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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

Page 12

by Skye MacKinnon

  As I opened my mouth to cry out in frustration, Ben shifted forward, holding his mouth over my breast, blowing on it. The action distracted me from the fact that his hand stretched out until he pulsed his finger against my clit. Each tap stronger than the previous and done at twice the speed that Caleb drove into me.

  And to my surprise, as Caleb ground in deep, I felt another pop. Colours danced behind my eyelids. Unlike my first climax where my muscles clenched and tightened, this time I became weightless. I floated in a sea of billowing clouds, drifting.

  “I think you broke her.” Ben released my wrists, massaging them to increase the blood flow. With each long stroke down to my elbows, he reeled me back to earth. But when Caleb pulled out, I snapped back with a suddenness that had tears running down my cheeks.

  “Shh. It’s all okay. You’re all right.” Ben brushed his fingers over my tear stained cheeks, drying them.

  “I.. what?” Thoughts swirled around in my head, but I couldn’t latch on to a single one.

  A second set of hands touched me, helping to clear my mind. “You blacked out there for a second.”

  “I, um, I’m sorry.”

  Caleb grinned. “Don’t be. It does my ego good to know that I—”

  “Eh hem.”

  He rolled his eyes at Ben, bringing a little grin to my lips. “That we could do that to you.”

  I squirmed and Ben helped to prop me up, sliding in behind me on the couch. “You mean that can actually happen? It’s not just something in romance books?”

  “Nope.” Caleb popped his P, and I giggled. The smile on his face grew wider. “It doesn’t happen often, but it can happen.”

  “Hmmm.” I didn’t know if I liked the experience and wanted it again, but having sex with him was definitely on my to do again list. As I leaned back against Ben’s chest, I felt his large hard dick push against my back. It looked like I wouldn’t have to wait too long before my kettle would be boiling again.

  “I’m just going to get rid of this.” Caleb stood and pulled the used condom off his still semi-hard cock. It surprised me. I thought he’d orgasmed hence the reason he was getting rid of the condom, but didn’t that mean he should be soft? Maybe that was one more thing that romance novels got right.

  “How’s your ankle feeling?” Ben asked against my ear, sending a little shiver down my back as all my nerves stood up and took notice.

  “What ankle?”

  He chuckled. The movement had his condom covered cock sliding up and down my back, changing his chuckle to a moan.

  Reaching my hand over my head, I grabbed on to his hair and pulled his face towards mine as I twisted. Without waiting for him to take the lead, I pressed my lips to his. Before I could do anything else, he took control. His hands slid up from my waist to palm my breast. My nipples became playthings for his thumbs and fingers. But it was his mouth that ruled me. I couldn’t get enough of it.

  From the way his tongue trapped mine, only allowing it to move when he willed it, to the way his lips alternated between firm and soft, it all drove me nuts, made me eager for more.

  There was something about knowing that he controlled my pleasure, that he could decide if I would fall over the edge or be left out on it. And even if he left me there, I knew it wouldn’t be long. Just long enough to make the fall that much more spectacular.

  Although that thought scared me a little. Could I really handle another black out?

  His kiss softened, allowing his tongue to swipe against mine with the lightest of touches. Almost as if it had been caressed by the wind. And then he pulled it from my mouth, leaving me bereft.

  He kissed my lips with chaste kisses, outlining them. “It’s okay. We don’t have to do anything right now,” he said between pecks. “We have all the time in the world.”

  And while I loved him for saying so, I didn’t believe it. They’d soon grow tired of me. I didn’t have enough life experience to keep them enticed. Not when they could have their pick. So for now, I’d take what I could get and when it ended, chalk it up to a life experience.

  “But I want you.” I kissed the underside of his chin. “Now.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I licked the hollow of his throat, soaking up the extra saltiness from his sweat. “I’m sure.”

