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Ares Is Mine: Paranormal Romance (Gods and Monsters Book 3)

Page 20

by Mila Young

  The atmosphere shifted, the air growing thicker, and I stared into the sky. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. At first, I thought it might be X searching for Elyse at her apartment. But what surrounded me wasn’t darkness.

  They were storm clouds. Poseidon?

  A moment later, the heavens opened up and Zeus descended from the sky, carrying lightning bolts in his hands, thunder rumbling in his wake.

  My stomach turned. I hadn’t seen him since he made me promise not to fall for a mortal woman again.

  “Yo, Zeus, what’s up?” I said casually. I tossed the roses behind a trash can.

  “You’re very chipper for someone who’s been fucking with me,” Zeus growled. And still thunder rumbled above and lightning flashed around us.

  My mind whirled with panic. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I was starting to doubt myself. Zeus was on to me. He had to be. It’d been a while since I’d lain low, taking care no one discovered I was with Elyse. I’d stopped being so careful when there had been no consequences.

  “I told you not to date a mortal woman again,” Zeus said. “You want to tell me why you’re doing just that?”

  “Come on, Dad. I’m not just fucking around. We’re fighting X; we were all helping her. It’s not like it’s just some kind of fling. It’s for the greater good and all that.” I kept my chin lifted, staring at Zeus, at the way his bushy white eyebrows pulled together in a straight line.

  “You can help her save the world without sleeping with her,” Zeus pointed out.

  Of course, he was right.

  “And you were dating her before you began helping her,” he continued, his voice climbing. “Don’t try to trick me.”

  My heart raced. “Just give me one more chance.”

  He sighed. “I asked you to stay away from her. Never see her again.”

  I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t stay away from Elyse. It wasn’t just because I’d fallen in love with her. She was part of me now, her power taking up space in my heart. Elyse completed me in ways I’d never felt with anyone before, mortal or divine.

  “No,” I argued. “I can’t do that. Look into my heart, see how I feel about her. See what this is doing for me, for the others, for her. Don’t tell me to walk away.” I spoke deeply, concealing my dread of losing Elyse.

  He looked at me for a long time, his heavenly blue eyes pensive. I knew he was doing what I had asked him.

  “I see what she means to you.” His tone calmed, and I held on to that hope. “And I see how well this unity is working to defeat X.”

  Something in me relaxed, and I let out a breath.

  “But you and I had a deal,” he said, shaking his head. “And you broke it.”

  He lifted his hand and the clouds churned. Lightning started jumping back and forth between his hands like static, thunder clapped loudly, and I cried out.

  “Zeus, no!” Dread crawled into my head, numbing me.

  In a booming voice, Zeus pronounced, “I hereby ban you to Mount Olympus, never able to visit Earth again.”

  A loud clap of thunder drowned out everything else, and I was struck by lightning. I had the sensation of falling, and I screamed, trying to fight this curse. But no matter what I did, his power was stronger than anything I’d ever have, and I shot through the sky back to Mount Olympus.

  I crashed into my palace, falling onto the marble floor in the entrance hall. I’d never been this unhappy to be home. I jumped up and ran to the doors then crossed the green grass, trying to get to the gate that would allow me out and back to Earth, back to Elyse.

  But the gates were locked. I grabbed the gold bars with both hands and pulled and yanked with all my might, but I couldn’t open them.

  I let out a cry that sounded like my own version of thunder. Mount Olympus was to be my prison from now on, forevermore. And I’d never see Elyse again. It had all happened so quickly while I’d let down my guard. Waves of grief washed over me, and my body convulsed with each strike. All I remembered was the brightness of her mocha eyes, the details of her face, and now despair pressed in my mind.

  She wouldn’t know where I’d gone, why I’d disappeared. All she’d know was I’d abandoned her without a reason until one of the other gods found out where I was and told her. But I’d never be able to hold her again, touch her again, kiss her again. I wouldn’t be able to fight for her again.

