feels as though it might burst from it. Yet Cass keeps barreling me toward the edge. I angle my head down to the spot where his neck meets his shoulder and bite down as yet another orgasm assaults my senses. He groans and jerks within the cage of my arms, blasting out his own release.

  He lowers me to the counter again. His fingers grip the hair at the nape of my neck and tug silently, asking me to look up at him.


  I hesitate slightly. My brother's best friend just fucked me stupid. With a cucumber and his dick. My chest tightens, and I avoid his gaze. This must be the "after" awkwardness I was too horny to be concerned about earlier.

  Gentle, warm fingers trace down my spine, and I slowly release my teeth from the flesh on his neck where he will no doubt have a mark. But I can't look at him yet; instead, I focus on that burgundy spot my mouth left and feel a little tug somewhere deep in my gut.

  At least that shows me this was real. It happened. After all of these years of pining after Cass, having my heart broken by his rejection, he's now stuck with an undeniable piece of me. No matter how temporary it may be.

  "Mary, look at me."

  I close my eyes and inhale one last deep breath, preparing myself for the fall out of what just transpired between us. When it finally feels like I may have regained some semblance of control over myself and my body, I raise my head fully and open my eyes. His lock with mine, and my heart stutters at how beautiful this man is.

  "That was... intense." He laughs, his fingers mindlessly twirling a curl of my hair above my rushing heart.

  I smile and try to push down old feelings flooding my system. "Yeah."

  Only mere moments ago, it felt like I was owning him, rocking his world, yet now, it's like I'm back to being fourteen, lusting after Cass A. Nova, wanting something unattainable. Just out of my reach.

  But even if I can never have him again, I can't regret this. Not even a little bit. This baggage is mine to pull along. Cass didn't make any grand promises. There may not be more than this one bright moment between us, a
nd I refuse to tarnish it with what-ifs.

  "What's going on in that pretty head of yours, Mary? Where'd you go?"

  Down a path best left untraveled.

  But I don't say that. Instead, my mind jumps back to here, now, the food I have to make for Becky's party soon and the fact that I no longer have the ingredient I need to make her day complete.

  "Shit. The canapés! The event! I need to go! How in the hell am I going to explain the lack of cucumber canapés to the bridezilla herself?"

  I am so, so screwed. And not just because Cass has his still-hard dick buried inside me.

  "Mary, it will be okay—"

  "How? What can I even say to her? 'Sorry about the canapés you wanted, Becky. The one item that you insisted upon. You see, I found the perfect cucumber, but my childhood crush was attached to the other end. One thing led to another, then I let a man named Cass A. Nova fuck me with it before he banged me senseless with his massive cock.'" I shake my head and laugh at myself.

  Dear Lord, I let him fuck me with a cucumber.

  I push at his chest until he releases a sigh and takes a tiny step back, his dick slipping from inside me. Biting back a groan at the loss, I weasel out from around him and begin the search for my clothes.

  Which are apparently strewn all over the loft. Every time I bend down to pick up a piece of clothing, his eyes follow me. They sear my skin the same way he did my heart when he was inside me.

  Why does this have to be so damn awkward? Way to ho, Mare. Fucking everything up, aren't you?

  I slip into my bra and reach back to clasp it, but a large hand wraps around mine and pushes it out of the way to complete the task. He tugs on my shoulder to turn me toward him, and a firm hand lifts my chin. My eyes meet his, and I sigh. Literally sigh, as I'm struck by his hotness.

  Why does he have to be so damn gorgeous?

  Concern dances in his eyes, and he brushes his thumb across my cheek. "I'll come with you. I'll talk to Becky and offer free bar service for her party to appease her."

  "What?" I shake my head. "Cass, this is no small party. That's a lot of booze. Why would you do that for me?"

  His thumb brushes my bottom lip as he considers my question. "I don't want you to be placed in a bad position with a client because our sex got a little...creative." He smiles down at me—still hot, still naked as fuck—but it's full of warmth and sincerity. "But…"

  Of course, there's a but.

  "You come back here after the party tonight. I want to spend more time with you. I'd like to get to know you, who you are now. Not Virgin Mary, but Sweet-Ass Mary, who drives me literally insane in the best way. Deal?"


  I open my mouth and close it, trying to figure out how to respond to his demand. "You want to see me again? I figured this was a one-and-done type of deal."

  He shakes his head, a wicked grin on his all-too-perfect lips. "Sorry, Mary. I didn't get enough of you. Not sure that I can. Now, if you're in agreement with my terms, let's take a shower, get you cleaned up. Plus, I might need to fuck you once more before we get ready for this party. What do you say?"

  "What about the bar? Don't you need to be there tonight?"

  He leans in and brushes a tender kiss across my lips. "I have employees who can handle it. I'll just have to warn them about the lack of cucumbers for the mojitos. Now, what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

  Hell yeah!

