Love At Every Size
Page 9
I stop, stunned at the honest admission he’s giving me, and I’m moved. It hits me then, and I literally slap my forehead at how ironic it all is. “You mean, when I started using big words when I was just trying to... hell, Louden, you’ve run into a woman with the exact opposite problem.”
“What do you mean?” Louden asks wonderingly, his voice gaining a little bit in volume.
“I mean that when I get nervous, when I’m still trying to get my head around what the hell just happened to me, I just naturally fall back into using big words. Growing up as a kid, it was always the one area that I was really good at, I’m sort of a natural reader and speller. So when I get scared or unsure, out comes the spelling bee.”
Louden starts to chuckle, then laugh softly as he realizes the ridiculousness of it all. I start to join him, and in a few seconds we’re both laughing out loud, wiping at our eyes and I’m totally screwing up what’s left of my mascara, but I don’t really give a damn, it feels good to clear the air between us. “So you mean, you don’t look down on me having a daughter?”
I shake my head, laughing some still but it’s tapering off. “No. You surprised me, that’s all. Louden, from the minute of our first meeting, I thought you were a big player. A sexy big player, but just another player. Then that meeting, I saw a different guy, and when you said that you had a daughter... I was just trying to understand it all. Then, in the locker room when you grabbed me and we had sex, I was scared.”
“Scared? Why?” Louden asks, and it’s my turn to feel nervous again. I want to fall back onto a lot of big words, but I struggle to keep myself simple, to be clear and direct with him. He showed me a lot of respect by telling me his secrets, I need to try and respect him the same way.
“Louden, it’s hard for a girl my size, regardless of how much I might talk about being self confident and all that, to feel one hundred percent secure the first time a guy like you shows interest in me. I’ve heard too many stories about big girls who had guys hit on them, maybe even fuck them, can’t call it anything else sadly, but then when they’re seen by the boys...”
“The guy acts like he doesn’t know who she is, or she’s a pity fuck,” Louden completes for me, and I nod, shivering at the term. I’ve heard it too many times. “Okay, I can see that. So you were doing what you do when you’re scared, which is use words like a shield.”
I nod, shrugging. “Yeah, kinda. Louden, you were amazing, I’ve already said that. You know how to please a woman, that’s for damn sure. But I don’t want to be just a fuck buddy or anything like that. Sorry if I’m brutal.”
“No, it’s all good,” Louden says, relaxing. “Denise, I didn’t kiss you that first time because I was looking for a down low fuck buddy. I’m not into that game, never have been. When I was a player, I was straight up with the girl, and said it was just a fun fling before my pants would come off. But that all ended for me a long time ago.”
“Seriously?” I ask, and Louden nods. “So be straight up with me. What was the other night?”
Louden thinks, then nods to himself. “I’m not sure yet. I spent most of the flight from here to Miami thinking about it, and a lot of the last leg when I was driving from North Carolina back up here thinking about it too. Denise, I think you’re hot, straight up. And when you aren’t throwing the big words at me, or being defensive because of your size, I think you’re funny and smart and a woman that I want to get to know better. So I guess I got a question for you, then.”
“What’s that?” I ask, my stomach fluttering. No way, he isn’t really going to ask me, is he? I haven’t been asked in so long...
“What are you doing Friday night?” Louden asks. “I’ve got Sunday with my daughter, but maybe we can get together Friday night around say, eight o’clock?”
He did. Oh my God, the hottest man I’ve ever met, and he just asked me out on a date. Breathe, Denise, breathe....
“I’ve got an early BoPo meeting from seven to eight, but I can meet you here at nine o’clock, is that okay?” I ask, and Louden grins. When he grins, it’s not the wolfish grin I saw when he was teasing me about having the hots for him, or the smile he gave me on the massage table when we were having sex. This one is different, and I realize that he’s smiling because he’s genuinely happy, excited that I said yes.
Wow, how to make a girl feel better.
“Nine o’clock’s great. I hope you like dinner and clubbing, because I want to see how well you look in something besides business gear,” he says excitedly. “I bet you look amazing, and I’ve suspected that for a while, you’ve got an inner bad girl inside you.”
