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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

Page 20

by Skye MacKinnon

  “We pride ourselves on providing only the best.” She exhaled on the last word, doing her best to calm her frayed nerves.

  “The reason I’ve asked Devon and Luke to join this meeting is because I have a proposal that would benefit both businesses.” Max opened a folder in front of him. “I’ve looked at the proposals you presented electronically. I have to admit that I’m very impressed with the detail and business plans from the two entities. As you know, Turner Investments focuses on helping national businesses expand and grow globally.”

  Lexi’s shoulders slumped. Even though part of her expansion included frozen products, she wasn’t convinced that it was viable to sell to other countries.

  “Which is why we were honored that you showed interest in investing in our latest blends.”

  “I’m not.” Max cleared his throat as the two men looked at him in shock. “I’m interested in taking Wills Bros Coffee global as an entity, Devon. You have what it takes to compete in the big league of world-renowned coffee brands and with my financial backing and several global manufacturing and distributions centers, it’s a no brainer.”

  “That’s much bigger than we ever anticipated we’d like to go, Max. Our intention was to use the new blend as a conduit to cement our product line across the States.”

  “Which we will still do but the timing on this is perfect to ensure immediate success. Your product is top notch, so I have no concerns that it won’t sell. What will give you the edge is that you will be offering job opportunities to thousands of people across the world, something which in the current economic climate, is the winning ticket.”

  “This is unexpected, Max. What you’re saying makes sense.” Luke pointed at Lexi. “How does Lexi’s Decadent Delights fit into this?”

  “I want you to consider a joint venture. I have personally experienced the taste sensation of a combination of your blends and Lexi’s pastries. She has perfected matching specific Wills blends with her pastries.” He smiled at her. “She even supplies, at her own cost, a sample of matched blends to online orders she receives.” He opened the confectionary box. “Her apple pie is the best I’ve ever tasted and based on research and preliminary polls we’ve run over the past week from customers she has supplied over the past two years, there is a 92% demand for such a combined service.”

  “That’s all good and well, Max but our focus for expansion is to supply in bulk to retailers, not small quantities to individuals.” Devon smiled at Lexi. “No offense intended, Lexi.”

  “None taken, since I am just as surprised about Max’s proposal as you are.” She looked at Max. “My intention is to grow as LDD, not as Wills Bros.”

  Max folded his hands over the file. “Let me explain. Firstly, Devon, Lexi has been supplying numerous retailers and large hotel groups with her pastries and the demand from those businesses will only grow over time.”

  Lexi was surprised that he knew that much about her distribution chain. Not that she should've been. He was known in the investment world as a man with drive and passion.

  “This is what I propose. Lexi wishes to open more bakeries across the state and you wish to market your latest blend. I, of course, wish to push it one level further and take both of you global, not just your blend, as I said Devon. The idea of offering sample coffee blends with the pastries will result in more sales for Wills, so that’s a no brainer. In fact, from my research, many of her suppliers have become clients of yours as well. Since she already markets your coffee to all her customers, it only makes sense to add a coffee shop to each of her bakeries. Among the three of you, decide on a new name to combine your services or keep it separate but in one shop. Lexi’s online service can be expanded to include an affiliate link to Wills since she should be rewarded for marketing services. The same could apply in reverse, of course.”

  Max allowed the information to sink in, since it had come as a surprise to everyone. “I will email you a detailed proposal, projections and business plans of my vision.” He smiled broadly. “Believe me, you’ll be shocked at the speed at which I foresee LDD and Wills Bros becoming household names across the globe.”

  “I have to admit, although it’s not something we ever thought we’d be interested in, it sounds intriguing. I’m looking forward to receiving your proposal, Max.” Devon jotted down a note as he spoke. He glanced at Lexi. “You’re very quiet, Lexi. What are your thoughts?”

  “I’m a little shocked to be honest. I’d love to expand but not even in my wildest dreams did I ever think there would be an opportunity to go that big this soon.”

  “Is it something you’d consider?” Max watched her intently. She imagined with a sense of anticipation and perhaps while holding his breath… or maybe that was just wishful thinking on her part.

  “I’d be a fool not to.” She sounded breathless and it was evident that she was struggling to wrap her mind around the concept.

  “When do you need an answer?” Luke asked.

  “The sooner we get this off the ground, the better. I suggest you keep this under wraps. Should Ericksen & Sons catch wind of what we’re up to, he’ll go all out to copy us. I don’t want to give him time to find a way to get something similar off the ground before we do.”

  “Agreed. Give us the weekend to look it over,” Devon said. “Lexi, will you be open to a Zoom call with us at some point over the weekend? Just so we can get a feel of each other's thoughts.”

  “I’d be delighted.”

  “I’ll have Alice send you Lexi’s contact details.” Max saluted the Wills. “See you on Monday, gentlemen.”

  He ended the call and stared at her. “So? Any thoughts you’d like to share with me?”