  Except I don't say that. That would sound too much like fourteen-year-old Virgin Mary being a giddy schoolgirl in front of her crush. Instead, I swallow thickly and try to appear non-affected by the fact that he's pressing his hardening cock against my stomach.

  "Yeah. I guess I'm okay with those terms." I smile and bat my lashes innocently.

  Cass catches me off guard and snatches me up, cradling me in his arms. "You guess? What do you mean, you guess?" His soft lips land on mine, bringing a smile I can't fight. "Let's get you cleaned up so I can dirty you up all over again."

  A contented sigh slips past my lips. I'm not sure where this is headed or what could be there between us long-term. But it's definitely something I'm willing to explore with Cass.

  I haven't felt this way in a long time, or well, since the first time all those years ago when I tried to give my heart to this handsome man, my cucumber lover. This time, it seems like he's more than willing to take it.

  We hope you enjoyed this enemies to cucumber lovers story! To stay up to date on releases of co-writes and solo projects from Gwyn and Christy, sign up for our newsletters:

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  About the Authors

  Gwyn McNamee is an attorney, writer, wife, and mother (to one human baby and one fur baby). Originally from the Midwest, Gwyn relocated to her husband’s home town of Las Vegas in 2015 and is enjoying her respite from the cold and snow. Gwyn loves to write stories with a bit of suspense and action mingled with romance and heat.

  When she isn’t either writing or voraciously devouring any books she can get her hands on, Gwyn is busy adding to her tattoo collection, golfing, and stirring up trouble with her perfect mix of sweetness and sarcasm (usually while wearing heels). Gwyn loves to hear from her readers, and here’s where you can find her:



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  Writing with a whole lot of sarcasm and humor, mixed with a bit of Southern charm, Christy Anderson ain't no sweet tea kinda storyteller. As an author of romance, Christy believes it doesn't always have to be hearts and flowers; sometimes, it is dark and twisted, but romance nonetheless. She mixes terror, revenge, and a sliver of love and hope into stories about family, friends, struggles, blurred lines, and happily-ever-afters. Christy lives in the beautiful mountains of Eastern Tennessee with her husband and 152 cats (not really, but close), where she enjoys writing one twist at a time. Christy loves to hear from her readers, and here’s where you can find her:



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  Her Squishy Shifters

  Moonlit Falls / Silver Springs

  Mia Harlan

  Heat level: 4

  My name is Jetta, and I'm not a psychopath. I just hate donuts.

  When the Squishy Shifters Donut Emporium opens down the street from my house, I want it gone. Can one sugary drink, three squishy shifters, and a few dozen donuts change my mind? Or will my hatred for donuts get between me and my fated mates?

  Find out in "Her Squishy Shifters", a short, steamy, laugh-out-loud paranormal romance. It’s part of the Moonlit Falls universe and is a complete story with a happily ever after.

  Her Squishy Shifters


  I wake up to the smell of baking donuts. Disgusting, carb-laden, gluten-infested donuts. I can practically feel the empty calories seeping into my pores. There’s a good chance I might throw up.

  What kind of sadists bake at eight o’clock every night? Oh, right. The three men who opened the Squishy Shifters Donut Emporium right down the street from where I live.

  I used to wake up with the setting sun. I’d meditate and go for a moonlit jog. I’d play with the neighbor’s dog and rub her squishy belly. I’d enjoy a bowl of sugar-free oatmeal on the front porch. I’d even work from the comfort of my own home.

sp; Now, I drive to the office as soon as I wake up. I eat breakfast at my desk. I work overtime so I don’t have to go home. I spend my free time sending letters to get the bakery shut down. And I invest half my salary in air purifying spells that never seem to work.

  But today is so much worse. My boss at the Department of Supernatural Affairs finally ordered me to use up my vacation days. Which means I’m stuck at home sniffing donuts for two whole weeks. Unless I can find somewhere else to spend my nights.


  I lace up my sneakers and head out for an evening jog. Brooks and Andres have the baking handled, and our Donut Emporium doesn’t open for another hour.

  With the Department of Supernatural Affairs just a short drive away, we cater primarily to nocturnals. Staff drop in to pick up donuts before work. Supes pass through our doors at all hours of the night. Vampires, cat shifters, insomniacs. They all crave squishy dough and sugary goodness after sunset, and that’s where my friends and I come in.

  I inhale the crisp night air as I run. Our sweet donut aroma wafts all around town. The neighborhood smells delicious, all thanks to us and our bakery.


  I last all of ten minutes before the stink of donuts has me running to my car. I drive north and decide to visit Moonlit Falls, a cute paranormal town about an hour away. I find a place to park and stroll along the falls. The air is clear, crisp, and blissfully donut-free.

  Maybe I should sell my bungalow and move out here. Or spend my vacation days at a motel.

  I consider it as I head toward a brightly lit cafe. There’s a Shetland pony running circles out front and a crowd gathered at the coffee bar inside.


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