  He settled me back against his chest. “Put your arms around my neck.” I did, threading my fingers through the damp hair at the nape of his neck. The movement lifted my ass off the couch, and he slid his body down until he was lying on it with me on top.

  Caleb’s hands wrapped around my ankle, lifting it as he adjusted the pillow. I hadn’t even noticed he’d returned yet his first act was to take care of me. My heart melted. Once he had my foot all settled, he kept his hand on it, holding my calf in the same hold Ben had used on my wrists.

  “You’re so gorgeous. With your chest rising and the quiver of your fluttering heartbeat in the little hollow. All showing how much you want this. Want us.” The look in his eyes heated my blood.

  But before I could say anything, Ben cuffed my throat, not squeezing, but there as a reminder that he controlled my every movement.

  “P-please,” I begged.

  “Good girls get rewards.” He pulled me a little higher until his cock sprang out from between us. With his other hand, he held it against my entrance. His lips brushed my ear. “And you were a very good girl.”

  He thrust into the hilt in one movement. And even though Caleb had been the biggest cock I’d ever had, I still had to stretch to accommodate Ben. But the slight burn only served to make my pleasure greater when he was fully inside. Like how a slight taste of lemon made the sweetness of honey taste even sweeter.

  “Do you want it all, sweet-tea? To feel how it is when I fuck? How you’ll take what I give until I give you all?”

  “Y-yes. Please. I want it.”

  “Then you shall get it.” And as he said the last word, he pulled out until just the tip of him remained before slamming back in.

  Over and over he did it until I lost count. Each inward thrust accompanied by a sentence or word, telling me how much he liked how I felt around him, how gorgeous my breasts looked as I bounced, how we looked so hot together that Caleb couldn’t stop touching himself. And that sight alone, watching Caleb jack off in time with Ben’s thrusts nearly had me exploding. but again, I needed something.

  Ben kept me on that edge. His thrusts perfectly timed to work with his words, both dirty and sweet.

  “Are you ready? Do you want to come?”

  “Please.” I was almost incoherent. I knew that this orgasm would send me like the last, but instead of fearing it, I embraced it. The meds I’d taken earlier on top of the sex worked together to make me exhausted.

  The hand he used to pull my hips against him, slid down to play with my clit like he’d played earlier with my nipples. He circled it, giving it the occasional flick until he squeezed it.

  And I was right…

  I flew…

  The world went dark, and I knew no more.

  Chapter 9


  The sound of running water along with the feel of a large body pressed into my back had my eyes springing open. Where in the world was I? Like the morning before, nothing was familiar.

  A smooth voice, a little husky from sleep, sounded in my ear. “Relax, dove. Go back to sleep.” Caleb smoothed my unruly hair, dragging his fingertips around the shell of my ear. My body relaxed into his touch almost as if he had me drink a couple of cups of calming tea. “We still have time. Ben’s only up this early because I told him it was his turn to make breakfast.”

  He dropped his hand to cup my breast. My breath hitched and my stomach growled. Two things that had the events of what I assumed was the night before rushing in. I could feel my skin heat as I remembered Caleb returning home and then the sex with him… and Ben. Had I really done that? Had sex with two men?

  The pointed nipple brushing across the palm of his hand certainly led some val
idity to the idea.

  “You were such a good girl yesterday”—the phrase brought back another sequence of hot memories that I almost missed the rest of his statement—“let you go to your store today.”

  “Really?” I tried to twist to face him, but the furthest I could turn was onto my back. My injured ankle lay propped up on a pillow, keeping me from lying on that side.

  Recognizing my plight, Caleb propped himself up until he looked down at me. He looked slightly different without his glasses. Still sexy, but his glasses added a little something. Made him distinguished. “But you’re only there to supervise. Not. To. Do. Work.” He punctuated the last four words with tiny bops to the tip of my nose. “I mean it. Ben can run upstairs to your living spaces and grab whatever you need for the next few days. And you can keep your ass parked on a chair with your foot up while the others sort things.”

