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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

Page 14

by Skye MacKinnon

  She released her hands from the sheet and arched her back as she came. It was then that I noticed the black cuffs around her wrists and the ropes that were tied to them. My eyebrows rose at the picture before me. I’d watched her submit to his mild commands and restraints last night, but never did I dream that he’d get her here this fast.

  Unable to wait anymore as Ben dove his tongue back in, not giving her a moment’s rest, I fisted my cock. “Can anyone join in or is this voyeur only?”

  “C-Caleb. C-come join in.” Isabella turned to give me a smile that changed into her biting her lower lip as Ben sucked on her clit. Her eyes rolled back as another surge of her orgasm took her.

  I climbed onto the head of the bed. The moment her eyes popped open, I said, “Hi.” And then I dove in for the kiss I’d been dying to have since I walked away from her this morning. I couldn’t be gentle. My need, my craving too great for that. I’d be gentle and loving after… once we were all satisfied.

  She sighed into my mouth, allowing me to dominate, to use her as I saw fit. I sucked her tongue, thinking about how it would feel when I finally slid my dick between those same lips. But like last night, that pleasure would have to wait.

  I crawled under her, slithering down the bed on my back with my head pointed towards Ben’s. My lips, tongue, and teeth blazed a path down her neck and over her chest as I moved. Since she wore Caleb’s mark, a red ass, I sucked hard on the skin to the side of one of her nipples. To finish it off, I gave it a harder nip from my teeth, ensuring it wasn’t hard enough to break her skin. She cried out my name and my dick smacked my stomach, giving a little wave like an eager puppy being called by his master.

  And as much as Ben and I liked to dominate, to be in charge in the bedroom, she was my master. Pleasing her was my focus.

  The shaking arms on either side of me revealed how close her orgasm was. I lifted my hands to her slick-with-sweat body, holding her aloft with my strength in case she collapsed.

  The cries and moans from her mouth increased along with the calling of our names. I ringed her straining nipples with my tongue, getting close enough to pass them like a soft wind. A touch, but not really enough of one to bring any type of relief. The skin around them grew dusky from the rush of blood and hardened to tight buds. And like my cock, they swayed closer to my mouth on each pass. It almost reminded me of the old cartoons containing snake charmers where the music had the snakes swaying to do the bidding of the one who played.

  I felt the moment her arms gave up, transferring all her weight to mine. It was then I struck, sucking one of her nipples into my mouth. Hard. And as fast as it went in, I released it with a pop before doing the same to the second. The third time I stayed with the same nipple, not wanting to give her a predictable pattern. Her cries grew louder and then cut off as her whole body shook within my hands. She screamed a silent O before she went limp.

  Using the flat of my tongue, I trailed a design over her skin as I slid to the side to crawl out from under her.

  Ben climbed out as well and together we lowered her to the bed on her back, gliding our hands over her in long slow strokes to calm. We also released her from the cuffs, returning blood flow to her wrists.

  “Holy cheese biscuits. Am I ever going to get used to the two of you working together so I don’t grey out each time?” Her words brought about a smile and a strong sense of satisfaction within me. I’d never had a woman before who responded the way she did. But the slight hint of fear in her voice told me this wasn’t an idle question. I just wasn’t sure what she feared. Was it the fact that she could lose the response or did she want to lose it?

  I flipped so that my arm shared the pillow with her head as I propped myself up on my side, looking down at her. “This is all new and strong which gives you such a strong reaction. Over time, once the intensity fades a little it should subside, but it may not go away all together.”

  She nodded. A soft, well pleasured, well satisfied smile played along her lips. “That’s good to know. I was starting to get a little worried.”

  “Because we’re so explosive together?” Ben outlined her breast with the tip of his finger, raising goosebumps on her skin.

  “A little…” She shrugged, letting her voice trail off, but I could tell something else bothered her.

