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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

Page 44

by Skye MacKinnon

  Jean-Luc chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned over her. “Not yet, but I’ll see what I can do.”

  Kelsey pursed her lips. There it was again. Perfect English. Heavily accented, yes, but no mistaking his words or their meaning.

  He pulled his fingers from between her legs, then brought both hands to the center clasp of her strapless bra, deftly releasing her breasts in one quick move of his fingers. His eyes widened with desire, then he reached for the bowl, grabbed the spatula, and spread cold, creamy deliciousness onto Kelsey’s breasts. Her breath caught from the cool temperature—and the white-hot need in his eyes—and her nipples pulled into tight peaks.

  He bent forward, bringing his mouth to her right breast, then stopped mere centimeters from her nipple, looking up to meet her gaze. With his eyes on hers, he extended his tongue and ran it in a slow circle around the stiff peak, and Kelsey arched her back, pushing her breast toward his mouth. He closed his lips over her and pulled her flesh into his hot mouth.

  Someone knocked on the door and Kelsey jumped, knocking over the bowl of vanilla goodness in her haste, then she slid quickly off the island and ducked to hide behind it.

  Shit! Double shit! She could not be caught with her pants off.

  As if there was anything even slightly entertaining about their current predicament—or how the future of Kelsey’s Kreations now hung in the balance—Jean-Luc watched her with amusement in his eyes, leisurely licking the dessert cream off his delectable mouth and sending a jolt of lust into her core even under these unlucky circumstances.

  “Go,” she whispered. “I’m not here.”

  “And yet.” He looked down at his groin and Kelsey followed his gaze to the bulging baguette in his pants, her eyes widening at the impressive tent made in the fabric. “Qu’est-ce que je dois faire de cette érection, ma belle américaine?”

  Kelsey moaned. If he said erection in French one more time…

  Holding her gaze, he reached down to adjust himself and tucked his cock up into the waist band of his slacks, then zipped and buttoned them and turned to go answer the door. She watched his back muscles work as he moved, mesmerized by the chiseled ridges of this man’s beautiful body.

  When he disappeared out of sight, Kelsey pulled in a ragged breath—what felt like the first full breath of air in some time. She leaned forward to peek around the island, but she couldn’t see past Jean-Luc’s large frame, so it was anyone’s guess who’d come to the door. Probably just one of the drunk wedding guests looking for food even though Kelsey had made sure to leave plenty for them in that wing of the large estate. Her black satin midi dress caught her attention, in a heap on the floor just a few feet away. She hadn’t noticed earlier, so caught up in the moment, but he must have brought it inside somehow when he’d carried her in. She just had to stretch her arm and she could probably reach it—

  “No.” Jean-Luc’s one word command stopped her in her tracks and tightened her belly.

  She lifted her gaze and discovered him watching her over his shoulder. He gave her a quick shake of his head, then she yanked herself back behind the island before she could be spotted by whoever was at the door. They’d probably assume the sexy chef had picked up a drunk bridesmaid or something, so Kelsey would stay hidden and hope for the best. And, who was she kidding, anyway? What had she been planning to do, get back into her dress and slink away to go rub one out in her car instead of staying here to see what tantalizing thing Jean-Luc wanted to do next?

  Hell. Fucking. No.

  Pressing her lips together to keep from giggling at this very inopportune time, Kelsey shook her head as she looked herself over. She was naked and squatting behind a kitchen island, covered in pastry cream of some sort, and instead of being scared of getting kicked off this gig and possibly screwing up the future of Kelsey’s Kreations, she was smiling ear to ear with the anticipation of what would come next.