I giggle, he’s got good insight on me. “Maybe. You’ll find out Friday night.”
Chapter 11
Louden- Friday Night
It feels strange to be picking up Denise from her office, but she said that since her apartment is kind of far away from where her meeting is tonight, that it’d be better to meet her here. She did say in a text message that she rode the bus to work, so I’m more than invited to at least drop her off at her place afterwards.
The idea of knowing where she lives leaves me feeling like tonight might be a great night. I’m wearing my best dinner and club wear, some raw black jeans that I’d normally say are a little too slim fitting for everyday use and a green blazer along with my best ‘dressy’ t-shirt, and some loafers that I polished up to look good.
It’s not my normal style, but then again, a tank top and basketball shorts isn’t club wear except in clubs that I have no interest in taking Denise to. The sort of place with too many fights, not enough dancing.
I have to be buzzed in at the front door, which I guess is understandable considering that it’s nine o’clock on a Friday night. Denise’s office is in an okay but still slightly run down neighborhood, one of those places that’s hoping that the local economy picks up soon, and is hanging onto that hope by its fingernails. I park and go up the elevator, but Denise is waiting for me when I get to her floor, and as I step off, I feel my eyes want to bug out of their sockets.
I joked with Denise when we set up this date that I thought she had an inner bad girl, and that I wanted to see just how sexy she could look in something besides her typical business wear. Holy hell, did she take it to heart. Five inch sparkly red strappy heels that wind a little bit up her ankles make her legs look mouth watering, and she’s showing me a good amount of skin too in a red skirt that’s way too short for business, stopping a good two inches above her knees and hugging her hips and ass just enough to make my cock twitch in my pants.
That twitching becomes a hard to contain full on stiffie as I look over the rest of her, her breasts framed in some sort of push up bra that makes her normal curvy figure look like something out of a classic pinup shoot, with a tight slightly see through black blouse that gives me more than a peek into the valley of her cleavage, but doesn’t make her look trampy in any way.
She just looks hotter than the sun, and as I raise my eyes to her neck and face, I’m rewarded as she’s let her hair down and done up her eyes so that she looks sultry, seductive, and even a little mysterious. Her black eyes shine when she sees me smile, and she pivots a little, giving me a glimpse of her ass as she does. Damn does this woman have an ass.
“How do I look?” she asks, a little hesitantly, and I realize it’s been a while since she’s tried dressing up sexy. Which is a shame, or perhaps makes me one lucky man, because she’s been keeping this package under wraps for far too long. I must be staring and not saying anything, because her smile falters a little and I stammer a little, trying to find the words.
“You look... wow. Just wow. I’ve got the best looking date in the entire state of Virginia tonight,” I tell her, and her smile comes back at megawatt level, and I feel warm inside for more than just what my cock is telling me it wants. “Sorry it took me an instant, you stunned me.”
“Thanks, I’d try and play it off by saying this old thing, but I’d be lying,” Denise says with a chuckle.
I hold out my arm and she takes it, letting me lead her down to my car and to the first portion of our date, a steak and seafood place that, while within my budget, isn’t quite my normal choice. Denise notices. “I like your outfit too, by the way. The blazer and your eyes go well together.”
“Thanks,” I reply, reminding myself to thank Jamie the AD’s secretary for the hint last year. She had hooked me up on a blind date with her cousin, and while we didn’t hit it off, the blazer’s done well since. “I do wish I was wearing my Nikes though. I guess my feet are spoiled. But I can’t bitch too much, you’re in those heels. Which do look... you know. I don’t want to repeat myself.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I love compliments,” Denise says warmly as the hostess seats us. We get a good table, and I feel eyes on us as we enjoy our dinner. Eating with Denise is an experience that I’ve missed, going back to my days with Lana. Instead of picking at her food and trying to make a show of not eating too much, trying to pretend that she’s not liking the menu or worrying about the calories in each dish, Denise reads the menu like I do, ordering the crab and veal upscale surf n’ turf combo without worrying about how much butter sauce they’re going to put on it, and a glass of rose wine that the waiter recommends.