  That was the second time he mentioned others and supervise and my heart leapt. Had they been telling the truth about finding me help? It certainly sounded like they believed it to be true. I’d just have to wait and see, but a small ball of hope blossomed in my chest, and suddenly I wanted to rush to get there.

  The water shut off and a few seconds later, Ben walked through a doorway in the wall facing the bed, wearing nothing but a towel perched precariously on his hips. Water droplets glistened on his still damp chest. And that ball of eagerness and hope morphed into something hotter.

  The night before they’d kept me from touching, from tasting. And while it was the best experience of my life, I wanted to give them the same.

  “Don’t you keep looking at me like that, sweet-tea. If you do, we’ll never get to your shop to do some work. And then you won’t get to open on time. I’ll not be the reason your business goes under.” He rested his hands on his hips which served to highlight the muscles on his chest and pushed his towel lower on his hips.

  I licked my lips, but Caleb chuckled, making the bed bounce. “Then maybe you shouldn’t stand there, almost naked, enticing her.”

  Ben stuck his tongue out and then laughed. “Last night I forgot to bring some clothes in here.” He shrugged as he walked across the room to another door. I assumed it was their? his? closet, but when he pulled it open, I saw their hallway.

  “Um, are we in your bedroom?” I asked Caleb.

  “Actually, no.” Colour crept up along his cheekbones, intriguing me. If it wasn’t his and it wasn’t Ben’s, then whose was it? Someone he was embarrassed about? Made him uneasy? The answer to that one was a resounding yes as his gaze flitted away from mine.

  Mother of Matcha! This room belonged to a woman. A quick glance confirmed the more feminine nature of the room, from the softer colours, to the large mirror, to the more feminine lines on the furniture I could see. Even the bed, a large sturdy four-poster one, contained graceful curves.

  It belonged to a woman.

  Their woman.

  My heart hammered and tears pricked the back of my eyes. What had I done? I never even asked. Just jumped into bed with them. And as much as I wanted to blame them, I couldn’t. They might have rules in their relationship? Or whatever they had were they were allowed to sleep with other people. There was no way they could know that I wasn’t built to do that. That if I’d known, I would have never let them touch me.

  “Hey.” Caleb brushed my hair back again, stroking down my cheek with the side of his fingers. The touch almost allowed the tears to spill, but I was done crying in front of him. Of them? This was all my fault and I’d take it like the big girl I was… or at least working on being.

  “What’s wrong? Where did you go?”

  I stiffened under his touch. My gaze settled on the dresser next to the door that I now knew led to the en suite.

  His gaze narrowed as he examined me. As much as I didn’t want to look at him, I couldn’t resist. He’d been nothing but kind to me, taking care of me during my injury, even working when he wasn’t scheduled so he could make sure my ankle was promptly looked at. I should really have asked him before jumping to conclusions, but the words sat on the tip of my tongue not moving.

  His gaze widened as his mouth fell open, “Oh shit. I’m so sorry.” My heart broke as he confirmed my suspicions. Any last hope died instantly. “This room is another spare room. Neither of us felt right taking the master bedroom, so we took two of the other rooms.” My muscles released their clench, but remained tight. “Neither one of us is seeing anyone else.” He turned my face, cradling my cheek. “I know you don’t really know us. And I kind of jumped the gun, attacking you the way I did which meant we… I went about things backward. We’re not guys who date around or even sleep around despite what you might hear. As we mentioned last night, we’ve shared women together, but it hasn’t been that many. Neither of us have been in a long-term relationship since Ben broke up with his fiancée almost ten years ago. Instead, we’ve been waiting for the woman who we both wanted.”

  I sucked in a breath. He couldn’t mean what it sounded like. There was no way that they thought I was a woman they both wanted. I was just the woman they slept with. That had to be it. Even if the idea disappointed me.

