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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

Page 62

by Skye MacKinnon

  Her fingers raked down his back, pulling him closer and revealing how much she wanted this.

  "Baxter," she groaned.

  His name dripping from her lips at the height of passion was all it took to unlock the floodgates within him. He started to move erratically, unable to keep the heightening pleasure at bay. She tightened and her whole body tensed in a familiar sensation that he was going to welcome again and again over the course of their lives together.

  Jenna started to cry out as pleasure racked through her body.

  It was all he needed, and his own release responded to her in a surge so strong he was worried he would lose consciousness. He knew she wouldn't care, but it wouldn't be good if he couldn't take care of her after.

  The intensity of what they'd shared was unlike anything he'd ever experienced in his life.

  "You okay?" she asked, her voice breathy and faint.

  "Yes. You?" he responded, not moving away from her yet. They would have to soon, but he was going to take every moment he could with Jenna no matter what was waiting for him.

  She nodded. "I can't say I expected this to be the way my job here ended," she joked.

  He let out a small laugh. "I hope it was a pleasant surprise."

  "The pleasure has certainly been mine." A coy smile played at her lips.

  "Then I hope we can repeat the experience for you later."

  "Preferably again and again and again. I've never had a reception like this one before."

  "Then I'll have to make it up to you by giving you repeat performances." He finally pulled away from her and retrieved his shirt from the floor. He might prefer to leave it there and spend more time with Jenna, but neither of them could ignore the fact they had to go to work.

  She chuckled. "That one was cheesy."

  "You seem to like that."

  She laughed. "I'll admit, I'm partial to a good cheesy line."

  "Then I'll make sure to find as many as I can. I'm sure there's enough material out there to last me a good few years."

  She snorted. "You're terrible. Will you pass me my clothes? I'm guessing Bradshaw won't appreciate me walking out of the greenhouse naked. Or that you've been doing me instead of your job."

  "I don't think anyone will be able to blame me with a mate as beautiful as you." Despite his words, he picked everything up from the floor and passed it to her. He didn't particularly want everyone staring at his mate naked anyway. That was something the two of them now shared.

  Though she was right about one thing, he really should be at work. Hopefully, if anyone found out about this, they'd let him off considering he was the one who had stayed last night in order to catch the thief.

  They didn't need to know that he'd done more than that in the process.

  "Will you go for dinner with me tonight?" Jenna asked, a nervous expression on her face.

  "Of course. What did you have in mind?"

  "There's a place I like on the other side of town. I'll text you the address?"

  "I'd like that."

  "Good." She swung her leg back and forth as if she had something else to ask him.

  He stepped towards her and snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "Is there anything else?" he asked.

  "Only another kiss before we say goodbye," she whispered.

  "I think I can do something about that."

  He lowered his head and captured her lips with his. She melted into him, fitting so perfectly that he almost didn't believe it was possible.

  Except that it was. Even the universe knew this woman was his perfect match. And he planned on spending the rest of his life proving that he was worthy of her.



  Several Years Later...

  Jenna leaned back in her sun lounger, enjoying the heat and the fact she was away from the stresses of day to day life. Not that they were particularly bad. She had a job she loved, a mate who adored her, and all the delicious tomatoes she could possibly eat.

  Still, a holiday was nice, especially when it meant she got to spend all day watching Baxter around the pool wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.

  As if summoned by her thoughts, he appeared next to her, water dripping down his hard torso and onto the hot ground between them.

  "Cocktail?" he asked, holding out an ice-cold drink for her.

  "Don't mind if I do." She shuffled so she was sitting up and took it from him. "Mojito?"

  "Mmhmm. Just the way you like it."

  "I hope you're avoiding the Bloody Marys this time." She gave him a stern look that she hoped he'd take seriously. She didn't want to listen to another complaint about how the tomato juice they were using was sub-par. It happened every time they went somewhere that served cocktails but he never seemed to learn.

  "I stayed away," he promised. "This is a mimosa."

  "Good. You should make sure to stick to it."

  "I'm not that bad with Bloody Marys." He sat on the lounger next to her and took a long sip of his drink.

  "You're insufferable. And you still haven't made me what you say is a good one," she pointed out. "Maybe when we get back to the villa?" While they were staying in a hotel complex, they had their own self-contained space, which she loved. It meant she could shift at will and not worry about other people noticing a hummingbird flit around.

  And that was without taking into account the advantages that having the extra privacy gave the two of them. She set down her mojito so she didn't spill it.

  "I had other ideas for when we got back." His voice dripped with promise.

  "Oh? Care to fill me in on your plans?" She bit her bottom lip, knowing full well what it would do to him and welcoming it.

  He set down his drink and made his way over to her, leaning in with an expression full of want.

  She closed her eyes, well aware of what was coming. The moment his lips met hers, she was transported to another place, where nothing other than the two of them.

  Desire unfurled inside her and it was all she could do to remember they were in public and not in a place where she could peel off his swim shorts and her bikini to have her way with him.