  “What’s steeping in that head of yours?” To tease her, I matched Ben’s prior move and circled her breast using light pressure and the edge of my fingernail.

  “I just… I wonder… What is this between us?”

  “You’re ours.”


  I was theirs. That’s what both Ben and Caleb said. What did it mean? I hated asking the question, not wanting to rock the boat, but Kaitlyn’s possible story kept rattling around in my head. If this wasn’t something serious, something that they wanted for longer than my ankle injury, I needed to know. My heart would need guarding even if I feared it might be too late.

  Ben’s finger brushed over the sensitive tip of my nipple, drawing my attention. “I know Caleb told you that we didn’t have long term girlfriends, that we didn’t really date. That’s because we were waiting for you. We want you. To share you. To grow old with you.”

  “To love you.” Caleb flicked my nipple, but my attention had already transferred to him. Love? Was he serious?

  Yet the word resonated within me. What I felt for them couldn’t be love, could it? I’d known them for less than forty-eight hours, but already I was more comfortable with them than I’d been with anyone else. There were lots of things that we didn’t know about each other concerning our pasts, but that was all stuff that would come with time. But none of that would affect how I felt.

  My feelings toward them were certainly stronger, deeper than anything I felt for Bradford. The most I’d felt for him was a polite indifference which made our relationship easy. This was anything but. Passion filled our talks. Hits of jealousy and possessiveness filled me when I heard women talking about them or about the way others reacted. The nurse, Debbie, at the hospital had made me want to pull Caleb into my arms and jump his bones just to prove he was mine. And the same thing happened when Susie and Kaitlyn talked about all those female students that would sit in Ben’s classes.

  So while they said I was theirs…

  They were mine.

  Protecting myself be damned.

  I wanted them.

  And what was life without a few—two to be exact—risks?

  They watched me patiently, allowing me to work through all my feelings, But I could see the looks of guarded weariness, that light dulling in their eyes. It contrasted with the shimmer of hope and expectation. The latter I wanted to see more of.

  “I’m yours. But that means you’re mine.” My gaze darted between them, catching the exact moment my words sunk in. The smiles, the sparkles, the way they both placed sweet lingering kisses on my cheeks, it all felt like I was being wrapped up in a warm hug. The same way I felt when I held the perfect mug of steamy tea between my hands on a cold day. The herbal vapours would seep into me with each deep breath, calming and warming me from the inside.

  “I told you forever, sweet-tea, and I meant it.”

  “Until death is too short, dove.”

  The only words I could respond with stuck in the back of my throat. I’d never said the words I love you to a man before. And certainly not two. Since I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that what I felt was love, I didn’t want my first time to say it toe be wrong.

  Instead I gave them both a sexy smile. While they’d given me a couple of orgasms, the hard press of their cocks against my thighs reminded me that neither of them received the same pleasure. Besides, while those orgasms had been good, great even, I wanted their dicks inside me.

  “Do you trust us?”

  “Yes, Ben, I do.” And I did. Everything they said to me, even those I found a little hard to swallow, had proven true.

  “Then let us share you. Let us show you what it’s truly like to be with us.�

  My response… I yanked him toward me, planting my lips on his. He let me lead, surprising me, but I didn’t hesitate to take advantage, forcing my tongue into his mouth. The ridges on his teeth felt a little sharp as I brushed against them in my quest to memorize him. The bumps from his taste buds on his tongue felt almost smooth in contrast as I slid my tongue over his.

  But then Caleb sucked a nipple into his mouth, and Ben wrestled control from—without much of a fight on my side—as pleasure washed over me.

  Together they work to dismantle me again. Seamlessly they moved up and down my body. Each place they touched with their hands, mouths, or even their hard cocks lit up like the fireworks display in the night sky over the Parliament Building in Ottawa on July first, for the Canada Day celebrations. A sight I saw in person a couple of times. And fireworks was the accurate description. Each little nip or lick set off its own mini explosion until I writhed so much on Caleb’s tongue that Ben held me down.