  The bed depressed beside me as Ben sat down. “We’re thirty-four. Both gainfully employed. Own our own vehicles along with this house. And both of us have healthy savings accounts for retirement.”

  Caleb punched him in the arm, but Ben smirked at me. “What? I thought we were listing everything she needed to know about us. You know, like a resume for a job.”

  I snorted a laugh, bringing chuckles to them.

  Ben patted my shoulder. “The shower in this bathroom has a bench and a handheld shower head. Why don’t you let Caleb get you set up and I’ll bring you in another shirt before I start breakfast. Then we can head over to your place when we’re ready. Caleb’s mom organized a crew of helpers, but they won’t arrive until nine.”

  And with that, he pressed a soft kiss to my lips before standing and leaving the room.

  “Well, shall we?” Caleb raised a single eyebrow, making me jealous of his ability.

  I nodded. A shower sounded wonderful.

  Without wasting another second, Caleb stood and lifted me, naked, from the bed. He carried me to the bathroom, allowing me to stand, leaning against the countertop. “I’ll start the water, and lower the head so you can shower in peace.” He kissed my lips and then spun around to do what he said.

  I wanted to ask him to stay, to shower with me, but I didn’t. And as much as I could see from his growing dick, he didn’t ask to either, endearing him to me. My emotions had been all over the place this morning. Along with everything that happened in the last forty-eight hours, I didn’t know if I was coming or going. Sitting in the shower, allowing the hot water to flow over me, would give me the chance to find my footing.

  That and maybe a cup of my special blend tea that I had made specifically to calm me would go a long way.

  I sat on the chintz-covered, padded parsons chair—one of the new ones that I’d purchased for the tearoom—with my injured foot propped up on another, and stared at the assorted women and girls around me. My mouth hung open from all they’d already accomplished and it wasn’t even lunch.

  After breakfast, including one of the long forgotten salted caramel and chocolate petit fours from Buns by the Bay, Caleb kissed me before telling us that he’d meet us at my shop in the early afternoon with some lunch.

  The kisses and promises of later continued to surprise me. They’d said that they didn’t really date, didn’t have girlfriends—or should I say girlfriend?—and only slept with the occasional woman. So the idea that they might want something more didn’t fully resonate. Yet I knew I should trust those hints of promises. In front of me stood the proof that they meant what they said.

  “I’m so sorry about your ankle.” A young woman with long black as night hair and who looked around my age stood in front of me. I thought her name started with an S, but when Caleb’s mother introduced all the helpers two hou
rs ago, there’d been so many and I’d been so overwhelmed that the names didn’t stick.

  “Thank you. And thank you so much for coming and helping. I really don’t know…” My voice trailed off. How could I possibly repay these people—people who didn’t even know me—for stepping in and helping me like this?

  “It takes a little to get used to, but you’ll soon become accustomed to how our small town operates.” She perched on the side of the chair that Ben had propped my ankle on. “By the way, I’m Susie. I’m sure Mrs. Bishop overwhelmed you by telling you our names all at once.”

  I chuckled and held out my hand. “I’m Isabella, but feel free to call me Is.” Everyone in my past called me Isabella, but I wanted a fresh start. What better way to do it than to shorten my name for my friends? And I wanted Susie for a friend. Her dark eyes sparkled with mischievousness, yet she oozed compassion. I’d watched her working with the others and numerous times she’d stepped in to help one of the older ladies with a box she deemed too heavy. But at the same time, I’d noticed that those same women kept a close eye on her as if they worried about her. I wondered at the reasoning, but knew that if we became friends, she’d tell me in her own time.

  “So I heard that you recently graduated with your MBA. That’s impressive, considering you don’t look very old. I remember when Ben graduated with his and he was positively ancient.” She grinned at someone behind me.

  Two familiar hands rested on my shoulders. “Ancient? I’m shocked at you, little Susie.” She scowled at him, bringing a little grin to my lips. “And here I was all set to make you my favourite student in September.”


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