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The Champions of Darkness

Page 3

by D L Colon

  The guards release Sphinx and they all follow Cerberus as he leads them out.

  “Now what?” Jack asks Osiris.

  In a voice loud enough for everyone to hear Osiris answers, “Now we will learn to work as a team. I want my team to be synchronized. I don’t need anyone fighting for themselves. We are a team and we will act like it. I don’t need any hot heads. I see that on a regular basis in the Arena and there is no place for it here. Lucifer will make sure her team is one unit and not nine people working independently. To accomplish that we will train hard. Until I know for a fact that each member of the team is following every command and complementing the abilities of the others we won’t be leaving the Arena. Cerberus, make sure that the Arena is off limits to everyone except us as soon as we make it back.”

  Cerberus responds with a nod. “You got it, Osiris. As soon as we get there I’ll make the announcement.”

  Cerberus keeps leading them until they make it to the Arena. Once they arrive Cerberus leaves them to make the announcement and Osiris looks at the group surrounding him “I believe you all want to rest?”

  War asks curiously, “Can we? After all, we are in hell.”

  Osiris nods. “Once you go to your selected rooms I shall make sure no noise comes through your doors. Training will start first thing tomorrow, don’t be late.” He leads everyone to their rooms and puts a spell on each door so no noise can get through before he goes to his own room and does the same. In his mind he is thinking how each member will work with the others and ways of making them work as a team. As sleep slowly catches up to him he still hasn’t figured out a plan.

  Chapter 14

  Osiris wakes up, gathers his new sword, leaves his room and makes his way to the Arena. On his way he sees that everyone is outside their room, waiting for him. As he passes them they fall in step behind him until they come to Jack’s room. He isn’t out of his room so Osiris snaps his fingers and the barrier blocking the noise comes down, but that still doesn’t wake Jack up. Osiris’ irises turn a light gold color and they all hear Jack’s scream of pain. Osiris grins and stops his torture. “Good to know you are ready to train, Jack.”

  After a few minutes Jack comes out and he is about to say something, but he sees everyone there and decides to take a different approach, “Sorry man, it’s been a while since I have been able to have a really good rest.”

  Osiris looks at Jack and nods. “Make sure it doesn’t happen again or the pain will be a lot stronger than you tasted this time.”

  Jack grunts and follows Osiris to the Arena. Once they are there they see Cerberus is already there waiting for them. “Well, they didn’t like the idea of putting the Arena out of service for you and your team to train, but they said they would with the stipulation that once a week you will have to defend your title as champion.”

  Osiris sighs heavily and looks at everyone. “Well, here’s what’s going to be happening. You are all going to face me and Cerberus in a battle. I will not take it easy on you, but if you think you can defeat me by yourself you are welcome to try. A word of warning, if you don’t defeat me you will suffer. I will make sure of that.”

  Jack tosses a cocky grin at Osiris and says, “Well, this should be pretty easy.”

  Cerberus and Osiris shake hands and look at each other for a moment before they turn to the others. “Are you ready?” Cerberus asks them.

  Everyone nods and Osiris speaks, “This will be your chance to show me what you have and for me to see what you need to change. Once we are done I will choose eight warriors from the Arena to face you. I won’t be in here, but I will be involved in the last fight between my team and Lucifer’s team. After this fight I will pick the team you will be facing at some point to see how far you have come. I won’t be fighting you all the time, but you will always be with Cerberus. There may be times that I will have to fight in the Arena as the Champion. Now let’s begin.”

  Chapter 15

  Osiris and Cerberus look at the seven warriors they are going to be training when Cerberus notices that Shadow doesn’t have a weapon. “Shadow needs a weapon.”

  Osiris thinks for a minute before he says, “Let’s let them train without a weapon or armor. Let them see what areas they may be lacking in, but I don’t think Shadow necessarily needs a weapon. I know Shadow is a killing machine as he is.”

