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Dungeon Bound

Page 7

by Bastian Knight

  Sthuza shook her head, then smiled at him.

  “You are the Dungeon Master, Gabriel Grimm. You do not have to serve her every whim. In truth, it is more of a partnership between Master and Core, but you need to make her see how important you are. For now, you should stay here the night. If we form a bond, the two of us can return tomorrow.”

  Gabriel’s member twitched beneath his robe when she suggested he spend the night in her lair. But then he remembered how volatile Merideva seemed to be, and he winced. “Not sure that wouldn’t just make Meri angrier.”

  “Oh, I do not doubt it, but she needs to understand the nature of your relationship. Otherwise, her expectations will continue to escalate.” Sthuza rose effortlessly to her feet, her long gown pulling tight against her slender form.

  His eyes glued themselves to her toned legs as they stretched the silk garment, and he smiled sheepishly when she smirked down at him.

  Gabriel forced himself to make eye contact. “That outfit looks incredible on you, Lady Sthuza.”

  “Thank you, but please, call me Sthuza.” She bent down to pick up the tray and gave him an excellent view of her tantalizing cleavage.

  This time he blushed and glanced away before standing and making a show of stretching. He flinched when he heard a soft snicker, but continued his stretching.

  “How about I prepare us a small meal, and then we can have that chat?” she asked, her voice still friendly and relaxed.

  “That sounds great.”

  “I apologize for the lack of accommodations. Please wait here while I whip something up. It should only take me a few minutes to cook.”

  He nodded, then walked over to inspect the tapestries again while she headed back into the same doorway as before. True to her word, it was less than five minutes before the smell of roasted beef wafted into the cozy cave.

  Are there any cows down here? She wouldn’t…

  He shook his head and returned to the artwork.

  A few minutes later, the cultured woman returned with a larger silver tray. On it, she had two plates bearing large steaks and a pile of fresh green vegetables. Kneeling and placing the tray in the same spot as earlier, Sthuza smiled. “I hope you enjoy. It has been some time since I have cooked for another.”

  “Let me grab a bottle of wine, then we can eat,” she said, rising and returning to her kitchen.

  She promptly exited again, this time carrying a pair of long-stemmed crystal glasses and a dust-covered wine bottle. By the time he’d settled down across from her, she had the bottle open and was filling the glasses.

  Sthuza raised her glass. “To new friends and a new dungeon.”

  He nodded and matched her, then took a sip.

  “Wow, this is delicious,” he said, taking another sip before returning it to the serving tray.

  “I am glad you like it, Dungeon Master, Gabriel Grimm.”

  “That’s a mouthful, please call me Gabriel.”

  “I will consider it.” Her smile took any bite out of her words, and he shrugged before starting in on his meal.

  My first meal as a Dungeon Master. Way better than anything I ever had while human.


  After dinner, Sthuza served a creamy dessert while Gabriel told her about his past.

  She nodded, laughed, and sighed at all the right places as he spoke of growing up the adopted son of a famous adventurer. Fond memories drew him into the past as he spoke of his grim but loving mother, and her impressive accomplishments.

  A smile graced Sthuza’s face as Gabriel remembered the pride his mother had shown when he entered the Lostbarrow Academy at six. A full four years below the average. Upon seeing her interest, he regaled her with stories of his mother’s frequent visits after each of her delves.

  When the trip down memory lane reached his fifteenth birthday, her eyes grew moist as the pain of loss hit him anew. He rushed his retelling, keeping to the barest of facts about the horrible night when her party came and told him of her death in another kingdom.

  Perhaps sensing that he didn’t want to go into detail, Sthuza made a show of eating her untouched dessert, giving him time to collect himself. Gabriel flashed her a grateful smile before continuing the tale. Eager to push the painful memories away, he rushed through the long years of intense study as he struggled to make ends meet on the meager wealth his mother had left him.

