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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

Page 24

by Skye MacKinnon

  Holding it to my nose, I sniff it, trying to discern if it smells the same as I remember. I can’t be sure; it’s been too long.

  “Amazing,” Finn sighs, inhaling the scent of his banana. “I never realised I missed them until now. I mean, I miss all the food we used to eat, especially proper chocolate, but this… this is special.”

  I want to show them to the children, but they’re staying with Bertie this weekend. He plays babysitter for us from time to time, giving us the chance to focus on our relationship. It’s not just nice for us, but also for good old Bertie. His partner Arnold died two years ago and even if we weren’t stuck on an island, I doubt he’d ever look for someone else. Bertie and Arnold were the dream couple everyone aspires to be. Now that Bertie is all alone, he loves taking care of our kids, either playing with them as human children or showing them the way of the bears if they’re shifted. Ruby, our eldest, now has full control over her shifts, but Arcas doesn’t. At least he’s no longer breastfeeding. My nipples hurt at the memory of his sharp little fangs drawing blood.

  “What are you thinking of?” Torben asks me, stroking his banana.

  “We should show the kids, they’ve never seen one before. But... I also don’t want to end our weekend quite yet.”

  Húnn hugs me from behind, pressing me against his large body. “We’ll keep one for them to taste once they’re back. I’ll share mine with my brother.”

  “You are? I don’t think so,” Ràn huffs. He twirls his fingers around his banana’s stem as if he’s tempted to pull it down, revealing the soft sweetness inside. “I'm going to eat this slowly, relishing every bite. I'm going to close my eyes while memorising the taste because I doubt we'll ever find another banana again. And I'm certainly not going to share."

  "You will," Torben growls, all alpha. "We share Isla, we share a home, we share bananas. You need to set a good example for our cubs."

  “Please don’t compare me to a banana,” I complain. “But Torben is right. We’re going to share. Let’s give one to the kids and one to Bertie, that leaves three for the five of us.”

  “How about a competition?” Finn suggests eagerly. “The winner gets the biggest piece.”

  Some days, I wonder if Finn ever really grew up. He’s the most playful of my four bears which is why the cubs love him. Luckily, Torben has taken charge of discipline, teaching them from the start that the sleuth’s alpha is to be obeyed.

  I hold out my hands. "Hand me your bananas. Now. Before this escalates into yet another fight."

  They grumble, but all comply, even Torben. As much as he likes to posture as alpha, everyone knows that secretly I'm the one in charge. Alis, the spirit residing within me, is stronger than him. If she wanted to, she could take over our sleuth, but that would start all sorts of complications. Besides, Alis has become more withdrawn since her son died, preferring to simply stay in the background with only the occasional snarky comment. She excels at sarcasm.

  I stuff the five bananas back into the chest we found them in. It's pre-Drowning, some kind of storage container that kept the bananas fresh for over two decades. I don't know how it works, but maybe we can reuse it for other purposes. Much knowledge of the technology we had before the sea levels rose has disappeared, although we do occasionally find things like this chest washed up on the beach. Most of the time, it's scrap, but today we were lucky.

  Real bananas.

  It's a miracle.

  I carry the chest back home, followed by my guys. They're still bickering, but I ignore them. It's better that way, I learned that early on. As half-brothers, Húnn and Ràn are constantly at odds, although in a loving, brotherly way. Finn likes to play jokes on the others - and on me - which can disturb the peace, while Torben... well, he's Torben. That says it all.

  Back in our large house, which has been constantly expanded since we arrived on Inchbrach, I set the container on the kitchen table.

  "What kind of bet are we going to do?" Finn asks. "Or a competition? The winner gets a whole banana, the losers have to share theirs. Isla gets one, too."

  I roll my eyes at his childishness, although I appreciate that he wants to give me a full banana without having to share. Turning this into a game is something I'd expect Ruby to do, but not my grown-up mates. Scratch that. It's exactly what they would do.