  As soon as the words leave his mouth Shadow disappears from view and Jack, using his powers of water, make’s a sword and starts running toward them. They both remain calm and close their eyes, using their instincts to guide them.

  When Shadow suddenly reappears in front of Cerberus, he smiles, but keeps his eyes closed. Shadow turns his hands into sharp knives and thrusts them at Cerberus’ heart, but Cerberus steps to the side and easily evades the attack coming from Shadow. Shadow starts using his feet, elbows, knees, head and any other body parts he can think of to attack. When that doesn’t work he decides to go after Cerberus’ sword and touches it, but Cerberus is already waiting for him. He uses the hilt of the sword to hit Shadow on the chin, causing him to stagger back, leaving space enough for Cerberus to kick him. Shadow tries to defend himself, but receives a kick to the arm, which sends him back to his starting place.

  Jack continues running and even when he sees Shadow knocked backwards by Cerberus, he still doesn’t stop. He moves to attack Osiris, but Osiris evades every blow like they were nothing. Using one finger, Osiris touches Jack on his shoulder, then his chest and finally one of his knees. Osiris grins and snaps his fingers, making Jack stop in his track and scream in pain. Then Osiris hits Jack in the chest with enough force to send him flying backwards to where the others are and the pain stops.

  Sphinx, who was watching with the rest of them, looks at Jack, who is still on the floor catching his breath, and grins. “And you said this was going to be easy.”

  Everyone, including Sphinx, chuckles, but he looks toward War and they nod their heads and grin then they start running really fast toward Cerberus and Osiris. Osiris has taken the Sword of Light out of his scabbard and Cerberus has taken one of his swords out. They meet Sphinx and War head on. Once their swords clash with Sphinx’s sword and War’s hammer the fight becomes a blur. Osiris and Cerberus are moving too fast for regular eyes to follow and everyone is watching the fight with keen eyes, hoping to learn something from it. But each time Sphinx and War think they are closer to getting a hit on Cerberus or Osiris they find that they are already ahead of them. Moving faster than them and sometimes making it hard for them to follow. Instead of attacking they end up blocking blows from Cerberus and Osiris. They continue this for awhile, but they are eventually sent back by the strength of Osiris and Cerberus.

  Cerberus and Osiris nod to each other and Osiris looks at the group. “Let’s stop and take a break.”

  Chapter 16

  Osiris looks at Cerberus and asks, “Have you heard of any movement made by Lucifer?”

  “From what I have heard Lucifer has far better warriors than the ones we gathered. She has places I don’t know about, but I heard that there was another cell, with stronger warriors then the ones we got.”

  Osiris thinks about what Cerberus is saying as he recalls his first days in Hell, in the cells where the ones who did their good deeds, but also their bad ones. They were too strong to be set free around Hell and Lucifer was forced to create a new prison for those who were neither good nor bad. For those who dance on the line where many cannot stay. He was one of them, but he was also the only one who chose to go out when Lucifer offered to let them out if they fight in the Arena. He chose to fight so he had the chance to set his plan in motion and look for a way out of Hell so he could make it back to Earth. His wish didn’t diminish after all this time and now he knows his opportunity has arrived. Knowing that the ones he will face have powers equal to his own, he is burning with excitement.

  Osiris stops the memories running through his head and looks at the group gathered around him. “Everyone, I think this is all for tod
ay, but I do have something to tell you. The enemies we will be facing when we go to fight Lucifer’s team will have strength equal to my own. You have not seen my full potential. What I just showed you was only twenty five percent of my power, which is nothing. If you really want to go back to Earth and fight then you know what you must do.”

  Osiris stands and starts to back away, watching everyone’s expression as he exits the Arena. He knows he has done what he needed to do. He can see by the look in everyone’s eyes that they knew he was far stronger than them, but knowing that their opponents are stronger than them lit fire that is burning strong within them and he knows that their attitude isn’t going to be the same in the next few days. He continues walking away while everyone else remains in the Arena and after he is out of earshot Jack looks at everyone and says, “He just showed us that we know nothing. We have a long way to go.”