  “To be honest, I’m speechless.” She blinked a couple of times as she absently reached for the confectionery box where she snapped up a morsel of sticky apple pie and popped it into her mouth. It was a bad habit to look for something to eat when she was dealing with a problem. It was her saving grace that she had a fast metabolism otherwise she’d be a roly-poly for sure.

  Max suppressed a groan as he watched her lick the sticky nectar off her lips. He could feel the effect of her unconscious sexual display in the twitch of his cock. The years fell away and it was as though they had never been apart as he stared at her. She had always been able to arouse him without attempting to seduce him. Her natural sensuality combined with her beauty and passion for life did it for her.

  “Aren’t you going to share your tangy apple pie with me?”

  Her eyes drifted to his. For long moments neither said a word. Then she used the piece in her hand to brush it against her lips, watching him all the time. He was entranced by the picture of emotions that her pursed lips and eyes were painting.

  Max had always loved her lips, so full and pouty that he could nibble on them all day. Just the thought of their softness sent his mind into a sensual state of intoxication. The flash in his eyes was a demand that Lexi responded to without conscious thought. She got up and within minutes perched on his lap.

  “How about a more personal offering of my tangy apple pie, Mr. CEO?”

  Max’s reverent caress of her cheek was a prelude to the most anticipated moment— the kiss they both knew was inevitable.

  “You know I have rules, Miss Dutton.”

  “Rules are meant to be broken,” she whispered as she took matters into her own hands and leaned in to press her mouth against his.

  “Hmm.” The sensuality of his moan seared her mind as he nibbled and licked the tangy stickiness from her lips.

  “You should be careful offering such delights to a man.”

  “And why is that?”

  “One could very easily become addicted to it.”

  “Never fear, I’m a very prolific baker. There will always be more than enough on hand for a taste.”

  “How about a daily dose?”

  Lexi stiffened and leaned back. “A daily dose?”

  “That’s how addictions work and once it’s fed, it knows no e

  “What are you saying, Max?”

  “I’m saying I want a second chance, Lexi. With you, for us… a life together.”

  It was long after Lexi had jumped up from his lap and ran out the door before Max moved. He expected her to be surprised but not that she’d run away as if pursued by the Devil. It confirmed what he’d hoped had changed since they met again but it clearly hadn’t. Lexi still hated him for breaking her heart.

  “I guess that’s a no then.”

  Chapter 10

  “I ran away, Vee.” Lexi paced the kitchen in the bakery, her arms flailing as she chewed on her bottom lip. “He offered the one thing I’d been dreaming of since he walked away and I… I—”

  “You panicked.” Vee pushed a warm chocolate croissant in Lexi’s hands. She immediately bit into it without checking what it was. “Can’t say I’m surprised though.”

  “About what?”

  “Running from him.” Vee placed a dry, frothy cappuccino on the counter in front of Lexi. She sipped it, watching her chomping away on the delicate pastry, “He hurt you, badly and you’re scared.”

  “I am. It took me months before I could focus on anything after he left. I don’t think I’ll be able to go through it again.”

  “You won’t have to.”

  Lexi froze at the dulcet-toned voice that floated towards her from behind. She leaned against the counter with closed eyes.

  “I guess that’s my cue.” Vee squeezed Lexi’s hand. “There are times when it’s good to think things through and rack your brain for days but there are also times when one should listen to one’s own heart.” Her smile was encouraging. “This is one of those times, girlie.”

  Lexi’s fingers curled into fists as Max gently turned her to face him. He smiled tenderly as he brushed the hair from her face.

  “I know you have mixed feelings about me, Lexi. It’s no use denying it or fighting against it. I know because I am in the same boat.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers in a kiss soaked with tenderness and promise. “I screwed up with you and I have regretted it every day for the past five years. I lied to you the other day when I said I wouldn’t have come back. I knew if I saw you and came face to face with you, I wouldn’t have thought twice about rekindling what we had. It’s because I knew I’d be unable to leave again that I stayed away.”

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “Because I made a promise to my grandfather on his deathbed. I couldn’t break it and I still endeavor every day to reach higher, do more and achieve the impossible because I know it’s what he wanted.” His fingers revisited her silky cheeks. “But the moment I saw you on that pavement I realized how empty my life had become---how nothing, not the achievements or the money could compensate for what I had lost.” He smiled dolefully. “Yes, I achieved success but it was an empty victory without you by my side. My life is empty. Everything I do is meaningless because I have no one with whom to share it. More importantly, share my life with me and love me.” His voice cracked and turned hoarse, “As much as I still love you.”

  “We live in different worlds, Max. I’ve changed. So have you.” She spread her hands. “This is my life where I am happy.” Her drooping shoulders painted a picture of the sadness in her heart. “You prefer the corporate world of glass and steel. I can’t breathe in the city, Max, and you… your business is there. You’ll wither and die out here.”

  “What is love if our hearts can’t find a way to build a bridge to happiness? Yes, my business is in the city and that is never going to change but I don’t live there. I own a farm along the banks of the Great Miami River in Grandview just outside the city.” His expression was earnest. “I don’t expect you to give up your bakery here, Lexi, but if you need one to fulfill your life, we’ll open one close to the farm. The area there has a similar ambience as here. Vee and Harold are more than capable of managing this bakery. We’ll still open the manufacturing and distribution plan for the Ohio area in Williamsburg.” He took her hands. “We can work this out, Lexi. The distances aren’t vast and besides, I have a chopper.”