  I hadn’t even been able to say goodbye.


  Ready to jump into Hades Is Mine?

  He was fallen… but to Elyse, Hades would always be a hero. Even if he didn’t see it himself.

  Click here to grab your copy.

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  Hades is Mine, Book 4

  The much anticipated book 4 in the Gods and Monsters series continues with Elyse facing her worst fears and is forced to finally deal with X and Hades. No more running…

  He was fallen… but to Elyse, Hades would always be a hero. Even if he didn’t see it himself.

  Order your copy of Hades Is Mine today here.

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  Mila Young

  Entangled Excerpt

  Tangles of death, danger, and monsters. Rapunzel and her sexy shifters must escape a witch’s vengeance.

  At the age of eight, Elliana lost her father, her future, and her freedom in exchange for eternal captivity. Not to mention unimaginably long hair.

  Trapped in a tower by a magical gargoyle, Elliana chances a few daring and ill-fated escapes in search of a powerful, hidden weapon, which could free her and kill the stone creature once and for all. But to do that, she must summon a sly dragon shifter, a ferocious lion shifter with way too much baggage, and a devious tiger shifter. But the witch who hexed her is returning to finish Elliana. Can she save herself and the heroic three shifters she’s slowly losing her heart to before they all die?

  Dragons, lions, magical hair and love merge in this heart-wrenching tale that finds its own, unique, 'Happily Ever After.'

  Chapter 1

  As I climbed out of the tower window, I rubbed my swollen lip and winced from the sting. My back pinched from the whippings I’d received last night, but I didn’t stop. Today, I was breaking free. I would risk everything to escape my captor. To gain freedom. To stop the insanity developed over the past eight years from eating away at my mind.

  The sun dipped behind the horizon of trees, smearing the sky in bloody streaks. In the distance, the bastard who beat me each time I left the tower sailed through the sky. But he also attacked anything that came near the tower. His stone wings flapped, and his hideous gargoyle mouth gaped open. He dove toward birds picking at the food I’d placed near the woods yesterday for a distraction so I could escape. Besides, I’d left enough food scattered in the field for dozens of disturbances as more animals would be drawn to the scents.

  My stomach churned and my hands shook, but I couldn’t sit back and do nothing. I scaled down the makeshift rope comprised of bed sheets tied together.

  The witch with purple eyes who had shoved me in the tower eight years ago had never returned to check on me or even bothered to barricade the only window on the tower. Why would she when she’d compelled a freaking gargoyle to watch over me? I was clearly a nobody and she probably forgot about me. Then again, she’d made sure I had food magically appear in the tower as if she intended for me to sit there for eternity. I’d attempted to escape so many times, each ending in a beating and me getting tossed back into the tower. I hated her, and one day, I’d get my revenge.

  Hurry. This is your chance, my subconscious repeated in my head, like she always did. Reminding me of my mistakes, what I should do, and other nagging things. But this time, she was right about getting a move on. The voice in my head had been there ever sin
ce I was thrown into the tower. I called her my make-believe friend, but I wasn’t stupid and knew it was my twisted mind dealing with my loneliness. Yes, I spoke to myself and my mind responded, but she offered me a sliver of company. Anything to stop the insanity of being on my own.

  I scrambled out of the window. The bag on my back bounced about as I jerked downward.

  Behind me, the gargoyle glided toward the tower’s roof, and I froze. Sweat drenched my skin, and my shirt clung to my skin as I trembled. My arms ached from holding on, but if I moved at all, he’d see me. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying he’d leave and go kill some defenseless animal in the forest or something.

  Stone fragments cascaded down from the roof. I opened my eyes.

  He vanished, and I slid down in haste. But all at once the fabric slackened in my hands. I fell, my arms flaying outward. A yelp pushed against my throat. The rope fell out of the window, along with the table I’d tied it to. I hit the enormous shrubs with a thud, the air in my lungs gushing out. I groaned. The material landed on me in a heap, and I covered my head with my arms. The table fell inches from me. A loud crack of wood sounding as it broke into dozens of pieces.