  The move only served to send me higher until I once again stepped over that cliff and let go, allowing gravity to take over. I didn’t worry about falling, knowing they would catch me.

  “Do you trust us?” Ben asked again against my ear, brushing it with his lips, sending another wave of pleasure through me.

  Chapter 12


  “We want to try something new. Something we only ever planned to do with our woman. With you,” Caleb added.

  If I had seeds of hesitancy, he melted them away with his words. Whatever it was, this was something that only the three of us would share. And I loved that feeling more than I should.

  “Please, yes. I just want you. Both of you.”

  “And you have us.” Caleb sealed his statement with a kiss as he rolled over me to lie beside me on the bed on his back. “Help her on me. And make sure to adjust the pillows to protect her ankle.”

  At this point I wondered what ankle he spoke of. Mine… I didn’t feel a thing, too awash in hormones and need.

  Between Ben and Caleb, they lifted me, placing me on Caleb, my back to his chest so that he held me securely. Once my ankle was secure, I heard the rip of the condom package opening. And to my surprise, since I hadn’t seen them touch each other before, Ben rolled the condom on Caleb before putting one on himself.

  At my questioning stare, Ben caressed my cheek and chin. “For you, we’d do anything to keep you safe. Even touching each other.”

  The depth of his, of their devotion, floored me. I didn’t know men would do that, be willing to touch each other that way without being bisexual or gay.

  But the depth of their devotion only began with the condom. Ben grasped Caleb’s cock and lined it up with my opening, helping to guide it in me. As Caleb sank in, I moaned, glad that the previous orgasm loosened me and made me wet.

  He slid in without any issues, giving me a few slow thrusts that only served to make me want him more.

  When he stopped, holding himself deep within me, I cried out in frustration. He stroked his hands up and down my sides, starting at my hips where he’d been clenching me. The movement served to calm me as he spoke near my ear, “We need to hold still so Ben can get in.”

  Through a lust induced gaze, I watched as Ben coated his condom covered cock in lube. For a split second, fear ran through me as I wondered if he was going to put it in my ass. I hadn’t done ass play before, and I didn’t know if I wanted to start as they double teamed me. But then reason pushed away the fear. He couldn’t go into my ass, not with the way I lay on Caleb. If anything Caleb would have to be in my ass, but he was firmly entrenched in my pussy.

  With a quick lick to my clit, Ben straightened, lined himself up, and tried to push himself in.

  But he didn’t go far. Even with all the lube, it was still too tight. He was too big.

  He tried again, using his hand to push down on the top of his cock. The side of his pinkie finger brushed my clit… repeatedly… while Caleb toyed with my nipples. I forced myself to relax, pushing out all my thoughts, my worries, even my anticipation from my mind, and just let myself feel.

  Pressure built… and built… and built. The feeling of fullness, of stretching, of splitting in two intensified. I cried out.

  And then there was a pop.

  Some of the intensity, that feeling of being split, lifted. I took in a deep breath as he slid in deeper. The intensity increased, but this time it was different. Maybe it came from the lack of a smooth glide or maybe it was from the feeling of being stuffed with two cocks and the need for them to move, to slide against all those hot spots within me and the ones outside.

  Caleb—I think—pulled back. He gripped my hips, leaving fingerprints as he attempted to force his cock to move. It did, but again the movement wasn’t smooth, almost as if he were caught. “I can’t,” he began. “It’s not working. Something’s sticking.” Sweat slicked our skin where we touched. And with each attempt he made to slide out, despite how tightly he held me, my body moved but his cock only moved haltingly.

  An article I read a few years earlier popped into my head. Why I’d read something about double penetration including double vaginal penetration, I didn’t know, but at the moment, I was glad I had. “It’s the condoms. We can’t use them. At least not both.”

  The men stilled.

  “Shit,” Caleb moaned underneath me. “How could I have forgotten something as basic as that?”