  Cerberus chuckles. “Jack, using only water is not your best way of fighting in this war. Considering that the major cities have been destroyed you can’t use your water powers. You need to train more and get a real sword that will work with your abilities.”

  Jack scoffs at what Cerberus is saying. “There is no one in here that can create swords, we are in Hell after all, remember?”

  Cerberus covers his face with his hands and chuckles, “You know nothing, Jack. Hell has its own Blacksmith.”

  Chapter 17

  Cerberus leads everyone to the Blacksmith so they can get better armor and weapons for the training and fight that approaches. When they arrive at the door he opens it without knocking and walks in. They are instantly surrounded by an ominous voice. “Who in Hell would dare to open my door without knocking?”

  Cerberus grins and answers, “An old friend, Mr. Jason.”

  “Is that you, Cerberus?” Jason asks as he walks toward where Cerberus is. Once he sees his old friend he walks faster and embraces Cerberus in a hug. “What brings you here to this forgotten place, my old friend?”

  After asking the question Jason notices that Cerberus brought company with him and says, “And here I was thinking that you came for a visit. I’m not going to make any weapons or armor for everyone else, Cerberus. You know I won’t serve Lucifer in her war games. I’m already paying my price. I’m not interested, Cerberus. Tell Lucifer that she can do whatever she wants to me, but I am not providing her more weapons or armor for her Destroyers.”

  Jason walks away, but hears Cerberus say, “I did not come to ask anything for Lucifer. I came here because of this team we have assembled. There was a proclamation that the Champions of Darkness will be sent back to Earth and bring order to the Destroyers and destroy Earth. These are those champions, but we have to defeat Lucifer’s team first.”

  Jason stops and turns around, facing Cerberus with narrow eyes, suspicious of what Cerberus is saying. “You are all fighting against Lucifer? I don’t know if you all have a death wish or you are all stupid, but none of you are coming out of this fight alive.”

  “How can you be so sure of that, Jason?” A voice says from behind him.

  The moment Jason hears that voice a chill runs down his spine. Jason turns around and looks toward where the voice came from. When he sees who it is the color drains from his face and with a trembling voice he asks, “What brings you here, Champion Osiris?”

  “I came to see where my team went and now that I am here it seems you are refusing to provide equipment for my team to use during our fight with Lucifer’s team. My question is, are you with us or against us? Keep in mind that if your equipment proves valuable I could take you with me back to Earth. I heard that your equipment was the best while you were alive, but now I think you are just a hoax.”

  Jason, hearing his abilities being questioned, has rage boiling over his features. “I will give you what you want under the condition that you take me with you once you go back to Earth. I will make the best equipment this place, and Earth, has ever seen. Tell me the details of what you want for each of your warriors.”

  Osiris, upon seeing Jason’s reaction, walks to him and shakes his hand. “You have a deal.”

  Osiris gives Jason the details of what he wants done and leaves. As he leaves he has a devilish smile on his face. He knew that by questioning Jason’s abilities he would have this reaction. Once he is out of the Blacksmith’s place he says aloud to himself, “Well, that was easy.”

  Chapter 18

  Jason has received what everyone wants to be made for them and he has to agree that all of them have taste in the finest details in their equipment. Jason looks at Cerberus and says, “I will hold you responsible for the finishing results of this fight against Lucifer. I will be waiting for you to come and pick me up after the battle, Cerberus.”

  Cerberus smiles at him and responds, “I will, Jason. You will be walking again on Earth for some time.”

  Cerberus and the rest start walking to their room from the Arena to rest for their training the next day. On the way to their rooms Jack grins and says to War, “Hey, War, want to join me in my bed? It needs some company besides my own.”

  War walks right in front of Jack and puts her hand on his chest. She puts her left leg at the back of his right leg and with one swift movement she swipes her left leg backwards and pushes against his chest. Jack falls on to the floor and War grins. “You don’t stand a chance, Fallen God. You are not strong enough to have a round with me in bed.”