  My heart raced, and breathing seemed impossible. A shadow fell over me, and I rolled beneath the bushes. My skin prickled as I pictured the monster coming for me, striking me until I writhed in my own blood.

  But nothing came.

  I peered out from my hiding spot to find the gargoyle rushing after more birds. So I scrambled to my feet and careened around the tower. Stubs of ruins dotted the field, and I leaped over them, the wind ripping at my clothes. I pushed the bag strap up my shoulder, my ridiculously long hair stuffed inside.

  Never stop. This is your chance.

  My pulse pounded in my ears. Goosebumps crawled up my legs. I looked back. No sign. The creature would be distracted long enough for me to put distance between us.

  On a previous escape, I’d run into someone. A magic caster who’d agreed to create an incantation to finish off the gargoyle, but I’d had to collect it from her home. It had come with a hefty cost of ten thousand gold coins, which could buy a small mansion. Of course, I didn’t have the money, which I had made clear to the witch, but I’d guaranteed her I’d repay her in installments. Otherwise, she’d come for my blood. If her spell worked and got rid of the gargoyle, I’d be free from my prison, meaning I’d take any job to earn the money I owed.

  I burst into the thick forest. The gargoyle would find me soon enough. He always chased me down after a while, and I figured he somehow sensed wherever I went. Who knew how, but I despised the notion of being connected with him in any way. And now, I needed time to reach the witch’s home. Dread squeezed my lungs because last time I’d dealt with a witch, I’d ended up trapped in a tower. Could I really trust another magic caster?

  Night fell over the woods. I jumped over a dead log and dodged a low-hanging branch. When I finally reached the track in the forest, I swung left and darted. My lungs burned for air. Around the next bend, I spotted the back of a carriage. My ride.

  It stood near Ghost, a tiny town only open at night for anyone who dared to venture into the depths of the Darkwoods. No one lived here, as it was an entertainment center for those looking to gamble, get drunk, or find a woman for the night.

  But I’d also discovered that the carriage traveled here from Tritonia with deliveries of rum. The black vehicle already rolled forward, the wagon covered with a tight canopy, and the back flapped open. Perfect. I pushed forward, but they moved too fast.

  “Wait!” I called out, running after them. “Please, wait!”

  The cart vanished into the shadows, and I cried out in frustration. Stopping in the middle of the track, I gasped for air, and my stomach somersaulted.

  He’ll come for you. Keep moving.

  I scanned the empty woods behind me, trembling. Ahead was the tiny town, huddled amid the lush green trees with basically two main businesses: a tavern and masseuse house. I heard the beat of horses’ hooves, then rushed forward when another carriage emerged from behind the tavern. Laughter belched out from inside the building.

  Two terrifying black stallions pulled the covered carriage. Each had two red horns on their brows and snorted fire. No rider guided the beasts. I shuddered and recoiled.

  Dragon horses. Larger than the average horse, they were fast, and once they learned to follow a path, they traveled it without stopping for anyone. I’d read about them in books because the witch who had locked me up had a sense of humor. She’d filled the tower with furniture, magically-generated food, clothes, and walls full of books. Maybe she’d figured if I was away from the world, I might as well read up on it.

  Move. Get ready.

  “Yes, I know.” I rushed along the path where it merged with the path leading out of town and waited behind a tree.

  The moment the cart passed by, I leaped up into the back, where the covering flapped in the wind. Dimness greeted me inside, and I scrambled forward on hands and knees as the carriage bounced beneath me. Empty wooden boxes were tied to the edges of the carriage, so I pushed myself into a corner and curled up, hugging my knees. I prayed the gargoyle hadn’t sensed me leave yet and we’d travel fast enough to avoid the monster… at least for longer than ever before.