  Jean-Luc spoke in hushed tones with someone, then Kelsey heard the fridge on the far side of the room open and close, followed by more hushed whispers. Somehow, she knew the chef would get rid of the uninvited visitor, then they could resume their delicious foreplay. Who knew food could be so sexy? Speaking of food… she glanced down and dipped her fingertip into the cream still spread across her chest, then slipped it into her mouth—

  Jean-Luc made a sound deep in his throat and Kelsey froze as the noise reached down into her core and her desire bloomed. She dared to look up at the man whose presence did incredible things to her body. His eyes flared with lust as he set a bottle of champagne on the counter beside him and for a split second, Kelsey couldn’t decide which was more appetizing: her favorite drink, or this beautiful French God standing before her.

  Just kidding. There was no contest. She was thirsty as fuck, but—surprisingly—not for champagne.

  Jean-Luc adjusted his cock in his pants. “Do that again.”

  Kelsey smiled coyly, then teased her nipple and brought the vanilla goodness to her mouth once more, making a sultry show of cleaning off her finger.

  Jean-Luc’s jaw tightened and his nostrils flared as he unbuttoned his slacks and dropped them to the ground.

  Kelsey gasped.

  His cock was everything she’d hoped for, everything she’d imagined.

  Massive and thick and standing at full mast for her.

  She’d be lucky if she could take the entire thing, but Kelsey wasn’t a quitter and she didn’t give up easily… not when it came to business and definitely not when it came to pleasure.

  Chapter 8

  Kelsey swallowed hard and stood up slowly, her legs weak from the desire pooling in her stomach and the coil of want between her legs.

  Jean-Luc clamped his hand around his cock, then stroked slowly as she stepped toward him. Her foot hit the metal bowl and she looked down, smiling as she realized it hadn’t spilled, but landed right side up. An enticing idea bloomed in her mind. Bending, she picked up the bowl, then closed the distance between them, kneeling in front of Jean-Luc.

  She placed the bowl on the tile floor between them, then scooped up a dollop of the dessert cream and spread it gently on the tip of his cock. She met his gaze, looking up at him through her lashes, then leaned forward, slowly twirling her tongue around his tip before taking his head into her mouth and sucking the cream off his skin.

  “Je savais que tu voulais ma baguette, Kelsey.”

  Was he talking about bread at a time like this? When she had his cock in her mouth? Kelsey froze as realization dawned on her, then she pulled back, eyes narrowed as she looked up at him. “What did you just say?”

  “Je savais que tu voulais ma baguette, Kelsey.”

  “En anglais, s'il vous plaît.”

  Jean-Luc’s lips quirked into a smile. “When we met, you… uh…” His words trailed off as if he didn’t know how to say what came next, but Kelsey had her doubts. He motioned toward his erection. “You wanted my baguette.” He shrugged and Kelsey nearly choked—thank God Jean-Luc’s cock wasn’t still in her mouth! Er, sorry, baguette. Thank God his baguette wasn’t still in her mouth.

  She covered her mouth with her hands to stifle the giggles. Once she’d composed herself enough to speak without laughing, she said, “Oui, Jean-Luc.” Not that it was a surprise considering she’d just had his baguette in her mouth.

  With a deep breath she shook her head, then focused on the task in front of her, wrapping a hand around Jean-Luc’s cock, unable to meet her fingers to her thumb. Her eyes widened and she glanced up at him, noting the satisfied—arrogant—smirk on his face.

  She rolled her eyes even though he was right to be proud of this, then slid her mouth down over the head, moving slowly down until her mouth stretched to take the massive cock almost in its entirety. She stretched as far as she could, then tightened her hand at the base and began torturing him with slow, deliberate strokes. She moaned around his cock and his hands flew into her hair, gripping the sides of her head, not guiding her, but holding her and allowing her to s
et the pace even though she knew her languid sucking was probably driving him mad.

  Which was, in fact, the point. Payback for driving her absolutely bonkers for the past day and a half. With her free hand, she slid her fingers up the inside of his thigh, teasing the area where leg met groin just enough to elicit a soft moan from him, then she slid further back to massage his balls, allowing her thumb to caress that sensitive place between them and his cock.