  Jack stands up, brushes himself off and goes to his room. Everyone stands in shocked silence for a moment before they all go into their own rooms to rest.

  A few hours later Jack wakes up before everyone else and heads to the Arena. He starts training with a broken sword, which he repaired with water to make it complete. By the time everyone joins them he has been training for a while and he has taken off his shirt, showing off his tattooed covered, muscular body.

  When Osiris arrives he sees Jack training and approaches him. “What brings you here earlier than our meeting time, Jack?”

  Jack answers without missing a move in his training. “I don’t like being made to feel like I am not strong enough to stand up to my enemies and since you are strong, which I have to recognize, it has become my mission to get stronger and be ready for the war that approaches. I will be doing my best to synchronize with this team and not bring them down. I will become an asset and help this team become stronger.”

  Osiris nods and turns to the group. “Select a partner and train between the two of you. The more you face each other the better you will know your opponent’s movements and you will be able to learn your partner’s fighting style. I won’t be joining you today because I have something else to do, but I will be back later to see how all of you are doing.”

  As they partner off Osiris walks away and heads toward Lucifer.

  Chapter 19

  Osiris is waiting for Lucifer to arrive at her throne. She has left Osiris waiting for a little while now and he knows she is doing it on purpose. The moment he entered her castle she knew it and he could feel the stare from the eyes she has watching his movements, but he knows how to play this game. All he has to do is sit on her throne and she will appear in a flash. He grins and walks toward her throne. When he moves to sit on it he says, “I guess Lucifer won’t mind if I sit here while I wait for her.”

  Osiris sits on the throne and suddenly a flash of black light appears in the room and Lucifer is right in front of Osiris, her eyes flashing red. Osiris smiles, gets up from the throne and walks away from it while Lucifer walks toward it. As they walk their eyes meet and you can feel the power between them starting to rise, wanting to start a fight. Osiris grins and turns his back on Lucifer. Once Lucifer sits on the throne she faces Osiris again and says, “Well, Champion of the Arena, what brings you here?”

  “Lucifer, I didn’t mind waiting for you on that throne. It is a really suitable chair to sit on and look down on humanity, but let’s just skip the bullshit and get straight to the point.”

  Lucifer puts a hand
on her cheek showing boredom and she says, “Go on. I’m listening.”

  “I am here to add a couple more things to my claim after my team defeats yours. I am taking Cerberus plus Jason, the Blacksmith, with me back to Earth.”

  Lucifer’s expression turns serious and she puts her hands together forming a pyramid as she leans forward. “So you want to take my strongest guard and the best Blacksmith in Hell with you if you go back to Earth?”

  “Jason doesn’t serve you, he actually despises you, and he doesn’t give you anything. He doesn’t make any equipment for your Destroyers so what are you saying about taking away the best Blacksmith makes no sense, especially when you have none who serve you. Now about Cerberus, he wants to come. He has served you for thousands of years since he’s been here, but you can always get a replacement. Cerberus is the title given to the strongest guard in your possession and we all know that I couldn’t beat him unless he let me, but if I were on Earth he wouldn’t stand a chance against me. I just follow the rules here and we get along pretty well so you could say he is my most trusted warrior right now and I want him with me.”

  Lucifer looks at Osiris with a sour expression on her face because she knows he has a point. “But how can you be so sure that your team is winning against mine?”

  Osiris turns around to leave while answering Lucifer. “Because I have the best Blacksmith and the strongest guard and the conversion has already begun.”

  Osiris closes the throne room door behind him, not waiting to hear if Lucifer has something more to say.

  Chapter 20

  Over the next few days everyone trains with each other. They have been taking time to face each other and they have been providing comments to each other on how to improve their fighting style. Osiris has been training with them and has seen that most of them have started to get back to their prime and have started to develop a new fighting style.


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