  As his story entered the second decade of training, he struggled to keep his voice level whenever he mentioned that asshole, Kelith. He held the focus of the story on his studies. But every time he saw the arrogant noble’s face flash in his mind, he remembered that Kelith had done more than frame him. The entire reason for expelling him must have been to steal the Domain Crystal.

  Yet Sthuza’s gentle face grew hard and angry as he recounted his troubled time at the Academy, despite his best effort to downplay the years of bullying by Kelith.

  Long after they’d finished eating, he ended his tale, reveling in the sense of comfort and peace at the accepting look she gave him.

  It’s kind of weird you feel safer here, in the hidden lair of a centuries-old gorgon, than you did in a city filled with your own people.

  “Well, Gabriel Grimm, I can safely state that you are without a doubt the oddest choice for Dungeon Master that I have ever heard of,” Sthuza said after they’d both finished eating. “But, your honesty and unusual background may provide you with a different path than those I have known before.”

  “So, you’d like to bond with Merideva?”

  “Not so fast, young Dungeon Master,” she said, a predatory smile gracing her sharply elegant face.

  He winced at her rebuke but tried to conceal his disappointment.

  No one will be interested if you act too eager, fool.

  “First of all, do you not wish to know about my history? I might have many enemies that would become yours if you carelessly accept me. You should be more cautious in your recruitment efforts. You barely know me,” Sthuza said. Her words were harsh, but her soothing voice took some of the sting out.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve rushed in before and gotten burned for it,” Gabriel said, leaning back. He glanced up at the ceiling and took a deep breath.

  She seems perfect for Merideva and me, but she has a point. I need to think things through more. It might be best to go back to Meri for now. Talk to her and come back tomorrow.

  Sighing, he looked back to the gorgeous gorgon. “Thank you for the meal and the advice, Sthuza.”

  She blinked at him as he stood up and stretched.

  “Are you leaving?” she asked quietly, her dulcet voice filled with uncertainty. Or fear.

  “Yeah. I appreciate the hospitality, but I need to get back to Meri. I will remember your advice about how to deal with her, but I’m not comfortable leaving her alone for so long. She saved my life. And my soul, when she didn’t have to. I don’t want to make her worry. Besides, you’re right. I need to take things slower.”

  “Now, do not be hasssty. I promissse that ssspending a night away from the Core will be good for both of you,” Sthuza said in a rush. She stood up and looked like she wanted to physically restrain him.

  “I don’t want to intrude on you any more than I already have, and I really do need to get back. Otherwise, those stupid goblins will have Meri believing I’m dead. And I can only imagine how that will turn out,” he said, turning and heading for the cave entrance.

  “Well, you need not worry about that much at leassst.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Please don’t say because you’re going to murder me tonight.

  “Because the bond you share with her allows her to sense your presence.”


  Sthuza nodded and sighed. When she spoke, her voice was clear and soft again, having lost the harsh, sibilant edge. “Yes, please stay the night. I will work to remedy as much of your ignorance as I am able and tell you a little about myself.”

  She seems s
incere. Though, I don’t get why she acts so eager to help me but refuses to join Meri.

  “Okay, I accept your generous offer.”

  A wide smile split her face. “Thank you. I promise that you shall not regret it.”


  Gabriel spent the next four hours with Sthuza going over the fundamental abilities and expectations of a Dungeon Master. It astounded him to discover just how much he needed to know, all of which Merideva had neglected to mention.

  Most of what she taught him revolved around activating the Interface and the basic needs and abilities of monsters. Her humorous explanation of how the Dungeon Cores had deceived the Guild for millennia brought a smile to his face.

  She gave him a brief overview of traps but explained that he could focus on those later. As she listed off the most common traps and how to use them, he couldn’t help but shudder at her calm description of the horrific devices.

  No wonder I felt like I was out of my depth today. Everything would have been much simpler if Meri had just explained a fraction of this. Though the idea of Meri being able to customize the dungeon so much is a little frightening.