  "How about we do a race?" Torben suggests with a sly smile. He knows he's going to win that, unless I take part. He's the fastest of the four guys, mostly due to his size. His polar bear is massive, hundreds of pounds of pure muscle.

  Húnn grunts. "No way. It needs to be something we've never done before, so we don't know who's best at it."

  Finn stares at the container on the table, then starts laughing. "Let's match the theme. The challenge should be who's got the best banana."

  "Are we talking dicks?" Ràn asks in his deep voice that always makes my ovaries tremble with desire.

  "We are," Finn confirms. He looks far too happy about this.

  "That's not a competition," Torben snorts dismissively. "I've got the longest, you all know that."

  I hate to admit that he's right. His cock is the longest. I've got three years of experience with that. None of them are small, on the contrary, but Torben's dick is slightly longer. Not that it matters. Húnn's girth is impressive, while Finn sets the fastest pace that the others can't match. They each have their strength when it comes to satisfying me in bed. Having cubs means we don't spend nearly as much time together as I'd want, but when we do, it's simply magnificent. Any girl would be lucky to have one or two of these guys, and I have four.

  My insides clench when I picture their dicks. When did we last have sex together? Three days ago? Four? Ruby had a bit of a fever at the weekend, which got us all too worried to retreat to our sanctuary at the same time. Finn woke me this morning with his head between my legs, giving me a taste of what we're planning to do while the kids are with Bertie. Yes, maybe a dick competition isn't that bad of an idea.

  "I'm up for it," I say, earning myself a happy look from Finn. Ràn looks annoyed, but he doesn't say anything.

  Torben grins and reaches for the container. "Thanks for declaring me the winner."

  I slap his hand. "We're not going by size. We're going to start the first-ever Banana Olympics. Four guys, let's make it four challenges. There should be one about stamina. How about who can last the longest before coming?"

  "Oh, I know, we should measure how much cum we each release," Húnn suggests enthusiastically. "Remember that lab equipment I found a few months ago? There were some measuring beakers that would be ideal."

  Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

  After half an hour of discussion, Finn has drawn up our challenges and written them on a blackboard that we usually use to teach Ruby. She may only be two years old on paper, but she's clever enough to know the alphabet and numbers to 100 by now. I'm so proud of her. And I'm totally going to make sure to wipe off the blackboard before the cubs return.

  The Banana Olympics

  1. Stamina

  2. Volume

  3. Distance

  4. Transformability

  I can't believe we're doing this. It feels like something teenage boys would do, not grown men. But it's too late now. The guys are ready. I take a look at their trousers. Yes, definitely ready. All four tent the fabric, showing me just how hard they are. I lick my lips in anticipation.

  "First up is the stamina challenge," Finn announces. He's somehow made himself into the tournament's spokesperson, even though I'm the neutral party. "Isla will give us a lovely blow job and we'll time how long it takes for each of us to get to the point of no return. Isla, to make sure you don't show favourites, I'm going to blindfold."

  "Kinky," Húnn mutters, but the way his eyes roam my body tell me exactly how much he loved that idea. “But you’ll be able to scent us. How about we use some of that perfume we found? If we spray enough of that, it should make it impossible for Isla to tell us apart by scent.”
  I nod. “I’ve got it upstairs. Just don’t complain again if it makes you sneeze.”

  "I think Isla needs to be naked," Torben says, then turns to me. "I want to see your pretty boobs."

  "As if you haven't seen them before. And they're no longer as pretty as they were before I nursed two cubs."

  He steps behind me and cups my breasts. His beard rubs against my shoulder as he leans close and whispers, "They are stunning. And they're mine."

  My knees weaken at that word. Mine. They all know how it affects me and they take full advantage of it. Yes, I'm theirs just as much as they're mine.

  "I think while one of us is with Isla, the other three shouldn't be in the room," Ràn says thoughtfully. "It'll make me hard watching her suck one of you off. That would give the first an advantage."

  I love how serious they're taking it now that everyone's on board. Torben still rolls his eyes from time to time, but I know his pride has taken over. He loves to win and he's going to do everything in his power to be triumphant in our little banana Olympics.