  “Because your focus, like mine, was on protecting her.”

  Disappointment gave the air a sour tang, cutting through the musk of sex. And as much as it was a risk, I knew what I wanted. What I needed to do.

  “Take off the condoms, both of you. I’m on the pill. It’s the wrong time of my cycle. And I’ve been tested recently. They all came back negative.

  “Are you sure?” Ben ran a finger down the side of my face. ‘Because our tests from a few months ago were negative as well.”

  “And there hasn’t been anyone since,” Caleb added. “Nor have either of us ever gone without one.”

  Ben nodded.

  “Then let’s do it.” I patted one of Caleb’s hands on my hips as I reached up to cradle Ben’s cheek. “I want this. I don’t want to stop.”

  “Then we won’t.” Ben began to work himself out, not worrying about the condom while Caleb held still.

  Within a short time, I once again lay on Caleb, empty and waiting, desperate for them.

  “Ready, sweet-tea?”

  “Does a tea kettle whistle?”

  They chuckled. Ben reached down, wrapping his hand around his cock and Caleb’s, giving them a couple of quick pulls. Then, holding them securely, he pressed them both to my entrance. One of them slipped in, towing the second cock in, in its wake.

  “Mother of Matcha. That feels so good.”

  Twin groans of satisfaction were the only answer I received.

  And if I thought that was good, it was nothing compared to the waves of overwhelming pleasure, the deep intensity when they began to move. They worked together. When one slid out, the other slid in. I could feel them rubbing each other, rubbing me. All those secret hot spots—the ones that most women were lucky if their man could find one of them—were in constant stimulation. All. Of. Them.

  The men moaned and groaned, offering up prayers and expletives as they continued to move. The sheer amount of sensation more than even they assumed there’d be, had us barreling towards explosive orgasms. One I knew would have me blacking out if history had any say.

  “I’m so freakin’ close.”

  “Me, too.” Ben reached between us, placing his finger against my clit and tapping it in time with his thrusts.

  Caleb added to the sensations by lifting his head and maneuvering until he could bite down on the skin that covered the expanse from my neck to my shoulder. At the same time, he released one hip, relinquishing his hold to Ben as he moved to pluck and pinch my nipple.

  They played my body like the maestros they were. Each movement, each touch, cho
reographed to release the most profound music. Those pieces of classical music where all you can do is feel. Where none of the words get in the way. Yet they produce emotion that can bring you to your knees. That’s how I felt in their hands.

  They strummed the crescendo, bringing us all to that cliff ledge where we perched precariously, awaiting a tiny final push to bring us crashing down.

  I reached up, brushing my fingers over Ben’s nipples and that was it. That final gust of air that triggered our free fall. Ben fell first, pulsating into me, triggering my orgasm that got lost amongst Caleb’s.

  And with each breath, each slight movement either one of us made, it triggered another round until we were too spent to feel any more.

  Ben collapsed to the side, remembering to roll to the opposite side of my injured ankle. Caleb rolled the two of us, propping my ankle with his calf as he turned us to face Ben.

  “Now you’re truly ours.” Ben brushed the hair off my face.

  “And we’re yours.” Caleb wrapped his arm around Ben, pulling him closer. And despite the sweat that clung to our bodies and hunger in my belly, I was content. I’d lie here forever if I could.

  Chapter 13


  I couldn’t believe my life. Only a few short months ago, I fled my family to move to the small town of Voyageur Bay on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. Bou-Tea-Que, my tea shop opened on time to the massive crowds that flocked to our town for the August long weekend holiday. And to my delight, Jason sent a crew to start working on my tea service rooms and kitchen later that same week.

  After three weeks of construction and a week working with Evette, my tea service opened today to sold out reservations. I hadn’t realized how big a draw the town’s Labour Day long weekend rodeo festival was. And despite knowing nothing about rodeos, I knew it was great for business. My register hadn’t stopped ringing all day.


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