  The fact that Merideva hadn’t been lying when she told him the gods created the Eternal Dungeon to provide a neutral arena for their games came as a terrifying surprise.

  At first, Gabriel struggled to wrap his mind around the concept. But Sthuza soon moved on to teaching him about his responsibilities, and he quickly realized it didn’t matter at the moment. Instead, he focused on absorbing her lessons.

  Overwhelmed as he’d been while she taught him about his responsibilities, it paled compared to his shock at her revelation regarding the dungeon’s scale. The idea that the dungeon connected to other worlds shocked him to his core. But as he had with so many other concerns lately, he swept it aside to deal with another day.

  “I appreciate the education, Sthuza. It’s been very informative, but I’m getting too sleepy to go much longer,” he said, barely suppressing a yawn.

  She smiled brightly and nodded. “Of course, you have had a hectic day. I imagine that you will find you need far less sleep than you did when you were a mere human. But it may be a few weeks before your body gets caught up and rested enough for you to enjoy all of your new perks.”

  After a long silence descended between them, he glanced around. “Um, where am I supposed to sleep?”

  She blushed, her pale skin taking on a dark-green shade along her high-boned cheeks as she looked away and fiddled with her hands nervously.

  “I’m fine sleeping on the floor. Come to think of it, I don’t recall seeing any beds in Meri’s room, so I’d probably have to sleep on the floor if I headed back.”

  “No! I would not dream of allowing you to sleep on the floor like a servant. Just… we could… share my nest if you wish. It is more than large enough for the two of us… If I remain in this form,” she said, voice tapering off to a barely audible whisper.

  “You’re a shapeshifter?”

  She flinched back, her skin flushing even further.

  “Yes. This is not my natural form. I switched to this so you would feel more comfortable around me,” Sthuza muttered. She waved a hand, gesturing to her breathtaking figure, still not meeting his gaze.

  Does that mean she’s a greater gorgon? Pretty sure they’re the only ones able to shapeshift. It would explain the slithering sound when she first showed up. But the Guild lists them as legendary.

  “Sthuza, I appreciate the gesture, but it wasn’t necessary. Unless it’s the reason you didn’t petrify me,” he said, grinning.

  Much rather see her smiling than terrified or embarrassed like this.

  She shook her head, the greenish-black dreads refusing to sway. “No, my mistress blessed me with a spell that suppresses my gaze, but without her to restore it, it takes years to recharge on its own. So I prefer not to lower it. I have to shift into my larger form to even attempt it. Which is rather draining.”

  “That’s awesome. And it makes sense if Lady Iylara wanted you to be around a lot of other monsters. Don’t need to be petrifying everyone you see,” he said.

  “Yes, quite right.”

  “Since there is no risk of you stoning me, perhaps you would like to switch back to your natural form? Is it uncomfortable to be concealing yourself, or…?”

  “It is… not pleasant to conceal my nature like this,” she confessed.

  “But I do have a natural humanoid form,” she said in a rush.

  “Would that be more comfortable for you?”

  Sthuza nodded, her hair again moving unnaturally against the motion.

  “Then please shift, or would you prefer me to look away?”

  She stared at him for a moment, then nodded. “Yes, that would be preferable.”

  He smiled, then turned around to face the tapestry depicting a feast of serpent ladies. He kept his attention on the stunningly detailed artwork until she called out to him.

  “Thank you for your understanding, Gabriel Grimm,” she said, drawing his focus back to her.

  His breath caught in his throat when his eyes fell on her newly revealed appearance. As a human, she had been beautiful, but her new form was so stunning he momentarily feared she’d petrified him.

  She’s the most flawlessly exotic woman I’ve ever seen.

  Sthuza appeared to have lost an inch or two while keeping the same general build, but her skin had taken on a more distinctive green tint. Despite the light-green color, her flesh looked radiant, and he marveled at how much healthier she looked.

  It’s hard to believe how much more attractive she is like this, given how hot I thought she was before.