  "We'll draw lots," he continues. Once upon a time, he barely spoke a word. He's become a completely different man since we first mated. "Should we combine this with the distance or volume challenge? Otherwise, we'll have to come three times."

  His brother chuckles. "Got a problem with that?"

  Ràn growls at him. "No, but I was worried for you."

  Finn has already brought the measuring beakers. "Let's start with volume," he suggests. "Then we can do distance after. We still need to set up some kind of range."

  "Outside," I say immediately. "You're not going to spread your cum all over the floor. And it's not like anyone's going to see us."

  Not that I'm shy. Since first shifting into a bear, I've become very used to nudity. It's part of life. My mates don't like it when I'm naked in front of Bertie, but otherwise, we aren't ashamed of being in the nude. With Bertie being the only other inhabitant of Inchbrach Island, we don't have curious neighbours that would take delight in watching our cum-distance-competition.

  I leave them to draw lots and head to the bedroom. It's a large room with a massive bed that's big enough for all five of us. The floor is covered in comfy rugs, soft enough for me to kneel on for a while. I shake my head at what I'm about to do. Sure, I've given blow jobs before, more often than I could ever count, but this is different. Four in a row. I rub my cheeks. I hope I'll be able to still speak after that. They'll all try and last as long as they can, so this might take a while.

  I’m very generous with the perfume, spraying it all over the room, the door frame and the floor. I cough as the floral fragrance bites my throat. Not quite to my taste. I hope that'll be enough to hide their scents from me. Otherwise, the blindfold will be completely unnecessary. I can tell them apart by scent even if they're far away from me. I breathe in deep as a test run, ignoring the tingle in my nose that the perfume gives me. I can't scent them, even though they're in the room downstairs. It seems to be working. We just have to air the room for quite a while later or we won’t be able to sleep in here.

  Since Finn forgot about the blindfold, I take a scarf from my wardrobe. I know already that I’ll be tempted to peek, but it'll be more fun to do this without my senses.

  Just when footsteps on the wooden stairs make my insides clench with anticipation, I realise I'm still fully clothed. I slip out of my blouse as fast as I can, but I leave on my loose linen trousers. Once I get started on them, they won't have the willpower to look at me anyway. They'll be in the land of bliss pretty quickly. I almost see it as a challenge to get them to come as fast as possible. But I will have to pace myself. Four guys in a row is a lot for my little mouth to take in and I don't want to end up with cramps.

  I sink to my knees at the same time as the door opens. I think it's Ràn, judging from the heavy footsteps, but I could be wrong. It's strange having my sense of smell being overwhelmed by the perfume. I hadn't realised how much I use it to find my way around the world. Bear shifter senses are amazing compared to the human nose.

  My first Olympian stops right in front of me. I open my mouth, not wanting to touch him. Usually, I'd wrap my hands around his thighs to pull him close, but I know I'd be able to tell them apart by the feel of their muscled thighs. That would be cheating.

  His dick nudges against my lips and I open even wider. He slides into my mouth, warm and hard. I close my eyes underneath the scarf and start sucking on this glorious cock. I try to banish all memory of previous blowjobs, treating this as something completely new. I don't let questions about who this might be come to the forefront of my mind. No, I focus on the silkiness of his cock, how it fills my mouth to the brink.

  He doesn't move, letting me take the lead. Good. I slowly move my head back, letting him glide almost completely out of my mouth, but as soon as his engorged tip touches my lips, I start licking him there, swirling my tongue around his head just the way I know all four of them like it. A muffled groan escapes him. Damn, I think I know who it is now. No, Isla, don't think of that. Focus on the cock. This beautiful cock that's almost shaped like a banana.

  I can't resist using my hands to cup his balls. Not sure if that's allowed in this challenge, but as long as I do the same for all four, it should be fine. Again, he does a rumbling sound. I think he's got his hands over this mouth to stop himself from reacting. I curl a finger into the soft skin between his balls. His cock jerks in my mouth, seemingly becoming even larger. Not that that's possible. And I wouldn't be able to take anything bigger.