In fact, her only worry isn’t about the calories at all. “Damn, I just thought about the price tag. Do you want me to flag the guy down?”
I shake my head, smiling. “Nah. Another side benefit of all those protein shakes you know I drink: the school gets the protein powder for free, sponsorship deal. I’m rollin’ big time, baby.”
Denise laughs, looking at me through nearly impossibly long lashes that frame her dark eyes and send another tingle down my spine. “I know you are. I just don’t know if they pay assistant basketball coaches enough money these days.”
I smirk, catching her meaning. “I do okay. I can get extra bacon on my pizza when I order out without breaking the bank. How about you?”
Denise nods. “I’m still getting my reputation built, but the past year has done better for me. The first two years were tough, just getting clients who would either pay or be covered by their insurance, but it’s looking better now.”
We shift the conversation to all sorts of things, mostly small talk to get to know each other better, and when dinner arrives we both take our time savoring each delicious bite. Even watching Denise eat is a pleasure, I’ve never seen a woman make eating crab so sensual, although I think she’s teasing me as she looks me in the eye while she sucks the meat out of one of the crab legs and then licks around the shell for a second before taking it out and swallowing the bite whole.
My dick, which had at least gone to half mast during the time I was eating my own prime rib, is immediately back at full staff and saying it wants some attention now.
“You know exactly what you’re doing, don’t you?” I ask her as we finish up dinner, and Denise nods. “Okay then, I’m warning you, I’m going to get my revenge at the club.”
Denise’s eyes twinkle at the challenge, and we head over to Downtown Lights. It’s not the hottest club in town, but one of the best in my opinion, if you want to get away from the Mount Reston crowd. The music is still good, and the crowd is all old enough that the bouncer doesn’t have to check IDs all that carefully, which I appreciate. I don’t need the stupid college drama tonight.
As soon as we get inside, Denise pulls me to the dance floor as a heavy bass number hits. It’s a remix, I have no damn clue who’s in it, but I don’t care as I’m caught up dancing with Denise. “Come on, Louden,” she jokes about a minute in, “I thought you were going to get your revenge.”
Denise turns around, pushing her amazing ass back into me, and I stifle a moan as my hips are pressed against one of the best asses they’ve ever felt. I’d been too caught up the other night to really get a good feel for it, but now it’s right here, and I’m not going to pass up this chance.
I get into gear, not so much straight grinding against Denise as moving with her, making sure that my body’s always pressed against her somewhere, an arm, a hip, my chest against one of her breasts... not too much, not too little.
It’s magic, and Denise moves with me, her eyes flashing in desire as we keep moving through three songs, and when there’s finally a pause both of us have foreheads dotted in sweat, and her eyes are wide, she’s turned on as much as I am. “Let’s get a drink,” I suggest as a piece of hip-hop comes on. “I’m no good with hip-hop, unless you count twerking.”
Denise smiles and takes my hand as we head up to the bar, ordering a couple of beers. “I didn’t think you were a beer person,” I say as we tap longnecks. “Glad to see I’m wrong.”
“I was thinking too, that sometime soon I should let you in more on me,” Denise says. “You showed me a lot of guts telling me about your past, I should do the same. Not here th...”
“Whoo, someone’s got their beer goggles on early,” an already drunken idiot says from the other side of Denise. “Buddy, if you think she’s a size two, you need to add another number in front of that.”
The guy is with a date, so I don’t immediately jump across and beat his ass to a living pulp, but I do slide over, putting my arm around Denise. “Hey buddy, how about you keep your eyes on your own date? Oh, wait, you wanted to see the hottest chick in the room. Well you found her, now back off.”
Drunken idiot doesn’t get the clue. “Hottest? Whooo nelly, I got it. You’re chubby chasing, right? Figure a girl that likes meat that much must like what you’re packing?”