  Her cheekbones were more angular, but they only served to enhance her face and paired perfectly with her smaller nose. Dark-green eyes, glinting like polished gemstones, studied Gabriel for the slightest hint of disgust.

  She looks so vulnerable. Such a contrast to the confident, mature lady she was a few minutes ago.

  With her hair out of the way, he noticed a pair of pointed ears, much like an elf’s.

  Her hair isn’t hair!

  His eyes locked onto her writhing head-snakes for a long moment, and her delicate features started to morph into a mask of fear and rejection. He shook his head to break the spell and then looked at her again.

  Instead of thick greenish-black dreadlocks, a coiling mass of dark-green snakes with glowing emerald eyes now framed her head. All of which were now staring at him with lethal ferocity.

  Meeting her gaze again, Gabriel noticed tears starting to well in the corner of her slanted eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, then mentally kicked himself when Sthuza flinched. “If you’re worried that I find you repulsive, I promise that’s not the case.”

  “Truly?” she asked, her voice tiny.

  He smiled. “Truly.”

  “Honestly, it’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I’ve always had a thing for exotic women, which probably contributed to my falling for Estrial’s trick.”


  “Uh, yeah, you know, not human? I don’t know how it is for dungeon monsters, but a lot of humans despise crossbreeding. Not that they seem to be able to slow the influx of half-elves and lurid monster girl smut,” he said, letting out a dark chuckle.

  Sthuza nodded. “Ah, yes, I have seen such behavior in the city above, though I have not encountered any ‘monster girl smut.’”

  “Oh, you’ve been out of the dungeon? I thought the guards would prevent any monsters from escaping.”

  She giggled at that. “No, silly Dungeon Master, the guards are incapable of keeping us in here, if we wish to leave. Still, you find me exotic, not offensive? Are you a fan of ‘monster girls’?” she asked, glancing down.

  Gabriel blushed. “I might have looked at a few posters some of the guys had at the Academy. But yes, you’re stunning. As for repulsive, it’s more the opposite. You are, without a doubt, the most attractive woman I have ever met.”
/>   She looked up and blinked at him several times, blushing a darker green, then glanced down to her feet again.

  “Do you…” She paused and swallowed. “Do you like beastkin as well? Are they exotic beauties to you?” she asked. Her hesitant words grew dangerous near the end, her voice pitching up.

  “Uh, I suppose so? I tended to avoid the few female beastkin I’ve met in the city. Humans are prone to mistreating them, and as a result, they treat most of us as threats to deal with.”

  Sthuza looked up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

  “So, if I were to agree to bond with you, would you be willing to pledge that you would not take in any of those disgusting, fur-covered feline bitches?” she asked. Her voice cracked as she practically screamed the final words.

  Gabriel’s eyes snapped wide open. He flinched back and swallowed at a sudden lump in his throat.

  Whoa. She went from sweet to crazy fast.

  “Yeah, I-I could do that,” he said, eying the hyperventilating woman cautiously.

  Both of her hands came up to cover her face, and she bent over, taking several deep breaths before she stood up again and looked him in the eyes.

  “If you make that promise, I will consent to be your Prime-bonded monster, Gabriel Grimm,” Sthuza said formally.

  “That’s the second time you’ve mentioned Prime-bonded, what does that mean?”

  She flashed him a sincere smile, her face once again calm and composed. “A DM can only have a single Prime, obviously, and the Prime serves as their right hand. Adviser, confidant, and assistant in managing all the other monsters in the dungeon.”

  “How do you become Prime-bonded? Is it just first come first serve?” he asked, wondering if there was some catch he was missing.

  I want to trust her, but after Estrial, I’m not sure I should be so quick to jump in headfirst.

  “No, it has nothing to do with being the first bonded. But in our case, given my far greater experience, and frankly power, I believe it only reasonable that you grant me that privilege.” Sthuza stood taller as she replied, pulling her shoulders back.

  The move placed her bust front and center, momentarily distracting him.


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