  They broke apart, both breathing heavily.

  He cleared his throat and adjusted himself subtly. She tried not to feel too smug about the effect she could have on him even after so many years.

  "Who would have thought this all started with some stolen fruit?" she said, both pleased and amused by the notion.

  "You can steal my tomatoes any day," Baxter returned, his voice hoarse from the effects of their kiss.

  She tried to keep the amused smile off her face, but it didn't work. With Baxter, it never did. Even after several years together, she wasn't sure what it was that made her so giddy about the things he said.

  "I hope that's a promise."

  "One that I intend to keep for the rest of my life," he responded.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.

  Jenna melted into him, desperate to slake the need only he could fulfil. She didn't think she could ever get enough of him.

  And that was the way it was meant to be. She'd be spending the rest of her life with her tomato mate, and she couldn't wait.

  The End

  Thank you for reading Her Tomato Mate, I hope you enjoyed Baxter and Jenna's story! If you want more paranormal romance with fated mates, why not try the first book in The Paranormal Council series, The Dryad's Pawprint (free on all major retailers!):

  You can sign up to my newsletter for more updates by downloading Catching His Ladybird, a Paranormal Council short story:

  About the Author

  Laura is a USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal, fantasy, and urban fantasy romance (though she can occasionally be found writing contemporary romance). When she's not writing, she drinks a lot of tea, tries to resist French macarons, and works
towards a diploma in Egyptology. She lives in the UK, where most of her books are set.

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  More Paranormal Romance by Laura Greenwood

  The Black Fan

  The Paranormal Council Series

  MatchMater Paranormal Dating App Series

  Twin Souls Trilogy, co-written with Arizona Tape

  Dragon Soul Series, co-written with Arizona Tape

  Valentine Pride Trilogy, co-written with L.A. Boruff

  My Pumpkin Grocer

  M.C. Cerny

  Heat level: 3

  Petre Stalinsky is in love, lust, or food coma over the pretty grocer girl – Lina Delgado. He’s seen her maybe once bent over a box of Empire apples and organic squash. Since then, she’s played a starring role in all his fantasies. He’s certain he doesn’t have a chance with the shy brunette more interested in stacking citrus then his stacked muscles. A chance meeting of delivering his groceries however opens the door to maybe dinner, and possibly dessert.

  Chapter 1


  A strange groan from my bed forced me to roll over. I had a sinking feeling about what was lingering behind after last night’s bar hop. My teammates left me to my own destructive devices after last night’s winning game. I found two women. One blonde, and one a red head in the shade of fire engine crazy pawing at the covers like cats making biscuits on either side of me. I flopped back down staring at the ceiling doing my best to recall how I ended up here. Not here as in this condo, because I lived here, but as in trapped in the covers with two hot women who seemed more into each other than me at the moment. Not that I minded. I was all about the free and equal love, but considering I owned the condo, the California king bed was mine, and the champagne spilled down the dresser was also mine followed by the smashed chocolate strawberries in the sheets…well, I was rather put off.

  “Excuse me, ladies.” I sat up and started the tug of war on the sheets to cover myself so I could get a proper shower and some coffee before I headed over to the fieldhouse for practice. The preseason workouts were a killer and I had no desire to be anything but the best. I was a new guy on this expansion football team and I still had a lot to prove this early on in my career. It wasn’t always fun and games for a professional football player despite the media hype. Sure, I was privileged, but I also had responsibilities if I wanted any kind of longevity in this career.

  I managed to work out the sheet situation as I heard the front door jiggle and a curse from beyond the door.

  “Hello? Anyone home? Freaking broken doorbell.” The sweet voice muttered.

  “Coming!” I yelled trying to untangle from the women in my bed who were now full on going at it. “Come on, at least let me up. Pussy cats.” I grumbled giving the sheet a full tug forcing the blonde to roll over and fall on the opposite side. The red head giggled, full breasts jiggling and I rolled my eyes attempting to escape. Who knew what waited for me on the other side of the door? Last time it was a crazy fan despite living in this gated community. It felt like I had ninety-nine problems this morning and only a few minutes to address them all.

  I rushed out of the bedroom and full into a body that didn’t reach my shoulders. She – I presumed it was a she – bounced back and I lunged to grab her before she fell backwards onto the floor.

  “Ahhhhh.” She screamed and I twisted my body to prevent her from hitting the floor. We rolled and I landed awkwardly on my back staring into a set of grey eyes that reminded me of dirty city snow back home in Russia. Her soft body covered mine and I laid frozen on the floor holding her in my arms against my bare chest. In fact, considering the sheet was bunched up, I felt a bit of heat coming from her soft body covering mine. This surprise guest was definitely better than three hundred count Egyptian cotton and the hot mess back in my bedroom.

  “What the heck?” She whispered staring right back. It felt like a full minute passed before she began to wiggle. I’d been sure I was wrapped up tighter than a holiday gift, but her movements dislodged the poorly placed bed sheet around my waist.