  “Max, this is all so unexpected. I don’t know if—”

  “I love you, more than I ever realized. I need you in my life. Not for a short spell or weekend visits. I want you as my wife, Lexi. To love and to hold until death do us part. The important question is this. Do you love me?”

  “You know I do. I never stopped and love you more now than before but—”

  “But nothing. That’s what matters— our love. Everything else is inconsequential; little bumps in the road that we’ll figure out as we go.” He went down on one knee and stared up at her with love in his eyes. “You are my love, the keeper of my heart and the only woman I want in my future. Please say yes. Say you’ll be my wife.”

  Lexi knew she was fighting a losing battle. She didn’t doubt the authenticity of his claim. It was there in his eyes, the way he touched her… she’d felt it the night they’d slept together. Her heart soared knowing he loved her. With him by her side, they would conquer all obstacles and their love would be their guiding light to a bright and happy future.

  “Yes, Max, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  The kitchenechoed with a relieved sigh as he straightened.

  “Max! What are you doing?” she shrieked as he lifted her onto the counter and reached under her skirt.

  “It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a taste of your juice… sauce and—”

  “Not here! The shop opens in thirty minutes and the staff meeting with Harold will be finished any moment now.” She pushed frantically at his groping hands.

  “Hmm, I guess you have a point.” He looked around. A leering smile crossed his face as he picked her up.

  “Put me down! We can’t have… you know…” her voice lowered to a whisper, “sex in the bakery!”

  “Well love, there’s sex and then there’s sex.” He winked at her as he shouldered open the storeroom door. “I’m game for a quickie.” He laughed at her horrified expression as he pressed her back against the door, effectively locking them inside. “How much time do we have? Ten minutes?” He stole her gasp with an ardent kiss. Guiding her leg high up over his hip, he pressed the animate salient against the inviting warmth between her legs. Her knee-high skirt rode up above her waist.

  “Closer to five. Max!” she gasped as he ripped her panties from her hips.

  “Then there’s not a moment to lose.” He leaned closer and unzipped the unruly bulge and quickly sheathed himself with a condom. “Give me those tart apple pie lips again, love.”

  “Ohh,” she moaned into his mouth and arched as he tuned her clitoris with a feathery touch, sparking her awakened lust into overdrive.

  “Hmm, your little oven is already hot and sticky,” he murmured against her thick mane as he pressed the pad of a finger against the soft ganglia of nerves.

  “My little oven?” she couldn’t help but giggle even while she moaned as he prodded her opening with the blunt tip of his cock. “That just sounds so wrong, Max.”

  ““I can’t think of a better place to heat up my spicy sausage, can you?” He chuckled with her. “Here’s some savory for your sweet.” Their moans married in the confines of the storeroom as he thrust himself repeatedly deep inside her.

  She ground hard against his pelvis, anchoring her legs around his waist and pitched her hips forward, completely impaling herself on his taut, thick length.

  “Yes, I want to feel you everywhere” she moaned as he started pounding into her with fervent strokes. His fingers pinching her clit turned her whimpering into lustful cries that echoed loudly through the room and into the kitchen beyond. He caught her lips under his to keep them contained as he felt her stiffening. A second of breathlessness before a low wail exploded in his mouth as she gave over to the climax that engulfed her.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders as she arched and twitched against him. The pulsing muscles clenching and releasing around his length yanked
him over the edge.

  His groan sounded primal as an orgasm shuddered through him.

  Their haggard breathing was the only sound for long moments as Max wrapped her in his arms and held her against him.

  “Now that’s how one does a quickie,” he teased as she buried her glowing face against his throat when she finally caught her breath.

  “I’ll never be able to walk into this room and not blush.”

  “I love your rosy cheeks, my love.”

  “Max, no! We have to get out of here,” she tried to push him away as he spread her legs wide.

  “Can’t. I know the rule in the kitchen, love.”

  “Which one?”

  “Waste not want not.” She gasped as he gently wiped her clean with a handkerchief. He went down onto his knees and buried his face between her legs, licking and sucking her into a frenzy once more. “And I’d be remiss in my duties as the CEO of this company if I let all this tangy juices go to waste.”

  “I guess I couldn’t have asked for a better partner,” she giggled as he nibbled on her swollen nub, drawing a desperate moan from her lips.

  “My very own apple pie CEO.”

  The End.

  Be sure to give Lexi’s Decadent Apple Pie recipe below a try!

  Also by Linzi Basset

  I hope you enjoyed this romantic novelette.

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  About the Author

  “I write from the inside out. My stories are both inside me and a part of me so it can be either pleasurable to release them or painful to carve them out. I live every moment of every story I write. So, if you're looking for spicy and suspenseful, I'm your girl... woman... writer... you know what I mean!"


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