  Jean-Luc’s breath came in heavier bursts, the sound causing a reaction in Kelsey’s body. A slow, torturous heat spread out from her groin, tightening her belly and creating a soft ache between her legs, but she didn’t stop sucking him off, even though what she really wanted to do was ride this beautiful cock until fireworks exploded behind her eyes and the world tilted to a dangerous degree on its axis.

  Just thinking about that tightened her thighs together and she couldn’t ignore her own need any longer, dropping her free hand between her legs to massage her swelling clit. She was dripping wet, which was sexy as hell, and—

  He stilled her head and she raised her eyes to look up at him.

  His nostrils flared as he fought for composure, then he slowly pulled his cock from her mouth, wincing as if the loss of the warmth of her mouth was painful, then he released her head and lowered slowly to his knees in front of Kelsey. His hands were on her chest in a flash, massaging the dessert cream in firm circles around her breasts, then he leaned forward and took one into his mouth, sucking hard and sending a jolt of electricity straight down to her core. She gasped, arching her back as he sucked her soft flesh and teased her nipple with hard strokes of his tongue.

  After a moment he pulled back, eyes heavily lidded and dark with desire. “Je n’ai pas de préservatif.”

  Kelsey tilted her head. “En anglais, s'il vous plaît.” She was starting to enjoy this little game. If anything, it allowed her to hear him speak in his native tongue, which was sexy as hell.

  “I have no condom, Kelsey. Pas de protection.” He motioned toward his dick and Kelsey followed his gaze, then she smiled.

  “A girl always comes prepared.” She stood slowly, careful not to stumble on knees feeble from lust, then found her purse on the floor and retrieved the foil packet. Turning back around, she paused to look him over. Jean-Luc stood at the island now, all thick muscles and hard lines, his cock protruding out in front of him as he drank champagne straight from the bottle.

  She grinned. “My kind of man.” She returned to him, slipping the bottle from his hand and replacing it with the condom, then sipping the champagne as he quickly opened the packet and slid the rubber into place.

  His eyes held hers as he took the champagne bottle from her hand and set it on the counter. He placed his hands on either side of her waist, then slowly dragged them up, teasing each nipple with his thumbs, then lifted her arms into the air until they were stretched far above her head. He clasped both wrists in one massive hand, then spun her in a slow circle until her back was to him and her stomach pressed against the cool steel of the island.

  A thrill of excitement sent a shiver up her spine, and she wiggled her rump backwards until it connected with his cock, pressing against him, closing her eyes to appreciate his hard length. He released her wrists, and with one hand on her hip and the other splayed across her back, he bent her forward. The shock of the cool metal against her nipples made her suck in a breath, but she settled onto the countertop, then pushed up onto her tiptoes and arched her back, waiting for him, welcoming him.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Kelsey.”

  The words sent a tantalizing shiver down her spine.

  His dick nudged the wetness between her legs and her mouth fell open on a soft gasp, then he edged it inside of her slowly, carefully, allowing time for her body to stretch around his girth. Kelsey’s eyes rolled back in her head and she moved her hips to offer better access and he pushed in deeper, pleasure and pain mixing within her core and setting her body aflame. He eased in a little further, until his hips were pressed hard against her ass, then he paused, running his hands down Kelsey’s back and down around the curves of each cheek, then he tightened his fingers on her hips and pulled back. Kelsey whimpered from the friction of him against her inner walls, and he pushed back in, filling her once more with slightly painful, mostly perfect pleasure.

  Once Kelsey’s body was used to his size, they began to rock together, moving in harmony, in rhythm, push and pull, in and out, thrust and release. Kelsey stretched her arms out to grip the far side of the counter, and he thrust harder. She’d have bruises—delightful little bruises—tomorrow.

  On the front of her hips from each time he slammed her against the metal counter.

  On her ass from his fingertips.

  Her fingers tightened on the lip of the counter and she arched further, allowing him even more room to push deeper inside her, and as they rocked, hard then soft, fast then slow, his hands took turns tightening on her hips then sliding down to caress the soft flesh of her ass.