  The moon crawled behind the gathering clouds, plunging the open field into a murky darkness. I’d jumped out of the wagon a while back and crossed the woods in haste. Only a few stars freckled the black sky. I pushed one leg in front of the other, despite my ragged breaths and aching muscles. I’d been on the run for the past day.

  Never stop.

  A quick glance over my shoulder, and a shiver clawed up my spine. No silhouette shifted through the forest at my back. The sky remained silent, peaceful. No movement. That didn’t mean shit. He always came for me, found me, and beat me. I gasped at the thought and sprinted faster. I had to put distance between me and him.

  Gripping the straps of my backpack, I raced toward the lights amid the lofty trees ahead. They sparkled like fireflies. Wakefield, the village in this godforsaken Tritonia realm, was my destination. Sweat beaded across my upper lip. I wiped it away, hating the humidity, the insects trying to chew off my eyelids. I’d been on the run for most of the day and night. But this was my chance to break free from my prison, to never be locked up or forgotten again. Desperation crept through me.

  A growl screeched through the hot, stifling air behind me.

  I flinched as I turned around, my breaths caught in my chest, and my hand fell to the dagger on my belt. The unforgiving place lay silent, swallowed by the night, and my earlier reassurance ebbed away.

  Never stop! This time, if the gargoyle catches you, he’ll shatter more than your bones.

  “Yes, you’re right,” I mumbled under my voice, thankful she was speaking to me. I felt less alone.

  I trembled and kept running.

  Salvation is near. Yes, you can do this.

  Flamed torches lined the street in the distance, and I closed in on them. A briny, salty scent found me. The ocean lay close—the place where pirates plundered, witches ruled, and mermaids lured you to your death if you dared enter their watery realm. But I’d risk that and more to gain liberty. To stop the insanity eating away at my mind and the torture destroying my body.

  Desperation pressed on my heaving lungs. My captor was somewhere on my heels.

  Tick tock. Tick tock.

  “Enough!” I’d had it all planned out.

  Evade the guardian.

  Collect the spell to eradicate him.

  And put an end to my incarcerated life.

  Shifting the heavy bag across my back, my hair too long and cumbersome to not keep contained, I trampled the grass and foliage, hurrying closer to the village. I emerged from the forest. Huts riddled the tiny village, their windows dark, as if unoccupied.

  A dozen homes flanked the wide dirt track. No fences, just shrubs and flowers. By daytime, the place might have resembled a quaint town,
but now, I might as well have stepped into a nightmare. I couldn’t stop shivering from the feeling of being watched.

  Just get this done quick. Move fast.

  Bones tied to a rope dangled from the front porch of one house, and with the sudden gust of air, they clattered, announcing my arrival to the homeowner. Enormous oaks with branches fanning out wide stood like a wall behind the houses. They rustled and seemed to whisper on the warm breeze that whirled around me.

  Hurrying onward, I ignored the three cats prowling across another lawn watching me with their lamp-like eyes. Their brown-black fur fluttered in the wind. They weren’t skinny, so someone fed them well.

  The silence stroked my skin like a cold wind filled with jagged edges. I breathed heavily, scanning the makeshift road. The witch had given me instructions and I’d followed them to a T. Travel the thick woods of Tritonia. Check. Overhead, the glorious silvery orb hung full. Check. Creepy town where witches lived. Check. Yep, this was the place. Now to find the house with a single burning candle sitting on the windowsill.

  Stop overthinking everything. Keep moving.

  I rolled my eyes and marched past a double-story building covered in tiny bones… wait, no! I squinted for a better look. Shriveled vines, barren of leaves.

  The wind swept against me, bones rattling, the felines yowling. Creepy-ass naked dolls were scattered on a lawn, and I ran past. “Please don’t come to life.”

  I strangled the bag straps over my shoulders and approached the last home on the road. A single candle sat on the front windowsill. This was it.


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