  I grabbed her hips to keep her still. Her delicious body heat cradled my cock and I bit my lip to keep the groan from escaping. As it was, her brow furrowed and her eyes glared at me as if I had created this situation right here on the kitchen floor. Pretty sure I was about to be blamed for it despite her being the one who barged in. Small hands pushed against my chest, tiny nails clawed at my skin, but I kept her immobile for a moment. I had a feeling things were heading south rather quickly. Call it intuition or a lack of pants at the most inopportune time, but I was scrambling to make sense of who and why this young woman was in my house at this ungodly hour.

  “Uh, who are you?” I asked hoping she would stop her hips from gyrating against me. I was sure I rode both the ladies in my bedroom pretty hard last night, but this girl’s innocent shimmies were waking up the beast between my legs with renewed vigor. I thought of anything but the pretty face staring right back in an honest effort to squash the inevitable erection.

  She licked her lips arching backward and spoke softly.

  “I’m Lina, your grocery delivery person.”

  Dumbfounded, I watched her pink tongue slip back inside her plush lips killing me slowly.

  “I didn’t order groceries.”

  “I have a delivery scheduled for the first of the week. Your PA dropped off a key at the store and made us sign an NDA.”

  Unfortunately, those details sounded right on par.

  “Fuck.” I shut my eyes muttering. My sister would do this. She’d think it was hilarious. I was nothing, if not pissed, but this little kitten on top of me was a nice surprise.

  “Hey, Peter you broke your pumpkin.” The blonde stood in the doorway of the bedroom and pointed at the floor next to me. I leaned up holding Lina to see a pumpkin had in fact been busted on the floor.

  The red head giggled. “Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.”

  My name was Petre. I was Russian, and I blamed my mother for this debacle.

  “Oh, hell.” I muttered.

  “This is obviously a bad time for you.” Lina struggled to untangle herself and get up.

  She had no idea the bad timing this was. My cock was now at more than half mast, my sheet was off and I had three sets of female eyes taking this all in, including my less than glorious sprawl on the kitchen floor.

  The guys on the team would never let me live this down.

  But most of all, I felt bad that we were in this position of all places and times in front of people who didn't mean anything to me. Once I realized this was Lina, as in Angelina from the grocery store, I knew I had been set up. My sister had a wicked way of getting in my business even across the globe. I didn't have a PA, I had a pain in the ass twin who liked to screw with me whenever possible, no matter how the fall out might affect the other person.

  This was definitely cringeworthy.

  Lina looked about as embarrassed as I felt.

  "Look, I'm sorry." But was I? Was I really? This was the girl I saw once, and never spoke to, but she plagued my dreams nightly. The reason my sister even knew about her was because we got drunk one night she was visiting after a game and my tongue had a mind of its own. Alexandra was definitely getting a call after this, screw the time difference.

  I cuddled her close against my chest as I tried to unsuccessfully sit us up with the audience watching us.

  "Watch out for Peter's raging cucumber." Red chuckled.

  "She's like the princess of produce. Is she that girl you talk about in your sleep?" Blondie
said with a snark would definitely get her banned from the next team outing. I didn't need this kind of crap following me around. Let alone the fact that I like Lina. I kind of liked-liked her and this wasn't doing me any favors ass naked on the floor.

  “You talk about me?” The voice muffled in my chest squeaked and I gently cupped the back of her head holding her close. This could very well be the last time she lets me anywhere within a hundred-yard radius of her.

  I sighed ignoring her comment for the moment. We could circle back to that later in good time. Preferably when the troublesome twosome exited stage left and let me drown in my own drama here on my kitchen floor.

  "Y'all can go." I growled aiming my attitude at my previous evening entertainment. Unfortunately, Lina thought that meant her.

  "Not you." I shushed her, holding her flush against my chest despite the frown marring her forehead. I needed, no, wanted to explain myself to her. Mostly, I wanted my two mistakes to GTFO so I could make things right with Lina.


  I had no idea.

  In my head, it went something like, I’m really sorry you had to see and maybe feel all that, but I’ve kind of been crushing on you since that one time I popped into your family’s grocery store. Yes, professional players do their own shopping from time to time. We do get hungry and not everything is bling and fancy steak dinners.

  "Hmmmph." The girls chuffed in unison half dressed. I’m sure a whispered hiss of man-whore wasn’t my imagination as I watched them carry their shoes and hastily throw on last night's offerings before storming out of my condo slamming the door shut. I didn't care how they felt, and I wasn't feeling too generous given the deep crimson blush that was on poor Lina's face. Try as she might to hide her face in my chest or behind her curtain of mahogany hair, I needed her to understand I was sorry. She shouldn't have seen me like this. Even if we weren't together, what I did was a huge disrespect and while my twin might howl with glee over this situation, my mother god rest her soul would have pulled me by my ear and given me a blistering for making Lina feel anything but special.


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