  He reached up and slid his hand into her hair, tightening a fist around the long strands, and Kelsey giggled in excitement as he gently pulled her back, so her head was on his shoulders, her chest out as her body bent in a half circle, allowing his dick to find new, delicious places inside her. She slid one hand up and around his neck, holding onto him tightly, then reached down to massage her clit, and as he pumped harder, one arm tightening around her waist, the other fisting harder in her hair, she flicked her fingers back and forth over her swollen folds, gasping as he brought her higher.



  Jean-Luc came hard, his dick twitching as he held tightly to her body. Kelsey’s eyes rolled back as her orgasm slammed into her, and the sounds she made were foreign, unfamiliar. The language he grunted into her ears was only barely recognizable as the language of love.

  Fireworks exploded behind her eyes, and she lost all sense of time. And, just as she’d hoped, the world definitely had tilted on its axis, tilted so far that Kelsey couldn’t even recall slipping to the floor with him.

  But as she lay there, entwined in his arms, coated in her sweat and his, still covered in the sweet dessert cream, and his hands roamed languidly over her body, caressing her hip, then the dip of her waist, then her breast, gently teasing her nipple before moving back down to travel that same route again, Kelsey thought maybe, just maybe, breaking the rules every once in a while wasn’t the end of the world.

  Did you enjoy Kelsey’s sexy little story?

  Want to get to know the other Brunch Babes?

  Start the Brunch Babes series by Jessalyn Jameson today. Available now wherever e-books are sold!

  Grab your copy HERE.

  About the Author

  Jessalyn Jameson writes sexy, troubled guys and the strong women who love them. The road to happily ever after may not be easy, but it is always worth the wild ride.

  Jessalyn Jameson is the pen name of young adult author Jessa Russo.

  She is represented by Laura Zats of Headwater Literary Management.


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  Her Celery Stalker

  A Fierce Mates Story

  Liza Street

  Heat level: 4

  Cadence thinks she’s no stranger to the supernatural—she has an uncanny gift with plants. But when a hot-as-kale man shows up naked in her garden and tells her he’s a mountain lion shifter, well, it sounds a bit super-supernatural. She’s not sure if she believes his claim. If she can’t bring herself to trust him, though, more than her garden might be at risk.

  This paranormal romance story is short, suspenseful, steamy, and includes a few produce puns. Lettuce commence with the tale.

  Her Celery Stalker

  Cadence dug her bare hands into the soil. The aroma of growing things, of decaying things—the scent of
the very cycle of life—filled her nose. Her backyard garden was her sanctuary and every minute spent with her plants, with her knees and her hands in the soil, was bliss.

  Maybe her parents and her friends had thought her a fool for leaving her well-paying tech job and turning to the land to make her living, but despite the huge pay cut, she had no regrets. In fact, she really appreciated the peas and quiet of not caring what they might think. She was comfortable here, and her roadside vegetable stand for organic vegetables and fruits was paying the rent, for now.

  Of course, some of that might change, if Drew Drewson had his way. The bastard seemed intent on sabotaging Cadence’s hard work. At the local fair last month, he’d even accused her of stealing some of his heirloom seeds.

  Like she needed his seeds. Cadence’s affinity for gardening enabled her to simply touch a plant and gain what she needed from it—whether that was produce, a beautiful bloom, or seeds to sow. She wasn’t a witch as she understood witches to be, but more a human with some kind of power she didn’t understand.

  It was the main reason she’d left her tech job. She’d felt her soul withering, and one day in the grocery store while buying another prepackaged, frozen meal, a small display of succulents next to the cash register had caught her eye. Some of them looked downright sickly, and her heart had broken at the sight of them. She’d gathered as many as would fit in her basket, not understanding her compulsion but needing to see it through.

  And in her tiny apartment in San Francisco, the succulents had thrived. She’d eventually started collecting and caring for different plants and flowers as well, and they all flourished under her care. Her soul felt like a rose blossoming, opening to sunlight and nature.


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