  While massaging his balls in slow, gentle movements, I increase my pace, letting his dick fuck my mouth. Faster and faster do I push him deep into me until his tip hits my throat. I fight against the gag reflex and hold him in as long as I can. My panties are soaked already and if anyone touched me now - or if I rubbed my clit myself - I'd come right away. This is hot. The thought of him seeing me blindfolded, with my bare boobs hanging full and ripe...

  His muffled groans become more frequent. I think he's close. I hope he brought one of those beakers because I didn't. It would be a shame to waste all that cum. I mean, of course I could swallow it, feast on him, but that's not the point of the Banana Olympics.

  I suck him as hard as I can, then give him a moment to relax by running my tongue along his hardness. After all, this is supposed to be about how long they can resist. Let's give him a bit longer to savour it.

  "Such a gorgeous banana," I mutter before swirling my tongue around his head again.

  That sets him off. His hands grab my head and then he fucks me like he means it, plunging deep into my mouth at breakneck speed. I moan against him, desperate for someone to touch me. This isn't fair. Why did I agree to this? I want his dick inside me, inside my drenched pussy.

  Patience, Isla. Your time will come.

  He can't repress the roar of release as he pulls out in one smooth motion. I imagine he's spilt his cum into the beaker. Disappointment floods me. This is very one-sided.

  But that feeling vanishes as soon as a finger beneath my chin makes me lift my head and hard lips crash against mine. He kisses me furiously, his tongue plunging into my mouth just like his cock did moments ago. I moan again, suddenly feeling very wanted indeed. He's showing me how much this meant to him. How good it was. And it's a promise, too.

  His hand slides between my legs and rubs my swollen pussy through the fabric. It's enough to almost bring me over the edge.

  "Thank you, darling." It's Húnn. One last brush of his lips, then he's gone.

  I rub my cheeks and do some weird mouth movements in the hope that it'll relax my muscles enough to take on three more massive cocks.

  They've lined up their beakers on the kitchen table. From a distance, it looks like they produced a similar amount of cum.

  "I lasted the longest," Finn says proudly, waving his stopwatch. "Take that, guys. I'm almost the winner already."

  Torben scoffs. "That was just luck. I bet Isla didn't roll your balls the way she
did for me. I don't last long when she does that."

  "Hey, I gave the same treatment to all four of you," I protest. "Equal opportunities. But now I need a drink. Something strong."

  Ràn pours me a dram of whisky and I down it in one go. Usually, I like to savour the taste - something Arnold and Bertie taught me - but right now, it's all about the warm high of the alcohol. And a bit of disinfectant.

  "Which banana tasted the best?" Finn asks me with a grin.

  I wink at him. "That would be telling. But I bet none of them are anywhere as tasty as the real banana I'm going to eat later. Now, have you compared your beakers?"

  "We were waiting for you. By the way, thanks for not putting on your blouse again." Finn's gaze roams my body, caressing my boobs. I can almost feel his mental touch. Oh, how I want them all. This foreplay is taking way too long.

  I go on my knees so the table is at eye level. The beakers are numbered, so I don't know which is whose. They're almost identical, but one is slightly more. "Number three," I announce.

  "Yes!" Torben cheers. "I knew it! Alphas should have the most sperm from an evolutionary point of view, right?"

  I shrug. "Maybe, although I guess it also depends on how lively they are. Now we have Torben and Finn in joint first place. What happens if there are two winners at the end? Or what if all of you win one challenge?"

  "Then we'll add one more," Finn decides. "We need one clear winner. Obviously, it's going to be me."

  He's one cocky bear. But now that he's proven he's got the best stamina, he can really say that he's very cocky indeed.

  "Next up is distance," he says. "This time, it doesn't matter how we fuck you. As soon as we're close to coming, we'll position ourselves at the line and aim at the target. I've already prepared everything outside."


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