His date snickers, and Denise looks like she’s about to say something, but I interrupt, stepping close enough to make sure my meaning is very, very clear. “Listen asshole, I’ve got enough downstairs to take your girl from you in about five fucking minutes if I wanted to. I don’t, she isn’t worth my time. So how about you take your date and go the fuck away, before I embarrass your scraggly ass right here in the middle of the club? My date’s a woman, all woman, and you couldn’t handle her even if you tried. So go dance to some Lil’ Jackoff or whatever’s playing right now?”
The guy gets pissed, but he looks me up and down, seeing that I’m more than enough to handle him, and he’s not so drunk that he doesn’t recognize it. He mutters something under his breath as his date, reading the situation, puts a hand on his shoulder, leading him away. “Don’t waste your time, Jimmy. Some guys are just too stupid to see when someone’s trying to help them out.”
It gives him an out, he doesn’t need to prove himself to her, so he just laughs and nods, putting his arm around her shoulders. They leave, and I turn back to Denise, who’s looking at me with a smile and big eyes.
“You know, I could have stuck up for myself,” she says, and I nod. “So why’d you get involved?”
“Because you deserve respect, and I won’t let anyone disrespect my date,” I say, taking a pull of my beer. “I know you could have kicked that guy’s ass. But you might have broken a heel doing so, and that would have made you dance off balance all night. That’s no good.”
Denise laughs, and after our beers we go back to dancing, growing closer and closer. Her lush, voluptuous body drives me wild as she rubs against me, sensual beats combining with her body to leave me trembling. When I trace her ass as we grind against each other in a slow number she moans lightly, and I can feel a dampness pushing against my denim that isn’t sweat, but something much better.
The hours fly by, and when I realize that it’s already one in the morning, I’m caught off guard. Thankfully, I stopped at the one beer, I don’t want to drive drunk and I hate having to come back the next day because I had to get a taxi. Besides, the pleasant anticipation of the energy that’s flowing between me and Denise is stronger than any shot of whiskey.
Driving back to Denise’s place, I’m rock hard in my jeans when she puts her hand on my knee, giving me the sexiest smile that I’ve seen on a woman at this time of night ever. “Thank you, Louden. For respecting me, and for one hell of a date.”
nbsp; “Thank you for being one hell of a date,” I reply, pulling up in front of her place. The neighborhood’s gone quiet, and my first impression is that she’s on her way up, just not quite yet. Her apartment’s neighborhood has the same sort of vibe, like it was struggling, but it might be on the way up too. “Well, here we are.”
Denise nods as I park and get out, leaving my blazer inside while opening the door for her and walking her to her door. She’s biting her lip and I pull her in closer, smelling the exciting, electric smells of her natural heat and sweat, and the arousal that’s pouring off of both of us. “So, think I can get another date?”
Denise nods, putting her arms around my neck and leaning in. Her lips are just as soft as last time, but warmer, we have been dancing for three hours after all, and when I probe her with my tongue she opens up, both of us pulling into each other. I bring my hand up to cup her breast through her blouse, but before I can stroke my fingers over her stiff nipple she pulls back, her eyes full of stars. “Louden, would you like to join me in my apartment? The date doesn’t have to be over just yet.”
“You know I would,” I reply, pulling her in for another kiss. We somehow make it inside and to the elevator, where once the doors close I’m all over her, devouring her skin and running my hand up the skirt that I’ve been wanting to feel all night. Denise is hot and eager, kissing me back and pulling at my shirt, ripping a seam somewhere but I really don’t give a shit at the moment.
The door opens and we gather ourselves enough to walk the few feet to her door, where she fishes out a key from a pocket on her dress that I didn’t think existed (low backs are a good place for key pockets!) and opens the door. I barely give her a chance to get inside before I grab her again, this time from behind and pushing her into the apartment until she bumps up against a sofa.
I’m sure the decorations and furniture are nice, but all of my attention is on the voluptuous, sexy woman in my hands, her moan as my cock rubs against her ass driving me wild. “I can’t wait any longer,” I growl into her ear, cupping her breasts and squeezing them, fumbling blindly for the buttons to her blouse. “I want you here.”